Going Nowhere

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Going Nowhere Page 10

by K. M. Galvin

  “Are you done?” I asked, afraid to turn around.

  “Yeah.” We turned around and I tried to not notice how hot he looked in his low-slung basketball shorts and white t-shirt. Jesus, he was so effortlessly sexy. I hated him. I dragged my eyes back up to his and noticed he was also checking me out. One side of his mouth kicked up, making a dimple wink at me. Seriously? He was going to break out the side smile and dimples?

  “What?” I asked lifting a hand to my hair thinking it was a ratted mess. He just shook his head and closed the distance between us. His breath washed over my lips making them tingle and I licked them in response. His pupils dilated at the sight of my tongue dragging over them and I felt my body tighten in response.

  Tucking some of my hair behind my ear he said in a low voice, “I like how you look in my clothes, baby.”

  I sucked in a breath. Holy. Shit. I berated my whorish libido and took a step back. I put a hand on my lower stomach, feeling it clench in response to his words. I stuttered out, “Uh. Whoa.” Holding a hand up to ward him off and before he could respond, I rushed out of the room and went into the living room to see that Emily had changed into her jammies too.

  “Mikey’s out?” I asked, plopping down next to her and kicking my feet up in the coffee table.

  “Yeah, he was falling asleep while I was putting him into his pajamas. I think our water war knocked him out.” Just as she said that I let out a huge yawn. “Looks like he’s not the only one.”

  “Yeah.” I sighed and trained my eyes on the TV when Jason came into the room. He sat down on the other side of Emily and I tried not to be so aware of him.

  Whenever I read any romance books or watched a movie where the guy called the girl “baby,” I always scoffed. I thought it was kind of degrading and weird, never understanding why other girls lapped that shit up. But, boy, did I get it now. My god, who knew that one word, could have such an effect on my body. I shook my head a little.

  “Marisol told me that The Office was on tonight?” Jason asked and I jerked like I had been electrocuted when my name rolled off his tongue. He made my name sound like a caress.

  “Yep, you going to watch it with us? It’s not an episode I haven’t seen yet which is good since I can’t handle you talking through the whole thing asking questions.” Emily jeered.

  “I do not do that.” Jason protested.

  “Yes, you do. You are so a TV and movie talker. Drives me up the wall.”

  “You’re so full of shit, Em. If anyone is a movie talker it’s you.” Jason snorted.

  “No, you-” Emily continued to bicker with her brother and I took that opportunity to zone out for a second. I needed to get out of my head. Maybe a little beach time was in order for tomorrow after grocery shopping. I bet Mikey would love to build a sandcastle. “I think we lost her.” Emily said.

  “Hmm?” I looked over at them. “What?”

  “I was just telling Jase how you’re going to try and take Mikey grocery shopping.”

  “You’re making it out to be this horrible thing.”

  “Oh, just wait, my sweet innocent nanny.” Emily crooned; I rolled my eyes at her. “So brave, yet so blind.”

  “Keep it up, lady, and I’m going to load Mikey with sugar the day you come home and leave him with you.” I warned. Jason started laughing when Emily gasped.

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “I so would.” I nodded for emphasis.

  “I wouldn’t doubt her, Em. Crazy is diabolical.” He grinned at me and I let out a breath. We were back to our normal footing, thank God.

  “Ugh, well I come back Friday night so I’ll have a whole weekend to sleep in case you plan to torture me via hyper child.”

  “What time?” I asked, thinking of the plans I made with Declan.

  “Six. Why? You got a hot date?” Emily asked leering at me. I tried not to notice how Jason stiffened.

  “Ew, stop looking at me that way, you look like you’re having a stroke. And yeah. Well, no, not really. Declan invited me to Shenanigan’s, they’re celebrating their tour.”

  “Oh? I didn’t know they we’re going on tour again.” Emily said surprised.

  “They just found out today.”

  “That’s great!” She shot a look at Jason. “Are you working?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be bartending that night.” He said, staring at the TV.

  “Hmm well maybe I can ask the Sarah to watch Mikey.” She murmured, lost in thought.

  “Sarah?” I questioned.

  “Yeah, she lives next door. She’s in high school and we have kind of a standing arrangement.”

  “An arrangement huh?” I asked.

  “Yep. I’ll see how I’m feeling when I get home. I’ll probably be too tired.” She said sadly.

  “Well let me know and I’ll call her and see if she’s available.” I told her.


  We all quieted down when the familiar theme song began to play on the TV. For the next thirty minutes I was caught up in the show and let myself relax completely. I could feel my eyes drooping and then I was in the land of asleep but also kind of conscious. I could here the siblings talking quietly beside me, I heard my name so I knew they were talking about me, but I was too tired to give a crap. A little while later I felt someone shaking my shoulder. Opening my eyes a little, I realized that I was stretched out on the couch. Jason was squatting down beside me.

  “Hey.” I croaked, my voice heavy with sleep.

  “Hey.” He said quietly. I pushed myself up into a sitting position.

  “Where’s Emily?” I asked, letting out a yawn and looking around blearily.

  “She went to bed about an hour ago, she has an early morning. I’m going to stay the night since I don’t have to be at work until mid afternoon tomorrow.”

  “Oh. Why didn’t you guys wake me up?” I asked sitting up and running a hand through my hair.

  “You were conked out and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let you sleep for a little bit. It’s only a little after eleven, but I figured you would want your bed.” He stood up and offered me a hand. I let him pull me up and I made my way over to my purse and keys.

  “Thanks.” I yawned again and shook my head a little to get the blood flowing.

  “Are you ok to drive?” He asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake up anyone.

  “Yeah, thanks Jase.” I made my way to the door with him following behind me. Before I walked out I turned around. “I’ll probably get here around nine tomorrow so I can go grocery shopping with the midget. I also want to go to the beach before it gets too hot.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow, Marisol.” He pulled me into a goodbye hug and I leaned into him, still stuck in sleep mode. He was so warm and his shirt was so soft. I snuggled a little. I cuddled when I was sleepy; Kayla hated it when we were younger. “Are you sure you’re ok to drive?” He whispered, running his hands down my hair and back.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” I stepped back and put my hand on the knob.

  “Don’t be sorry, Marisol. I’ll see you in the morning.” I walked out to my car and waved at Jason who was waiting until I got in my car and drove away. I didn’t even remember the ride back to my house and when my head touched my cool pillow, I immediately fell into a dreamless sleep.


  The next day, after settling Mikey into the car seat, Jase and I hopped in my car; his hand held out before I could even tell him to DJ. Guess we had our car ritual in place now.

  We were letting Mikey direct the conversation by asking questions about everything he saw…and I mean everything.

  Finally we pulled up to the grocery store and Jason got Mikey while I snagged a cart. I turned to my Little Man and in a stern voice, “You keep your hands on the cart at all times, you do not ask for anything, and you behave in a manner that is respectful. If any of those things don’t happen, you’re spending the rest of the day in your room while Uncle Jase and I have
a lot of fun without you. And you get nothing but Brussels sprouts for lunch and dinner. You got me, Little Man?”

  Mikey just stood there with his mouth hanging open and then, giving me a glare that rivaled any I have ever received, he slapped his little hand onto side of the cart, “You’re mean. I’m gonna tell my mommy.”

  “Mommy will agree with me on this one, kid. I’m the worst when you’re bad. When you’re good, I’m the best. Remember that and we’ll have a great time.”

  Not looking at Jase in case he was mad at how I handled the situation, I pushed the cart through the doors and began my marathon run through the grocery store.

  My mom has always made shopping a very systematic experience. Make a list and stick to it. No veering off. This was ingrained in me at a very young age, and I was thankful because my frugal ass never hurt for money in college. I was checking expiration dates on milk when Jason leaned down and whispered to me.

  “You’re a miracle worker.”

  I turned and saw how he was smiling at me; I must have looked confused because he jerked his head at his nephew. I looked over and saw that Mikey was behaving, but looking mutinous. I stifled a laugh and looked back at Jason.

  “Not a miracle worker, my mom is Puerto Rican; you do not mess with her. I was just imitating her and it worked. You have to tell Emily, she’ll be pissed.” I gloated.

  “She will, but then she’ll realize that she has the baby-whisperer for a nanny and get over it.” He laughed and pushed the cart as we moved down the isle. I cracked up at the name and threw my arm around his waist, his immediately going around my shoulders.

  “Baby-whisperer, huh? Can I put that in my resume?” I teased.

  “You’d be an idiot not to.”

  “Mari, the Baby-Whisperer. Also knows how to wrap a present in under a minute. Hire her for the holidays!”

  “Wrap a present under a minute?” He laughed.

  “If you have ever worked in retail, you know how to wrap a present faster than the speed of light.”

  “Hmm…”He murmured, grabbing some chips and throwing them in the bag. I moved to pick them up and put them back when he grabbed my wrist. “What’re you doing?”

  “They aren’t on the list.” I pulled my arm a little, but he held firm. “Let go, butt hole.”

  “Ooooh, you said a bad word! You are going to be in so much trouble.” Mikey crowed.

  “She did say a bad word, my dearest and most beloved nephew, what should we do to her?” Jase asked, waggling his eyebrows at me. I could feel my face working its way into an epic scowl. “You look like a ticked off fairy.”

  “I am not that little!” I barely refrained from stomping my foot. “Everyone is smaller than you, Gigantor!” I grumbled. Seriously, he was at least a foot taller than me.

  “I think we should make her stay in her room all day and make her eat brush sprouts.” The little shit turned and grinned evilly at me; I narrowed my eyes at him. I was trying so hard not to laugh at how proud he was at throwing my threats back at me.

  “I’m in charge here, in case you both forgot.” I reminded Mikey. Turning towards Jason, I said “Jason, if you want junk food get them in your time and on your own dime. Emily said no junk food except on Fridays.”

  “But I want a snack when I come over tonight!” He said. Hand of God, his sexy mouth turned into a pout. I stared and seeing how his lower lip plumped out made me want to bite it. I swallowed and dragged my eyes back up to his, which smirked knowingly at me. I shot him a “shut up” glare.

  “Bring them over when you come so Little Man doesn’t throw a fit. And seriously? Can you act like an adult in front of the child?” I asked, my eyes shifting to Mikey before locking back on him.

  He looked over and saw that Mikey was watching his every move. Letting out a huge sigh, like I was asking the world of him, he grabbed the chips out of our cart. But held onto them this time.

  We got back to the house and while I unloaded Jason changed and got Mikey ready. I packed some sandwiches and some water into our beach bag and sent Emily a text filling her in on the day so far.

  “Ready?” I heard Jason say and looked up from my phone. My breath halted at the sight of him standing a couple a feet away from me in nothing but black board shorts. Yep, he was a hot as I thought he would be. His chest was toned and for the first time I noticed that he had a tattoo running from his ribs on the right and curved a little across his abs. Brows furrowed, I read the lyrics written there, “If I live the life I’m given, I won’t be scared to die.” Freaking Avett Brothers. I swear it’s like someone put together my exact match and breathed life into him.

  My eyes traced the well defined his stomach and arms. I wanted to spend hours tracing them with my finger and then my tongue. Of course he had that sexy “v” that drove girls crazy, maybe I’d start there. His skin had a healthy tan and it looked so smooth that I could practically feel myself petting him. I swallowed thickly, letting out a slow breath.

  I glanced back at the tattoo and my gaze stuck there.

  “If I live the life I’m given…”

  Before I knew it, I was standing directly in front of him. His chest rose and fell rapidly, the closer I got. My hand reached out to touch it and I heard Jason suck in a breath.

  “…I won’t be scared to die.”

  Gently, I traced his tattoo with my fingertips and watched as his muscles contracted under them. I knew I should stop, but these lyrics had a hold on me.

  My heart was pounding a beat so hard I wondered if he could hear it. God, he was beautiful. Inhaling I took in his scent, startled by how familiar it already was to me.

  Moving so close our bodies were almost touching; just a whisper away, I still didn’t look into his eyes. My breath fanned his chest, goose bumps rising on his skin. I needed to step back, but couldn’t make myself. I was zombied out for this man, all because he has a tattoo that calls to my soul.

  “Baby…” He said in a soft voice, but I could hear the strain in it.

  He was holding himself so tightly; I could see his muscles bulging from the effort not touch me.

  “Baby, please back up. I can’t stop myself much longer-” He stopped with a groan as I let my fingers sweep across one of his nipples before sweeping across that damn tattoo one more time.

  I took a step back, then another. And kept walking until my back hit the kitchen counter and taking several large breaths, trying to bring my heart back under control. I could not believe the power he had over me. I looked up into his eyes and lost my breath again. His brows were lowered in concentration and his chest was heaving, desire was written all over his face.

  It made parts of me clench in anticipation for when he lost it. His mouth was slightly open and it looked like he had been kissed already, his lips swollen.

  He must have been biting them.

  I licked my own in response, wishing it were his tongue.

  Jason let out a growl I felt in my belly. My body was responding to his arousal. Breasts growing heavy, nipples straining against the thin material of my bathing suit and cover up. I wished desperately Mikey would show up to dump a child size bucket of water on both of us, but he was still picking out sand toys apparently.


  I took a quick peek at his pants and let out a little moan at the bulge I found there. My legs gave out and I leaned heavily against the counter. I was officially a horny mess. He took a step towards me and a whimper escaped me, pleading with him either to do something or leave.

  “I’m going to kiss you.” He said bit out and then moved so fast I didn’t have time to think.

  He grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me to the edge of the counter. He fitted himself so close to me, grinding into me, right where I needed him and my head fell back at the incredible feeling that brought on. Jason took advantage of my position and ravaged my lips. His mouth came down so hard on mine, I knew my lips would be swollen and bruised by the time we were done. His hands gripped my hips and broug
ht me closer to him, creating a pressure so huge that I had to move. I began a slow rock against him, riding his cock. I let out another whimper and Jason gripped my thighs hard. The friction was enormous and I wanted him, holy shit did I want him.

  “Fuck!” He bit out as he began to grind harder into the apex of my thighs.

  I brought my hand up to his hair and fisted, bringing him back down to my mouth. I was craving his plush lips on mine, his tongue making love to mine. I had never been kissed like this, completely shameless at the barely controlled desire we had for each other.

  It seemed to go on and on until finally I leaned back to suck in a breath. My hand still fisted in his hair and I brought his head back down until our foreheads were resting against the others and our harsh breaths mingled. I felt that familiar build inside me, a coiling in my lower belly.

  “Jase, you’re gonna make me come.” I moaned. I couldn’t believe how quickly this escalated, but I just didn’t give a fuck anymore. He growled at my words, I swear to God there was nothing sexier in the world than that sound.

  He bent his head and took in one of my nipples, sucking me though my cover up and suit. He hips started moving harder, faster against mine. His hands were holding my ass so tightly against him I thought I would be absorbed into him. He pounded his length against me and the friction combined with his mouth on my breast sent me right over the edge.

  I leaned over and bit his shoulder, sucking hard, trying to be quiet as I moaned loudly while I came. I was moving frantically against him, nails digging into his back, my heels digging into his ass. Collapsing backwards onto the counter, breathing heavily, I shuddered through aftershocks. Jason still rocked against me, but much slower. He looked down at me, his face fierce with satisfaction.

  “You’re fucking perfect when you come for me, Mari. I can’t wait to be inside you, feeling you grip me like a fist when I make you come again.” He said and I almost did just from his words.

  Man, that was some first kiss. I almost laughed out loud, but I was too relaxed. I couldn’t do anything but stare at him and the quieter we were the more reality started to set it. He must have sensed the change in me because he backed up a little and gave me some space to sit back up and hop down.


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