Come Back to me:Short Story

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Come Back to me:Short Story Page 4

by Terry , Candice

  I broke the promise to myself. I burst into tears, putting a hand over my mouth. Getting over my initial shock, I pulled him to me,wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”

  He slid the ring onto my finger then kissed it. “You think this will be enough to keep you waiting for me?” He smiled.

  I smiled back.” I’ll always wait for you, Jayse.”

  “Forever?” Jayse kissed my lips.

  “Forever.” I said,wrapping my arms around him,again,holding him close.

  The intercom announced his flight was boarding. After he said goodbye to his parents I snuck in another hug and kiss, then he was walking to his terminal. He turned around while walking backwards.

  “I’ll see you soon, An.”

  I blew him a kiss watching while he caught it.

  " Soon." I whispered,letting sad tears roll down my face.

  Chapter Sixteen : AnaLee

  I keep staring at the same picture. Jayse was smiling broadly at the camera while I looked at him full of love. He looked so happy. I looked happy. This is one of the main pictures I’ve stared at for the past three years.

  After a box full of letters, I never heard from him again. No one ever heard from him again. I kept the things I had left of him in an old shoe box in my closet. Pulling them out to reread his words as I stared at his face. A face I use to be able to touch.

  As much as I hate to even think about it, my mind keeps trying to guess step for step what might’ve happened.

  Was he thinking about me as joined the other soldiers in the back of the truck? Was he scared? Was it quick? I had tortured myself with those questions since the day the Broadsons had the soliders arrive on their doorstep.

  Jayse had only been gone fourteen months when he was heading back to their camp along with fifteen other soldiers and a suicide bomber stepped in front of their path, blowing himself up along with the men in the truck.

  Just like Alicia, there was no body in the casket at the funeral. There was nothing left of him to send to the family except the few things he kept in his station. One of those things being the picture I held in my hand. I’d stare at it for hours, dreaming up what he thought when he looked at it.

  Jayse’s parents showed up at our house that day to break the news. I laid on the living room floor screaming and crying for hours until Jayse’s father carried me to my bed. Before he left, he placed a kiss on my forehead …just like Jayse would have, whispering so softly I almost didn’t hear him over my cries.

  “He loved you. Always remember that.”

  I didn’t come out of my room for two weeks along with barely eating. My mother found me one night on the floor laying on one of Jayse’s old jackets with pictures spread out beside me. My room was a wreck from the mad spells I’d have,throwing and breaking things. I was angry at the world, angry at Jayse for going but most of all angry at myself. The damn shiny ring stayed on my hand at all times. I slept and showered with it on. In the back of my mind I knew I should be worried about it tarnishing but all I could think about was if I pulled the ring off my finger it would officially be over. That, maybe as long as the ring stayed on he would find a way back to me. Part of me didn’t feel like he was really gone. I’d wake up screaming in the middle of night thinking it had all be a horrible nightmare, only to find it was my reality then I’d cry until morning. I’d lost a good fifteen or more pounds within the few weeks after his death and with my already thin frame, I looked like death.

  “Oh AnaLee.” My mother crouched down on the floor beside me.” You can’t keep living like this.”

  “I can’t live at all anymore. Not without him.” My body shook.” It h-hurts so bad to even breath.”

  She laid on the floor next to me careful not to disturb the pictures ..” Honey.”

  “Mom please ...just let me wallow in my pain for one more week. I can’t stand the thought of doing anything without him beside me...or anywhere.” I stopped to sob. “I feel like the world has dimmed without his smiling face.”

  My mother held me the rest of the night while the pain kept me awake, screaming out for Jayse.

  Three years later and the pain was still as fresh as it had been since the day I’d lost him. I don’t think losing your first love would actually ever stop hurting, but I’d once hope, with time I’d learn to cope. Losing Jayse would never stop hurting though, heart ached for him daily. I eventually had to move out of my mother’s house, I couldn’t walk out my front door without breaking down on the door step. It’s still hard to visit. She usually comes to see me once a week. I took a job at one the many title loan businesses, doing filing most days or collecting money. The pay was decent ,not spectacular but it kept the rent paid on my small apartment. The Honda was still going so luckily I hadn't had to worry about a replacement …yet.

  My life was supposed to be so much different by now. I might still be living here and still have become an employee at the high interest rate company but Jayse would’ve been with me and that would have made those things bearable... Everything was miserable. I smiled only when I had to which was usually at work with a customer. Jayse’s mother would visit me when she could but I had seen less and less of her over the years. I think I was just as much a reminder of painful memories to her, as she was for me. I loved her but it just hurt too much. All I could hear was the words she said to me the day Jayse was lost to us forever.

  “He’s gone, AnaLee. I’m so sorry.”

  Those words haunted every single nightmare. Those words were my nightmare.

  I should have just asked him to stay. I could have dealt with resentment but his death had shattered me. The ring still sat on my finger never going any further than the tip.

  I still wanted to be his wife. I told him I’d wait on him forever …and I would.

  Chapter Seventeen: Nurse Mandy

  The man stirred. After years of being in a coma and he finally moved.

  When he started gagging, I quickly pressed called for the doctor and began removing the tube from his throat.

  “Sir? Can you hear me? My name is Mandy. I’ll your be nurse for the day. The doctor should be in arriving soon."

  Dr.Rombashi stepped through the door a moment later.

  The man groaned. His hands fumbled around, trying to grasp the other wires attached to him.

  “Sir, we will remove those in a moment, if you’ll just be patient.” I said urgently.

  “Mr. Truman? Do you know where you are?” Another groan. “You were in an accident. You’ve been in a come for almost two years.

  Twenty-two months with no activity had taken its toll on his body.

  He shook his head.

  “Yes, an explosion. You’re very lucky to be alive, Mr. Truman.”

  Mr. Truman made a flutter of movements

  The doctor and I shared a look of confusion.

  He made another sloppy motion with his hand. Like he was writing.

  I moved quickly, understanding what he wanted. I grabbed a pen and paper, handing it to him.

  He losely held the pen, making sloppy letters across the page. When he was done,I read aloud what he wrote.“ Truman?’

  “Yes, that’s your name.” Dr. Rhombashi answered.

  A head shake and he wrote again.” Jayse.”

  “Jayse? Are you saying that’s your name?” I asked softly.

  He nodded.

  Pulling the doctor to the side, I whispered. "All of his files identify him as Allen Trueman. Could it have been a mistake ?"

  Dr. Rhombashi shook his head.“He could be confused after waking up."

  Our gaze was pulled back to the man when a whispered forced itself from his lips.


  " AnaLee?" The doctor asked looking to me. I shook my head.

  “Is that your mother?” He shook his head. “Your wife?” A nod. Then he passed out.

  Dr.Rhombashi looked at me. "Contact this man's family."

  I looked down. " He doesn't hav
e any living relatives.We checked after he was admitted."

  The doctor shook his head." Find out what you can then. I'll start the tests."

  The nurse’s desk was in a panic. Files were being pulled and phone calls were being made. Finally locating a phone number, it was confirmed a Jayse Broadson had been reported dead and Allen Truman which was in the same unit as Jayse was recovering in a military hospital. Allen had no living relatives. Jayse Broadson, was possibly laying in this hospital's bed while his family thought him dead.

  Chapter Eighteen: Jayse

  I woke for moments at a time only to pass back out an hour or less later. My body rejected almost all food gave to me and my throat stayed on fire. I felt so weak all the time, but all I could think about was AnaLee. The doctor has said I’d been in a coma for almost two years. She must think I’m dead. My whole family must think I’m dead.

  It hurt to think about the loss they must have suffered over the years. Especially Ana. I thought back to that day I left her at the airport. The look on her face as I placed the ring on her finger. She said she would wait for me forever.

  I really hoped she’d kept that promise.

  " Soon." I managed to whisper before blacking out again

  Chapter Nineteen: AnaLee

  Today was beyond shit. Rude customers bombarded me all day long and my feet were killing me in my clearance shoes. Now I understood why they were so cheap. All I’d wanted to do was stay home and look at our picture.

  The anniversary of Jayse’s death was coming up in a week and it was beginning to take its toll on me. My nightmares were keeping me awake all hours of the night and my crying spells hit me more often. I wondered if it would ever get easier.Deep down I knew it wouldn’t . That thought would make me cry even harder. I didn’t want to forget him. I didn’t want to hurt this bad all the time. I just really wanted Jayse to come back.

  Loud banging on my door woke me. I had not long laid down for a nap; once again crying myself to sleep. Sleep was the only thing that helped with the pain at least until the nightmares hit me. I sat up when the banging only got louder.

  “AnaLee, open the door.” My mother yelled. She sounded distraught.

  I rushed to the door and threw it open.

  My mother burst in and started scrambling around my small apartment, grabbing things here and there as she went.

  “Mother, what in the hell are you doing? What’s going on?”

  “You need to get dressed. Now. You have a plane to catch in an hour.” She said while stuffing a bag full of my stuff.

  I tried to grab her arm to stop her but she pulled away. “Now, Ana.”

  “What’s going on, mom? What do you mean I have a plane to catch?”

  She finally stopped casting a look at me. Her facial expression became one of sympathy when she took in my puffy eyes. “Oh Ana.” My mother said while cupping my face.

  I shrugged. “Anniversary is in a week. It’s been hard.”

  She nodded. “This is exactly why you have a plane to catch. Now hurry, no more questions.”

  Thirty minutes later my passport in hand, I was once again sitting at the airport with my mother and Jayse’s parents waiting on a flight. Only it wasn’t Jayse’s flight and he wasn’t here this time. It was enough to make me tear up at the thought. I felt my mother grab my hand.

  “I still don’t understand what’s going on. “ I told her.

  “I know but it’s better this way. You’ll find out soon enough.

  Even more confused, I looked over at the Broadsons . They had each hugged me when we arrived but sat across from us heads low. They looked worried but at the same time excited. Even they wouldn’t tell me any details. All I knew was in a few moments I’d be boarding a plane with them having no idea where the hell it was taking us.

  Chapter Twenty: Jayse

  I was awake again. The nurse was standing over me pushing the syringe filled with clear liquid in my IV. I groaned as the feeling of my body made its way back into my conscious mind.

  “How are you feeling today, Jayse?”

  I made the sign for “ok” and she laughed. “That bad huh? Well, hopefully this will work through your system quickly.” She pointed to the syringe.

  Her face became serious and she touched my arm making sure I was pay attention.

  “ Jayse, we’ve located your family. They were contacted a few days ago about the situation. Once the paperwork is cleared they will be on a flight here to make a proper identification.

  I made a motion toward the paper on the table since my throat was still raw. She quickly got it for me.

  “AnaLee?” I wrote.

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I know your mother and father are coming though.” Then she patted my hand and walked out with a quick “press the button if you need anything.” I knew I wouldn’t because I could already feel myself slipping away again. My last thought before being pulled under was “God, I hope I can hold her soon.”

  Chapter Twenty-one: AnaLee

  The plane landed and we quickly made our way outside where a military truck awaited us.

  I glanced over at Mrs. Broadson, but she quickly looked away. I didn’t like this at all. I had a feeling the trip had something to do with Jayse. Maybe some kind of memorial thing …I wasn’t sure. But I was positive I was about to feel a lot of heartache.

  After an uncomfortable ride, we stopped at what looked like a hospital. Two soldiers stepped out of the vehicle, helping us with our bags and escorted us in. We stopped at a desk where a younger looking nurse was sitting, typing away.

  “May I help you?” The nurse asked while still looking at the computer screen.

  “Yes mam. I am Jayse Broadson’s mother.”

  The nurse immediately stopped typing, giving us a glance then rushed off. When she returned an older man was with her dressed in a white coat. He introduced himself as Dr.Rhombashi and asked to speak to Mrs.Broadson alone for a moment. I was left standing with Jayse’s dad.

  He had aged in the past three years more so than normal. The loss of his two children had taken a toll on him but he was still the gentlest man I knew…besides his son.

  “Mr. Broadson? What’s going on? Why am I here?” I pressed.

  He sighed.” Because you are a part of this family and there is nowhere else we would rather you be. Jayse would want you here and I want you to know no matter what happens today, Jayse loves you." Then he looked away, unwilling to give any more of an answer than that.

  It brought tears to my eyes to hear they still considered me family, even after all that happened. I suddenly didn’t care why we were here. I was just happy they wanted me to come.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Jayse

  My medication had been put on pause earlier so I would be fully alert when my parents arrived. I was anxious to see them, even more so to see if AnaLee was with them. I could see her smile so perfectly in mind that she could have been standing in front of me. I wanted to touch her. My voice was still messed up but I could whisper words without it hurting so badly. Doctor Rombashi told me yesterday it would take another three to six months of recovering for me to be back to normal. It didn’t matter to me if it took the next five years as long as I had Ana by my side.

  My bed was tilted so I could be in a sitting position while visiting with my parents. My muscles were still weak from the lack of use and I had to have help when moving. Therapy was horrible. My legs were still sore from yesterday and I looked close to what I did in middle school. Tall and thin. My weight had dropped over the years but was slowly rising and I was able to eat for the first time yesterday without it all coming back up .

  I was scribbling out questions I wanted answered on my notepad when I heard crying.

  My mother was standing in the doorway with a hand over her mouth. She was crying so hard her shoulders shook.

  I whispered as loud as I could.” Mom.” then smiled.

  She rushed across the room and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Oh my
baby boy. I’ve missed you so much. “

  My mother swayed back in fourth with me then let go. Her eyes took in every one of my features before she kissed my forehead.

  Nurse Mandy entered the room with tears in her own eyes. “So it is your son?”

  My mother nodded proudly. “Yes mam, this is my son. Thank you for bringing him back to me.”

  Mandy smiled and nodded before leaving the room.

  “They wanted me to come in first to make sure it wasn’t another mistake. “ She explained.

  Come in first?

  I tapped my notepad and began to write. “Is dad here?”

  She nodded. “Yes, he’s out in the hall.”

  I started to write again but she grabbed my hand. “I know what you’re going to ask next, which I’m surprised that wasn’t your first question.” My mother smiled. “Yes, she’s out there with your father. She has no idea why we are here.”

  I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.


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