Vengeance from Ashes: Special Edition with Exclusive Content (Honor and Duty Book 1)

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Vengeance from Ashes: Special Edition with Exclusive Content (Honor and Duty Book 1) Page 7

by Sam Schall

  “Stand down!” someone ordered. Tremayne? “Goddamn it, stand down!”

  This time Tremayne pulled her to her feet instead of the other way around. Fury suffused the senator’s face as she quickly checked to be sure Ashlyn was all right. Then, to Ash’s surprise, the woman reached out and grabbed the nearest guard’s sidearm and handed it to her. Ashlyn took it with her right hand even as she used her left to wipe tears and blood from her face.

  “Captain Shaw has received a full pardon from President Harper and has been returned to duty. Touch her again and I’ll see you up on charges,” Tremayne said quickly, before the other guard could react. “Now get us the hell out of here.”

  That was all the encouragement Ashlyn needed. By God, she’d get Tremayne out of there somehow. She could ignore the pain and blood. After all, she’d had lots of practice doing just that on Tarsus. Besides, the guards would help, at least until they had to report to their own stations. Once she knew Tremayne was safe, she could slip away. She’d make sure her family was all right. She’d make sure her people really were on the way home. Then she’d make those responsible for the last two years of hell pay and pay dearly.

  But that had to wait until they were out of this grave just waiting to happen.

  For a moment, she thought the guards would protest. Instead, the first one merely nodded. Then he motioned for his companion to take the lead. As they started off down the corridor, the first guard fell in at the rear. Ashlyn did her best to ignore the unease she felt having him behind her. Hopefully, he wouldn’t try anything with Tremayne present. She had to trust in that.

  But it was hard, so very hard.

  At the end of the corridor, the point guard motioned for them to wait as he checked ahead. Eyes alert, her fingers tightening around the butt of the pistol, Ashlyn stood ready. She wasn’t even aware of the fact she’d moved forward slightly, positioning herself between the corner and Tremayne, until the redhead gently reached out and pulled her back. Before she could protest, Tremayne simply shook her head and lifted the gun she’d produced from somewhere.

  A moment later the guard returned, one hand to his ear as he listened to his comm-link. He nodded once and turned to face Tremayne. As he did, his discomfort was clear. Stiffening, knowing trouble lay ahead, Ashlyn waited.

  “Senator, I’ve been ordered to make sure you get to safety. My partner will take care of Shaw.”

  Fury, cold and hard, raced through her. She had no doubt how the guard was supposed to “take care of” her. She was damned if she would stand there and let them kill her. Not when freedom was so close. Not when she’d believed Tremayne and had finally allowed herself to hope.

  Before she could act, Tremayne did. Her pistol was suddenly aimed squarely at the guard’s chest. His partner, caught off-guard, was slow to bring his weapon to bear. Instinct kicked in again and Ashlyn knocked his arm to one side. Her left hand closed over his gun and she quickly disarmed him. Then she waited, her finger tightening on the trigger. She didn’t want to kill him, but she would if she had to.

  “Stand easy, kid. I’m not about to leave you. Nor am I about to let anything else happen to you,” Tremayne assured her before addressing the guards. “I’m only going to say this once. President Harper has pardoned Captain Shaw. She is no longer a prisoner and she most certainly is no longer in your custody. So you can either continue to stand in our way and get us all killed or you can help us get out of this hellhole to safety. I will handle whomever issued your orders to ‘deal’ with Captain Shaw as soon as this is over.”

  Ashlyn waited, knowing how precarious their position was. Time was running out. If they didn’t move soon, before another attack run against the building, they’d be dead. But did the guards realize it or were they so scared of disobeying orders they’d risk everything, even their lives, over this?

  “Aye, ma’am,” the first guard replied and then, much to Ashlyn’s surprise, he snapped to attention and saluted. “Captain Shaw, I’m counting on you to help keep the senator safe.” With that, he turned and started off around the corner, yelling back to them that he’d clear a path and to keep up.

  There wasn’t time to think or to feel. It was as though the last two years had never happened. Once more she was fighting for her life and the lives of others. One corridor at a time, one corner to be taken carefully to make sure they weren’t running headlong into a trap. All the while they made their way closer to the ground before the building collapsed on top of them.

  The sounds of fighting were like memories of the nightmares that had plagued her for so long. Weapons firing, people screaming, orders being shouted out even as cries for help filled the air. Ashlyn had done everything she could back then to save her unit but so many had died. More had been injured and she’d been unable to do anything to help them. She’d lived with the dying screams of her people for two long years. Would she ever be able to put them behind her?

  She couldn’t think about it, couldn’t let herself remember that last battle and what happened afterwards. Not now. Not until she was sure Tremayne was safe. Then she could begin figuring out how best to get vengeance for her people.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity, they reached the ground floor. Marines worked feverishly to make sure all non-essential personnel were moved out of the fire zone. Others laid down carefully controlled cover fire. Ashlyn took it all in, her mind racing to catch up with what was happening. They couldn’t stay there, not as long as there was fighting going on. But where were they going? Was anywhere safe just then?

  Damn it, she wished she knew what was going on.

  “Admiral Tremayne.” A Marine in light armor slid to a halt before them and sketched a quick salute. Even as he did, he checked to make sure they weren’t in the direct line of fire. “Gunnery Sergeant Kevin Talbot, ma’am. I’ve been assigned by Major Santiago to make sure you and Captain Shaw get to safety.”

  “What’s the current situation, Gunny?” Tremayne asked. Gone was the senator. This was the admiral and Ashlyn hoped Talbot realized it.

  “Ma’am, I can’t tell you much. FleetCom is still scrambling to respond. Enemy short-range fighters have launched attacks against the security compound, the presidential palace and other governmental buildings. We have enemy boots on the ground and what appear to have been at least half a dozen suicide bombers at various points across the city. Our forces have scrambled to secure the capital and fighters are in the air.”

  “First Fleet?”

  “Is on station and launching LACs to make sure there are no enemy ships on approach. That’s about all I can tell you, ma’am. Communication to First Fleet is limited right now but FleetCom is working to restore full comms. As for groundside, we have snipers as well as assault troops trying to breach our defenses.”

  “Who’s in command?” Ashlyn asked.

  As she did, she fought down her emotions. Seeing Talbot was yet another reminder of all the lives lost and all that had been taken from her. She had served with the gunnery sergeant before her last assignment. He’d taught her more about battlefield tactics than any of her courses at the Academy and he had pulled her ass out of the line of fire on more than one occasion. Of course, she’d returned the favor almost as many times. After all, that’s what Marines do.

  “Major Santiago, ma’am, and his orders to me were quite clear. I am to make sure you and the admiral – sorry, ma’am, the senator – get safely out of here. If we get the all-clear, a shuttle will take you to rendezvous with First Fleet’s flagship. Otherwise, I’m to get you to the FOB. The major assured me that he’d have my hide, literally, if I let anything happen to either of you.”

  “Then you’d best lead the way, Gunny,” Tremayne said. “But, before you do, make sure these two are secured somewhere safe. I’m going to want to have a chat with them once the current situation is under control.”

  Talbot looked from the senator to the guards, concern momentarily clouding his expression. Then, glancing at Ashlyn, he nodded. Wit
hout asking for an explanation, he called another Marine over and suggested he escort the two to a secure location where they were to remain until further notice. Then he turned back to the guards.

  “Corporal, you and your companion will hand your weapons over to Captain Shaw and then you’ll go with Corporal Henson.” The look he gave the corporal when the man balked brought a quick smile to Ashlyn’s lips. If they lived through this, she’d buy the gunny a drink. It was worth it to see the guard’s discomfort. Besides, she had a feeling Talbot would be more than happy to help her with her other plans. He had lost friends on that last mission as well. “Captain, I also have these for you,” he added after she’d taken their weapons and checked them.

  Ashlyn’s right hand automatically reached out to catch the dog tags he tossed in her direction. Her chest tightened and she swallowed hard as she stared at them. How he’d gotten them, she didn’t know. They had been taken from her when she’d been processed back into the brig after the court-martial panel returned their guilty verdict.

  “How?” she asked softly, staring at the dog tags nestled in the palm of her hand.

  “Major Santiago had them, ma’am. You’ll need to ask him where he got them.”

  She nodded, unable to say anything just then.

  “Welcome back, ma’am. You’ve been missed.”

  “It’s good to be back, Gunny.” She slid the chain over her head, relishing the sound of the tags hitting against one another. Surprisingly, it was good to be back, at least it would be once she’d dealt with a few matters. “Now, let’s get the senator out of here.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  With that, Talbot turned and started toward the rear of the building. As they pushed through the crush of others attempting to get to safety, Shaw thought hard, trying to remember the layout of the building. Unless things had changed since her court-martial, there was a small landing area at the rear of the complex. When she’d been on active duty, it had been used for fleet officers and government officials. But was it secure enough to allow for a shuttle to land and take off without becoming easy target practice for the enemy?

  They turned another corner and she saw daylight. For a moment she paused. It would be so easy to slip away into the confusion and disappear. But she was free. She had to remember that. She was free, her name cleared. The rest would come.

  Assuming any of them lived out the day.

  Tremayne bit back a curse as the building was rocked again. Before she could stop and look, Ashlyn’s hand closed over her arm and dragged her forward. The young woman had to be acting on instinct now. She’d not worn the Marine uniform in more than two years. It had been even longer than that since she had been on duty. Blood from her broken nose and a fresh cut over her right eye covered most of her face and stained the front of her jumpsuit. Tremayne winced as she imagined the pain Ashlyn must be in. But no one would guess it from the way she moved, carefully checking each corner before allowing Tremayne forward and not letting the senator stop and see what was going on.

  Veteran that she was, Tremayne knew this wasn’t her kind of fight. She was a space jockey and always would be. Put her on the bridge of a ship and she was in her element. But this up close and personal sort of fight was why she’d chosen to go Navy instead of joining the Marines like her parents. At least she knew to put her trust in those who knew how to fight this sort of battle. Not that she liked it.

  But if she’d had any concerns, any doubts about how Ashlyn would respond to a combat situation after all she’d been through, she no longer did. The young woman might not look like an active duty Marine in the black jumpsuit she’d been issued but she certainly acted like one. The rifle the gunny secured for her was slung across her back. The pistol she’d taken from the guard was held at the ready. Her eyes constantly scanned their surroundings, looking for danger from any source.

  If that wasn’t enough to prove she was ready not only to return to duty but to trust her fellow Marines, the fact Shaw hadn’t demanded to be linked into the com-net did. She listened carefully to the reports Talbot gave from time to time, occasionally asking questions. But she didn’t demand he turn over his earbud, something Tremayne knew a number of other officers would have. Hell, she probably would have made the demand had she been in Ashlyn’s place. Maybe there really was reason to hope the last two years hadn’t turned the young woman against them.

  God, let it be so.

  “Any update on Fleet status, Gunny?” Tremayne asked as they slid to a halt as the corridor ended in a T.

  The gunny snuck a peek around the corner and then ducked back. His expression was serious as he checked his weapon. Then he lifted his left hand to his ear, listening to the reports coming in over the battle-net.

  “FleetCom says we are to make our way to the FOB, ma’am. They’d like to get you and the captain as far from the fighting as possible, but there are still enemy stingers in the air. So, for the moment at least, you’re stuck groundside.”

  Tremayne nodded. She’d feel better with a deck beneath her feet but that wasn’t to be. Not yet, at any rate. A quick glance at Ashlyn showed she didn’t feel the same. Not that it really surprised the senator. Ashlyn was a Marine, born and bred. Despite everything that had happened to her, everything that had been done to her, the last half hour proven that much at least.

  “Ash,” she said softly.

  “I’m all right, ma’am.” The younger woman gave a lopsided smile that didn’t touch her eyes. “Right now, we need to get you to safety. So let’s get to the FOB.”

  “Almost there, Senator,” the gunny said as they raced through the doors and burst into the sunlight.

  A moment later, they slid to a halt behind a makeshift barrier. One of the three Marines stationed there gave them a quick glance before turning her attention back to the area ahead of them. This might be the center of the security complex, but there was still a lot of open expanse to cross, too much when you considered all the buildings surrounding the complex. Buildings that could be hiding snipers, waiting to take their shot.

  Ashlyn peeked around the edge of the barrier and blew out a breath. Any other time, a shuttle would have rested on the landing pad not fifty meters from them. If one had been there when the attack began, it would have taken off as soon as its engines had been brought online. No one would have wanted it left there, an easy target and nothing more than a huge bomb waiting to be detonated.

  Across the clearing was a second building. A twin to the one they’d just vacated, it housed a number of governmental agencies. Civilians and easy targets. Not that whoever was behind the attack cared. It was obvious they had chosen the timing of the attack very carefully. Not only was the workday well underway, but the streets of the capital would have been filled with tourists and business people going about their daily activities. God, this was a nightmare. How many lives would be lost before the attack was over?

  “Where’s the FOB, Gunny?” Tremayne asked.

  “Three buildings over, ma’am, in the old Cap City Bank building. Major Santiago has set up there and is in contact with FleetCom.”

  “Why there?”

  Ashlyn didn’t like it. The bank building had been vacant for years. She doubted it had been kept up during that time and that meant a direct hit against it could bring the building down around their ears. That assumed they even made it there. First they’d have to cross more than one hundred yards of open area. The threat of snipers, not to mention the possibility of one of the enemy stinger ships zeroing in on them, increased the more open area they had to cross.

  “The major will have to tell you that, ma’am. All I know is that’s where he was ordered to set up the FOB.” Talbot didn’t look any happier about than did she. In a way, that made her feel better.

  Even so, it was so close and yet too far away.

  She leaned against the barrier and closed her eyes, catching her breath. The sounds of fighting at the front of the building reached her. Screams of agony mixed with the unmi
stakable sounds of gunfire. This wasn’t supposed to happen in the capital. Hell, it wasn’t supposed to happen planetside. It had been more than a two centuries since there’d been a real battle on Fuercon and that had been civil war. Even during the last war, the Navy had been able to keep the enemy out of the home system. How the hell had they managed to get through now?

  That was a very good question, one she didn’t have time to worry about. The fighting hadn’t reached this part of the complex yet, but it would before long, especially if the enemy ground troops continued to press forward. If the enemy actually coordinated their efforts with their air support, Ashlyn knew they’d be overrun. That meant they had to move, snipers or not.

  Ash glanced skyward and frowned. Smoke billowed from the side of the building in the general area of where she thought her cell had been. A few minutes more and both she and Tremayne would have died. Wouldn’t that have sucked? Brought back to the capital to be offered a full pardon only to be killed in a sneak attack on the planet.

  “Gunny, we need to get the senator out of here. We can’t wait any longer on the off-chance FleetCom will decide our best bet is the shuttle.”

  “I’m just waiting for the word, ma’am,” he said and cocked his head as he listened to something coming in over his earbud.

  “Any word on enemy air support?” She looked up again, relieved to see only their own fighters in the air for the moment.

  Damn, it felt like she was fighting blind. She didn’t know who the enemy was, what they wanted or what their current position happened to be. She’d been in this position too often during the war, but she’d thought those days were behind her. Of course, she’d also thought she’d be spending the next three years at the penal colony which, just now, sounded pretty damned good. But she was a Marine and she’d be damned if she let anything happen to the woman next to her.

  “Looks like their birds have withdrawn, at least for the moment, Captain. But there’s no guarantee they won’t make another run against us soon.”


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