Bound by Desire: King of Diamonds (Wonderland Book 3)

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Bound by Desire: King of Diamonds (Wonderland Book 3) Page 7

by Jaymie Holland

  A large blackbird, a raven she thought, darted by. It circled and landed on a naked branch of the lone tree close to the window. Abra pawed the air as if she could swat the bird.

  From Annie’s position she didn’t see a village and didn’t see people anywhere. Living souls had to be somewhere close to the king—right?

  King of Diamonds. She shook her head and then remembered the diamond tattoo on the back of Karn’s right shoulder. Interesting. Did his brothers have tattoos as well?

  She closed her eyes, blotting out the view of the sea and the moors. Her entire body tingled as she pictured Karn and thought about what an incredible body he had.

  He was interested in her? How was that even possible?

  Abra mewled as she turned and walked onto Annie’s lap, as if the cat had read Annie’s thoughts and felt she should be the center of attention, not Karn.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” Annie pressed her lips against the top of Abra’s head. “I’m so very glad.”

  The moment Annie finished her breakfast, Beya appeared in a burst of sparkles. She nodded toward the window seat. The tray, as well as Abra’s saucer and bowl, disappeared.

  “Come.” Beya started toward the door that led to the hallway. “The king is waiting for you.”

  Annie swallowed and followed the woman.

  She was positive death by embarrassment was possible as Beya led her through the mansion. The little red dress was sheer and clung to her full curves as if it intended on showing every bit of her body as she passed servants and too many other folks to count. She wished she hadn’t put on her glasses, because then she wouldn’t so clearly see their interested glances as she walked by with Beya.

  Most of the people she passed were fully clothed, but some were dressed as scantily as she was, which made her feel a little better. All of the barely clad women had collars, though, one thing Annie could be thankful she didn’t have.

  She’d left Abra in her chambers, afraid the cat might get lost in this mausoleum of a mansion. Thankfully, at Annie’s request, Beya had come up with a kitty litter box of sorts, along with a crystal dish of water for Abra.

  “Here you be, Mistress,” Beya said as she brought Annie to a pair of double doors at the back of the mansion. The doors were like rich mahogany with stained-glass panes in the same intricate design as the diamond on the back of Karn’s right shoulder.

  Through the red and gold panes, Annie’s view was slightly distorted, but she saw what appeared to be greenery and flowers in a massive glass-enclosed area.

  “Sire Karn is in the garden.” Beya opened the doors. She gave a nod in the direction of a wall of bright red flowers. “Over yon, Mistress. Behind the star-flower blooms.”

  The beauty contrasted sharply with what she’d seen of the mansion in her painting, the powerful storm last night, and her view of the sea and moors from the window of the bedroom.

  “Thank you, Beya.” Annie took a deep breath and walked away from the tiny woman and out onto a flagstone patio, and then lush grass. It was wet beneath her feet and her nipples tightened from the slight chill in the air. The rain had stopped late last night. The sky was a broody gray, but it didn’t look like it was going to rain now. Whatever the case, they were protected by the enormous garden under glass.

  Sweet perfume from countless flowers met her nose, like the perfumes of roses and orchids, yet different. The glass was so clear she almost expected to smell salt and brine from the sea, and hear the familiar sound of waves crashing against the shore. However, it was quiet in the garden.

  At the very center was a tree with feathery blue leaves, the only of its kind in the garden that she could see.

  Trees similar to weeping willows, but with tiny purple flowers, surrounded the area like dark sentinels. Within its boundaries brilliant flowers in shades of purple, blue, and yellow, orange, red, and pink populated curved paths and mounds that looked like miniature rolling hills. Hedges and trees had been shorn into intricate patterns that appealed to her artistic nature. Her fingers itched to hold a paintbrush and to put to canvas the beauty of this place.

  She strolled through the wet grass toward the red flower wall, in the direction Beya had indicated. Her heart pounded and she rubbed her sweaty palms on the thin material of the tiny dress.

  What Karn had in mind for her, she didn’t know. Just the thought of being in his presence made her imagine what it would be like to have sex with him.

  To fuck him. Her cheeks heated at the forbidden word. That’s what Alexi always called, it. Fucking. And that’s what Karn called it, too.

  When she reached the wall of red flowers, Annie paused for a moment, trying to gain some semblance of composure. In, out. In, out, she told herself as she tried to remember how to breathe, something Alexi and Awai were always telling her to do if she became anxious over anything.

  Calm down. It wasn’t like she was going to meet some monster, like in her dream last night.

  No. Not a monster. A kidnapping weretiger king with the body of a god and a penchant for ordering women around.

  She took a deep breath, rounded the wall, and came to an abrupt stop.

  Karn stood beside several pieces of ebony marble furniture with thin veins of gold throughout the smooth polished surfaces. Chairs, a long rectangular table, a bench, and smaller tables were arranged in a private garden area.

  The arrogant king leaned against the flower wall, his arms folded, his expression stern. But what caught her complete attention was the fact that he was naked.

  A mouthwatering, breath-stealing, drop-dead gorgeous hunk of man, naked.

  He sported a cock so firm and erect that she almost whimpered with lust at the sight of it.

  Karn studied her. “You made me wait far too long.”

  “Sorry,” she said automatically, then bit her tongue, wishing she could take it back. She didn’t owe him any apologies.

  He pushed away from the wall and strode toward her. The scars on his chest were more apparent in the sunlight and, like last night, made him seem even darker and more dangerous.

  She noticed a red scarf in one of his hands. She couldn’t take her eyes off it until he stood in front of her. Her gaze dropped and she stared. Such a long, thick, and luscious cock, that she’d had in her mouth last night.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  It was like her body was so attuned to his commands that she reacted at once, tearing her gaze from his erection and focusing on his face. She didn’t need her glasses to see up close, and right now she wished she didn’t have them on. They made her look frumpy and like a college professor.

  Oh, yeah. I am a college professor.

  Annie swallowed, tempted to look away from his dark eyes.

  Karn folded his arms across his chest. “Remove your clothing.”

  This time her whole face felt like she’d opened a hot oven and had stuck her head inside. Her face grew impossibly hotter at his demand. She took a step back, but he caught her arm and held her.

  Before she had the chance to decide if she was going to do as he asked, or if she would disobey, Karn moved his hands to the neckline of her dress. With one quick tear, he ripped the fragile material. It tore like flower petals in his hands, and the next thing she knew the fabric was sliding off her body and she was completely naked.

  Annie gasped and tried to cover her breasts with her hands, but Karn caught her wrists.

  He let out a sound like a tiger’s growl and her heart dropped to her toes. “You will not hide yourself from me when I wish to see you.”

  Her brain decided to take a vacation and she didn’t know what to say. Yes, no, maybe so?

  “When you respond you must say, ‘Yes, Sire.’” Karn raised the scarf and slid it over her shoulder and down to her breast. “Is that clear?”

  Things were getting out of hand, and a little scary. The look in his eyes both excited and frightened her all at once. It was the fear that made her whisper, “Yes, Sire.”

  The corn
er of his mouth curved, a carnal smile that made her clit throb. “Very good. Put your hands behind your back and turn away from me.”

  Strangely enough, it felt almost natural following his instructions. Not to mention that being naked in the middle of an enclosed garden felt naughty. Exciting, even. After she put her hands behind her back, Karn guided her by gently pushing her around so that her back was to him.

  The next thing she knew he was binding her wrists with the silk scarf. Her throat went dry and her pulse raced. What is he going to do?

  “Kneel.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and applied light pressure, forcing her to comply.

  The grass was wet beneath her knees and her long hair slid across her breasts and along the top of her buttocks. Cool air brushed her nipples and mound, causing goose bumps to prickle her skin. With her hands tied behind her back, her breasts thrust forward. Annie didn’t know whether to be embarrassed, angry, or excited. She felt a little of everything, and the feelings confused her.

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asked as he came around to stand before her.

  This time, a short red leather strap was in his hand and large diamond-shaped crystals glittered along its surface.

  “You belong to me, Annie.” He trailed the strap over her shoulder, up her neck, and along her cheek. “You will wear this collar to make it clear to you and to anyone who sees you.”

  Her jaw dropped. She stared at him, certain he was out of his ever-loving mind. “I’m not a possession.”

  “You are my possession.” He smiled and it was so sinfully sexy that all the protests building inside her melted away. She could hardly think as he fastened the collar around her neck.

  Annie couldn’t believe she was wearing nothing but a collar and had her hands bound behind her back.

  A forbidden thrill shot through her.

  Moral and feminist indignation aside, she actually liked how it felt.

  A red leather strap appeared in his hand, and he gently caressed her shoulder with it. “It is time for your first punishment.”

  Blood pounded in Annie’s ears. “You’re not going to beat me or whip me, are you?”

  Continuing his erotic caress with the strap, Karn slid it over her breasts, teasing her nipples. He moved around to her backside where she could no longer see him and he trailed the strap over her shoulder blades and buttocks. “You will feel both pleasure and pain in your punishment.”

  “It’s the pain I’m not too sure about.” Annie’s voice trembled slightly. “I’m scared.”

  He came back around and knelt before her. He placed a light kiss to her forehead then caught her chin in his hand. “I would never hurt you. Trust me.”


  DESIRE ROARED IN KARN’S GUT. He grew crazy with lust at the sight of his woman on her knees, wearing his collar, her hands bound behind her back, her body naked and waiting for him. He inhaled her perfume of vanilla and her woman’s musk, drinking it in until he felt the intoxicating scent roar through his veins. She was frightened of the unknown, yes, but his keen weretiger senses told him she was aroused.

  He released his hold on her chin and studied her a moment. With his thumb and forefinger, he pinched the folded leather strap and gently brushed Annie’s lips with it. “This time, I will spank you with my bare hand. As I said, you will feel both pain and pleasure.” He brought the strap down, lightly touching first one nipple, then the other, and the taut nubs grew harder yet. “Next time I will not be so easy on you.”

  Behind her eyewear, Annie’s eyes were wide with concern, but her pupils were large with desire, too. She licked her lips and her voice was husky. “I didn’t sign up for this. You abducted me through the painting and you’ve made me stay. Let me tell you now, I’m not a toy, or some child to be ordered around.”

  He slowly shook his head. “I am the King of Diamonds, an you belong to me. I will never forget my responsibility to you.” Her jaw dropped and her eyes went impossibly wider as he spoke. “As such, you will learn to accept my commands, to respect me as your ruler, and to trust me without question.”

  Annie’s thoughts spun. She couldn’t believe what he was saying. The books she’d read on relationships said zilch about the proper reaction to being told she was going to be spanked by a king.



  His possession?

  She shivered, unable to fully comprehend what he’d said. But even harder to believe was the fact that she was so incredibly turned on. She was hot and wet, her nipples hard in the chill air, her body on fire. This was utterly crazy. She pulled against the bindings at her wrists, but they held tight.

  “Before I address your transgressions,” Karn spoke above the pounding in her head, “I wish for you to suck me.”

  As he straightened, Annie couldn’t help the desire burning through her. Her mouth watered as he held his erection in one hand and pressed it to her lips. With his other hand, he caught a lock of her hair and held her still.

  Karn was near to exploding. When she flicked her tongue against the head of his cock, he barely held his groan in check. He pushed himself into her mouth and she felt hot and wet.

  Nothing had excited him more than the sight of his sweet woman pleasuring him.

  He moved his hips, sliding in and out of her mouth. Tension gathered in his groin, and after mere moments he felt close to exploding.

  His climax slammed into him out of nowhere. Fire burned in his groin, flames licking his skin as it traveled through his limbs to his head and feet. He had never come so hard as he did then, his come shooting into Annie’s mouth.

  She swallowed and continued to suck him, drawing out his orgasm until he could take it no longer.

  “Enough!” Karn withdrew his cock from between her lips, and it glistened in the sunlight from her wet mouth. “Now for your punishment.”

  While he helped Annie to her feet, her expression was satisfied, as if pleased she had made him climax in her mouth. But then she looked confused, frightened, as well as aroused.

  “I don’t know about this,” she said as he led her to the black marble bench beside the wall.

  Karn waved his hand, and like magic her bonds fell away. “Take off your eyewear, place it on the table, and then straddle the bench.” His tone was calm but firm. “And do not forget how it is you are supposed to address me.”

  Annie hesitated, trying to remember through the confusion that fogged her brain. She finally came up with, “Yes, Sire.”

  Her heart pounded as she obeyed. What else could she do? She had always stood up for herself in the academic world, her sharp mind and intelligence serving as weapons that she wielded as easily as a knight might wield a sword. But here she was completely out of her element. She had never been naked with a man, much less done the things she’d done with Karn since only last night.

  She didn’t understand why a part of her enjoyed this so much. How could she want him even more? Somehow, giving up power and turning it over to him was exciting, intoxicating even.

  After Annie put her glasses on the small table, she straddled the bench. The marble was cool between her thighs and against her folds and ass. It gave her sharp thrills that curled up and into her belly and made her so hot that for a moment she forgot about the punishment thing. She brought her hands in front of her and braced herself on the bench as she looked at him.

  He slid the leather strap over the marble in front of her. From out of nowhere a blanket appeared, covering the marble. “Lie flat and let your arms hang over the sides.”

  Annie bit her lip as she held onto the surface now softened by the blanket. She leaned forward until her breasts and mound pressed flat to the surface. She turned her face so that her cheek rested against the bench and she was looking into the garden.

  In a matter of moments, Karn had her wrists bound to the bench legs before her, and her ankles tied at the other end. It drove her crazy how excited and terrified she felt all at once. Her belly flip-
flopped in anticipation at the same time her chest ached with fear.

  When he had thoroughly bound her, Karn knelt near her face. She could smell his heady male musk and longed to be held in his powerful arms. He gently rubbed his palm over her ass as he watched her.

  “I will only punish you when you disobey me,” he said calmly, like they were discussing the day’s events over a cup of coffee and a newspaper. “You must understand you will be punished if warranted.”

  Annie swallowed hard, fighting down the retort that rushed to her lips, and the niggling of fear that came from his threat. He brought out another red scarf, and the next thing she knew he was sliding it into her mouth, tying it behind her head, and gagging her. The scarf was snug against her cheeks, but not so tight that it hurt.

  What is he going to do to me? Her thoughts went wild with images of him spanking her until she cried.

  Karn turned to caressing her ass, the feel of his callused hand making her wetter than ever.

  The first time he swatted her with his palm she cried out against her gag and tears pricked behind her eyes. Her ass stung, yet it caused pleasurable tingles to radiate through her core. Karn continued to watch her face and she found she couldn’t take her gaze from his.

  He swatted her again and again. First one cheek, then the other, then both cheeks near her thighs, then the top of her ass. The initial shock and pain wore off, and to her surprise she found herself so turned on she was close to climax.

  Karn glanced to her buttocks, then back to her eyes as he continued to spank her. “Your ass turns an enticing shade of pink,” he murmured as he swatted her again.

  Annie groaned, the fire inside her building and building.

  “You may not reach climax without my permission.” He rested his hand on her tingling butt cheeks. “Are you close?”


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