The jury considered the evidence and decided that Gardner had acted in self-defence and returned a not guilty verdict.
(3) Frederick Henry Seddon, 1912
When Frank Ernest Vonderache called at 63 Tollington Park, Islington, to see his cousin, Eliza Barrow, who lodged there, he was shocked to find that she had died, on Thursday 14 September 1911, and was now buried. What was even more of a shock, was that Miss Barrow had apparently signed all of her property and assets to her landlord, Frederick Henry Seddon.
Frank Vonderache believed that this was totally out of character for his cousin, and this, added to the haste in which she had been buried, led him to take his concerns to the police.
Police investigations showed that Miss Barrow had first fallen ill on 1 September 1911, and the doctor had attended a number of times before she died, two weeks later. The cause of death had been given as acute enteritis, but by this time, the police had come to think that her death was just too convenient for Frederick Seddon. The previous year, Miss Barrow had signed over some property, and some stocks, in return for an annuity of a few pounds. Now that she was dead, all the property belonged to Seddon, and he had paid out very little in return. It was decided to exhume Miss Barrow’s body and subject it to a second post-mortem.
The exhumation took place on 15 November, and Bernard Spilsbury performed the new examination. He determined that the true cause of death was arsenic poisoning. Both Seddon, and his wife, Margaret Ann, were arrested and charged with murder.
The trial of the husband and wife opened on 4 March 1912, and lasted until 14 March. At the end of that time, the jury found Mrs Seddon not guilty, but determined that Frederick was guilty as charged. Mr Justice Bucknill then sentenced him to death.
A subsequent appeal having failed, Henry Seddon was hanged, at Pentonville, on Thursday 18 April 1912, by John Ellis and Thomas Pierrepoint. Right up to the end, Seddon claimed that he was innocent of any involvement in the death of Eliza Barrow.
(4) Joe Meek, 1967
Born Robert George Meek, on 5 April 1929, Meek became a famous record producer and songwriter, based at his studios at 304 Holloway Road, Islington. Amongst his most memorable productions was Telstar, the first record by a British group, the Tornados, ever to reach number one in the United States, and Have I The Right, by the Honeycombs.
Unfortunately, the early success soon ended and Meek fell into debt, causing him acute depression. Allied to that, was the fact that Meek was a homosexual, at a time when this was still illegal in Britain, and punishable by imprisonment.
Things came to a head in January 1967 when police in Tattingstone, Suffolk, found the body of Bernard Oliver, a rent-boy, dumped in a suitcase. As part of their investigation, officers said that they intended to interview all known homosexuals within the City and, since Meek had a previous association with Oliver, he suspected that he would figure heavily in those interviews.
Just a few days later, on 3 February 1967, coincidentally, the eighth anniversary of the death of Buddy Holly, Meek took a single barrelled shotgun and killed his landlady, Violet Shenton, who lived on the ground floor. He then returned to his studio, and shot himself. He was only thirty-seven years old.
Abrahams, David
Ackland, Edward
Ackland, Rebecca
Albion, Pub
Albion Street
Alfred Street
Allen, Alfred
Allen, Constable Peter
Allen, Harry
Allen, Mary Ann
Allen, Sophia
Allsop, Robert Ernest
Andover Road
Asher, Henry
Ashton, Constable John
Austin, Herbert
Baderski, Lucy
Bailey, Constable Charles
Bailey, David Henry
Baker, Constable Sidney Robert
Ball, Thomas
Ballard, Catherine
Ballard, Elizabeth
Ballard, John
Ballard, Mary
Banner, Constable
Barber, Amelia
Barnes, George Frederick
Barrett, Charles
Barrow, Eliza
Bashford, Dr Anthony
Bateman, Samuel Albert
Baxter, Mary Ann
Beckley, Sergeant George
Beesley, Edward
Bell, Arthur
Benbow, Henry
Berry, Edwin Louis
Berry, James
Beveridge, Detective Sergeant Peter
Billington, James
Billington, John
Billington, William
Birkett, Mr Justice
Bloom, Michael David
Bodmer, Dr Richard
Bond, Dr Thomas
Bovis, Sergeant Henry
Brandon, Ann
Bray, Dr Thomas Underwood
Bricknell, Charles Frederick
Bridgeman, Albert
Brien, Timothy
Brindle, Alfred
Broadway, John
Broadway, William
Brooker, Emma
Brown, George
Brown, Thomas
Bucknill, Mr Justice
Burman, Archibald
Burroughs, Dr William
Burt, Constable Cyril
Butcher, Alice
Butcher, Annie
Butcher, Constable William
Butler, Dr William
Button, William
Cadegan, Patrick
Calcraft, William
Caledonian Road
Campbell, George
Camps, Dr Francis Edward
Canham, Arthur James
Canham, Arthur Robert
Canham, Selina
Canham, Winifred Maud
Cannon, Frank
Capper, Constable William
Capriani, Francis
Carmody, Alice
Carmody, John
Carr, Daniel John
Carroll, Thomas
Carter, William
Cattle, William Charles
Caunter, Dr Richard Lawrence
Chapel Street
Chapman, Annie
Chapman, George
Chatterton, Alfred
Chipperfield, Alfred
Chipperfield, Maria
Christmas, Celestina
Church Lane
Clare, Joseph
Clarke, Maria
Clarke, Sophia
Clarke, William Henry
Clifford, Peter Francis
Clifton, George
Cline, Dr David
Cochrane, Constable John
Cockerell, Dennis
Coffin, Dr Thomas Walter
Cohen, Abraham
Cohen, Constable
Coker, Constable John
Cole, Louisa Beatrice
Cole, William
Coleridge, Lord (LCJ)
Coles, Detective Inspector John
Coliver, Susannah
Collins, Jane
Collins, Sergeant John
Collins, William John Brooks
Compton Street
Cooper, Alice Elizabeth
Cooper, Frederick
Cooper, Mary Ann
Cooper, Thomas
Cope, William
Cornish, Charles
Cornish, Hannah Louisa
Cornish, Hannah Maria
Cornish, William
Corter, Constable Joseph
Costello, Thomas
Cousins, Dr Edward
Coward, Dr George W H
Crew, Charles
Crook, Dr W H
Cross Street
Crow, Bernard William
Crown, The, Pub
Cummings, William
Daly, Constable Timothy
Darling, Mr Justice
Davenport, Constable George
Davidson, William Henry
Davis, Mary Ann
Davis, Thomas Robert<
br />
Davitt, Mary Kate
Day, Sarah Ann
Dean, Sarah Letitia
Dew, Inspector Walter
Dillon, Dr Edward Cupples
Donald, Dr Joseph Ricksby
Donoghue, John
Dorset Street
Doubleday, Martha
Dowling, Ellen
Dowling, George Henry
Dowling, Sidney Victor
Downes, Alexander
Downes, Mary
Drew, George
Drover, Thomas
Du Parcq, Mr Justice
Duckett, Dr Andrew David
Duncan, Dr James
Dunn, Michael
Dunn, Patrick
Easey, James
Ede, Dr John Robert
Ellis, John
Englefield Road
Essex Road
Farthing, William
Faulkner, Dr Sydney Boyd
Fensham, Florence Louise
Fensham, Harriett Mary
Fensham, James Christy
Fensham, Walter Edward
Fensham, William Joseph
Field, Rosina
Fieldberry, Morris
Finlay, Mr Justice
Fleming, Herbert Robert
Fleming, Terence
Foster, Elizabeth
Foy, Peter
Foy, Sabina
Foy, Thomas
Frewin, Martha
Gallard, Detective Constable Henry
Gamble, Alfred
Ganderson, Millie
Gardner, Frederick
Gardner, William
Gazzard, Amelia
Gazzard, George Robert
Geary, Jane
Gibson, Dr John Rowland
Gifford Street
Giles, Eliza
Glover, John William
Godburn, Ellen
Goddard, Dr Bertram
Godley, Detective Constable
Godley, Detective Inspector
Godson Street
Goodhart, Emily
Gordon, Dr John Herd
Gorman, Mr Justice
Gould, Richard
Govers, Constable George
Grande, John
Grantham, Mr Justice
Grapel, Dr Francis Gaspard
Gray, Dr Thomas Underwood
Gray Esther Elizabeth
Gregoriou, Panayotis
Griffiths, Alfred
Grover, Thomas
Haliday, Constable James
Halliwell, Kenneth
Hampson, Joseph
Harbinson, Dr Robert James
Harding, Maria
Hare, Detective Inspector Albert
Hargan, Walter Alfred
Harley, Sergeant Hugh
Harman, Mary Ann
Harris, Stanley William
Hassall, Edward Walter
Havers, Mr Justice
Hawkins, Mr Justice
Hay, William
Hayes, Henry
Helsdown, Annie
Hertford Road
Hewart, Lord (LCJ)
High Street
Hilbery, Mr Justice
Hill, Constable Benjamin
Hill, Thomas Charles
Hooper, James
Horsford, Constable George
Howard, John William
Howe, John
Hudd, Kenneth Edward
Huggin, Dr Samuel Tilcot
Hunter, Charlotte
Hunter, Elizabeth Anne
Hunter, Susan
Huntley, Constable Charles
Ingram, James
Islington Green
Ivey, Constable
Jamieson, Inspector John Rowland
Jared, Charles
Jarvis, John
Jarvis, Mary Ann
Jeanes, Constable Jabez
Jelf, Mr Justice
Jennings, Charlotte
Johnson, Dr Hugh Robert Molesworth
Johnson, John Richard
Jones, Alfred
Jones, Charles George
Jones, Edward
Kear, Constable William
Keeble, Henry
King, Inspector Arthur
King, Susan
Kitching, Constable
Klosowski, Severin Antoniovitch
Kurn, Ebenezer
Lambert, Mary Ann
Lambert, William
Lane, John Henry
Lang, Simeon
Langdon, Inspector George
Lea, John
Leat, Mary Ann
Lee, Maria
Legg, Dr Thomas Percy
Leggatt, Peter
Levisohn, Wolff
Lightfoot, Arthur William
Linton Street
Lion Tavern, Pub
Littledale, Mr Justice
Litton, Edward
Liverpool Road
Lord, Dr Alfred
Lord Nelson, Pub
Lovett, James
Lovett, Jane
Lower Road
Lucas, Jessie Elizabeth
Lucas, James
Lurati, Frank Luigi
Lynch, Bridget
Lynch, John
Lynch, Martin
Lynch, Patrick
Madden, Dr George
Madden, William
Mallett, Constable James
March, Anne
Marden, Francis Edward
Marden, Henry
Marquess Tavern, Pub
Marsh, Alice May
Marsh, Eliza
Marsh, Henry
Marsh, Maud Eliza
Marsh, Robert
Marshall, Ethel May
Martin, Charles
Martin, Dr Robert
Marwood, Ronald Henry
Marwood, William
Mather, Dr John Bubbers
McLoughlin, Frederick Francis
McMurdo, Dr Gilbert
Meek, Robert George (Joe)
Mercer, Sergeant Richard
Merchan, Edwin Leonard
Merritt, Constable Harry Edward
Michael, Demetris
Miles, Constable John
Miller, Detective Inspector Jack
Miller, Inspector James
Mills, Emma
Mitchell, Joseph
Mitford Road
Moir, James
Moir, John
Molloy, Ann
Monument, Pub
Morgan, Charles
Morgan, Hannah
Moring, George
Morley, Harry
Morris, Louisa Sarah
Moss, Constable Charles
Mott, Charles
Mumford, Jane
Munro, Dr Lois
Munt, Rachel
Murphy, Dr Thomas
Murphy, Frederick George
Murphy, Jessie
Nathan, Michael
Neal, Theresa
Neal, Thomas
Neil, Detective Sgt Arthur, later Inspector
Nevill, James
Nevill, Susannah
Newgate Prison
Newton, Emily
Noel Road
Nolan, Peter
Northdown Street
Norton, Hannah
Norton, John
Oakley, Constable William
Odell, Susannah
Old Bailey
Oliver, Bernard
Orton, John Kingsley (Joe)
Osborn, Sergeant George
O’Shea, Detective Inspector Thomas
Owen, George
Oxley James William
Painter, Elizabeth Anne
Palmer, Martha
Parish, Emma
Park Street
Parker, Constable Frank
Payne, William
Payne Street
Pearce, Constable William
Peck, Catherine
Peck, Jane Harriett
Peck, Thomas
Pentonville Prison
sp; Percival, Detective Sergeant Kenneth
Perry, John Selby
Pheby, Mary
Phillips, Edmund
Phillips, Thomas
Pied Bull, Pub
Pierce, Henry Edward
Pierrepoint, Henry
Pierrepoint, Thomas
Platten, Mary
Pridden, Eliza
Pridden, Gregory
Prince of Wales, Pub
Pursey, Francis
Queen’s Head, Pub
Quinlan, John Patrick
Ramsay, Frederick
Ranyard, Constable James
Rayner, Florence
Rayner, George
Read, Dr Septimus
Renton, Joseph Smith
Roberts, Dr Margery Edna
Robinson, Dr Malachi Joseph
Robinson, Emily
Robinson, Harry
Robinson, James Frederick
Roe, Dr Edward
Rogers, Charles Henry
Rogers, James
Roman Road
Rorke, Jesse Eliza
Rorke, Mary Eliza
Rorke, William Joseph
Roth, Constable Reuben
Rowe, George
Rowntree, Dr Sidney John
Roxborough, William Peter
Sach, Amelia
Sadler, Sarah
Sanson, Dr Arthur Henry
Sarson, Benjamin
Savage, Dr George Henry
Savory, Constable Cornelius
Saywood, James
Scott, James
Seddon, Frederick Henry
Seddon, Margaret Ann
Selby, Detective Constable Walter
Semple, Dr Robert Henry
Seven Sisters Road
Shadbolt, Emily
Shaw, Jack
Shearman, Mr Justice
Shears, George
Shenton, Violet
Shrosbee, Thomas
Silence, Edward
Siliphant, Dr Horatio
Simmons, Erasmus
Simmons, George Nicholls
Simpson, Jane
Simpson, Professor Cedric Keith
Smith, James
Smith, John (1823)
Smith, John (1907)
Smith, Sergeant James
Smith, Thomas
Soall, Edward
Somner, Celestina
Somner, Karl
Spilsbury, Dr Bernard Henry
Spink, Mary Isabella
St Bartholomew’s, Hospital
St James Road
St Peter Street
Stammers, Constable Herbert
Stamp, Eliza
Stanley, John
Stebbins, Joseph
Stevens, Martha
Stevenson, Dr Thomas
Stoker, Dr James Maurice
Stotter, Constable William
Strafford, Samuel
Straith, Dr Henry
Stromp, John
Stromp, Sarah
Stroud, Ann
Summers, Constable Raymond Henry
Summers, Rosalie
Sutherland, Gertrude
Swift, Mr Justice
FDSD Islington Page 21