The Invasion Begins

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The Invasion Begins Page 16

by Thomas DePrima

  “I’m afraid a decision like that is far above my pay grade. And since we don’t have diplomatic relations with the Ruwalchu Confederacy, I doubt the request would even be considered.”

  “We’ve always feared that getting too close to other species would open us up to attack.”

  “But by remaining too distant, you deprive yourself of valuable shared information and products that could improve the lives of your citizens. I can only say that the G.A. has no imperialistic desires.”

  “That would make you truly unique in this galaxy— at least as far as our experience is concerned.”

  “Is that why you’ve built this cavern? It’s obviously not natural.”

  “Yes, we built this as protection from other races bent on conquest.”

  “It appears to be quite old, so you weren’t building it as protection from the Denubbewa.”

  “No. We feared the Milori.”


  “No, Maxxiloth’s grandfather. He vowed that one day Milor would rule this galaxy.”

  “I see.”

  “Yet you defeated them.”

  “Yes. Twice. The first time we merely chased him out of our territory with a warning to leave and never return. We thought Maxxiloth would have learned his lesson, but as soon as he had rebuilt his forces, he attacked us again. We knew then that he would never stop, so my sister led the attacks that defeated them and reduced military targets on their home world to rubble. We absorbed their territory so they could never attack us again.”

  “And you quelled their imperialism by welcoming them into the G.A.?”

  “It was one way of keeping an eye on them. There’s a very old saying among some in our culture that goes, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’”

  “And yet it was your absorption of the Milori Empire and then Tsgardi space and Uthlaro space that made us so distrustful of your motives.”

  “We absorbed those territories because it was the only way to watch them closely and prevent them from attacking us again. The Uthlaro still haven’t learned their lesson, and we’re aware that they continue to plot ways to first recover their territory and then take over the galaxy.”

  “They said you held that ambition.”

  “And you believed them?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry to say we did.”

  “And now?”

  “I’ve begun to believe we were wrong about your ambitions. From what we’ve seen of your military power, it’s obvious that you could have taken our territory any time you chose. You’ve defeated enemies who presented infinitely greater resistance than we could. Is it too late to establish formal diplomatic relations, and uh, mutual defense agreements?”

  “It’s never too late while you control your territory.”

  “And do we?”

  “If you’re asking whether we intend to absorb your territory now that we’re here, the answer is no. We came to help and will leave when the job is done or we’re ordered back because we’re needed in G.A. space. Of course, we’d also leave if you requested it.”

  “We appreciate everything you’ve done so far on our behalf, and I hope you can remain until you’ve driven the Denubbewa from our territory.”

  “My captain asked me to invite you to come to our ship if you’re agreeable. You can make a formal request to establish diplomatic relations at that time.”

  “Invite him to come down. I’ll arrange for a state visit.”

  “I would, but unfortunately regulations prevent it. You see, the captain of a large warship isn’t permitted to leave the ship while it’s in an active war zone. I’m sorry.”

  “I see. I don’t think my security detail would allow me to visit your ship.”

  “You’re welcome to bring them with you, as long as they trust we mean you no harm and don’t keep demanding to search everyone they encounter.”

  The Prime Minister smiled widely. “I think I can prevent that. Yes, I’d like to visit your ship. How long will the journey take?”

  “Roughly eighteen minutes. A little longer if you wish to view the remains of the Denubbewa ships we destroyed.”

  “Very well. And I’d love to see what’s left of the ships you destroyed. Just give me a few minutes to argue with my senior security person and convince him that we’re in no danger.

  “Take all the time you need, sir.”

  * * *

  Chapter Thirteen

  ~ June 23rd, 2292 ~

  “Incredible!” the Prime Minister mumbled as the Pursuit emerged above the planet’s surface and climbed through the atmosphere. “This ship can actually pass through solid matter. We’ve never even dreamed of such capability. Is this the only ship you have that can do that?”

  The Prime Minister had requested to view the departure from the bridge, and Eliza couldn’t think of a valid reason for denying the request. She would have preferred not to answer the question, or not to answer truthfully, but she could neither evade the question nor lie to the head of a foreign government. “No, all ships in this class have that capability. This form of travel is top secret, by the way, so please don’t discuss it with anyone else.”

  Eliza hadn’t lied but neither had she been completely honest since all Space Command warships and many support vessels were sheathed in Dakinium and so had the capability of establishing the double envelope that gave a ship the ability to pass through solid matter. Eventually, all Space Command vessels, including the lowly space tugs, would have a protective outer skin of Dakinium.

  The Prime Minister’s security detail had objected to being separated from their charge, but the bridge of a CPS-16 wasn’t large enough to accommodate more than a couple of visitors. So the P.M. had ordered them to go to the mess hall as suggested by Eliza and wait for him to join them there. They went grudgingly, but they went.

  “If we establish diplomatic relations, can we acquire such capability?”

  “Again, a decision like that is well beyond my pay grade, Prime Minister.”

  “I understand. Does anyone else other than Space Command have this capability?”

  “In the G.A., only Space Command has this capability. It was developed by Space Command personnel and has never yet been shared with anyone else. As the sole law enforcement organization outside planetary rule, we must maintain a slight edge over lawbreakers.”

  “No exceptions?”

  “None I’m aware of, sir.”

  “If we were to combine our territory with G.A. space as you did with the Milori, Tsgardi, and Uthlaro, what would happen?”


  “I understand you’d then be responsible for protecting our planets, but who would be responsible for law enforcement on the planets?”

  “Our authority begins where a planet’s sensible atmosphere ends. Space Command does not interfere with law enforcement on the planets unless the planet’s government breaks G.A. law.”

  “So the planets that are affiliated with Ruwalch could continue to be affiliated with Ruwalch?”

  “Of course. My family’s estate is on the planet Obotymot, and our planet is affiliated with Nordakia. We are subjects of the Nordakian King and Queen, and as citizens of Obotymot and Nordakia, we are also citizens of the Galactic Alliance.”

  “I see. Could Obotymot and Nordakia secede from the Galactic Alliance?”

  “Yes, but while they would no longer be responsible for supporting the G.A. government and military with funding, they would still be required to obey the laws of the G.A. in all off-planet matters since the planet is physically located in G.A. space. Additionally, the two newly non-aligned planets would be barred from trading or interacting with any planets that remained a member of the G.A. In effect, they would be ostracized. But— they would still maintain their own governments and would be able to trade with each other and any other non-aligned planets.”

  “Are there any non-aligned planets?”

  “There were many when the G.A. was first formed. Eventually, mo
st learned that the benefits of supporting the G.A. far outweighed the planetary contribution required for the support of Space Command and the Space Marines by aligned planets. There are still a good number of non-aligned planets in Region Two and Region Three. Some, like Uthlarigasset, the home world of the Uthlaro, and Tsgardia, the home world of the Tsgardi, are non-aligned because they attacked the G.A. If they were to request inclusion, they would be accepted, but while they would be a member planet able to trade with all other member planets, and they would have a seat in the Senate, they would have no voting rights in the Senate until they proved themselves worthy of such privileges.”

  “What of the Milori? Do they have voting privileges?”

  “Not yet, but I believe that will happen in the not-too-distant future. They are an aligned planet. They— deposed— Maxxiloth, and they’ve made great strides toward proving they’re worthy of a representative vote. Many of the planets they dominated under the rule of Maxxiloth and his grandfather have joined the G.A. and immediately received voting rights in the Senate.”

  “I see. That’s most interesting.”

  “Are you comparing the G.A. with the Ruwalchu Confederacy?”

  “No, I’m considering a possible merger of our Confederacy with the G.A. Although the Denubbewa threat has been ended for now, we’re still very vulnerable. Our Space Fleet is gone and it will take many years to rebuild it to a point where we feel comfortable that they can again protect our space. Or at least protect it from everyone except the Denubbewa. During that time, lawlessness could run rampant. Joining the G.A. could solve many potential problems, not the least of which is another invasion by the Denubbewa.”

  “Yes, that’s true. But you must remember that should you merge with the G.A., it can’t be undone. The planets can secede, but they’ll always be in G.A. space following an annexation.”

  “Yes, I understand. Do you think the G.A. would accept our petition to join?”

  “I don’t see why not. You’ve never attacked the G.A. or threatened its authority in our own space.”

  “And we’d have the full protection of Space Command even if the member planets chose not to become active participants in the G.A.?”

  “Of course. But I’m confident that if you take steps to annex your space with the G.A., you’ll find the benefits of being a full member far outweigh the benefits of remaining non-aligned.”

  “Would we have non-voting seats in the Senate if we annex our space but don’t join the G.A.?”

  “No, I’m afraid not. You can only get a place in the Senate when you’re a contributing and participating member of the G.A. You’re generally either a fully participating member of the G.A. or you merely occupy a planet in G.A. space.” Pointing to the front monitor, Eliza said, “We’re coming up on one of the Denubbewa warships we destroyed.”

  As they got closer, Citaglia ordered the Pursuit to a full stop. Naturally, he didn’t cancel the envelope. The detritus was visible because it was illuminated by the system’s sun.

  “There’s nothing left that’s larger than this small craft, even though their warships are hundreds of times larger when intact,” the Prime Minister said. “And you say this Denubbewa ship was destroyed by a ship the size of the Pursuit?”

  “Yes. After we discovered them around your planet, we sent in a small force of ships identical to the Pursuit with orders to destroy all Denubbewa ships. One of our other CPS-16s was assigned to destroy the mothership we found.”

  “One small ship like this one really destroyed the mothership?”

  “That’s all it takes.”

  “After your sister visited us, we knew Space Command was powerful, but we had no idea you were this powerful. You could have annexed our space eons ago.”

  “As I’ve said, Prime Minister, the G.A. has no designs on anyone’s territory. If you wish to join us, I’m confident you’ll be welcomed, but you need never worry that we’ll take your space without you filing a petition for annexation. We’re content to have a peaceful neighbor on our border.”

  “I’ve begun to believe you, Commander. We were very wrong about your confederation. We listened to Uthlarigasset representatives and foolishly accepted what they told us.”

  “I’m glad we were able to set the record straight. If you want to confirm anything I’ve said, I won’t be insulted.”

  “What you’ve said is consistent with everything we’ve been able to learn since your sister visited us. I wish now I had invited her to land her ship and have a face-to-face meeting.”

  “At that time you believed us to be a warlike nation bent on making conquests. Now I think you know we’re not. Do you wish to see additional Denubbewa ships or the destroyed mothership?”

  “No, that’s not necessary. I believe you’ve destroyed them all.”

  “We’ve destroyed all we could find. Most of our taskforce is still out searching Ruwalchu space for additional Denubbewa ships.” Glancing at Citaglia she said, “Okay, Captain, you can take us to the Ares.”

  “Excuse me, Commander. Why do you call him lieutenant some of the time and captain at other times?”

  “His official military rank is lieutenant, so when we were in the park it was proper to address him by his military rank. But this ship is his command, so when we’re aboard, he’s addressed as captain.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  ~ ~

  Twelve minutes later, the Pursuit was docking with the Ares via an airlock. Eliza and the Prime Minister had previously moved to the mess hall in the CPS-16, but they sat at a table away from the security detail so they could continue their conversations in relative privacy.

  “Excuse me, Prime Minister. My captain is calling me.”

  Looking away slightly, Eliza said, “Yes, sir?”

  When her conversation was over, Eliza looked at the Prime Minister and said, “The captain welcomes you to the Ares and invites us to join him in his office.”

  “You spoke to your captain? How?”

  “Every Space Command officer has an extremely tiny device known as a CT implanted under their skin against the outside of their skull when they enter the Space Command academy. It allows us to converse with all other officers who are within a certain range. The small translation device I’m wearing on my belt sends your translated words directly to my CT also. Our CT is powered by our bodies so we never have to worry about recharging it.”

  “How tiny is it?”

  “So small it would appear like a speck of dirt if I had one in the palm of my hand.”

  “How do you call someone?”

  “I touch my Space Command ring and name the person with whom I wish to speak. The ship’s computer does the rest, completing the call and connecting us if the person is available.”

  “I see. My security people all carry extremely bulky radios to converse. They’re as large as the translation device I’m wearing on my belt.”

  “Our Cranial Transducers, or CTs, are wonderful. We’re never without them, and we can tell the computer not to call us when we’re off-duty and want privacy. At that time, only the captain or the watch officer can override our privacy request.”

  “I see. Shall we go visit your captain now?”

  “Yes. Escorts will be waiting for us at a lift. Because the lifts aren’t large enough to accommodate your entire security force, we’ll split into two groups, and you can select which four you want to remain with you. When we reach the captain’s office, they can remain outside the door. I assure you, you’re in no danger aboard the Ares.”

  “If you meant to harm me, you’ve had ample opportunity to do so. I trust my safety is secure, Commander.”

  “Thank you, sir. Shall we go?”

  ~ ~

  “Captain,” Eliza said, “I’d like to introduce Prime Minister Pemillisa of the Ruwalchu Gilesset. Mr. Prime Minister, this is Captain Lawrence Frederick Gavin. Captain Gavin is the most senior ship’s captain in Space Command. He was also the ship’s captain when the Ares brought my s
ister, Admiral Jenetta Carver, to contact you following the incursion of your Space Fleet ship into G.A. space.”

  Captain Gavin had been standing in front of his desk when the Prime Minister and Eliza had entered his office just off the bridge. “Welcome, Prime Minister. We were delighted to hear that you had survived the Denubbewa attack on your confederacy.”

  “Thank you, Captain. I want to thank you for responding to our call for assistance and for your destruction of the Denubbewa ships in our solar system.”

  “Believe me, sir, it was our pleasure. The Denubbewa are our mortal enemies, as they should be to every independent nation that still exists in this galaxy, and in fact, in the universe. When we detected no life on the surface of Ruwalch, we feared they had already turned you into cyborgs. Fortunately, the captain of the Pursuit chose to investigate the unusual presence of pipes that extended well below the surface and discovered your enormous cavern. Is that the only such cavern on the planet?”

  “We have a dozen more of varying sizes on planet Ruwalch, but this one is the largest. When the Denubbewa first attacked our Space Fleet ships, all civilians were immediately ordered into the caverns and the entrances were sealed. We have many such caverns on the other heavily occupied planets in our territory as well, so we believe that most of our species has survived. We ordered a complete blackout on all communications with other caverns until they first receive a special all-clear signal, so we don’t know the status of those other locations.”

  “I applaud your preparedness.”

  “We can thank Maxxiloth’s grandfather for incentivizing us to create the caverns. He was the one we first believed intended to attack our Confederacy. We’ve continued to maintain the caverns and even expand the network as the decades passed, especially when we learned Maxxiloth was preparing for war. We were glad we did.”

  “We’re also glad you did. Military people normally believe we can never be too prepared, but we always hope we never need all the preparation.”

  “Captain,” Eliza said, “the Prime Minister has expressed a desire to establish diplomatic relations with the G.A.”


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