The Bobbsey Twins Megapack

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The Bobbsey Twins Megapack Page 43

by Laura Lee Hope

  He and several boys did this, carrying it to the old barn. They had provided themselves with large spoons, and were having a good time, eating the cream, when they heard the approach of Bert and his friends, and fled, leaving the cream behind.

  It was during a dispute as to who should have the right to first dip into the freezer that Danny and a boy named Jake Harkness had a struggle, and in this Danny lost a button which fell into the ice cream without anyone knowing it. The coat Danny wore that night he did not put on again for some time, but when he did Bert saw the missing button.

  Danny knew that he had been found out, and for a time he had little to say. But Bert was boy enough not to be able to keep altogether quiet over his discovery. From time to time he would ask Danny:

  “Lost any more buttons, lately?”

  “You let me alone!” Danny would reply, surlily.

  Of course this made talk, the boys wanting to know what it meant, and at last the story came out. This made Danny so angry that he picked several quarrels with Bert. On his part Bert tried to avoid them, but at last he could stand it no longer, and he and Danny came to blows again, Danny striking first.

  Bert had been brought up with the idea that fighting, unless it could absolutely be avoided, was not gentlemanly, but in this case he could not get out of it.

  He and Danny went at each other with their fists clenched, a crowd of other boys looking on, and urging one or the other to do their best, for both Danny and Bert had friends, though Bert was the best liked.

  Danny struck Bert several times, and Bert hit back, once hitting Danny in the eye. Bert’s lip was cut, and when the fight was over both boys did not look very nice. But everyone said Bert had the best of it.

  “Oh, Bert!” exclaimed his mother, when he came home after the trouble with Danny. “You’ve been fighting!”

  “Yes, mother, I have,” he admitted. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it. Danny Rugg hit me first. I couldn’t run away, could I?”

  It was a hard question for a mother to answer. No mother likes to think her son a coward, and that was what the boys would have called Bert had he not stood up to Danny.

  “I—I just had to!” continued Bert. “And I beat him, anyhow, mother.”

  Mrs. Bobbsey cried a little, and then she made the best of it, and bathed Bert’s cut lip and bruised forehead. She told his father about it, too, and Mr. Bobbsey, after hearing the account, asked:

  “Who won?”

  “Well, Bert says he did?”

  “Um. Well, I’ve no doubt but what he did. He’s getting quite strong.”

  “Oh, Richard!” exclaimed Mrs. Bobbsey, in dismay.

  “Well, boys will er—have their little troubles,” said her husband. “I’m sorry Bert had to fight, but I’m glad he wasn’t a coward. But he mustn’t fight any more.”

  Then Mr. Bobbsey sat down to read the evening paper.

  The weather was getting cooler. Several nights there had been heavy frosts, and for some time the papers had been saying that it was going to snow, but the white flakes did not sift down from the sky.

  Thanksgiving was approaching. It was the end of the Fall term of school, and there were to be examinations to see who would pass into the next higher classes for the Winter season.

  Of course in the case of Freddie and Flossie, who were still in the kindergarten, the examinations were not very hard, but they were soon to go into the regular primary class, where they would learn to read. And both the twins were very anxious for this. Bert and Nan had somewhat harder lessons to do, and they had to answer more difficult questions in the examinations.

  But I am glad to say that all of the Bobbsey twins were promoted, and Freddie and Flossie came home very proud to tell that when they went back again, after the Thanksgiving holidays, they would be in the primer reading book.

  And such preparations as went on for Thanksgiving! Dinah was busy from morning until night, and when the little twins made inquiries about the turkey they were to have Mr. Bobbsey said it would be the biggest he could buy.

  “An’ I’se gwine t’ stuff him wif chestnuts an’ oysters,” said Dinah. “I tells you what, chilluns, yo’ all am suttinly gwine to hab one grand feed.”

  “I wish everybody was,” said Flossie, a bit wistfully. “I hope our cat Snoop, wherever he is, has plenty of milk, and some nice turkey bones.”

  “I guess he will have,” said Mamma Bobbsey, gently.

  “I hope all the poor children in our school have enough to eat,” said Freddie. “Mr. Tetlow said for us to bring what we could for them.”

  “And you never told me!” exclaimed Mrs. Bobbsey. “Why didn’t you? I would have sent something.”

  Neither Bert nor Nan had thought to mention at home that a collection would be taken at the school for the poor families in the town. But as soon as Mrs. Bobbsey heard what Freddie said she telephoned to her husband. Mr. Bobbsey went to see Mr. Tetlow, and from him learned that there were a number of families who would not have a very happy Thanksgiving.

  Then the lumber merchant gave certain orders to his grocer and butcher, and if a number of poor people were not well supplied with food that gladsome season, it was not the fault of Mr. Bobbsey.

  But I am getting a little ahead of my story.

  A few days before Thanksgiving Mrs. Bobbsey, with a letter in her hand, came to where the four twins were in the sitting room, talking over what they wanted for Christmas.

  “Guess who are coming to spend Thanksgiving with us!” cried Mamma Bobbsey, as she waved the letter in the air.

  “Uncle Bobbsey!” guessed Nan.

  “Uncle Minturn,” said Bert.

  The little twins guessed other friends and relatives, and finally Mrs. Bobbsey said:

  “Yes, your Uncle Bobbsey and Uncle Minturn are coming, and so are your aunts, and Cousin Harry, Cousin Dorothy and also Hal Bingham, whom you met at the seashore.”

  “Oh, what a jolly Thanksgiving it will be!” cried the Bobbsey twins.


  Mr. Tetlow Asks Questions

  Thanksgiving was celebrated in the Bobbsey home as it never had been before. I am afraid if I told you all that went on, of the big, brownroasted turkey, of the piles of crisp turkey, of the pumpkin and mince pies, of the nuts and candies, of the big dishes of cranberry sauce, and the plum pudding that Dinah carried in high above her head—I am afraid if I told you of all these things there would be trouble.

  For I am sure you would all be writing to me to ask where the Bobbseys lived, so that you might go and see them, and perhaps spend Christmas with them. Not that they would not be glad to have you, but they have so many friends that their house is sure to be filled over the holidays.

  So I will simply say that there was the grandest time ever, and let it go at that.

  Uncle and Aunt Bobbsey—Uncle and Aunt Minturn, from the country and seashore, came, with Cousin Dorothy and Cousin Harry then, also, Hal Bingham arrived, and the Bobbsey twins took great delight in showing their former playmates about Lakeport.

  “Isn’t it lonesome at the seashore now?” asked Nan of Dorothy, as she walked with her cousin about the busy streets of the town.

  “Not at all,” answered Dorothy. “The sea is never lonesome for me. It always seems to be telling me something, Winter or Summer.

  “I love it in the Summer,” said Nan, “but in the Winter it seems so cold and cruel.”

  “That is because you do not know it as well as I do,” said Dorothy.

  Hal, Harry, and Bert had fine times together. There was no skating, and the little flurry of snow there had been was not enough for coasting, but they had other fun.

  “Do your ducks miss our duck Downy?” asked Freddie of his cousin Harry.

  “Well, I guess they do,” was the laughing answer, for Freddie and Flossie had a pet duck which they took about with them almost as faithfully as they did Snoop. “How is Downy, anyhow?” asked Harry.

  “He’s fine,” answered the little fellow.
“Want to see him?” and he took his cousin out to the barn where Downy had a pen all to himself.

  “Snoop’s gone,” said Freddie, “and so is our silver cup, but maybe we’ll get that back. It’s in a circus.”

  “In a circus!” cried Harry. “I should think your cat might be in a circus, but not a silver cup.”

  “We don’t know where Snoop is,” went on Freddie, “’cause he got away at the time of the circus wreck,” and he explained about it. “But we are almost sure the circus fat lady has our cup.”

  The Thanksgiving holidays came to an end at last and, much to the regret of the Bobbseys, their visitors, old and young, had to go back to their homes.

  “But you’ll come again at Christmas, won’t you?” asked Flossie as she said goodbye.

  “We’ll try,” said her Uncle Bobbsey. “But maybe there won’t be room, with Santa Claus and all his reindeers.”

  “Oh, we’ll make room for you,” spoke Freddie. “Santa Claus won’t stay long.”

  With a merry peal of laughter the visitors went off to the station, waving farewells. Then came rather a quiet time at the Bobbsey house, as there always is when visitors go. There seems to be a sort of loneliness, when company leaves, no matter how many there are in the family, nor what fun there is. But the feeling soon passes.

  “Well, we’ll soon be at school again,” said Bert, a day or so before the opening of the Winter term. “I wish we’d get some snow. Then it would be more fun.”

  “Yes,” said Freddie. “We could build snow forts and have snowball fights. I wish it would snow hard.”

  “So do I, so we could ride down hill,” said Nan. “Is your big bob nearly done, Bert?”

  “No, Charley and I have quite a lot of things to do on it yet, but we’re going to work every night after school now, and it will soon be finished.”

  “I’m going to have skates for Christmas,” announced Freddie. “I hope the lake will be frozen over by then.”

  “I guess it will be,” returned Bert. “It’s getting colder every night.”

  The Bobbseys were back at school. For a time Nan and Bert, who were in a higher grade, did not like it so well, as they had a strange teacher, and lessons, too, were more difficult. But they were not children who gave up easily, and soon they were at the head of their class as usual. Their teacher, too, was much nicer than they had thought at first. They had considered her stern, but it was only her way, and soon wore off.

  As for Freddie and Flossie, they had advanced but little except in reading, and this opened a new world to them.

  “We’ll soon be reading books,” boasted Freddie, on his way home one day.

  “And I’m going to read all about firemen, soldiers and Indians.”

  “Oh, I’m not,” said Flossie. “I’m going to read how to be a nurse, so I can take care of you when you’re hurt.”

  “That will be nice,” said Freddie.

  One day, at recess, Bert saw Jim Osborne motioning to him in a secret sort of fashion.

  “Come on with us,” said Jim, who was a new boy in school. “Danny Rugg and some of the rest of us are going to have some sport.”

  “What doing?” asked Bert.

  “Smoking cigarettes back of the coal house. I’ve got a whole pack.”

  “No; I don’t smoke,” said Bert quietly.

  “Bah! You’re afraid!” sneered Jim.

  “Cigarettes can’t hurt you. It’s only cigars and pipes that do.”

  “Yes, I admit I am afraid,” said Bert. “I’m afraid of getting sick. Besides, I promised my mother I wouldn’t smoke until I was twenty-one, and I’m not going to tell a story. Anyhow, I’ve got an uncle who smokes, and he says cigarettes are worse than a pipe or cigars, and he ought to know.”

  “Aw, come on!” urged Jim.

  “No,” said Bert firmly, and he would not go. Jim went off with Danny and some of the other boys, and they were laughing among themselves. Bert felt that they were laughing at him, but he did not mind.

  There was to be an examination of the school by some of the members of the Board of Education late that afternoon, and, directly after recess, Mr. Tetlow went to each room to tell the pupils and teachers to get ready for it, and to put certain work on the blackboards, so it could be seen.

  When the principal got to the room where Danny Rugg and his particular chums sat, Mr Tetlow, sniffing the air suspiciously, said:

  “I smell smoke!”

  “I have been noticing it, too,” said the lady teacher. “Perhaps the furnace does not work properly.”

  “It isn’t that kind of smoke,” went on Mr. Tetlow. “It is tobacco smoke. Have any of you boys been smoking during recess?” he asked sternly, looking across the room.

  No one answered. Danny, Jim, and some of the others seemed to be studying their geography lessons very hard.

  “I just want to say a word about cigarette smoking,” went on Mr. Tetlow, “for that is usually how a boy begins. Of smoking in general, when a boy gets to be a man, I have nothing to say. Some say it is injurious, and others not, in moderation. But there can be no doubt that for a growing boy to smoke is very harmful. Again I ask if anyone here has been smoking?”

  No one replied. The guilty boys bent deep over their books and did not look up.

  “Well, I am sure someone here has,” said Mr. Tetlow. “I can smell it plainly.” He walked down the aisles, looking sharply from one boy to another. If he was sure who were the guilty ones he gave no sign. “And I want to add,” said Mr. Tetlow, “that not only is cigarette smoking harmful to the smoker, but it is dangerous. Many fires have been caused in that way. If I find out who of my pupils have been smoking around the school they will be severely punished.”


  The First Snow

  There was considerable talk among the boys in Danny’s room after Mr. Tetlow departed. And it was noticed that Danny and some of his particular friends looked around with rather frightened faces, over their shoulders, as they talked among themselves. What they said could not be heard, for they spoke in whispers.

  “I hope you weren’t one of those boys, Bert,” said Nan, as she passed her brother on the way home from school that afternoon. “If you were—”

  “You needn’t worry,” he said, with a smile. “I’m not ready to smoke yet.”

  “Nor ever, I hope,” said Nan, as she turned up her little nose. “It—it smells so.”

  Nothing more was heard of the smoking matter for several days, and it was about forgotten, when something else came to claim the attention of the Bobbsey twins and their friends.

  It was toward the close of school one afternoon, when all the pupils were wishing the hands of the clock would point to letting-out time, that Nan, looking from the window, and away from her arithmetic book, saw a few white flakes of snow sifting lazily down. At once she was all attention, and her lesson was forgotten.

  “Oh!” she thought, “it’s snowing! And it looks as if it would be a big storm. Oh, I’m so glad!”

  Nan did not know all the trouble and misery a big snow storm can cause, so she may be forgiven for wishing for one. She only saw the side of it that meant fun for her and her friends.

  The flakes were coming down faster now, and there was about them something which seemed to tell that this storm would be more than a mere flurry or squall, and that it would keep up for some time, making big drifts.

  But now a number of other pupils in the room had noticed the storm, and eyes were out of doors rather than on books. The teacher saw that she was not getting the attention of her class, and she understood the reason.

  “Now, boys and girls,” she said gently, “you can have a good time in the snow after you get out of here. So please give attention to your lessons for a few minutes more. Then you will be finished. Nan Bobbsey, you may go to the board and do the third example.”

  But Nan was thinking so much of the fun she might have riding down hill, or snowballing with her friends, that she got the exam
ple wrong, and had to go to her seat. Nor was Bert any more successful.

  Bert was busy thinking about putting a bell and a steering wheel on the new bob he and Charley had made, and when he was asked how many times two and a half went into ten he answered: “Three.” He was thinking how many times he would ring the bell on the bob when he came to a street crossing.

  When the Bobbsey twins, little and big, came out of school the snow was coming down more thickly. The flakes were not so large, but there were more of them, and they blew here and there in the wind, drifting into piles that would make the shoveling off of walks hard the next day.

  There were just about enough of the white crystals on the ground, when the school children came out to make a few snowballs, and this they at once proceeded to do.

  Danny Rugg, who had not forgiven Bert for the many times the Bobbsey lad had gotten the best of him, threw a ball at Freddie. But Bert was on the watch, and managed to jump up and catch the white missile in his hand. Then he threw it at Danny, striking him on the neck.

  “Here! Where you throwin’?” demanded Danny, in angry tones.

  “The same place you are,” replied Bert, not a bit afraid. “Good weather for ice cream, Danny,” he added, and Danny went off in an angry fashion.

  Other boys and girls too, threw the snowballs, but it was in goodnatured fun, and no one was hurt. Some rough boys did use hard snowballs, but they were soon left to play among themselves, while the others amused themselves with soft and fluffy missiles, which, breaking as they hit, scattered the white stuff all over, harming no one.

  The girls, while they played at this sport, also indulged in washing the faces of each other. With handsful of snow they rubbed the ears and cheeks of their chums so that there came a healthy glow to the skin.

  One or two children, who lived near the school, ran in their yards as soon as the classes were dismissed, and brought out their sleds. But the snow was too thin to pack well and at best the coasting was not good.

  “But it soon will be,” declared Bert, as he and Charley walked along. “We must finish our bob in a hurry.”


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