Going Nowhere

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Going Nowhere Page 12

by K. M. Galvin

  “Good morning, Little Man! Did you sleep good?”

  “Yeah.” He yawned in my ear.

  “Guess what?” I said. He leaned back to look at me.

  “What?!” He started bouncing excitedly in my arms.

  “Mommy comes home today!” I told him, setting him down in his chair.

  “Mommy!” He laughed and then dug into his food. I sat across from his and put my chin in my palm while I watched him, lost in thought.


  “Yeah, baby?” I focused back on him.

  “Are you Uncle Jason’s gurfwend?”He asked. I smiled a little at the pronunciation of girlfriend, but shook my head.

  “No, honey.” At least not yet.

  “Good. You’re my gurfwend.” He nodded at me like everything was decided and then went back to eating his cereal. I felt this big dumb smile split my face and I just filled to bursting with love for this kid. “What today we do?”

  “Do you mean, what are we doing today?”

  “That’s what I said.” He stared at me like he was annoyed with my correcting him.

  “We’re going to have a cleaning party.”

  “No way!” He shook his head so fast, his black curls bounced all over his head.

  “Yes way. It’ll be fun, I promise. We’ll play music and have a contest to see who can clean the fastest and when we’re done we can go get some ice cream!”

  “Ice cream?” He asked suspiciously.

  “Yep. I promise.”

  “Cookie dough?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “Ok, we can have cleaning party.”


  After picking up Emily from the airport, I dropped her and Mikey off so I could get ready at home. We both agreed to meet at her house at eight tonight so I didn’t have more than an hour to put myself together. It was weird, I know that Jase has seen me in my pajama’s so I’m not sure why I care what he thinks now, but that didn’t stop me from tearing apart my closet. I had finally decided on black skinny jeans, pale purple heels, a loose fitting steel grey tank top and left my long hair down. I grabbed my black leather jacket in case it got cooler at night and headed downstairs. My parents were occupying the requisite recliners, but turned their heads when I clacked my way down the stairs in my heels.

  “You look nice honey! Where are you heading out tonight?” My mom asked.

  “I’m going to Shenanigan’s to meet up with some friends and Emily.”

  “I’m glad you found some people here, your father and I were getting worried.” I rolled my eyes, but smiled to let her know I appreciate her caring.

  “The yoga pants days are over.”

  “We miss you around here, kiddo! Your mom and I were thinking of heading down to St. Augustine on Sunday, want to come with us?” My dad asked.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m off, so yes, I would love to.”

  “If you’re drinking tonight, call one of us to get you ok, sweetie?” My mom said, already turning back to her shows.

  “I think I might just sleep at Emily’s since we’re cabbing it to the bar.” Already changing the plans I made earlier. It was stupid to drive over there and then taxi home.

  “Good plan, kid. Have fun and be safe, we love you.” My dad said, smiling at me before going back to whatever email he was typing up.

  “Thanks, guys love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I called, heading out to my car.

  The drive to Emily’s had become so familiar to me I could do it with my eyes closed and before I knew it I was pulling in behind her Jeep and let out a little honk to let them know I was there. I grabbed my purse and locked my car, the front door swung open before I could open it myself and Mikey threw himself at me, his usual greeting. It amazed me how quickly kids could love a person. I bent down and swung him onto my hip, huffing and puffing to make him laugh. I walked inside and made my way into Emily’s room.

  “Em? Where are you?” I yelled when I didn’t immediately see her. She popped her head out of the en suite bathroom.

  “Here! Aw, Mari, you look so pretty!” She said, before going back to whatever she was doing in there.

  “Thanks, dude.” I sat with Mikey still attached to me on the bed. He crawled around to the front of me and put both of his little hands on my cheeks, smashing them together to make a fish face. I crossed my eyes at him and he giggled.

  “You look like a princess, Mari.” He said very solemnly.

  “That’s the best compliment I’ve ever gotten. Thank you.” I squeezed him hard until he wiggled for me to let him down. The minute his feet touched the ground he was off running into his room. “When is Sarah getting here?” I asked Emily, checking the time on my phone.

  “Should be here any minute, actually. I’m almost ready. Are you sleeping here tonight?” She asked coming out of the bathroom. She looked cute in her black maxi dress and gladiator sandals. Her long black hair was done in a fishtail braid, hanging down her shoulder.

  “You look like a bohemian seductress.” I told her and she burst out laughing.

  “Exactly what I was going for.” She grabbed her purse and motioned for me to follow her into the kitchen.

  “And to answer your question, yeah, I’m probably going to crash here. It’s easier.”

  “Good, I think Mikey is having separation anxiety just from the couple hours you were gone.”

  “Aw, don’t tell me that, it makes me feel guilty.”

  She scoffed, “Don’t be. He’ll be fine, I’m just glad at how well you two get along. Makes me feel ten times better that someone he loves is watching him when I’m gone.”

  “Good, I’m glad.” We were both silent for a moment and I was about to ask her about her trip when the doorbell rang.

  “That’s Sarah, get ready for water works. Stay strong, Marisol.” She gave me a smile.

  I hope she was joking. I couldn’t handle Mikey crying. Speaking of Mikey, he came rushing to the door. Emily grabbed his hand and moved him out of the way while she let Sarah in. She looked about seventeen, if I had to guess, and was a bit mousy. To be honest she kind of reminded me of me at that age. Her light blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail and her glasses were trendy, she was a pretty girl, and would be a knock out once college broke her out of her shell.

  “Marisol right?” She stuck her hand out and I met it, giving her a friendly shake.

  “Yep, I spoke to you on the phone. Thanks for doing this for us!”

  “Oh, it’s not a problem. I have a big test on Monday so I planned on being home all weekend anyways.” She said shrugging.

  I nodded and turned my head towards Emily as she began the babysitter run down. I smiled a little when she gave her my number and my parents as an emergency contact. It made me feel like I belonged here, as a part of this family. Emily turned towards Mikey who was watching all of us warily, tugging on his Spiderman pajama pants. She knelt down in front of him and whispered something I couldn’t hear. I watched in panic as his eyes filled and he shook his head at her, and then turned those big watery green eyes on me. Oh man, stay strong, Mari. Stay strong.

  “Why can’t you stay? I don’t want Sarah!” He cried. I hopped off the stool and crouched down in front of him, beside Emily.

  “It’s cool, kid. Mom and I are just going out for a little bit. But guess what? I’m sleeping over here and will be here in the morning.”

  “Will you make pancakes?” He asked, starting to sniff back his tears.

  “You bet! A whole big stack, just for you!” I gave him a hug and then stood up, I checked my phone.

  The cab would be here any minute so I grabbed Emily and my purse and headed to the door before he started crying again. Good lord, what a pansy I’ve turned into. Emily followed behind me out the door. We closed it and she let out a huge breath.

  “I don’t know how you do it. I was ready to cave almost immediately. That look he gave me!” I shook my head. “Kid was breaking my heart!”

laughed, “Yeah well he learned that from his manipulator of an uncle. He’ll be ok.”


  We chatted about her trip on the way to the bar and when we pulled up I got butterflies. I haven’t seen or heard from Jason in twelve hours. Stupid, I know, but since the day we met we’ve been in contact with each other at least once a day. I stepped out of the cab and ran sweaty hands down my pants. If Emily noticed my nervousness she didn’t say anything. Taking a deep breath I followed her inside. My eyes immediately found Jason behind the bar. He was dressed in all black again and he was laughing with a customer while mixing a drink. He was so effortlessly good looking my mouth went dry. Before I could make my way over to say hi I heard my name bellowed across the bar.

  “Mars!” Trent yelled. My eyes whipped back and forth searching for him before landing on the guys’ booth. I grabbed Emily’s hand and pulled her towards them. They all scooted over so we had room to sit.

  “Hey famous people!” I grinned, sliding next to Declan who gave me a warm smile. “You all know Emily?” I jerked my thumb towards her.

  “Yeah we all went to school together. Declan, Jason, and Em go all the way back to elementary school.” Blake said.

  I look towards Emily wondering why she never told me she knew any of them, but she was looking around, like she wanted to be anywhere else. I turn towards Declan to ask what the problem was when I saw him looking at Emily. Huh. I’ve seen that look before. That’s the same way Jason looks at me. I had an Oprah “ah-ha!” moment and turned towards Emily, who was sitting across from me. I stared at her hard, trying to get her to look at me. When she didn’t, I resorted to juvenile tricks and kicked her. She yelped then shot me a glare. I tilted my head towards the bar and she nodded.

  “Hold our seats, boys, we’re going to get us some drinks.” I grabbed Emily’s hand and the minute we were out of earshot I turned on her. “Why didn’t you tell me that you knew all of them that well?”

  “It didn’t come up and honestly I just thought that was assumed.” She shrugged, staring at the ground. I was unfamiliar with this Emily. She seemed to keep shrinking in on herself.

  “What happened between you and Declan?” I asked.

  Her head whipped up and she looked shocked. She glanced quickly over to the table and blanched. Following her gaze, I saw that Declan was still staring at us. She practically ran the rest of the way to the bar and signaled Jason. I put my hand on her arm, bringing her attention back to me. “Em?” I asked again.

  “Mari, I love you, but I don’t want to talk about it right now. He’s my brother’s best friend, and that’s the only reason I’m here, ok? To support Jason’s friends.” She snapped her mouth shut and turned to look at the drink menu.

  Guess that meant end of discussion. Fine. I’d just ask Jason. I stared at the bar counter, lost in thought when a familiar pair of hands slapped down in front of me, making me jump.

  “You did that the first time.” I pointed out, looking up into his smiling eyes. How could someone be so genuinely happy to see another? I couldn’t figure that me, the hot mess, could cause such a reaction. It boggled the mind, but if he wanted to slum with me then I wasn’t going to stop him.

  “Did what last time?” He asked. I’m sure we both looked like dopey fools, smiling so big at each other. I could feel Emily staring at us.

  “Slapped the counter when I was lost in thought.”

  “Lost in thought? Is that what you call checking out my manly man hands?” He grins at me and a dimple winks at the corner of his mouth. I winked, not bothering to deny it. It wasn’t like I was subtle about it.

  “Uh, what’s going on?” Emily asks, looking between us. Jason and I don’t answer her.

  “I’ll have whatever’s on tap.” I tell Jason and he finally tears his eyes away from me and looks expectantly at Emily.

  “Are you stealing my nanny?” She asks, her eyes slitting in suspicion.

  “I knew her before you so if anyone’s stealing anyone, you’re stealing her from me.” He counters. I roll my eyes and swing my stool around to survey the crowd, elbows resting on the counter.

  “Whatever. Get me the same as your girlfriend.” Emily joked.

  At the word girlfriend I jerk so hard I almost fall from the stool. “Easy, grace.” Emily teased, taking me arm to prevent me from toppling over in a heap of incredulity.

  My eyes shoot up to Jason once I settle and he’s watching me with that stupid smile on his face. The word freaked me out and Emily using it so casually was like a slap in the face, especially since he didn’t correct her.

  Did he think we were already there? Fuck, I thought, putting a hand to my stomach when I felt it lurch. A hand grabbed mine and pulled on it, I looked up at Jason as he put my hand on his chest, allowing me to feel how hard his heart was pounding. My fingers clenched the fabric before they relaxed.

  “Don’t.” Was all he said, and weirdly it was all I needed to hear.

  I let out a slow breath and with his eyes still on mine I nodded. I was going to do this with him. Trying to fight it was the stupid part. He looked at me for a moment longer and then left to get our drinks. I look over at Emily, staring at me, slightly slack jawed. Jason dropped the drinks off and then walked away again.

  “We’re so talking about this later.” She said, pointing a finger at me. I rolled my eyes and gave her a look saying she was going to spill too. Her mouth tightened, but she nodded. I turned back towards Jason and saw that he had moved down the bar to take orders, but was keeping an eye on us. I gave him a little wave to let him know we were heading back to the table.

  The boys were well on their way to getting shitfaced, you could tell by the way that Blake and Trent were using my shoulders as pillows. Declan looked a little loose, but seemed to be keeping his wits about him.

  “If I didn’t know Blake loved me and Jason was interested in you, I’d be a little worried about this situation.” I heard an amused feminine voice say above my head. I looked up and saw a very pretty blonde girl around my age, smirking down at us.

  “Hey, baby! You know Mars?” Blake said, drunkenly smiling at his girlfriend and waving at me. I dodged his hand, avoiding getting hit in the face and smiled up at who I assumed was Lindsey.

  “Hi, I’m Marisol.” I shook her hand and she pulled up a chair to sit next to us.

  “Baby, no, come sit on Daddy’s lap!” He yelled in my ear and then proceeded to try and climb over the table. Lindsey just laughed at my predicament as I grabbed his belt and tugged him back into his seat, rolling my eyes. My right shoulder started to feel wet and I looked at Emily in horror. The table thumped as Blake’s head connected with it when he gave up trying to climb over me.

  “Is he drooling on me?!” I screeched.

  Emily just snorted a laugh and nodded her head, her whole body shaking with laughter. Declan cracked his first smile of the night and shook his head at his band mates antics. I dropped my shoulder repeatedly, smacking Trent’s head on it until he woke up. Blinking around at everyone, he turned towards me smiling a sleepy, drunk smile. The drool left me immune.

  “I will not be charmed by you Trent!” I growled.

  “Sorry, Mari.” He said sheepishly, before snagging someone’s water and draining it.

  “How long have you guys been here? It’s only a little after ten and y’all are wasted!” I asked shaking my head.

  “We got here early to celebrate with Jason.” Trent mumbled, rubbing his face.

  “But Jason already knows about the tour.” I asked confused.

  “Yeah, but he didn’t know about his part in it.” Blake said from face down on the table. I looked over at Declan for some help and saw he was glaring at Blake and Trent.

  “Uh, Declan, what are they talking about?” I asked, a sinking feeling in my stomach. I looked to Emily, “Do you know what they’re talking about?” Her guilty expression was all I needed. “What are you guys not telling me?” I whispered fiercely, holding my breath.

  Declan sighed and ran his hands over his face, “He’s going to kick our asses for telling you before he got to.” He paused and I waved my hand impatiently for him to continue. “Marisol, our manager wanted us to find someone to open for us and we told him about Jason singing again and since he went on tour with us before, Joe asked him if he wanted to and he said yes. He’s leaving a week after we do and will be with us for the next two months.”

  Uh, what?


  Everything narrowed into tunnel vision and I stopped breathing. Of course, this would happen now. My breath hitched in my throat and I looked over to Jason. As if feeling my stare he turned towards me smiling, but the smile died when he got a look at my face. Frowning, he called over another guy and spoke quickly to him. He then made his way around the bar toward us, propelling me into motion.

  Pushing Trent out of the way I scooted out of the booth and made my way outside, ignoring Declan and Emily who called out after me. I couldn’t believe that just when things were falling into place with us he was leaving.

  Was this why he wanted things to progress?

  One last fuck before going on tour?

  Would he become that stupid fucking panty dropper again?

  I walked around the building to a quiet and private area. Leaning against the wall I put a hand to my chest to try and stop the pounding.

  “Marisol!” Jason yelled, before turning the corner and coming to a stop when he saw me leaning against the wall. “Hey.” He said softly, approaching me. Coming up close to me he put his hands on either side of my head and tilted my head up until I was looking into his eyes. I could feel the tears, filling up my eyes making him go blurry. Jason got a frantic look on his face and brought me into a hug, resting his mouth on my forehead so I could feel his lips moving as he spoke. “Baby, what’s wrong?”


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