Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1)

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Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1) Page 17

by Morgan Kearns

  She had an amused expression. Her eyes twinkled wildly. “So—” She laughed hard, and then swallowed harder to be able to talk through the giggles. “—you’re saying I could build a tower of Coke cans and keep out a vamp?” The final word barely left her mouth before a hysterical bark of laughter burst out.

  She clamped a hand across her face and continued to snort behind the barrier. Tears collected at the corners of her eyes.

  The whole theory of building a tower made of Coke cans didn’t seem nearly as amusing to Nikolai, but the sight of Gabrielle’s obvious humor made him chuckle softly.

  “Well, yes, I guess you could do that. Although a stiff wind would defeat the purpose.”

  “Damn.” Her warm body moved against his as she leaned up to press a kiss to his chin. “Do you drink blood?”


  “Human blood?”


  “Oh.” Her nose crinkled. “Isn’t it … gross?”

  “Not usually. The healthier a human is, the better they taste. Their blood tastes, I mean.”

  Her response was a grunt, her expression unreadable. She walked over to the window, staring out at the back courtyard. “You drink from women?”

  He smiled at the subtle hint of jealousy. “Yes, men too.”

  She whirled around, openly gawking at him. “Men, too?”

  She raised a brow and quirked a lip, exposing her dimple. Curiosity trickled across her features. He nodded then went over to the bookshelf, moved the family bible and, ultimately, revealed the built-in refrigerator. His fingers curled around the cold bag and he held it out for her to inspect. She took the bag from him and looked up in question.

  “The morgue,” he said.

  “Ah, the vampire food bank.” She moved the bag from one hand to the other, seemingly mesmerized by the flowing, red liquid.

  His low laugh rumbled around them. He loved the way she was making light of this very serious—surely shocking—situation. He reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, then kissed the beating vein on her neck.

  “I’ve never heard it called that, but yes, the vampire food bank.”

  “At some point you had to drink from humans though. From the neck.”

  “Yes, when we drink from a human it’s usually done from the sex one is … attracted to. I have only ever drunk from female veins,” he explained. “Now that I have you though—”

  “You’ll drink from me?” She sounded so excited, so curious, a shot of lust blasted Niko below the belt.

  “If you’ll let me. It’s a commitment on your part, though. Once I drink from you, only your blood can offer the nourishment I’ll need to survive. My heart will continue to beat and circulate it.” He couldn’t stop the smile, not that he tried. He’d dreamed of this moment since his heart had stopped all those years ago.

  “It will always beat?”

  He drew her to him, and she melted. “As long as I drink from you every month or so.”

  White teeth bit down on her lip. “Only every month or so?”

  “Yes, that’s all that is needed.”

  “Oh,” she said, deflated.

  “But think of how much stronger I’ll be if I take a little from you every night.”

  Her eyes closed slowly and she sighed, her body cuddling against his. “I like the sound of that. A lot.”

  “The only way to do that would be for you to drink from me too.”

  “Really?” Her excitement burst out in that one word and it thrilled him.

  “Really.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, careful not to let himself get carried away. “Now, I have some things I need to take care of. Can you hold down the fort while I’m gone?”

  The look on her face said, Gone? Where are you going? but verbally she answered, “When will you be back?”

  “A few hours probably. If you need anything, you can reach me on my cell or Vincent will be around.”

  Her hand gripped the knob, and as she opened it, she asked, “Does Vincent know I’m your heartmate?”


  She nodded, auburn curls moved along her shoulders, her brows pinched together and she frowned. “Pretty much everybody knew but me.” Statement, not question.

  “I wouldn’t say that.” He chuckled at the disgruntled look on her face. “You know now, my love, and that’s what matters.”

  “Hmph!” She turned and stormed through the doorway.

  Niko admired the way her ass looked in the clothes he’d bought for her. He’d have to get more for her soon.

  As the door closed, he picked up the phone.

  “Nik, how are things?” Vincent said by way of greeting.

  “Gabrielle is staying.” Nikolai could hear the euphoria in his own voice and didn’t care one whit. Let the whole world know he was in love with the female who completed him.

  “Hot damn!” the vampire shouted. “That is great news. Does she know?”

  “She knows everything.”

  A whistle rang over the line. “I’m happy for you, Nik. Really happy for you.”

  “You should probably be aware Gabby enjoys reading vampire novels.”

  Vincent laughed loud and hard. Niko could imagine the male kicked back in his chair, mouth gaping open. “I caught her reading one. Maybe they’ll teach her some new tricks. I’ve heard some of those can be used as how-to manuals.”

  Niko let Vincent have his laugh before adding, “Especially one about a vamp named Sebastian—” The laughing stopped. “—and his human love—”

  “Margaret.” The name was no more than a heartbroken sigh.

  “I don’t think she’ll say anything, but I thought you should know.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Every night for the next week Gabby slept in Nikolai’s arms, tucked against the hard contours of his muscular body. He’d gone over the top wining and dining her, wooing her. They’d gone to the fanciest restaurants in town, logged time at every romantic comedy currently in the theatre, and cuddled on the couch watching the cute weather girl on KHB.

  It’d been a week of sleeping in the same bed. A week of living in the same house. A week of married life without the vows and rings—and sex.

  It wasn’t for lack of trying, and she wasn’t sure what the hell Fate’s problem was. They’d been interrupted by Gustav popping into their bedroom unannounced. Stephon pounding on their front door while they were half naked on the couch. Vincent had walked in on them completely compromised in Niko’s office. Even the UPS guy seemed to have something against Gabby losing her virginity.

  She was going to die a virgin!

  She sighed and tried not to think of the man who was currently MIA. Nikolai went off to meetings this morning. Meetings his Administrative Assistant knew nothing about. Part of her wanted to question where he was.

  But whenever curiosity licked at her frontal lobe, she closed her eyes and recalled the image of her birthmark on his chest. That was all it took.

  Nikolai was hers. She was his. Forever.

  The outside door to her office opened and a huge bouquet of flowers appeared in the doorway, then another and another until the office looked like a freakin’ flower shop. A really expensive flower shop. The men didn’t say a word, didn’t even acknowledge her presence, let alone her questions. The last guy set his vase down and turned to leave, locking the door on his way out.

  Gabby was still stunned as she moved from vase to vase admiring, savoring the velvety textures and the exquisite smells, looking for a blasted card. Not that she wondered who had sent them, just why.

  A soft click alerted her to Niko only seconds after she’d sensed him. She’d become very aware of him. If he was anywhere close, even in Vincent’s office three floors down, she could sense him; his presence, his mood, his desire.

  “You’ve kinda outdone…” The words stuck in her throat as she turned.

  He stood in the doorway. A tuxedo draped beautifully on his muscular body. His black hair fell
in waves to caress his broad shoulders and his magnificent black eyes were the most amazing shade of silver. In his fingers was a single long-stemmed red rose.

  “Niko, what’s…?”

  He crossed the room and silenced her with a kiss. He pulled back and put a finger to her lips, silencing her questions. She wasn’t sure what to think. Not that thinking was possible. Her mind spun, her heart pounded, and her tongue felt like the Sahara had taken up residence in her mouth.

  Nikolai took both of her hands in his. They were warm, strong, steady. “Gabrielle, for three long years, I’ve known we were meant to be together. I know it’s proper to consult your father first, but I have already asked the question and you’ve already—”

  “Don’t worry about my dad,” she interrupted, dismissing his guilt with a wave of her hand. “We haven’t spoken in years.”

  One dark brow rose. “You haven’t spoken to him in years?”


  “Was he even invited to your wedding?”

  She felt herself blush and looked at her toes. Wow, his shoes are shiny! “Dammit, I was trying to get you to—” She forced herself to meet his stare; one corner of his mouth was lifted accusingly. “Are you angry?”

  “No.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I wish you would have just been honest about how you felt.”

  “Hi pot—” She shook his hand. “—I’m kettle.”

  Warm, deep laughter filled the room. “Touché.”

  He sucked in a deep breath and released it, dropping to one knee. Reaching into the inside pocket of his jacked, he pulled out a red velvet box. A soft creak and a crack revealed all kind of sparkle.

  “Gabrielle Ryan, you are my life, my love, my heart. Will you marry me?”

  Her knees went weak, and she dropped down to kneel in front of her heartmate. “There is nothing I want more.” His lips were soft under hers. “Yes, Nikolai. Yes, I will marry you.”

  She launched herself at him, sending them both toppling over in a pile of limbs and quickly discarded clothing. Somewhere in the very deep depths of her lust-hazed mind, she registered a feminine curse as Niko popped them into their bedroom.

  Through the small crack in the door, Natasha wasn’t sure which emotion would overcome her. Fury told her to destroy the flowers, the vases … hell, the whole damn office. Despair drove her to drop to her knees and let loose the sobs simmering just below the surface. But it was the desire for retribution that won out.

  When she’d gotten out of bed this morning, she’d primped until every curl was perfect. Her plan had been to claim what was hers. She’d given Nikolai a week to lick his wounds, to get over the stupid, nothing human who wasn’t good enough for him. That’s not how it turned out though, was it?

  The little tramp had fallen into his arms and accepted his proposal.

  Natasha shook her head, trying to understand what had gone wrong. Her plans had been foolproof. She’d plotted out every conceivable error and had made sure to cover her tracks. Why hadn’t it worked?

  It had been a shame, really. Jayson McDade was a good-looking male with muscles in all the right places. He’d looked so pleased when he opened the door, a smile on his chiseled face. It still infuriated Natasha to know that smile had been for Gabby.

  She thought back to how easy it’d been to sink her teeth into Jayson’s neck. The muscular cords resisted the penetration for only a moment before relinquishing his life’s blood. Lust pooled in her belly. His taste thrummed over her tongue; the strength, the wild musk suggesting he was more than a lawyer. She considered draining him, considered changing him, and making him hers.

  Decision made, she sucked harder. He would learn to love her.

  Then he uttered one unforgiveable word.

  Nothing like a slap of ice cold reality to remind her why she’d darkened Jayson McDade’s door.

  It’d given her great pleasure to end the life of the mortal. His murder had been a desperate means to a happy ending. She’d learned a few things and the next homicide would bring about her happiness by forever destroying theirs.

  Nikolai froze. Gabrielle lay beneath him on his bed. The muscles in his arms burned as he looked down at her. Her skin was flushed, an exquisite pink that made her all the more beautiful.

  “Nikolai, what’s wrong?” She slowly lifted her heavy lids to reveal the blue beneath.

  His body was screaming, aching to take her. He’d been waiting for his moment for so long. Even now, her hands pulled on his arms, urging him back down to her. She arched against him. With hands that shook he ran a finger down her cheek, her neck, and into the valley of her bosom.

  “We can’t do this.”

  “W- we can’t?” She went limp. “Why?”

  He wanted to smack himself in the forehead with the palm of his hand. He felt so stupid. All of these years he’d spent near her, loving her, wanting her, and he’d never noticed before.

  “I need you to be honest with me, Gabrielle.”

  She pulled her shirt closed to cover the white lace of her bra. “Look, if you don’t want to…” she paused when her voice cracked.

  Did she not feel how desperately he wanted to make love to her? She struggled against the pillows and sat up to face him.

  He brushed a soft, gentle kiss against her lips, making sure to let his hips grind into her body. “Oh, I want you.” His voice was thick, deep, desperate. “Sweet Gabrielle, there is nothing I want more than to make love to you, but there’s something I must clarify first.”

  “What’s to clarify?” she huffed. “I want you, you want me. So stop stalling. Put out or get out!” Her hands hit the mattress in clear frustration. Her words shocked him, but the frustration … yeah, he got that.

  He sat back on his haunches and gently took her hand in his. “Have you been with another man?”

  “Define ‘been with’.” She blushed and dropped her eyes.

  “I know you are innocent. I can … sense it.”

  The light pink hue of her cheeks flamed red. “You can sense it? Well, hell—” She jerked her hand away, got off the bed, and started pacing. “—just what else can you sense about me? And why are we discussing this now? Surely, you’ve known all along.”

  “No, I just realized. Gabrielle, are you sure I’m—”

  “Cut the noble shit, okay? So, I’m a virgin. Does that piece of intel change the way you feel about me? You don’t want me now? When you thought I was a sex kitten, you were all over me but now—”

  She threw her hands in the air and screamed so loudly his ears would ring for decades before whirling to continue her tirade.

  “I get it; vampires don’t want an inexperienced woman.” She popped her hands on her hips and her shirt fell open. Every infuriated breath caused her breasts to move. They were so captivating Nikolai found himself unable to look at anything else, unable think of anything else.

  “Stop ogling me!” She glowered at him and yanked the shirt back together. “Seriously!”

  “Sorry.” He shook his head to clear his clouded thoughts. “I can assure you, I want you as much as I ever have. Maybe even more. I love you, Gabby. You are mine. Right now, I am strung so tightly I’m about to snap.”

  “So snap, already!” To punctuate her words she shucked her blouse.

  He raised a brow when she reached around to unzip her skirt. His heart skipped a beat. His throat constricted and he didn’t even want to think about what was taking place below his belt. Black fabric slid down her hips and pooled on the floor around her four-inch heels. His fingers curled into the bedding, knotting themselves into the sheets. It was either that or her hair.

  “Your first time—” He had to close his eyes if he was going to say what needed to be said and rubbed at his temples. “Your first time should be perfect. Slow and gentle.”

  He heard the scuffing of her feet, the subtle crunching of the sheets, and knew he was in trouble. Her fingers tickled his face. His eyes shot open and he jumped when her lips pressed against the heart
mate tattoo on his chest. When she looked at him her eyes were with pure intense focus.

  “I want you to be my first. My last. My only.” She took his hand, placing it on the lace of her bra. The diamond and platinum ring sparkled as she urged him with a kneading motion. “If it’s you, it will be perfect. I’ve waited a very long time for this, Niko. Please give me what we both want.”

  All self-control vanished in that moment. He grabbed her, tossing her against the mattress. He caught her gasp with a kiss then moved his lips across her cheek, down her neck to where her pulse beat strongest. Suddenly overcome with the urge to bite her, to taste the sweet nectar that was exclusively Gabrielle, he unsheathed his fangs and let them drag along her skin.

  She sucked in a breath. He stopped, torn between what he wanted and what she wanted. Her fingers wove into his hair, curling themselves around the strands to the point of pain, urging his head down toward her neck.

  “Please,” she whispered, dropping her head to the side, offering herself to him. “I want to be inside you.”

  Overcome with the honor she presented him, he raked his fangs over her skin again.

  A shudder rippled from head to toe and a seductive moan escaped Gabby’s lips. Nikolai ran his tongue over her vein, slowly, sensuously, and then twin pin pricks pierced her skin. The pain subsided almost before she recognized it. A sucking sensation was followed by a low groan. The sweet suckling pulls as Niko drank sent a shot of lust racing through her, lighting her up brighter than a firework display on a moonless night.

  An orgasm bubbled in her belly and released itself on a scream. She rode the wave, her legs scissoring against each other. She ached. She needed.

  He captured her mouth with his. Their tongues tangled and she could taste what must be her blood. He was rough, yet gentle as he stripped her bra away. Then, kissing his way down her belly, removed her panties. He stood and quickly removed his pants as well. No boxers. She smiled.


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