Witch on the Fritz

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Witch on the Fritz Page 8

by Isabel Micheals

  Piper frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  Liam ran his fingers through his hair. “Nothing sweetheart. It’s just we’re moving a little fast. I haven’t taken you on a proper date. You mean more to me than a booty call.”

  Piper’s scowl turned into a mischievous smile. She covered the distance between them in two steps. She stood on her tiptoes and gently kissed him on the lips. “Thank you for your honesty and your chivalry. Now take me to bed. We have dinner plans tomorrow night. That will suffice for our first date.”

  Liam closed his eyes and groaned with pleasure as her lips caressed his neck. She knew how to push all his buttons. Let the record show he had tried to be a gentleman. He quickly scooped her in his arms and headed upstairs to his bedroom. “You’re killing me woman.”

  Piper laughed and kissed her man again. She had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

  It was seven o’clock on a Sunday morning when Piper tiptoed into the house. She tried not to wake her cousins. She had left Liam in bed asleep. She was doing the walk of shame because her first baking session was with Chef Jango in an hour. Was it really the walk of shame if no one saw you? She had almost made it upstairs when Skylar’s voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

  “You hussy. March your butt right back down those stairs and join us in the kitchen. We want to know everything,” Skylar said with a knowing smirk.

  Piper groaned and then did as she was told. “Fuck my life,” she muttered under her breath.

  When she entered the kitchen, Cassie handed her a cup of coffee. “It must have been good. You were out all night.”

  She went with her first instinct and denied everything. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I wasn’t with Liam. I mean, I was but then I wasn’t. Mason called because they had an emergency at the bar. One of the cooler’s went out and they needed my help. It took us forever to rearrange everything.

  Skylar leveled Piper with a knowing look. “Uh-huh. Almost as long as this lie.”

  Piper was appalled. “I’m telling the truth. Why don’t you believe me?”

  “Because your panties are hanging out of your purse,” Skylar pointed out.

  Piper wanted to curse her cousin. The damn woman was like a dog with a bone. She couldn’t wait for Hunter to finally corner her. It wouldn’t be so funny when she was the one in the hot seat. “Thanks for the coffee but I’m exhausted, and I need to shower. I’m meeting Chef Jango in an hour.”

  “Why are you embarrassed about spending the night with Liam?” Cassie asked.

  Piper sighed heavily. “I’m not embarrassed. It’s just that I finally gave into my feelings and now I’ve turned into a sex craved hussy, as you so politely put it.”

  “I was joking Pipes,” Sky laughed.

  “I’m not. The man kissed me once and my feet were behind my ears by one o’clock,” Piper admitted.

  “And?” Cassie asked.

  “That’s it. It’s embarrassing,” Piper countered.

  “It’s a long time coming if you ask me,” Skylar said. “Was it at least good. Come on girl, give us some juicy details.”

  Against her better judgement, Piper spilled her guts. “It was amazing. Oh, my Goddess! When the man pulled his pants down… Let’s just say you could play horseshoes on that thing.”

  Cassie chuckled. “I’m liking those Alexander brothers more and more. So, when are you seeing him again?”

  Piper shrugged. “I don’t know. He was still asleep when I snuck out of bed to come and meet Chef Jango.”

  Skylar choked on her coffee. “Wait! You left that fine specimen of a man in bed without saying goodbye.”

  Piper’s hands covered her face in shame. “I know it was a shit move and I feel horrible.”

  Cassie shook her head in dismay. “I would not want to be you when Liam wakes up and realizes you’re gone. Lucy, you got some explaining to do.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Piper groused, as she stood and went upstairs to shower.

  Chapter 11

  It was the day of The Great Wiccan Cake Off and Piper should have been happy. In a few hours, all her dreams would come true. They would win the competition and the grand prize of twenty-five thousand dollars. Except that was only part of her dream. The other part involved Liam who had been MIA all week. Her cousins were positive he would show up on her doorstep in a pissed off rage, but that never happened. So, she had made the decision to wait him out, which had been the biggest mistake of her life.

  He never showed and now she didn’t know where their relationship stood or if they had one. The nervous butterflies in the pit of her stomach had nothing to do with the competition and everything to do with Liam. Would he finally show up today? Her heartbeat sped up with a mixture of excitement and fear. What would he say? Maybe he had already moved on. The questions swirling around in her head were exhausting and made her a little nauseous.

  “When this competition is over, I’m going after him,” Piper muttered under her breath.

  “Who are you going after?” Skylar asked as she walked into the room.

  Piper smiled at her cousin through the mirror. Sky had been her rock this last week. When she struggled to focus, Skylar was right there pushing her and Chef Jango toward the finish line. Their baking sessions had been fantastic. The cat was an amazing chef, who anticipated her every need. Now that her professional life was back on track, she needed to work on her personal life.

  “Liam. I’m going after Liam when the competition is over,” Piper admitted in a determined voice that brokered no argument.

  Skylar bent down and hugged her cousin as best as she could with a broken arm. “I’m glad to hear you say that because you two belong together. You deserve to love and be loved Piper and Liam is your man. He’s always been the one for you.”

  Piper sniffled and held back her unshed tears. “I just hope he forgives me.”

  Skylar winked at her cousin. “He will after you do a little groveling on your hands and knees. Preferably in a cute teddy from Victoria’s Secret. “Cassie and I might have done a little shopping for you last week.”

  Piper laughed for the first time all week. Her cousins were awesome, and she was lucky to have them. She had been dealt a shitty hand as a child, but her cousins made everything better. “I need to get ready for the competition. How does my make-up look?”

  Skylar squeezed her hand reassuringly and kissed her on the cheek. “You look amazing. Now, go out there and kick some ass. Cass and I will be cheering you on in the audience.”

  “Thanks, Sky! I love you,” Piper sniffled.

  “I love you too, Paddycakes. Go kick some ass.”

  Liam watched in the shadows as the audience took their seats and waited for the show to begin. He had been busy this past week checking out Elise’s story. Piper would be heartbroken when he told her the truth, which was why he’d kept his distance this week. She needed to focus on the competition.

  He hadn’t forgotten how she slipped out of his bed without a word, but it wasn’t a good time to air their dirty laundry. Hell, it took him forever to get the woman to finally come around. He wasn’t about to screw it up now. Did it piss him off that she had left without waking him up or leaving a note? Hell yes. Would he make her pay for her indiscretions later in bed? Most definitely.

  “Why are you lurking in the shadows like a creeper?” Hunter asked.

  Liam ignored his brother’s jab. “The same reason you are. I’m protecting what’s mine.”

  Hunter clapped his brother on the back and nodded in understanding. “Do you think Silas and Annalise would be stupid enough to pull something in front of the entire magical community?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m not taking any chances. He’s desperate now that Linus has jumped ship. We all should be watching over our shoulders. It didn’t help that we hijacked his deal this week with the distillery investor. By the way, thanks!”

  It had taken his brother some time to come around, but he had just as Ash
had predicted. Yesterday morning, they bought the old distillery on the outskirts of Mystic Grove. In a couple of months, the Mystic Shadow Moonshine Distillery would be up and running and they would no longer be running moonshine illegally. Liam had waited for this day a long time. Now, he needed to get the girl.

  “No biggie. This shit with Silas has gotten out of hand. He’s already tried to kidnap Piper, which means he wouldn’t hesitate to go after Sky. I can’t let that happen,” Hunter said.

  Liam smacked his brother on the back and pulled him in for a bro hug. “Love is funny like that little brother. It makes us do crazy things.”

  “Tell me about it,” Hunter groaned. “Sky drives me fucking nuts. I can’t think when I’m around her. All I do is react and usually in a bad way that only pisses her off more.”

  Liam laughed. “Haven’t you heard. Love hurts!”

  Hunter pushed him away and scowled. “Fuck you.”

  Liam laughed harder as he watched the host open the show.

  “Mm-mm-mmm! Cake! It’s food fit for the Goddess and The Fates. Welcome to The Great Wiccan Cake Off. A baking competition where cakes reach for the heavens, but with a little magic could go straight to Hades. I’m Gigi, part-time host and full-time Goddess, even if only in my feeble mind. It’s always double the fun, double the bakers, and double the magic on The Great Wiccan Cake Off.”

  Piper watched backstage as Gigi welcomed the audience to the show. She was so nervous that she was wringing her hands. What if they screwed up and got kicked out in the first round? Skylar would be disappointed, and they wouldn’t be able to open Paddycakes. Breathe and focus on the prize. You can do this.

  Jango Fett pulled Piper into a hug, startling her. “Stop sweating Chef Piper. We’s got this.”

  Piper sighed with relief. She was not in this alone. “You’re right. Thanks, Chef Jango!” They both turned and continued listening to Gigi.

  “Today’s competition involves a lot of mystery, illusions, and misdirection as The Great Wiccan Cake Off takes on magic. Three titan teams of bakers will go to battle, but only one of them will pull a win out of their hat by creating a spectacular cake fit for a Goddess. The lucky winner will also take home twenty-five thousand dollars. How’s that for a day’s work?”

  The roar of the audience was deafening. They were definitely in the big leagues now. Everyone in the magical community would be watching. It was almost time for them to walk on stage and meet the judges and other contestants. The excitement was contagious. Piper was on pins and needles.

  “I’m Gigi, Goddess Supreme, and The Great Wiccan Cake Off starts now,” Gigi announced as she pointed her right index finger toward the camera and teleprompter.

  Piper had to give the woman credit; she knew how to entertain the audience. The stage manager was lining everyone up for their debut on the show. The closer they got to walking on stage, the more Piper felt a sense of calm come over her. Liam was here. She could feel his presence, and it helped her relax. Chef Jango was right. Everything would be okay, as long as they won the damn competition.

  Piper and Chef Jango were maneuvered through a small corridor until they were walking on stage with the other contestants. It wasn’t the loud crowd that caught Piper’s attention, it was Annalise standing beside her holding Lizzy. “What the fuck?” she murmured under her breath.

  Jango turned and gave her a confused look. “Are you okay, baby doll?”

  Piper couldn’t catch her breath. Elise had been right. Her sister was out for revenge. How had they missed all the signs? “I-I’m fine,” she stuttered.

  Jango looked at her skeptically. “Yous don’t look fine, Chef Piper. Yous look like someone pissed in yous Cheerios.”

  Piper closed her eyes and tried not to hyperventilate. Her magic was not tied to Lizzy. Skylar breaking her arm was an accident. The last two weeks had been amazing and without incident. She needed to focus on winning the competition and not knocking that smirk off Annalise’s face. That’s right! Don’t get mad, get even by winning the fucking competition. “Game on bitch,” Piper murmured and returned her attention to Gigi.

  “Welcome bakers. You are among the best of the best in the magical community. It will take more than just smoke and mirrors to win this competition because today we’re celebrating… magic,” Gigi said with a flick of her wrist.

  The audience’s applause was deafening, but Piper kept her eye on the prize. It would break her heart, but she would deal with Annalise’s betrayal later.

  “There will be two rounds of competition. At the end of the first round, one of you is going home,” Gigi said as she winked at the third contestant’s partner.

  “You bitch. I knew you were sleeping with my fiancé,” the third contestant yelled as she charged Gigi. Both women went flying to the floor and the decorative cakes on the shelf behind them came tumbling down. The women were covered in cake from head to toe as they tried to scratch each other’s eyes out.

  “He was mine first you twit. Did you really think a simpleton, such as yourself could keep a man like Kevin happy?” Gigi spouted; her fake British accent long gone.

  “I’ll show you simpleton, you hillbilly from another mother,” contestant number three yelled.

  One of the stagehands tried to break them up but suffered a knee in his groin for his effort. He was now sprawled on the floor holding his balls while the two women continued their cat fight. Gigi stood and tried to regain her composure, but the third contestant gave her a headbutt that sent the host falling into a vat of homemade icing. From Piper’s view, it looked like pink buttercream frosting. Gigi’s eyes were wild once she got out.

  “Long time no see Piper. Lizzy has missed you—not,” Annalise taunted in a sweet saccharine voice that grated on Piper’s nerves.

  “Don’t do it Chef Piper. We’s needs this money,” Chef Jango reminded her.

  Piper closed her eyes, calmed her breathing and nodded in agreement. Annalise may have won the battle, but she would win the war. She was about to address the despicable woman when the room filled with purple smoke and sparkling blue bubbles that had everyone ducking for cover. Piper watched in fascination as everyone within the tornado’s vicinity were blown around the room like a willy-nilly ragdoll.

  “What the hell is going on here? You two are making a spectacle of yourself. Quit rolling around on the damn floor over a man. There’s no way in hell Kevin is that good of a lay. Trust me, I’ve seen what he’s packing,” Baba Yaga demanded. “He’s a whore. Like a leopard, he will never change his spots. Besides, you could do better. Now, go clean yourselves off before I throw both of your asses in the pokey. Kevin, you’re disqualified for screwing the host.”

  “But Baba Yaga,” Kevin whined in protest.

  “Don’t try my patience, Kev. Now get your bony ass out of my face,” Baba Yaga ordered.

  “That’s it! I’m done with this stupid show. “It will take me months to get all this oil and butter out of my cracks,” Gigi yelled as she slipped off the stage.

  The entire audience was stunned into silence. Baba Yaga commanded the room. Piper had never seen a woman more beautiful. Her blonde hair and long manicured fingernails were immaculate. Her face was serene and a bit scary. The seventy’s clothes were a bit much, but she made it work. A group of bobble-headed warlocks had her six, but it was obvious she was in charge. When a beautiful, curly auburn-haired woman with mesmerizing green eyes joined her on stage, Piper had to look away. The power radiating off the women was overwhelming.

  “Uh-oh! We’s in trouble,” Chef Jango whispered.

  “Why? We didn’t do anything wrong?” Piper replied. When she turned to look at Chef Jango, his eyes were as big as saucers. “Do you know the redhead?”

  “Maybes,” Chef Jango answered.

  “What does that mean Jango? Start talking,” Piper demanded.

  Jango ducked for cover. “Too’s late.”

  Piper turned and watched the two women have a heated conversation. She could only hear b
its and pieces of it, but the redhead gave as good as she got.

  “I swear Baba-Yo-Pain-In-My-Ass, you have the emotional range of a teaspoon. Did you have to destroy all of the cake? You know I have a sweet tooth,” Zelda said.

  Baba Yaga laughed. “That’s the only thing sweet about you, Zelda. Now help me clean up this mess before I smite your bony ass. You’ll have to replace our wayward hostess.”

  “Do I get cake?” Zelda asked.

  “Oh, for Goddess’s sakes! Of course, you get cake. It’s a damn baking show after all.”

  “Fine. I’ll do it, but only because I get cake,” Zelda sneered.

  Once Baba Yaga and Zelda magically restored the set, The Great Wiccan Cake Off picked up where it had left off without a beat. “Listen up, bitches. Oh, I mean bakers. There’s a new sheriff in town. I’m not Gigi. I will cut a bitch and set a fire under your ass if you use your magic on me. I’ll also need a sample of your cake. Now, let’s get baking because Audrey and Henry have a playdate with Chad, Chip, Chunk and Chutney at five o’clock. Say that fast five times. That’s what I thought,” Zelda yelled.

  The crowd went crazy until Baba Yaga stepped in front of Zelda and raised her hands to silence them. “Not so fast Zelda. There’s been a little twist to the competition. Here are the new rules. First, there will be only one round and we’re calling it Batter Up. Second, to level the playing field, we’re disqualifying your current partner and replacing them with your significant other. Finally, last baker standing wins it all, the bragging rights, the twenty-five thousand dollars, and the Bayou.”

  The entire room gasped in shock. Piper couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her magic was sketchy at best without Chef Jango, not to mention, she didn’t have a significant other. What the hell was Baba Yaga thinking? She couldn’t win without Chef Jango. They’d worked their asses off all week only to have their plan go up in smoke.


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