Nelson's Brand

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Nelson's Brand Page 27

by Diana Palmer

  “Mato,” Amber said, holding out her arms for him to pick her up.

  Colt swung her up to sit on his right forearm. Holding Kaylee and his daughter, he was once again struck by the feeling that his life was more complete than it had ever been.

  “Why does Amber have her jacket on?” Kaylee asked suddenly. “Were you two going somewhere?”

  “Yep.” He couldn’t stop his ear-to-ear grin. “And we’re taking you with us.”

  Kaylee laughed. “Where are we going?”

  Colt winked at Amber as he put her down then took her little hand in his. “Oh, just out to the barn.”

  “Born,” Amber said, giggling. “Doggie.”

  Reaching for Kaylee’s hand, he led them out the door and down the porch steps. “I want you to close your eyes, Kaylee.”

  “Another surprise?” she asked, raising one perfect eyebrow.

  “Yes. But this time, I promise you’re going to like it.”

  She gave him a smile that made him weak in the knees. “You’re that sure, huh?”

  “Yep.” He rocked back on his heels. “Now, close your eyes.” He waited until she’d done as he’d requested, then started leading her toward the barn. “Don’t open them until I tell you to.”

  “This isn’t something that’s going to jump out at me, is it?” she asked, her tone cautious.

  “Nope.” When they entered the barn, he led her and Amber over to the two saddled horses, standing tied to the outside of a stall. “Okay, honey, you can open your eyes.”

  He couldn’t stop grinning as he watched Kaylee apprehensively open one eye, then the other.

  She blinked as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing. “Oh my God, Colt!” She covered her mouth with both hands, then turned to stare at him, her eyes wide. “Where did you get…I mean how did you find…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes filled with tears. Throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed his cheek. “I can’t believe you found my horse.”

  He put his arm around her waist and held her to him. “I take it you like the surprise?”

  “Oh, Colt, thank you for finding her,” Kaylee said, kissing him again before she pulled away to approach the buckskin.

  “Doggie,” Amber said, pointing to the horses.

  Picking Amber up, Colt laughed as he untied the buckskin mare and the bay gelding, then handed the mare’s reins to Kaylee. “No, pixie. These are horses, and when you get old enough, Daddy’s going to get you one, too.”

  “I can’t wait to ride my horse again,” Kaylee said, patting the mare’s neck as they led the two animals out of the barn. When she turned and kissed him again, he decided it would have been worth twice what he’d had to pay for the mare just to see Kaylee this happy.

  “Go ahead and mount up,” he said, unable to stop grinning. “Amber and I are right behind you.”

  Lifting his daughter onto the back of the gelding, he put his boot in the stirrup and swung up onto the saddle. Settling Amber on his lap, he wrapped his arm around her little body, then flicked the reins. The bay took off at a slow walk, sending Amber into a fit of giggles.

  “You like riding with Mommy and Daddy?” Colt asked as he and Kaylee rode out of the yard and into the pasture to the west of the barn.

  “No,” Amber said, nodding her head.

  “Colt, would you mind if I—”

  “Go right ahead, honey,” he said, knowing that Kaylee wanted to put the mare through her paces.

  Kaylee immediately nudged the mare into a canter, then, giving the horse her head, raced across the open meadow toward the slow-moving stream on the other side of the valley. She was a very accomplished horsewoman and it was clear she was having the time of her life. And he was having the time of his life watching her.

  Her long auburn hair was in attractive disarray and her cheeks were pink from the wind in her face. But it was her obvious happiness that tightened his chest with emotion. She was happier than he’d seen her since before Mitch died.

  Colt smiled. He could spend an entire lifetime and never get tired of making Kaylee happy.

  Sucking in a sharp breath, he pulled the bay to a halt. Had he fallen in love with Kaylee?

  His heart pounded against his ribs. He’d always liked her and when he’d realized that she’d grown into a beautiful woman, he’d desired her. But love?

  He’d known for years that she’d had a crush on him, and although he’d been extremely attracted to her, he’d always put a clamp on his feelings. That is, until that night three years ago.

  Thinking about that night, he’d convinced himself that he’d taken off the next morning because of feeling guilty and ashamed for taking advantage of her. But had he really been running from himself? Had he been in love with her then?

  As he continued to stare at Kaylee riding the mare, a slow grin spread across his face. Hell, truth to tell, he’d always loved her. He’d just been too damned blind to see it.

  “Amber, your daddy’s been a fool,” he said, kissing the top of her little head. “But now that he’s come to his senses, he’s going to make up for lost time with your mommy.”

  Amber pointed to Kaylee, riding toward them. “Mommy, doggie.”

  Feeling younger and happier than he had in a long time, Colt laughed out loud. “One of these days I’ll get you a horse and a dog, too, little pixie. But right now, Daddy’s got to find the perfect time to tell your mommy what an idiot he’s been and how he’d like to spend the rest of his life telling her how much he loves her.”

  “I can’t believe how out of shape I am,” Kaylee muttered as she straightened the kitchen.

  It seemed as if every muscle from her waist down had decided to rebel. But as much as she hurt, it had felt absolutely wonderful to be riding her mare again. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed feeling the wind in her hair and the graceful power of a horse moving beneath her.

  Tears filled her eyes when she thought of how considerate Colt’s gesture had been. He’d known how much the horse meant to her. It had been the last thing Mitch had given her before his death and it had broken her heart to have to sell the animal. But now that Colt owned the mare, maybe she’d get to ride the horse occasionally, whenever she brought Amber to the Lonetree for a visit.

  Thoughts of going back home caused her chest to tighten. She hadn’t wanted to come to the Lonetree because she’d feared falling in love with Colt again. She almost laughed out loud. The truth of the matter was, she’d never stopped loving him.

  But even if, by some miracle, he’d fallen head over heels in love with her, Kaylee didn’t see them having a future together. Not as long as he continued to ride bulls. Just the thought of him being hurt or…

  A chill ran through her. She couldn’t bring herself to think about the worst that could happen.

  Two strong arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind and pulled her back against a wide chest. “What are you thinking about, honey?”

  She closed her eyes to block out the disturbing thought before she turned in the circle of Colt’s arms to smile up at him. “I’m thinking about how much I appreciate you finding my horse, and how wonderful it was to be riding her again.” She winced when her calf muscle cramped. “Even if my legs don’t agree.”

  His deep blue gaze held her captive. “Pretty sore, huh?”

  Groaning, she nodded. “I’m discovering muscles I forgot I had.”

  “Why don’t you go upstairs and soak in the Jacuzzi?” he asked, brushing his lips lightly over hers.

  Time in a whirlpool sounded like heaven to Kaylee, but she still had things to do. “I wish I could. But I need to get Amber ready for bed.”

  “Why don’t you relax this evening and let me get her settled down for the night?” he asked, nuzzling the column of her neck.

  Shivers of excitement coursed through her from the feel of his warm breath and lips moving over her sensitive skin. “D-do you think you can handle her bath?” she asked, trying to form a coherent answer. She was tem
pted by the idea of soaking some of the soreness from her aching muscles, but Colt had never dealt with a two-year-old at bath time. “There are times when giving her a bath can be a real trial.”

  “Hey, I ride bulls for a living.” He chuckled. “How hard can it be to get one little girl into bed for the night?”

  “It might prove more difficult than you think,” Kaylee said, ignoring his reference to his job. She didn’t want to think about that now. He was holding her and that was all that mattered. “Up, Daddy.”

  Colt bent to pick up Amber. “Why don’t we get her ready for bed together?” Grinning, he added, “Then I can help you with your bath.”

  Kaylee’s cheeks heated and her insides felt as if they’d turned to warm pudding at his suggestion. “We’ll see.”

  “Hey, no fair, pixie,” Colt said, looking down at the wet spot spreading across his shirt.

  “Daddy wet,” Amber said happily. She gave him a grin that melted his heart, then slapped the top of her bathwater again with her hand.

  This time the splash covered Colt’s face. “Kaylee!”


  He turned to see her casually leaning one shoulder against the door frame, a big smile on her pretty face. “Why didn’t you tell me our daughter likes water sports?” he asked, reaching for the fluffy towel hanging on a rack beside the tub.

  “And miss the fun of watching Amber teach her daddy what bath time is like with a two-year-old?” Grinning, she shook her head. “I don’t think so, cowboy.”

  He wiped the water dripping off his face. “Is it always like this?”

  “Oh, sometimes it’s even worse,” Kaylee said, laughing.

  He gazed down at his happy daughter. “You wouldn’t splash me more than you already have, would you?”

  As if in answer, Amber kicked both legs and slapped the water with both hands, proving just how much worse giving her a bath could get.

  “Okay. Okay. I get the idea,” he said, laughing.

  By the time Colt lifted his happy little girl from the bathtub and handed her to Kaylee, there wasn’t a dry thread on him from his collar to his belt. “I’m soaked to the bone.”

  “I’ll take pity on you and rock her to sleep,” Kaylee said, toweling Amber dry, then pulling a pink nightgown over her little head. “Why don’t you go find a dry shirt to put on?”

  “Sounds good to me.” He got to his feet and kissed Amber. “’Night, little pixie.” Walking to the bathroom door, he turned back to grin at Kaylee. “I think from now on, I’ll let you give her a bath and I’ll do the rocking.”

  As he walked down the hall to his room, her laughter sounded like music to his ears. She was having a grand old time at his expense. And he loved every minute of it.

  By the time he entered his room, Colt had his shirt unsnapped. It was drenched and, entering the master bath to drape it over the towel rack, he eyed the oversize Jacuzzi. What was the use of having a bathtub two people could fit into if he didn’t share?

  Without hesitation, he turned on the polished gold faucet, set the dimmer switch on the lights to a muted setting, then sat on the side of the tub to pull off his boots. Shucking his jeans, socks and boxer briefs, he turned on the jets, climbed into the water and lounged against the back.

  A few minutes later, he smiled when he heard Kaylee softly call his name as she entered his bedroom. “Colt, where are you?”

  “In here, honey.”

  When Kaylee walked into the bathroom, he motioned for her to join him. “I decided to get the water ready for you.”

  “I thought I was the one getting the use of the Jacuzzi this evening,” she said, giving him a smile that made him feel as if the water temperature had risen by about ten degrees.

  “I’m a man of my word, honey,” he said, grinning. “I told you I’d help you with your bath, and that’s just what I intend to do.”

  He watched her nervously nibble at her lower lip for a moment before she took a deep breath and reached to pull her T-shirt from the waistband of her jeans. “Have Morgan or Brant ever mentioned Samantha and Annie’s shopping trips?”

  “No, but they sure seem to like when the women mention a trip to the mall.” Frowning, he shook his head. “But I don’t want to talk about—”

  He stopped short and sat up straight when Kaylee pulled her purple shirt over her head and tossed it aside. Until now, when he’d taken her clothes off of her, she’d worn a plain white bra with no frills. But tonight she was wearing the skimpiest scrap of black lace and satin he’d ever seen.

  “Is that—” he had to stop to clear the rust from his throat “—something you bought today?”

  She nodded. “Do you like it?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  He started to tell her that he’d like it better off of her, but her smile promised that the show wasn’t over yet. Settling back against the tub, he looked forward to what she had planned next. To his delight, he didn’t have long to wait.

  Watching her unbutton the top of her jeans, then slowly slide the zipper down was heaven and hell rolled into one for him. His eyes widened and he knew for certain he’d never seen anything quite as provocative as the look she gave him when she pushed the denim down her slender legs. But catching sight of the triangle of lace and satin barely covering her feminine secrets, Colt wasn’t sure his eyes weren’t going to pop right out of his head. Made to match her bra, the set was enough to bury a man with any kind of heart problems.

  “H-honey, where did you get those?” he finally managed to ask.

  “The Sleek and Sassy Lady Lingerie Boutique.”

  “I think that’s my favorite store,” he said, meaning it.

  “Annie and Samantha said Brant and Morgan have a deep appreciation for the items the store carries,” she said, making a slow turn for him to get the full effect of what she was wearing.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m appreciating the hell out of it right now.” He swallowed hard when he realized the little triangle showed more of her delightful bottom than it hid. “Damn, Kaylee, that little patch of satin could be considered a lethal weapon.”

  She smiled. “Now do you understand why your brothers like for their wives to visit the mall?”

  Feeling as if his blood pressure was reaching the danger zone, he nodded.

  As he watched, she touched the clasp between her breasts. “I have several new sets of matching under things—” she unfastened the closure, then slipped the thin straps down her arms and tossed the minuscule scrap on top of her shirt “—in various colors and styles.”

  If he could have found his voice, he would have told her that he was looking forward to seeing her model each set. Unfortunately he couldn’t seem to get his vocal cords to work. But when she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of the panties and slowly pulled them down, a groan rumbled up from deep in his chest and his heart damn near thumped a hole right through his rib cage.

  Colt closed his eyes and tried to drag some much needed air into his lungs. He was so turned on that if he didn’t slow down, he was going to blow a gasket right then and there.

  “Those stores should get some kind of special award for being a man’s best friend,” he said, breathing deeply in an effort to hang on to his control.

  When he felt Kaylee step into the tub, he opened his eyes and helped her to sit between his legs. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back to lie against him. He gritted his teeth at the feel of her smooth skin pressed to his chest, her bottom nestled against the part of him that was changing so rapidly it made him light-headed.

  She sighed. “The Sleek and Sassy Lady Lingerie Boutique chain might be a man’s best friend, but this whirlpool is mine.”

  He kissed the side of her head as he put his hands on her thighs and massaged her tight muscles. “Is that feeling a little better, honey?” he asked when he felt her begin to relax.


  The water made her smooth skin slippery and he easily slid his hands up her thighs and over her abdomen
to cup her full breasts. His body throbbed from the feel of her pressed against the most vulnerable part of him. The tightening of her nipples as he teased them only increased his arousal.


  When she turned her head to look up at him, he captured her mouth with his and, tracing her lips with his tongue, he slipped it inside to taste the sweetness that was uniquely Kaylee. He loved holding her, kissing her. Hell, he just plain loved everything about her. And he fully intended to tell her so when he had enough of his wits about him to form words.

  But at the moment he was lost to anything but the feel of her filling his hands, the taste of her passion and the sound of her labored breathing. The knowledge that she wanted him as much as he wanted her fueled the fire building within him.

  Leisurely sliding one hand down her wet body to the apex of her thighs, he parted her to gently stroke the tiny nub nestled within. Her moan of pleasure vibrating against his lips heightened his own excitement, and Colt felt blood surge through his veins, tightening his body, urging him to once again make her his.

  Breaking the kiss, he whispered, “Turn around, Kaylee. I want to love you.”


  He chuckled. “Trust me, honey. It can be done.”

  To his satisfaction, she didn’t even hesitate as she maneuvered herself around to face him. He scooted forward, then helped her drape her legs over his thighs.

  “See, it’s not as difficult as you thought,” he said, pressing a kiss to her perfect lips, her chin and her collarbone.

  When he continued to nibble his way down the slope of her breast, Colt felt a tremor run through her a moment before she circled his neck with her arms and curled her legs around his hips. Her head fell back to give him better access. Taking advantage of the position, he took her nipple in his mouth to suck her gently.

  “Colt, I…need—”

  Lifting his head, he watched her slowly open her eyes. The passion and love he saw in the violet depths robbed him of breath.


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