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Play Page 7

by Olivia Devon

  “Amazing,” she said. “That’s crazy. I know it’s not real, you’re not really here, it’s not really your hands. I mean, it’s all the suit, but still. Damn.”

  “Is it though?” Aaron said, as he kneaded her muscles gently. “I mean what is real, exactly? Isn’t reality just what we perceive it to be? I mean, right now, my senses tell me I’m giving you a massage, your senses tell you that I am, too. Shouldn’t that be enough to qualify as real?”

  “You make an excellent point,” said Katie, sighing softly. “I’ve often felt that this world is, in many ways, more authentic than what we call the real one.”

  “I agree.” Aaron nodded as his hands continued to work. “Some critics think that we should force people to represent, in virtual reality, exactly as they do in the real world. That whatever sex or race you are, whatever you look like in reality, that should be accurately reflected in how your avatar looks.”

  “Those people are missing the point,” said Katie. “None of us get to choose our lot in the real world. Race, gender, our physical shell, it’s just all up to fate. In here, all of that stuff is up to you. Because of that, who we are in here can be more authentic, more honest. How we choose to represent ourselves in HyperLyfe, I think, is very revealing.”

  “So what does your rainbow angel avatar say about you?” Aaron asked.

  “That’s a good question.” Katie arched as his hands traveled up the sides of her neck and back down again, setting to work on the knots in her shoulders. “I think it says that I like color, and optimism. That I want people to find me approachable and welcoming. But then the wings…” she laughed and leaned back into his chest. “I think those probably reveal my independence, that I need to feel like I can escape whenever I want.”

  Aaron caught her chin with a finger and turned her face to his. “Do you feel that way now?” he asked. “Like you want to escape?”

  “No, not at all.” Katie smiled up at him. “Although I’m wondering if you don’t like my rainbow angel avatar, since you put me in this corset get-up for the movie,” she teased.

  Aaron sat down next to her and took her hand in his. Katie felt the warm brush of his fingertips over her skin, the soft pressure of his hand.

  “I admit,” he said, his smile sly. “Rainbow angel is impressive, but, I prefer this look on you. And it’s not the corset, it’s just that this Katie avatar looks like the Katie I met in person. It’s not as good as the real thing, but almost.”

  Aaron raised a hand and stroked the bare skin of her shoulder. Her breath caught sharply as her nerves tingled under his caress. She inhaled deeply, trying to steady her breath, but faltered when she felt the corset straining in resistance.

  “The real thing?” she said quietly, prodding him to elaborate.

  “I hope you don’t mind me saying,” he said. “I miss the scar.”

  “Seriously?” Katie raised an eyebrow, incredulous. “The hideous scar that I told Tessa we should’ve covered–”

  “No. No.” Aaron shook his head and gave her shoulder a little squeeze. “Why cover it up? It’s real. It’s part of you.” He gestured around them, his hands framing the view above them. “Everything in here, it’s amazing. But it’s all completely perfect.”

  “Well couldn’t you build in flaws?” Katie asked. “Randomizing algorithms and artificial intelligence, all that other stuff I don’t totally understand?”

  “Yes, in fact my company is working on that.” Aaron nodded. “But to me, even if we achieve that, and build in imperfections, it’s still…Well I just find there’s a certain poetic spontaneity in the chaos of real life that I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to replicate.” He turned back to her, traced his finger over the perfect skin of her avatar’s shoulder again. “There’s history in your scar, a truth. It’s part of your story. It’s….Wabi-sabi.”

  He caught her gaze, and she figured he was fishing for an explanation. There was a story behind the scar, that was true, but it was kind of a mood killer, so there was no way she wanted to get into that now. Not when he was looking at her like that. Not when the sensation of his hands on her body felt so damn good.

  “What does that mean,” she said, hoping to keep him talking. “Wabi-sabi? Aiko used that word but didn’t explain it.”

  “She introduced me to the concept,” said Aaron. “It’s become a favorite of mine. Wabi-sabi is the Japanese philosophy that something, or someone, is beautiful not despite it’s imperfections, but because of them.”

  “Oh,” said Katie as Aaron trailed his fingers up over her collarbone, and rested his palm at the base of her neck, his thumb tracing soft warm circles on her skin.

  “I find you very beautiful,” he said. His free hand slid round her waist and Katie leaned back, twining her bare legs with his under the blanket, reveling in the feel of his skin against hers. Rough against soft, hard against yielding. The length of his body covered hers, his free hand caressed her neck, just under her jaw. Feeling bold, she pulled him to her, urging him on, wondering where this moment might lead.

  Aaron moaned and dropped his head to her breasts. He pressed soft kisses to the swells above her corset, his lips burning a trail up her neck to her jaw. When he lifted his head, his face hovering above hers, blue eyes shining in the moonlight, she felt breathless.

  Staring into his eyes, reveling in the hard cut lines of his muscles as they bunched under his linen shirt, Katie dragged her hands up his back, and plunged her fingers into Aaron’s tousled curls. Pulling his face to hers, she took a chance, and kissed him. And it was…amaz–





  The entire length of Katie’s body was on fire, every nerve ending on the highest edge of arousal. But her lips had not been invited to the party.

  The stupid S-suit didn’t cover the face. She’d forgotten that. No sensory information had transferred from her lips to Aaron’s. Not a damn thing.

  “Oh my god,” she groaned, and buried her face in Aaron’s chest.

  “I swear,” Aaron’s voice rumbled in her ear. “For a split second I felt it. I really did. Good old subconscious filling in the blanks.”

  “Me too,” Katie said, lifting her head. “Like when you raid the fridge for some orange juice in the middle of the night and you grab the milk by accident, and you take a big gulp and for just a second–”

  “You taste orange juice!” Aaron finished the thought for her. “I’ve totally done that.”

  “Me too.” Katie smiled and snaked a hand up his chest, tickling her fingers up the side of his neck. “Can you feel that?” she asked.

  “I can.” Aaron smiled tightly and she saw his avatar’s cheeks were very flushed. “I’m feeling all kinds of things. I promise.”

  Katie grinned, and poked him in the ribs. “Does the S-suit do ticklish?”

  “Stop!” Aaron yelped and squirmed, trying to get away from her.

  That’s when she felt it. Thick and long, and pressed hard against her upper thigh.

  Her gaze cut to him and her mouth flew open.

  “Well I’m mortified,” Aaron said, moving to sit up.

  Without thinking, Katie grabbed his crotch, and Aaron froze.

  Curling her fingers tightly around his erection she smirked, wet her lips with her tongue and raised one eyebrow suggestively. “So kissing’s out,” she said. “Doesn’t mean we can’t still have–”

  “An immersive sensory experience?” Aaron said, his voice low and gravely.

  Katie bit her lip and nodded.

  Chapter Eight

  “What did you have in mind? Exactly?” Aaron asked.

  In actual reality, he was laying on the cold marble counter top on the island in his barren kitchen. In virtual reality, he was lying under the stars with his arms full of an impossibly sexy woman who was determined to slowly torture him to death. She hadn’t released his cock yet. No, instead she was stroking him, feathery touches with just her fingertips,
not enough to set him off, but just enough to keep him hard. It was driving him crazy.

  “Well,” said Katie, a note of mischief in her voice. “I’ve played around in here before. Role-played and sexted, that sort of thing. But it’s never been like this. This is a whole different level. And I think I want to explore that.”

  Aaron felt her shiver, so he drew the blankets up around her shoulders. “You mean the S-suit,” he said. “The fact that we can actually feel each other, that changes things.”

  “It’s not just that,” she said, looking up to catch his gaze. “I’m not shivering because I’m cold, Aaron. I’d like to explore this with you. I showed you around Celestia today, maybe you can–”

  “Be your guide in the seedy underworld of virtual sex?” He held her closer, let his hands roam over her waist, squeezing gently when her heard her sigh, stroking the soft skin on her arms as she sunk into him. “I’d love nothing more,” he said. “But we should figure out a few things out first. Have a frank conversation. You okay with that, seeing as we just met yesterday?”

  “I think so,” she said, but there was a beat of hesitation there, just enough that Aaron resolved to go first. If she didn’t like anything he told her, she could make an excuse, then log off and pretend this never happened.

  “The first thing you should know,” he said. “Is that I’m kind of kinky.”

  She looked confused. “Okay, what do you mean exactly?”

  “It’s nothing major, nothing that’s a deal-breaker for me if you aren’t into it, but it’s definitely something I enjoy. I find it’s particularly fun to play with those kinks in here–”

  “Wait,” Katie interrupted. “How do you roleplay kinky sex in here and not have it end up in the tabloids?”

  “Katie, I own the company. I can change our user names to anything we want. No one will know it’s us.” He shrugged. “I’ll just change them back when we’re done.”

  “Damn. God mode. Must be nice.”

  “It’s good to be the King.” Aaron chuckled and tapped her on the nose. He knew she couldn’t feel it, but the gesture still meant something. “Where were we?” He said, smiling down at her. “Sorry, I’m trying to find the words, and you’re just so damn sexy, it’s very distracting.”

  “Oh jeez.” Katie moved her hand away from his straining erection, and sat up, folding her hands in her lap primly. “I’ll behave. Tell me more.”

  ‘I’ll behave.’ God, she had no idea how much that turned him on. Aaron sat up too.

  “Tell me…” she said again, biting her lip. “If you’re my guide, tell me what would you want to show me, what would you want to…do with me?”

  “Sky’s the limit?” He asked, smirking.

  She covered her face with her hands and laughed nervously, but when he leaned over and took her hands in his, she caught his gaze and nodded.

  “Absolutely,” she said. “You’re the guide, so you’re the boss.”

  ‘You’re the boss.’ Sweet Jesus he was going to die.

  “I’d want to dress you up and show you off,” Aaron said, as he met her gaze steadily. “I’d take you shopping and buy you a scandalous dress. Then…well there’s this club I like to go to. Lord Chamberlain’s Gentlemen’s Club, which is just a poncey name for a place where men go to ogle woman.” He paused for a beat, this was the part where he was maybe gonna lose her. “Its theme is CMNF.”

  “CMNF?” said Katie raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know that acronym. BDSM, that one I know, but CM–”

  “Clothed male, nude female.”

  “So all the women are naked, and all the men are clothed?”

  “Not exactly,” Aaron said, relieved at her tone. She didn’t sound turned off at all. Just curious. “The woman arrive beautifully dressed, and the men try to persuade them to take it all off.”

  “Rule 34.” Katie pressed her hands to her mouth and giggled. “There really is something for everyone isn’t there?” She kept laughing. “There’s literally a kink for guys who like to be dressed while their women aren’t?”

  “Yep.” Aaron laughed too, caught up in her mood, and so grateful that she wasn’t running over the moors away from him right now. He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up. Her legs flailed, and she gasped, wrapping her arms around his shoulders for balance.

  “But that’s not all I’m into.” He growled and bent his head to her neck, nipping gently along her collarbone.

  “Shit,” Katie squealed with laughter, and squirmed against him. “Please don’t tell me you’re into vampire role play!”

  Aaron lifted his head and raised an eyebrow. “Nope, don’t want to pretend to drink your blood.”

  “Thank God!”

  He dropped his lips to her ear and whispered. “But if you let me, I’ll tie you up and give that hot ass a damn good spanking.”

  Aaron had excellent taste in clothes.

  Since Katie was really looking forward to the part of their evening that involved the promised tying-up and spanking, she ignored her initial reluctance to let him take her clothes shopping and tried to indulge the man’s fetish.

  She was very glad she did.

  He’d gone through a dozen different dresses, had her try on each one and parade down the virtual boutique’s catwalk for him, so he could see her from every angle.

  In reality she was still wearing the S-suit, and her catwalk was just a narrow strip of hallway between her apartment’s kitchenette and the bedroom.

  But in HL, she felt like a goddess.

  Aaron finally settled on a dress, and was free with his praise, pulling her into his arms, his hands sliding over the bare skin of her back to cup her ass as he whispered in her ear.

  “You look good enough to eat.” The words sent a thrill up her spine.

  The dress was amazing. A shimmery gold, pleated around her waist, it had one shoulder and sheer lacy accents that showed off her curves. Slit to her hip, it was far more daring than anything she would’ve worn in real life. She fucking loved it.

  Lord Chamberlain’s Gentlemen’s Club was ridiculous, in an adorable way. Lord Chamberlain himself was there. Obviously American, he affected the most absurd English accent and welcomed them each to his ‘most humble of erotic establishments’.

  It wasn’t crowded, maybe thirty avatars at most sat in various small social groups at tables and leather sofas scattered around the club. She might have preferred it more crowded, since their entrance drew attention. Heads swiveled and conversations paused. Katie caught a glimpse of herself and Aaron in a tall mirror that decorated a nearby column. They were quite a sight. Aaron had changed into a deep blue suit, and the color contrasted with her gold dress beautifully. They looked like royalty.

  “What now?” Katie whispered. Clutching Aaron’s arm, she peered up at him as he led her through the club toward the back. He glanced down at her, arched one eyebrow and smirked. The look was deadly, and Katie’s pulsed raced along with her imagination.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. “What are we doing?” Nervous laughter bubbled in her chest and she bounced on her heels when they stopped walking, holding onto Aaron so tightly he had to pry her fingers from his arm.

  “We’re just going to sit,” he said, his eyes glinting with mischief. “We’re going to sit and talk, and some of the men here might come by and pay their compliments.” He sat down, and tugged her hand gently, urging her to join him. She did, and Aaron shifted his body so he was facing her, his long arms draped over the side and back of the sofa.

  “If I’m really lucky,” he drawled. “You’ll let me talk you out of that dress.”

  “Okay so let me get this straight.” Katie stiffened her spine and folded her hands in her lap, forcing a professional detachment in her tone. He was staring at her like a hungry predator, and while she really liked it, it was intimidating as hell. The only thing giving her courage at the moment was to pretend she was completely immune to his gaze.

  “You’re just gonna talk?” she
said. “You’re just gonna chat away and hope I decide to rip off this dress and prance around here naked for everybody to see.”

  Aaron nodded solemnly. “Yes. I mean, I don’t plan to talk about baseball. I’m definitely trying to seduce you.”

  “Your game is that good?”

  “It is.”

  “You can just talk, and I’ll get all turned on and decide to jump you?”

  “It’s been working so far.”

  Katie narrowed her eyes. “Careful now, don’t get cocky.”

  Aaron smirked and nodded once, acknowledging the reprimand. “Seriously though, that’s what I like the most about playing in HyperLyfe,” he said. “The brain is the largest sex organ. I love a good mindfuck, and in here, that’s what matters most. You said it yourself, in virtual reality, people can choose their appearance. Look around—all the men and women in here are beautiful. So then, what sets them apart? What do they have to offer a lover that’s more valuable than their bodies?”

  “Their intellects,” said Katie, her gaze flitting around the room. “Their wit, their imagination.”

  Suddenly, Aaron was beside her, his thigh pressed up against hers, his arm draped possessively over her shoulders. He pulled her closer and pressed his lips to her ear.

  “You’ve got the sexiest mind. Katie Martinez.”

  She couldn’t feel his lips moving, since the S-suit didn’t cover her head, but damn if his words didn’t tickle her skin anyway. Little frissons of excitement rippled up her spine, and she tried to bite back her smile, but it was pointless, the guy was charming as hell, and she was pretty sure a few more minutes of this and she was gonna go ahead and get naked.

  But, she didn’t really want all these people to see her naked, did she? The idea was titillating, but scary too.

  Wait a minute.

  She turned to Aaron and squinted.


  “Well…” Katie tilted her head and tried to reason it out. Nope it didn’t make sense, she was gonna have to ask him. “If I get naked,” she whispered. “It’s not real. I mean this is an avatar, and I’m in the skin that got created for me yesterday at Lux. This is my face, but this isn’t my actual body. It looks nothing like me.”


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