Boss with Benefits_An Office Romance

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Boss with Benefits_An Office Romance Page 49

by Tyler Grey

  I was grateful to have Shawn to play with — not that I would ever actually tell him that to his face. He was one of the few people that could put up with my crap, which was something he liked to tell me often.

  “So, I have big news,” I said as we made our way around the course.

  “Tell me. I’m always interested in big news.”

  “My father and I have moved out the house.”

  “Both of you? I thought the plan was for you to move out of your father’s house.”

  “Yeah, yeah, that’s still the plan.” I’d moved out of the house straight after college, but I’d moved back in after my parents’ divorce to help out my father. I’d ended up staying longer than I had planned, but I was enjoying saving the money each month that I would’ve spent on rent. I was always telling Shawn that I wanted to move out, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I always made it out to be. My father and I got along great.

  “So, what’s the deal then? Why did you both move out?”

  “You’re honestly not going to believe this.”

  “Don’t make me guess.”

  “My father has remarried.”

  “What? You’re kidding! No, why did you really move out?”

  “I’m not kidding; it’s the truth. Trust me, it was just as sudden for me as it is for you.”

  “Just like that? And, you didn’t know about it?”

  “I had no idea. They surprised me with the news the other day, and just like that, we were moving out. They didn’t tell anyone. He’s moved in with her. It’s a pretty big house, so I’ve moved in, too. I’m not planning on staying long, though. I’m just there while I find a new place.”

  That part was true. Now that Dad had remarried, I knew I wouldn’t hang around too long. I wanted my father to have alone time with his new wife. My plan was to move out in a few months’ time, even though my father insisted I could stay as long as I wanted.

  “Whoa. This is crazy. Well, I’m happy for him. He deserves to be happy. Since when does your father do such crazy things? Isn’t he supposed to be the sensible one and we’re supposed to the one making big moves like that?”

  I laughed. “I know. I said the same thing. This is so unlike him. Apparently, they’ve been sneaking around together for months.”

  “That’s amazing. So, what’s she like?” he asked.

  “Myra? She’s great. A total babe for her age. My father did well for himself. And, she’s super nice, too. She’s been wonderful to me. And, it’s nice not to have someone else cook for us for a change. My father and I have done our best, but let’s face it: we’re not naturals in the kitchen. Myra claims not to be good, but her cooking is amazing. My father is very happy. I haven’t seen him smile like this for a long time.”

  “Nice. I’m glad for him. I can’t wait to meet her. I’ll have to congratulate him when I see him.”

  “He’s meeting me for lunch after this, so you can see him.”

  “Oh, good. I’ll do that.”

  “But that’s not all. She has a daughter…” I grinned at my friend.

  Shawn groaned. “What do you mean by that look? You look mischievous.”

  “Her name is Paisley. Interesting name, huh? Myra gushed all about her twenty-four-year-old daughter, but I had no idea that she would be quite so tasty. Short, slim, blonde hair, blue eyes — and oh so easy on the eyes. I could not stop staring at her when she walked into the room. I should’ve known that she’d be good-looking, though. Her mom is gorgeous, too.”

  “Gross. She’s your sister!” Shawn said in disgust.

  “Step. She’s my stepsister. That one little word makes all the difference in the world. We’re not blood-related. I don’t see why this is a problem.”

  “Gross,” he said again.

  Shawn stuck his finger into his mouth and made puking noises, but I just shook my head at him. I didn’t care what he thought about it. Paisley was not related to me, so there was absolutely no problem with me trying to pursue her. We were adults — and she was too gorgeous to get out of my mind. Shawn would change his tune when he saw her. Then he’d be telling me to go after her before he did. I was sure of it.

  After the round of golf, I headed to the club to meet my father for lunch. Shawn came to say his congratulations, and my father practically glowed with happiness at the compliment. When Shawn left, I turned and smiled at Dad.

  “You’re like a whole new man,” I told him. He even looked younger to me, as if he’d suddenly gained back a few more years.

  “I certainly am. Goes to show you what the love of a woman can do to you. You should try it sometime.”

  I laughed. “One day. One day.”

  “That’s what you always say, but one day never comes. How old you are now?”

  I chuckled at that. “Don’t you know how old your own son is?” I said in mock surprise.

  “Twenty-something. I’ve lost count.”

  “Twenty-seven years young,” I said proudly.

  “Ha. By that age I was already married,” my father retorted.

  “And, a fat lot of good that did you. You got divorced!”

  “Well, that’s true,” he said. “Okay, maybe you’re right to wait. It’s worth waiting for the right one.”

  “And, you think Myra is the right one?”

  “Oh yeah. It might’ve taken me a good few years to figure out what I want, but she’s most definitely the one.”

  The waitress came over, and we placed our orders. After a bit more talk about his new marriage, we moved onto our favorite topic: work. We always talked shop when we got together. I’d worked for my father for quite some time now, and the two of us had always gotten along great when it came to the business. I respected my father a lot, and always listened to what he had to say. He was a ruthless businessman, and so was I. I’d learned how to be that way from him.

  Now that my father was getting older, and now that he was married and had other things on his mind, he’d made me CEO. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it because I’d figured I’d still have a few years under my father before getting that title, but I was sure I could do it. I was telling my father about how busy things were at the moment when he interrupted me.

  “You know, I have an idea.”

  “You do? Okay, let’s hear it.” I wasn’t surprised. He was always coming up with great ideas for the business, and it would be stupid of me not to listen to them. After all, he’d been in the business a lot longer than I had.

  “Well, maybe you need an extra hand. Why don’t you hire Paisley?”

  My body reacted immediately to the name as an image of the cute blonde came to mind. “Paisley? Why would I hire her?”

  “Well, she didn’t seem to like you very much, did she?”

  I laughed. “I don’t know. I guess not. I’ve always been a love me or hate me sort of guy.”

  “Well, I want her to love you, not hate you. I want her to love me, too. Apparently, she’s battling to find a job, and I know her mother worries about her.”

  “So, you want me to hire her out of pity? For you to get some brownie points with your new wife?” I teased.

  “Something like that,” he said honestly.

  “Well, I don’t know. What if she’s terrible?”

  “Apparently, she’s a very hard worker. Myra says she has quite a head on her shoulders.”

  I laughed at that. “Isn’t that something all mothers say about their daughters? I mean, don’t you go around telling people that I’m the smartest kid in the room?”

  “No, I don’t say that, at all.”

  “Ha! So rude. You should.”

  “How about this: I’ll tell people that my kid is smarter than anyone I’ve ever met, if you hire Paisley.”

  I shook my head. “Wow, you really love this woman, don’t you?”

  “I already told you I do. She’s wonderful. And, I’m sure Paisley is, too. Who knows, it might be the best thing that’s ever happened to the company.”

way. I’m the best thing that ever happened to the company.”

  My father held up his hand. “Of course, of course.” He stopped as the waitress came back to the table with our food. “Did you know that my son here is the best thing that has ever happened to my company? He’s so good that I retired early and made him CEO. He’s also the smartest person in this room.”

  The waitress chuckled. “I like nothing more than a proud father. That’s quite some praise.”

  I laughed as she walked away. “Wow, you’ll stop at nothing.”

  “So, does that mean you’ll ask her?”

  I nodded. I wasn’t sure if hiring Paisley was a good idea, but I was interested in seeing her again. Her eyes had widened when she’d seen me, and I was certain it wasn’t because she didn’t like me, but because she did like me. Having her around the office all day wouldn’t exactly be the worst thing in the world. I nodded. “Yeah, I’ll ask her. But I’m only doing this for you.”

  My father grinned. “Wonderful. Just don’t make it too obvious, okay? I don’t want them to know that I asked you to do this.”

  I laughed. “Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me.”

  “Thanks, my boy.”

  “And, keep up with the compliments. I could get used to that. You do realize that she might not agree to the job, though?”

  He nodded. “I know. Hopefully, she’s not as stubborn as you are.”

  “Stubborn? Since when am I stubborn?”

  “Oh sorry, not stubborn,” he said. “I meant, wonderful. You’re wonderful.”

  I laughed. “That’s more like it.”

  Chapter Three


  The B&B was wonderful. Despite all the confusion in my head, I slept well, and when I woke up the following morning, I felt convinced that I had imagined the whole thing with Henry.

  He couldn’t be that good-looking, and even if he was, why should it matter? I thought. I’d been around a lot of good-looking men in my life, and I’d managed to maintain a level of dignity each time. I didn’t have to jump every man that I met. This was my new stepbrother and I was going to treat him as such.

  I was having breakfast in the little room downstairs when my mother walked in. “Mom? What are you doing here?”

  “I saw your car,” she said. “What are you doing here?”

  “I… Mom! What if I have a man holed up in my room!”

  “Do you?”

  “Well, no.”

  She chuckled. “Can I join you?”

  I groaned. “Yeah, sure.”

  She poured herself a cup of coffee from the buffet table and joined me. “You’re going to have to pay for that you know.”

  “So, what are you doing here? I went around to Olive’s place to chat, and she said you were at my house. So, you told her you were sleeping at my house, and you me that you were sleeping at her place. What’s going on? It’s not like you to lie.”

  I sighed. “Sorry, Mom. It’s not a big deal. I was going to sleep at your place last night, but then I saw Duncan and I didn’t want to bother the two of you. You’re newlyweds; you don’t need me there. And, I sort of got the impression that Olive wanted a break from me.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Olive.”

  “Well, she wouldn’t say that to my face, but I think she wants a bit of space. You know what she’s like. I just wanted to give her a night off.”

  “You should’ve stayed with me, my darling. You know you’re always welcome at my house. It’s your house, too. That’s why you’ve still got a key.”

  I nodded. “I know. Thanks, Mom. I guess I just thought I’d have my life sorted out by now. I wanted to have a job and my own place, and it’s just not happening. It’s so frustrating.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. These things take time. You’re expecting too much too soon. Come on, why don’t you move back home for a while?”

  “You just got married!”

  “So what? It’s not like I’m a spring chicken anymore. I love having you around. You’re my family, and you will always come first. Anyway, I have the space. You can stay in your old room.”

  “Aren’t you using it for storage?”

  “There’s plenty space in the garage. I’ve been meaning to move all the stuff there, anyway. It will be a good excuse for me to move it all out. Come on, Paisley; come home. Why don’t you stay for a few months until you find a job? You can use this time to save money and then we can look for a nice place for you.”

  I sighed. “I hate to admit it, but you’re right. That does make the most sense at the moment. I can’t stay at Olive’s forever, and I have a feeling it’s still going to take me a while to find a job.”

  She grinned. “Wonderful!”

  “Mom, are you sure I won’t be in your way?”

  “Trust me; you could never be in my way. You’re my favorite daughter.”

  “I’m your only daughter!”

  She chuckled. “That doesn’t matter.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Okay, I’ll move in. I’ll go back to Olive’s to get the rest of my stuff. But I’ll move everything to the garage, okay? It’s the least I can do.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  I smiled. “I still can’t believe you’re married.”

  “Are you angry that I didn’t tell you?”

  “Angry? Not at all. I’m so happy for you. Anyway, big weddings are overrated. It’s a lot of money for one day. I think it’s great what you did. And, he seems like a nice man. You sure he won’t mind me being there?”

  “He’s so great. He won’t mind at all. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever find someone like him again. Your father…” She smiled sadly. “He was amazing. I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love again.”

  “Dad would want you to move on,” I said and reached over to squeeze her arm.

  “Thanks, Paisley. I think so, too. Come on, let’s head on home together. I’ll come over to Olive’s with you.”

  “Okay great.”

  After breakfast, we made our way back to Olive’s. She frowned when she saw me and asked where I had been the night before. She wasn’t happy that I was at a B&B and assured me that she was more than happy for me to stay with her.

  “I know. I’m the one that feels bad being here. Thank you for everything. I’m going to stay back with my mom for a while, just until I sort things out.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. Anyway, my mother has some fantastic news for you,” I said and grinned.

  “Oh yeah, that’s the reason you went over last night. Ooh, I want to know!”

  My mother held up her hand and showed her ring finger. “I’m married.”

  “What?” Olive exclaimed.

  I chuckled. “That was my reaction, too. My mom got married! I’m going to get my stuff; I’ll be right back. Mom, tell her about Duncan.”

  I made my way to the spare room and gathered all my things. I didn’t have all that much, and everything easily fit into the two big suitcases I’d initially arrived with. The rest of my stuff was back at my mother’s place, so it would be an easy move.

  When I got back downstairs, I laughed at Olive who was crying out of happiness for my mother. She’d been my friend for a long time, and the two of them had always had a special relationship. Olive didn’t have her mother anymore, so she’d always treated my mother as her own. In return, my mother had treated her like a daughter. It was probably one of the reasons that she felt more like my sister than my friend. I gave Olive a big hug and thanked her for everything, and then followed my mother back home.

  It was strange to be back. I’d lived there for many years, and I hadn’t actually been gone for very long, but I’d been so sure that I was about to have my own place when I moved out. I had thought staying at Olive’s was just going to be a quick thing while I found a job. Going back home felt almost like I was going backward.

  I had to keep telling myself that I should be thankful to have a mother that coul
d take me in like this. It was going to be strange to share the house with Duncan now, too, but I was sure I would get used to it. Anyway, I wasn’t planning on staying too long. A couple months maximum.

  My room was a bit of a disaster area. My mother had shoved a lot of things into it when she’d had the garage repainted. She’d moved some stuff back, but for the most part, the room was jam-packed with boxes. I changed into some old clothes and started moving the boxes. I didn’t realize what a big job it was going to be, and each box weighed a lot more than I thought it would. I laughed when I thought about what a workout this was turning out to be. I didn’t need to go to the gym with Olive. I just needed to move back home.

  I was sweating and exhausted by the end of the day, but the room was slowly starting to take shape. I couldn’t wait to have a long shower, a good meal, and climb into bed. This bed was the one thing I had missed when I’d moved out. Olive had an old bed that creaked every time I moved. There was my silver lining, I supposed.

  I looked around the room and smiled. It still smelled a little dusty, but the window was open, and the cool air was making its way inside. Soon, it would be back to normal. I still had one or two boxes to take down, but I was too tired. I’d have to do it the following day. I’d already done more than I thought I would.

  Instead, I made my way over the box labeled “toys,” which housed all my old childhood toys. I lifted an old pink bear out looked at it. It was all worn and didn’t look the way I remembered, but it felt familiar in my hands. I’d carried that bear everywhere with me, and I was glad that my mother had kept it.

  “Cute bear.”

  I turned around at the sound of the voice and gasped when I saw Henry standing at the door with a smirk on his face. Of all the times to see him again, why did it have to be now? I was wearing my oldest clothes, now caked in a layer of dirt, and I was sure that my hair was stuck to my head with sweat. It was in total contrast to the way that he looked.

  Henry looked perfect, in a crisp white shirt and blue jeans. I could smell his cologne from where I was, and it made my legs go weak at the knees. I hated that he had this effect on me. He was my stepbrother, for goodness sake. It wasn’t right to have these feelings for him. I threw the bear back into the box.


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