Renegade Love (Rancheros)

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Renegade Love (Rancheros) Page 25

by Fletcher, Donna

  She planned on the night being even more enjoyable, not once forgetting that he said he would kiss other places on her body. She shivered at the image it evoked and couldn’t wait for later.

  She had chosen a plain black lace dress that hugged her waist and had a lower neckline then she was accustomed to. She let her hair hang free cascading in waves down over her shoulders and back. And she hoped no one would notice that she wore her comfortable sandals.

  With her appearance seen to, she hurried out of the room, looking forward to the evening ahead.

  Esteban stood speechless when his wife entered the small parlor. Even with the swollen lip she looked radiant. And he loved her hair when she let it hang free. Then there was her dress that he wanted to get her out of as soon as possible.

  He shook his head chasing away the images of stripping her out of it, but he couldn’t shake away his growing arousal as easily. Damn if he didn’t turn hard with just one look at her, especially when she looked so appetizing.

  Realizing he was being rude just standing there, he went to his wife and took her hand leading her to a chair. He leaned down after she sat and whispered, “You look stunning.”

  She contained her smile, though he saw pleasure beam in her wide eyes and he smiled. He went and poured two glasses of red wine and returned to her side, handing her one. He then turned to his mother and raised his glass of wine. “I am most fortunate to have two beautiful and loving women in my life.”

  Dona Valerianna smiled broadly and Rosa noticed that the woman looked more radiant than she had in a while.

  Dolores called them to supper as soon as Don Alejandro entered the room. They all took their seats at the table and were soon engaged in conversation.

  Esteban rested his leg against his wife’s, pressing it hard against hers now and again. He was eager to be alone with her, but he also wanted to make certain that she ate well since she had to take her time eating due to her split lip. So he attempted to be patient as he grew more tempted to grab her and hurry her off to their room.

  “The vaqueros say there is talk in town that the renegades came here at your invite, which was why we suffered no destruction to any of our buildings,” Don Alejandro said.

  “It seemed to be the prevailing thought in town,” Esteban said.

  “Do you let everyone know how wrong they were?” his mother asked, indignant that people would even think such a horrible thought.

  Esteban was annoyed that his father had brought it up at supper and he hoped to avoid any further discussion on the matter. “They will think what they wish regardless of what I tell them.”

  “By this evening everyone will know the truth,” Rosa said.

  Esteban turned to his wife. “Why is that?”

  “I spoke with the women at the well and told them exactly what happened here. How vaqueros were injured, and Emil almost abducted, and how you saved me from the renegade. The news will spread quickly and all will know the truth.”

  “How do you know they believed you?” Esteban said.

  “They are my friends. I grew up with many of them and know their mothers and sisters. They know I would never lie to them. Padre Marten was there as well and never questioned my word. Besides, Marinda will tell them how much I love you and you love me and that will confirm the truth.”

  “You told her that you love me?” Esteban said as if he hadn’t heard her.

  Rosa stared at his odd expression. “Of course I told her I love you. She and I are good friends and share things like that. And I am proud of my love for you, so I want everyone to know.”

  “That you love a renegade?”

  “Enough,” Rosa scolded. “You are not a renegade. You are a good man and I will not hear you refer to yourself as a renegade ever again.”

  “Rosa is right,” his mother joined in. “You are not or ever truly were a renegade. You were a captive of the renegades and you returned home to your family. You are my son and I love you and I am proud of you for surviving your horrific ordeal.”

  “Your mother is right,” Don Alejandro chimed in. “It was no easy task to survive as you did, but like your mother, I am proud that you survived anyway you could and returned home to your family that loves you.” He grinned. “And I am even more pleased that I picked the perfect wife for you.”

  “You didn’t pick her,” Dona Valerianna teased. “Esteban saw her and knew she was meant for him.”

  Rosa looked to her husband. “Is that true? Did you know I was meant for you?”

  Esteban slipped his finger under her chin. “From the first moment my eyes met yours I knew you’d be mine.”

  He kissed her lips so gently that Rosa barely felt it, but that didn’t stop a tingle from running through her.

  “Another bottle of wine, Dolores,” Don Alejandro called out when the woman entered the room. “We celebrate the love of family.”

  Dolores nodded, grinned, and hurried away with a tear in her eye to get the wine.

  Rosa never felt so happy, never thought she would ever feel so happy again after losing her family. But now she had family again, family that loved her and she was overjoyed.

  Esteban took hold of his wife’s hand as his father offered toast after toast and as he did Esteban could see the future unfold. He and Rosa’s love for each other would continue to grow and they would have many children and his mother and father would spoil them. His parents would age with time and he would one day take over the running of the ranch and the Cesare family would continue. It was all possible because a petite, dark haired, loving woman had the courage to fall in love with a renegade—no—with him, Esteban Cesare.

  “I want to go visit Elena Garavito soon. It is time to renew our friendship,” Dona Valerianna said. “Will you come with me, Rosa?”

  “You can’t go alone or with a few vaqueros,” Esteban said.

  “He’s right,” his father agreed.

  “Good, then you’ll come with us?” Rosa asked of her husband.

  “That would be wonderful,” his mother said with a smile.

  “It might be a good idea,” his father said. “Garavito land borders part of ours. We could have the vaqueros work together to patrol that area. You could speak to Manuel about it.”

  Since his return Esteban had kept himself removed from all the land owners, he had once thought friends. They certainly hadn’t welcomed him home, but now seeing how things had changed with his family, he realized that he really hadn’t truly returned home until recently. And it would be wise of him to once again connect with the other rancheros.

  “We could do that, though it would be another neighbor of ours that Pacquito would go after next,” Esteban said.

  “Why?” his father asked.

  “To show that he’s got me surrounded on all sides and I have no way out, but his way.”

  “We will show him differently,” his father said as if it was already done.

  “We’ve been through this before, Father. I will do it my way so that it will be done once and for all.”

  “Then you still plan to meet with the devil?” his father asked.

  “It’s the only way for the playing ground to be fair. If I returned now to Pacquito, he would see me severely punished, and then I would have no strength left to fight him. If I wait too long to meet with him, he will escalate his attacks on the ranches and see that people died. The devil will see that we meet in a place where Pacquito cannot take advantage of me.”

  His father took a sip of wine before asking, “And you trust the devil to be honest and do this?”

  “The devil has a score to settle with Pacquito.”

  “Then why doesn’t he settle it?” his father asked annoyed.

  “I believe it was due to a promise he made.”

  His father shook his head. “The devil keeps his word? I find that hard to believe.”

  “Perhaps, but I have no choice but to trust him.”

  Servants entered the room with a tray of sweet cakes and a bowl
of fruit, ending the conversation. More wine was drunk and cakes eaten, but talk was not as enthusiastic as before.

  Esteban was eager to retire to his bed chambers with his wife and get lost in making love. No soon as he eased back her chair then she popped out of it, and with a quick good-night to his parents, she was out of the room before he could take a step to join her. He mumbled several oaths as he walked along the corridor toward his bed chamber. His wife was annoyed and he knew why, though he didn’t want to discuss it. He wanted her in bed and moaning with pleasure as soon as possible and as many times as possible. He was starving with a need for her and he intended to satisfy that need until he was fully quenched.

  He entered the room and closed the door behind him, then slipped out of his jacket and tossed it on the chair. “Have your say and be done with it, quickly, for I have waited long enough to get you into bed.”

  Rosa’s hands went to her hips. “Quickly? You expect me to be quick about how I feel with your decision to seek help from the devil himself?”

  “The deal has been struck and nothing can change that. But if you feel the need to speak your piece, then do so. I will listen.” His shirt joined his jacket as he waited for his wife to speak. He wasn’t surprised to see a spark of fiery anger in her eyes and in a way he was pleased to see it. She had changed since they had wed or perhaps it was that her true nature was finally able to be free. And though he hated to admit it, the trip to Los Angeles seemed to have done her well.

  So he was prepared for the lecture she was sure to unleash on him and since she would be fired up, their love making would be even more intense.

  “My words would be wasted since they will change nothing,” she said, her hands falling off her hips. “Perhaps action would speak much louder. Perhaps if I tell you that I will not make love with you until you see how foolish this plan of yours is, you will then seriously reconsider.” She tossed her chin up in defiance.

  Rosa waited, her heart thumping wildly, certain that any moment her husband would explode with fury. It didn’t matter though, she had to take this stance. She had to protect him from this foolish notion that the devil would help be his salvation.

  It was as if a spark of fire ignited in his eyes and he walked slowly over to her and took firm hold of her chin. “We both know that will never happen.”

  She yanked her chin out of his grasp and walked past him with a flourish, needing to put distance between them. She stopped behind the chair where he had tossed his clothes and braced her hands on the top. Her legs trembled and passion churned deep inside her. She knew if he touched her that she’d be lost and would surrender to him. She couldn’t let that happen. She had to make him understand how worried she was for his safety in hopes that he would change his mind and seek a different solution to the problem.

  “You would force me?” she said and almost cringed, knowing full well her husband would never do that. And damn if he didn’t laugh at her.

  “Caro, we both know you just walked away from me because if I even faintly touch you, you will melt in my arms.”

  Rosa got angry, her eyes narrowing as she said, “I will not let the devil have you.”

  That she would defend him from evil itself gave his heart a lurch. It only proved how much she loved him, how much she would surrender for him and it gave him a fright.

  “There is nothing you can do and you will do nothing—I mean it, Rosa—you will let this be and I will do as I must.”

  “I cannot let you walk into hell alone.”

  His brow knitted and he shook his head lightly, as if not quite understanding her. “You can’t mean that you would go to hell with me.”

  “I would brave the fires of hell for you.”

  He shook his head and snapped a finger at her. “Do not say that. You will not put yourself in danger for me.”

  “You do for me.”

  “A man protects the woman he loves, with all his heart. Besides this is my fight, not yours.”

  “You are my husband, the man I love. I will not let you fight this alone. You have battled by yourself far too long. Now I fight alongside you.”

  He stared at her in disbelief. How did this pint-sized woman think she could fight against such evil and win?

  Rosa tossed her chin up again. “Don’t you dare think I’m not strong enough to fight.”

  He had to smile at her audacity. “Well, you did have the courage to love me.”

  “It took courage to marry you, loving you came easily.”

  His heart swelled with love for her and all he wanted to do was scoop her up and carry her to bed. He went to take a step toward her.

  Her hand shot up. “We have not finished discussing this.”

  His patience was nearly spent. He wanted her in bed... now. “Enough talk. I want to make love to you.”

  “And I ache for you to touch me and make me come,” — she smiled— “repeatedly.”

  “That is not hard to do since you respond so easily to my touch.”

  Her smile tickled at the corners of her mouth. “And you don’t succumb to mine?”

  He took a leisurely step toward her. “Let’s see who succumbs first.”

  She already knew the answer. It would be her. He would make sure of it and the thought sent a tingle through her. But that would have to wait. She shook her finger at him. “No, we will talk.”

  “It has gotten us nowhere,” he said frustrated. His hands ached to touch her soft skin, his lips could almost taste her hard nipples and damn if he couldn’t stop thinking about how wet she probably was for him already. “And must I remind you again that it will change nothing.”

  “It will change everything,” she shouted.

  He sent her a scathing look. “You raise your voice to me?”

  “Since you fail to hear me I have no other choice,” she said.

  “No, you have no choice,” he said, his own voice taking on a firmer timbre.

  “Will I ever have a choice?”

  “Yes, you have one now. Let me make love to you or continue to argue with me over something that you cannot change.”

  “You could die,” she said on a soft sob.

  “There is always that possibility.”

  “I would not want to live without you.”

  He stepped toward her and this time she didn’t stop him. His arm went around her waist and eased her up against him. He brushed his lips lightly across hers so as not to hurt her wound and whispered, “Then tonight we will make a baby and you will always have part of me with you.”

  He scooped her up and carried her to bed.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Esteban never made it to the bed, a pounding on the door and his father’s frantic voice had him putting his wife down and hurrying to open the door.

  “Renegades have been spotted headed for the Mercados hacienda,” his father said.

  Esteban muttered several oaths beneath his breath. Mercados land bordered their land. Pacquito intended to hit the place in the dead of night, and no doubt would inflict severe damage.

  “Gather the vaqueros, though leave a contingent behind to guard the house. We ride immediately,” Esteban ordered.

  Rosa stood frozen as she watched her husband slip his shirt and jacket back on. No one would mistake him for a renegade. He never looked more like a powerful don of a hacienda than he did at this moment. And the potent sight of him had her limbs melting.

  She laid her hand on his arm. “You will be careful.”

  He took hold of her chin and kissed her quick. “The thought of you waiting for me naked in our bed will guarantee my return.”

  “Naked, wet and oh so ready for you,” she confirmed and ran her hand down between his legs to give him a squeeze.

  “Damn it, Caro, you’ll have me thinking of nothing else.”

  “Dispense of them quickly, then think of what awaits you.”

  He gave her another quick kiss and was almost at the door when he turned. “Stay put. I don’t need to be
worrying that you’ll do something foolish.”

  “I will stay right here.”

  He nodded and was out the door.

  She paced the room as soon as he left and the more she paced the more she worried. What if this was a trap to capture him once again? She shook her head. Esteban would not be that foolish. He would know what to do. Still, she could not stop herself from worrying.

  A knock sounded at her door and she ran to open it.

  “I wanted to make sure you were all right,” Dona Valerianna said.

  “Frightened and worried,” Rosa admitted, knowing with how pale the woman was that she was feeling the same.

  “This is such madness,” Dona Valerianna said.

  Rosa reached out and took the woman’s hand to urge her into the room. “Sit while I get us some wine.”

  Dona Valerianna seemed relieved and with a firm nod sat in one of the chairs by the fireplace where a low fire burned.

  Rosa sat in the other chair after handing the woman one of the glasses of wine.

  “I thought when my son returned home that this would be all behind us and that he would be able to start a new life. I had never thought that that horrible man would inflict more pain and suffering on him.”

  “I hate to admit it but I wonder if the devil is the only one who can truly help Esteban deal with such evil.”

  “While I don’t want my son involved with the devil, I have begun to wonder the same as you. Can the devil be the only one to help destroy evil? Then I worry that the devil will extract much more from Esteban than Pacquito ever did. There is no easy answer.”

  Long after they finished the wine and after Dona Valerianna left, unable to keep her eyes from closing, Rosa sat waiting. Her own eyes grew heavy with sleep and finally she surrendered and undressed, then climbed beneath the blankets naked to wait for her husband. She thought to stay awake but no soon as she laid her head on the pillow, her eyes closed and sleep claimed her.

  Esteban stood over the bed watching his wife sleep. She appeared so content. Her arms snug around his pillow, as if she was holding onto him. The blanket barely covered her backside leaving a partial view that only managed to entice the hell out of him. And one breast lay bare, the nipple soft just waiting for his tongue to turn hard. Yet he stood there not touching her.


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