Dingo (Devil's Fury MC 1)

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Dingo (Devil's Fury MC 1) Page 1

by Harley Wylde

  Dingo (Devil’s Fury MC 1)

  Harley Wylde

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2020 Harley Wylde

  BIN: 009235-02990

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404


  Editor: Crystal Esau

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Table of Contents

  Dingo (Devil’s Fury MC 1)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Dear Reader

  Harley Wylde

  Dingo (Devil’s Fury MC 1)

  Harley Wylde

  Meiling -- All I’ve ever known is pain. My life has been far from a fairy tale. No parents. No friends. Just an endless nightmare that I can’t wake from. Until the day a man offered me his hand and promised to keep me safe. I’ve never trusted anyone before, but there’s something about him. Maybe it’s insane, but I know he won’t hurt me, and when he puts his arms around me, for the first time in my life I feel loved.

  Dingo -- I’ve always had a soft spot for women and kids in trouble. One look at Meiling, and I knew I had to protect her at any cost. The beautiful girl with the wounded soul. After all she’s suffered, all I want is to make her smile, make her feel secure, and give her a chance to find happiness. But first, I need to take out the men and women responsible for hurting her. It might get ugly, and messy, but they don’t call me Dingo for nothing. I’m a crazy bastard, and I won’t stop until she’s safe. I just didn’t count on falling for her along the way.

  Chapter One


  Glitter covered me from head to toe, as well as oil and other fluids I’d just as soon not contemplate. My latest client zipped his pants, gave me a wink, and walked out. He threw some money on the table by the door without a backward glance. Asshole. Then again, all men were as far as I was concerned.

  My technical job title was exotic dancer for the Ruby Slipper. What that actually meant was stripping on stage, then whoring myself out after, and sometimes before. If I didn’t keep the customers happy, then Trotter would kick my ass out -- right after he made sure he got reimbursed in any way he could for supposedly training me. That was a good one.

  I didn’t even bother putting back on the tiny scraps of cloth that couldn’t remotely be considered clothing. I just grabbed the cash only to draw up short when I realized Trotter was leaning against the wall across from the door. The jackass. I handed the cash over, and when he gave me a twenty back -- an entire twenty dollars for letting my customer stick his dick up my ass -- I crumpled it in my fist and stormed off down the hall.

  In the dressing room, I quickly washed off all the unpleasantness of my job and dressed in something sexy. Roxy, one of the other girls, had given me an excellent idea last night. I’d been a bit down, something I rarely let happen, and she’d suggested I find a protector. When I’d pointed out all the men in town frequented this place and were slimy, dear Rox said I needed to go visit the Devil’s Fury.

  Word around town was that they liked easy pussy, and well… I was about as easy as a woman could get. Not by choice, but that didn’t matter much now. I’d learned I could endure anything because I was a survivor. Once I’d thought I’d get out of the system and my life would change. Fucking hysterical. The only difference was I’d gone from one pimp to another. Having my face all over the damn Internet on porn sites wasn’t going to help me find my happy-ever-after. What upstanding citizen wanted a whore for a wife?

  Tonight, things would be different. At the very least, I’d have a place to crash if I could convince one of the bikers to keep me all night, and maybe some food. I’d do just about anything for a hot meal and had, for that matter. I knew some of the girls stayed under lock and key with Trotter, but I’d honestly rather take my chances on the streets, and since I showed up every day for work, he didn’t seem to mind. Although, there were times I had to wonder if he had someone watching me. It seemed like the type of dick move he’d make. Part of me wondered why he’d let me whore myself out for a place to sleep instead of making more money off me, but then, it seemed like the type of thing he would enjoy. Trotter liked it when we suffered, and humiliating us was always enjoyable for him.

  I stepped out into the darkness and started walking. Didn’t have a car, or a place to live. I’d only been out on my own about five months -- although time ran together, so it could have been longer, or shorter -- and so far I wasn’t rockin’ the adulting thing. Not that I’d had any role models, not ones who would show me more than how to sell my body, drugs, or do other illegal shit.

  The new-ish compound for the bikers wasn’t too terribly far from the Ruby Slipper, but walking in four-inch heels made it feel like I’d hiked for miles by the time I reached the gates. I had my large bag slung over my shoulder that had everything I owned, which wasn’t much, and I fully expected the jackass at the gate to dig through it. He eyed it a moment, then raked me over with his gaze from head to toe.

  “You here to party?” he asked.

  I winked and gave him a sexy smirk. “You know it.”

  The guy chuckled and waved me through. I sashayed through the gates and up to the clubhouse. Music was pounding so loud I could hear it clearly through the closed door and windows. When I pushed my way inside, the thick smoke clinging to the air made my eyes sting as I squinted and tried to take it all in.


  I blinked and jerked my head to the right, my jaw dropping as Beau came toward me, shoving his way through the crowd from the bar.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked, his tone a little harsh as he glanced around.

  And just like that, the heart I’d thought I didn’t have anymore broke in two. Of course. Me being here would embarrass him. If I’d known Beau was part of the Devil’s Fury, I’d have kept my distance. The fact I hadn’t seen him since he ran should have spoken volumes. I didn’t blame him for not coming back for me. And I didn’t blame him now for the frantic way he scanned the crowd, as if he were afraid someone would link the two of us together.

/>   “I’m sorry, Beau. I didn’t know you were part of the Devil’s Fury. I wouldn’t have come if…” I swallowed hard.

  Beau jolted forward, and a large man leered down at me. “Prospect, you know the rules. Patched members get the pussy first. Go tend the bar.”

  The leather vest he wore said Scorpion on it. I assumed that was his name. He wasn’t bad-looking, not that looks had ever mattered to me. But this was Beau’s territory, and I needed to leave. Looked like I’d be sleeping in my usual spot after all.

  “I was just leaving,” I said.

  “Really?” asked Scorpion. “Because it looked to me like you just arrived. And, honey, I have plans for you.”

  “I didn’t know that…” I glanced at Beau. His jaw was clenched tight and his eyes were flashing. Yeah. I needed to leave. Seeing me would be a painful reminder to him. Thankfully, he’d never know what happened after he left. It was a secret I intended to take to my grave.

  Without another word, I turned and walked out. I knew he wouldn’t follow, wouldn’t stop me. I didn’t know about the other guy, but he probably didn’t want some woman he had to chase down. I hurried through the gate and back onto the street, then made my way to the bridge on the outskirts of town. The laughter and crude jokes reached my ears long before the men came into view. I stopped, hesitating. I could still go down there, curl up and rest for a bit… for a cost.

  My stomach cramped, and I forced myself to keep going. When Joe, an older man with cruel eyes, saw me, I knew exactly how my night would go. I sighed and kept moving until I was close enough for him to reach. His fingers always felt like they would crush my wrist when he jerked me against his body.

  “There’s Daddy’s pretty little China girl. You going to be good tonight?”

  I nodded and his grip tightened. I hid my wince, but barely. “Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good.”

  He wasn’t the first pervert to get off on being called that, and I knew he wouldn’t be the last. It didn’t help that my curves were understated and I looked younger than my age. Men always mistook me for being in high school. Some got off on that sort of thing, but there were times that was all that saved me.

  He leered at me, yanking my shirt over my head to expose me to the others.

  Would it ever end? I’d learned long ago not to fight. There was no point.

  I was just their toy. A whore. I was trash and would always be trash. No one would ever see me any different.

  Maybe I should have given up long ago.

  He stripped me, then dragged me to the old, nasty mattress on the ground. Knowing what would happen next, I went somewhere else in my mind. Anywhere but here. I’d learned that trick long ago. Joe and his friends would grunt as they slammed their cocks into me one after the other, but when they were done, I’d get something hot to eat and get to sleep for a while without anyone else bothering me. It wasn’t much different from getting fucked at work, except with these men, I didn’t have to pretend to like it. They didn’t care if my eyes went vacant. Then again, these sick fucks thought I was sixteen. I hadn’t told them any different when they’d guessed my age. Something had told me they liked their girls less than legal. At least if they were fucking me, maybe the young girls would be safe from them.

  After my belly was full of the nastiest stew I’d ever tasted, and I’d managed to sleep a few hours, I made my way back to the Ruby Slipper where I showered and started prepping for the lunch crowd. Just another day in hell.

  I tried not think about Beau, but it was hard. He’d been such a huge part of my life for the two years we’d been at the foster home together. We’d suffered together and kept each other strong. Until the night he’d vanished. I’d always envied him his freedom and hoped he’d had a good life, that he was happy. It was too late for me.

  “So, how was it?” Roxy asked, smiling wide as she started setting out her makeup.

  “How was what?” I asked.

  “You know. The biker place. Did they rock your world?”

  I shrugged. “It didn’t really look like my scene so I just stopped by for a second and then left.”

  No one knew about Beau. Or rather, they didn’t realize he was part of Devil’s Fury. I knew that my boss would probably recognize him. Beau hadn’t changed all that much from when he’d been fifteen. I knew for a fact that Trotter had seen the videos my foster family had forced me to make. Beau had been locked in that same hell with me, and they’d paired us together. For all I knew, he’d told those bikers some lie about his past, and I hoped they never found out the truth. He deserved every happiness.

  Roxy nudged me. “Looks like you made an impression on them.”

  My brow furrowed as I looked at her but she was staring at the dressing room doorway. Turning my head, I couldn’t help it when my heart leapt at the sight of Beau. I wasn’t in love with him. It wasn’t that sort of reaction. More the love a sister had for her brother -- if that brother and sister had a very fucked-up childhood.

  “Can we talk?” he asked.

  “I have to get ready, Beau.”

  His gaze darted around the room before coming back to me. “You’re better than this, Meiling.”

  That was fucking hysterical. “No. I’m not. And it’s just Mei now.”

  Beau moved closer, not stopping until he was close enough I could feel the heat from his body. “Why are you here? I would have never gone there last night if I’d known you were part of that crowd. If you’re worried I’ll go back, I won’t.”

  He reached out and laced our fingers together. And that was the thing that almost broke me. I stared at our hands, my throat tight with emotion as I remembered all the times he’d tried to comfort me. But I was toxic for Beau. He needed to keep far from me.

  “You need to leave, Beau.” I hoped like hell Trotter didn’t come back here. If he saw Beau… “He knows, Beau. My boss… it’s why he hired me.”

  His gaze shuttered, and his jaw went tight like last night. Yeah, I was a bad reminder of what we’d been through. For his sake, I needed him to walk away, and never come back. There was no place for me in Beau’s life anymore. I didn’t want to taint him with my presence. I was dirty, more than just dirty. The things I’d done…

  “Leave, Beau. Forget you ever saw me.” I shoved the pain down deep. “Forget you ever knew me.”

  “I can’t do that, Mei. You know I can’t. If I’d gone back…”

  “Then you’d have been caught. I never blamed you, Beau. I still don’t.”

  Beau tightened his hand on mine. “Come with me, Mei. Let me take you out of here.”

  I laughed, but there was nothing humorous about this situation. He didn’t know, not all of it, and if he did, then he’d go home and bathe in disinfectant.

  “This is where I belong.”

  “You’re not a whore, Mei. That’s what this place is. I don’t care that it looks like a regular strip joint outside. Everyone knows if you want a piece of ass, you go to the Ruby Slipper, and that anything goes if the price is right. Is that how you want to live?”

  I lifted my gaze to his and willed him to see the truth, the words I didn’t dare speak. One day this life would kill me. I knew it. He knew it. It was a miracle I hadn’t contracted something already that was incurable. Or maybe not so lucky. No one deserved to live this way.

  “Leave, Beau. And forget me. It’s for the best.”

  “I can’t, Mei. Don’t you understand? I never forgot. I hoped you’d gotten away, had a better life. But seeing you here, knowing that you’re…” He pressed his lips together. Either unable or unwilling to say the words.

  “A whore. You can say it, Beau. I’m a whore. A filthy, dirty piece of trash that men fuck any way they want as often as they want, one after the other, day after day, as long as they pay Trotter for the privilege.”

  “Mei, don’t say that.” He pulled me against him, wrapping me in his arms. It felt so good. Tears burned behind my eyelids as I breathed him in and let the comfort of his embrace soothe me. It
was just a moment of weakness. It meant nothing. “Come with me. I’ll help you find your place in the world. And don’t tell me you already have because you’re so much better than this.”

  I felt Roxy’s presence behind me. “He’s right. I don’t know your story, Mei, but I can tell you’ve been through hell. If he wants to help save you, let him.”

  The sound of a lock twisting made me jolt and pull away from Beau. No. If Trotter got a good look at Beau, if he knew… I didn’t know what would happen, but it couldn’t be good. Trotter was evil all the way to his marrow. I’d seen plenty of men like him.

  “Does the Devil’s Fury need some women?” Trotter asked from behind Beau.

  I gripped Beau’s arms tight, not letting him face Trotter. I hoped he understood, that he’d remain still.

  “Just one,” Beau said. “This one.”

  Trotter got a gleam in his eye, and I could easily picture him rubbing his hands together like a cartoon villain.

  “For all of you?” Trotter asked. “If you decide to take any video, I’d be interested in viewing it, maybe even purchasing it from you.”

  Beau’s lip curled in a snarl, and I gripped him tighter before he could do something stupid.

  “I’ll let your club have her for the night. For a price, of course.”

  “Don’t,” I mouthed. He didn’t want to make a deal with Trotter. It never ended well for anyone involved.

  “I’m sure my Pres will pay whatever you ask. Send one of your men by the club. I need to take her with me so Griz can make sure she’s the one he wants for the party. Gotta keep the Pres happy. You know how it is.”

  Trotter moved in closer and my heart started pounding, fear pulsing through me that Beau would be recognized. He might have his club’s protection for now, but what if they knew about his past? Would they still stand by him?

  “Very well. Take her for your President to inspect. He can be as… thorough as he’d like. But I expect to be compensated for her absence.”


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