Something About You

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Something About You Page 19

by Jerry Cole

  There was a chorus of admonishments and Grant rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine, I’ll put a dollar in the charity pot.”

  “Two dollars,” Morgan proclaimed.

  Grant stared her down, hoping there would be some give, but she didn’t back down. “Fine, two dollars.”

  Nodding decisively, Morgan went back to her dinner.

  They were all well into their meals and drinks by the time the door to the cafe opened and Sval and Derek entered, immediately searching out Grant’s table and finding him.

  “I’m sorry,” Grant said, before they had come to a stop. “I know I should have told you.”

  “You don’t owe us anything,” Derek said with a smile.

  “Still, it was pretty shitty.”

  “Grant,” Morgan said, poking him.

  “Four dollars, I know,” Grant sighed. At everyone’s laugh, he shuffled his butt along the seat, nudging Robert deeper against the wall, and tugging Morgan along after him. “You guys wanna sit down?”

  Matt, Seb and Natasha shuffled up on their bench, making enough room for Derek and Sval to sit opposite each other. Grant gestured around the table.

  “Matt, Seb, this is Sval and Derek. Guys, this is Matt and Seb, my friends from Chicago.”

  “Ah, you must have a ton of stories,” Sval said, once the introductions and handshakes had been done.

  Seb snorted. “No kidding. Grant and I have been friends since we were kids, I have a ton of stories. We’ll have to exchange.”

  “There have been some interesting times on the boat,” Derek said.

  Grant frowned. “I don’t think anything’s happened on the boat.”

  “Not that you’d find story worthy,” Seb pointed out.

  Grant didn’t think it was fair for them to gang up on him, but he couldn’t deny that they were all getting on pretty well. He was pleased, and Robert obviously noticed because he reached over, curling his fingers around the back of Grant’s neck and stroked the skin gently. It was a nice focus point and they shared a soft smile, ignoring the catcalls from their friends. Whatever, they were all just jealous.

  Morgan started to flag a couple of hours later, listing toward Grant, her face mushed into his arm. He shifted gently, sliding his arm around her.

  “Maybe we should move out soon.”

  “I hope you have somewhere for us to stay,” Seb said.

  “I dunno,” Robert said dryly. “I think there might be a B&B around here somewhere.”

  Natasha laughed gently and kissed Seb’s cheek. “You walked into that one. Come and find me tomorrow if you’re sticking around. I start early and I’d love to see where you’re taking me for a drink.”

  Seb nodded, though Grant knew he’d be freaking out before too long, forcing Grant to help him find a place. Lucky for him, Grant knew of several places in the area he might wanna take her, but he’d let Seb grovel first.

  Sval stretched, holding out a hand to help Derek up. “We should get back and set up for tomorrow. If you need some work, Grant, you just have to ask.”

  “Don’t worry, I will,” Grant assured them. “Night.”

  With everyone moving away from the table, Grant gently lifted Morgan into his arms, managing to cradle her and slide out without waking her.

  Robert joined him, leading the way out of the cafe, and after the goodbyes had been done, Grant fell into step with him, Matt and Seb bringing up the rear. It was a nice night and Grant let himself sink into the sounds and smells, everything he had been missing while in Chicago.

  “I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner,” Grant said gently, voice carrying only to Robert.

  “If you had,” he said, his voice just as low, “we might have missed each other.”

  That wasn’t a thought worth entertaining.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “God, I missed you,” Robert said, when they had put Morgan, Matt and Seb to bed and were safe in Robert’s room. “So much.”

  “I missed you too,” Grant said, voice barely above a whisper. They were curled up on the bed, having changed and washed, and he desperately wanted to keep touching. He slid his hand up Robert’s arm, sliding his fingers beneath the sleeves of Robert’s shirt.

  Robert smirked, his own hand stroking against Grant’s cheek. “Then you’ll just never have to leave again.”

  “Never,” Grant promised. “I didn’t want to leave this time, but I needed to cut things off there.”

  “I know,” Robert said, leaning in for a soft kiss. “I wasn’t mad at you. It’s a big change for you to make and I needed you to be sure.”

  “Of course, I’m sure,” Grant assured him. “I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.”

  It was a huge pronouncement and Robert looked rocked by it. He shuffled closer, tangling their legs and bodies together and stroking his hands through Grant’s hair. It was an embrace that Grant didn’t want to leave.

  “I want to help with the B&B.”

  Robert’s breath hitched, but he blew it out slowly, nudging Grant’s face until they were looking at each other. “You can’t keep giving me money.”

  Grant shrugged. “If I have it, why can’t I share it with you? It’s not even – it was left to me,” Grant explained. “My real dad died, and I got this ridiculous trust fund that I’m never going to get through alone. I want to help you, Robert, and I want to make this place successful for your sake, but also for Morgan’s sake.”

  There was a strange expression on Robert’s face. “Why?”

  “Because she’s your daughter. Because you love her and because I love her. Because I love you.” It was all the explanation Grant had. “I want this to be successful. If you hate taking the money, you can always pay it back when you’re making it, but I want—”

  “It’s all right,” Robert said, closing his eyes and rubbing his thumb over the curve of Grant’s cheek. “I knew, I think, I just… I wanted to do this myself.”

  Grant sighed. “You would be. Think of it as capital, or a loan. I give you the startup money instead of some sleazeball from New York, you make this place a success, and then you give me money back if you want to.”

  It took a while but eventually Robert nodded slowly, his eyes opening and a wide smile crossing his face. “It could do with some work.”

  “And some staff,” Grant pointed out. “Then you wouldn’t have to close it every time we wanted to spend the day with Morgan.”

  That would happen less, he knew, when she was back at school and making friends, but he and Robert could savor it just a little longer.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” Robert said, drawing Grant in for a long, slow kiss, “but I’m so fucking grateful.”

  “I think we deserve each other,” Grant pointed out. He didn’t mean for the kiss to expand into something more, but it had been so long since he’d last touched Robert that he didn’t think he could stop himself now for anything.

  Robert was reacting to his touch, legs shifting until he had a thigh between Grant’s legs. It was an awkward position for a moment, but eventually they found a good rhythm that had Grant able to roll his hips backward, dick stroking against Robert’s thigh.

  Robert’s fingers were tight on Grant’s hips, dragging him closer, tongue sliding between Grant’s lips. The kiss was sloppy and wet, Grant’s eyes fluttering shut as their mouths moved against each other. The friction against his dick was perfect, almost too much, but Grant relished every movement, every motion.

  God, he’d forgotten how perfect it could feel with Robert. “I wanna fuck you.”

  “I won’t say no,” Robert said, fumbling at the nightstand next to the bed. He grabbed a tube and tossed it onto the bed with a condom.

  Grant grabbed the lube but didn’t do anything with it for a moment, sliding it down to rest against Robert’s thigh. He kept his mouth on Robert’s jaw for a while, working at the skin until it was red and bruised. He groaned, could feel Robert’s breath hitching in his chest,
could see his fingers tight in the sheets, trying to get some semblance of control. Grant wanted to watch it disappear.

  Working his way down Robert’s body, he took his time, licking and teasing the nub of Robert’s right nipple, focusing his attention on it until Robert was whimpering his name, digging his heels into the bed. “Please, Grant.”

  “All right,” Grant said, rubbing his fingers in a soothing gesture against the inside of Robert’s thigh. He kissed Robert’s stomach, spending a little time licking and nipping at the skin while he tugged down Robert’s sleep pants, Robert lifting his hips slightly. He was hard, a wet patch staining the fabric, and Grant’s mouth almost watered at the sight of it.

  Kissing the tip of Robert’s cock, he teased at the head, tongue sliding against the shaft and Robert whimpered. “Stop teasing.”

  “No,” Grant said, curling his fingers around Robert’s shaft and stroking once, twice. Robert twisted against him, trying to fuck his way into the curve of Grant’s fist, but Grant pulled away. Teasing Robert hadn’t been part of his plan, but it was certainly yielding wonderful reactions.

  Robert was staring at Grant through half-lidded eyes, heels digging into the bed and fingers flexing against the sheets. His dick was leaking precum and Grant rubbed his thumb over the head, smearing it over the glans and down the shaft.

  “Look at you,” Grant said quietly, reaching for the lube with his free hand.

  Robert licked at his bottom lip. “Please.”

  “Yeah,” Grant said, popping the cab of the tube. “I’ve got you.”

  Rubbing his fingers together to warm the lube, Grant stroked his hand over Robert’s shaft a couple of times, and further down to his balls, rolling them in his hand. Robert groaned, almost sobbing as he shuddered from the touch, one hand reaching for Grant’s shoulder, sliding un-coordinated against the skin of his neck.

  “Fuck, Grant, fuck.”

  “I’m getting there,” Grant said, and slid his fingers back further against the soft skin of his perineum. Robert moaned, shaking as Grant’s fingers slid against his hole, teasing the puckered skin with the pad of his thumb. “You have no idea what you feel like.”

  Robert’s eyes were squeezed shut; the sheets twisted so tightly around his fingers that he didn’t know how they hadn’t torn. “Please, please, Grant, please.”

  Grant rubbed at Robert’s hole once more and then slid the tip of his finger inside, teasing the rim. Robert’s thighs were quivering either side of Grant, and he pressed a kiss to Robert’s left inner thigh. He didn’t want to take it too far, knowing that Robert wouldn’t last after so long apart, and kept to one finger, sliding it in slowly, mouthing at the head of Robert’s dick as he did so.

  Robert gave a yell, thrusting his hips down against the bed in an effort not to jerk into Grant’s mouth. “Fuck, fuck.”

  Grant swallowed him down at the same time he slid his finger deeper into Robert, curling it gently and Robert was done, whimpering and sobbing Grant’s name as he came down Grant’s throat, the hand in Grant’s hair tugging so hard it brought tears to Grant’s eyes.

  When Robert was spent, Grant pulled off, wiping at his mouth and grinning as he climbed up Robert’s body. Robert looked checked out, slack against the mattress, but his eyes were tracking Grant well enough, and he groaned into Grant’s mouth when he tugged him into a kiss.

  “Take your time,” Grant soothed, kissing Robert’s jaw, the corner of his eye, brushing his lips across his hairline. “God, you’re so gorgeous.”

  “Fuck off,” Robert said good-naturedly, one of his hands clutching at Grant’s chest weakly, tangling his fingers in the fabric of Grant’s shirt and tugging him down.

  “I can if you want,” Grant replied.

  “No,” Robert groused, wrapping his arms around Grant’s shoulders. “Give me a minute and I’ll repay you in kind.”

  Grant wasn’t too concerned with getting off, rolling them over until Robert was between his legs. Robert was heavy, but not enough that it was uncomfortable. Robert shifted until he had his hips aligned perfectly with Grant’s. Grant groaned at the friction on his dick, as if suddenly aware of how hard and desperate he was to come. Fuck what he’d said about not caring whether he got off.

  Robert read what he wasn’t saying and huffed a laugh against his jaw, working a hand into Grant’s sleep pants and following the curve of his dick. Pleasure pooled in Grant’s belly and he groaned, tipping his head back into the pillows and thrusting up into Robert’s hand.

  Robert’s palm was slick, a perfect circle around Grant’s dick and he thrust up, shivering at the friction, the slide of Robert’s thumb against the head. “Now who’s beautiful,” Robert said, biting at Grant’s jaw. It was probably going to leave a bruise and Grant wanted it, wanted the evidence of their lovemaking for everyone to see.

  “You,” Grant said, huffing a laugh that turned into a groan as Robert twisted his wrist, quickening the pace of his hand and Grant could feel the pleasure tingle up his spine, concentration narrowed down to the curve of Robert’s fingers, the puff of his breath against Grant’s neck. “Robert, Robert, Robert.”

  “Yeah,” Robert groaned. “Come on, Grant, give it to me.”

  Grant shuddered, whimpering Robert’s name as he came, spilling over Robert’s fingers and his own pajama pants. His dick was always oversensitive after an orgasm, and he tried to twist away from Robert’s hand when he kept sliding against Grant’s shaft. “Fuck, stop.”

  “All right,” Robert soothed, kissing Grant softly on the mouth as he pulled away. “God, I missed that.”

  “So did I,” Grant said. “But now we get to do it whenever we want.”

  Robert snorted, rolling over onto his back, but tangling his fingers through Grant’s. It was a point of contact that Grant didn’t want to lose, despite the fact that they were probably going to have to clean up before they went to sleep.

  “I love you,” Grant said, because he felt as if it bore repeating.

  “You know I love you,” Robert said, turning his head to look Grant in the eye. “More than I ever thought I’d ever get to love someone – or have someone love me.”

  Eventually Grant sat up, going to grab a washcloth from the bathroom to clean them up. He tossed it on the floor and curled up against Robert, Robert’s head nestled against his head. Grant wondered if he could hear the thump of Grant’s heart in his ear.

  “Night,” Grant whispered, kissing the top of Robert’s head.

  “I can’t wait for tomorrow,” Robert said, echoing the sentiment that had been bouncing around Grant’s head for the last couple of days.

  Chapter Thirty

  “I’ll see you guys on Friday?” Grant said, leaning against the side of the boat.

  “Definitely,” Sval said, tossing Grant one of the ropes. Grant caught it one handed and waited until Derek had the boat alongside the jetty. “Tell your mom she’s welcome to come.”

  Grant laughed, knowing full well his mother would jump at the chance. “I will.”

  Tying off the boat, Grant tossed Derek and Sval a salute, and then made his way through the harbor, dodging familiar and unfamiliar faces alike, though he made sure to say hi to everyone he did recognize – it didn’t do to cut off friends that you might need in the future.

  Natasha and Seb were being disgusting outside of the cafe, leaning against one of the railings. Seb had to leave for the week and while he and Natasha were making it work, Grant knew something would have to give.

  “Get a room,” he yelled as he passed.

  Natasha flipped him off, and Seb said something derogatory under his breath that Grant refused to acknowledge.

  Darcy was hovering in the doorway of the convenience store. “You’re back! Happy hunting?”

  “I think happy delivering is more the term you’re looking for,” Grant said with a grin. “How was business?”

  “Thor’ll be happy with what we made today.” Darcy grinned. “How’s the family?”

rant couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off of his face if he’d tried. “I think Mom’s trying to teach Morgan to cook today so we’ll see what state the kitchen’s in when I get home.”

  Darcy winced. “Good luck. Tell Robert I’ll be by tomorrow morning to brief the new staff.”

  “Thanks, Darcy.”

  Grant hoped that he could get the rest of the way without being interrupted. He’d had to leave the B&B before everyone else woke to do the early deliveries with Sval and Derek, so he hadn’t seen them in a while. Robert he’d left sleeping, face half-buried in the pillow, and taking up more than just his share of the bed.

  When he started down the drive to the B&B, he could see Robert’s car in the parking lot, freshly cleaned and serviced thanks to a little prompting from Maman Kelly. She was a force to be reckoned with and had been on at Robert for months to get it cleaned up and actually use it.

  The B&B itself was also starting to look great. Robert had some contractors in to expand it, adding some extra rooms and a restaurant, figuring the small one they used wasn’t big enough for the number of guests wanting to book. They had a full parking lot, all of the rooms booked out, though Robert was making noises about having that expanded as well.

  Grant would offer the money up if he asked, but he knew Robert still felt guilty every time he had to take money. It didn’t matter that Grant could point out exactly how much money they’d been making since they’d started to advertise online, and Seb and Matt had gone back to Chicago, telling everyone and their dog about the B&B in Maine that had killer fishing and boat rides.

  Most people stayed for the food and the hunting, but Grant couldn’t win them all.

  “Papa!” Morgan’s head appeared above the crest of the hill and Grant’s heart lurched the way it did every time she called him that. It hadn’t taken her long at all to decide that was who he was going to be, even if Grant had taken longer to get used to it. “Look what we made!”

  “I’ll be there in a second,” Grant laughed, as his mother yelled at Morgan from inside the house.

  Everything was lively around the B&B, from the contractors to Morgan and his mother, to Robert’s choice of music blasting out from the office while he worked on the accounts. He was still cussing Grant out for the amount he’d donated, but whatever, he had staff to hire, contractors to pay, and extensions to build. It was the only way Grant could contribute at the moment, so he was going to take it.


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