Sell Like Crazy

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by Sabri Suby

  $4.13 per lead.

  And for this client a lead wasn’t just a name, email, and phone number. It

  was a 16-step application asking all types of information, resulting in super

  qualified buyers. In fact, because they were targeting high-value prospects,

  they only needed one or two of the leads to become clients to make back that

  $12k investment. And they got 2,968 leads.

  And here is another lead generation example from a client’s Google Ads


  We spent $8,310.59 and generated 2,330 leads at just $3.53 per lead. This

  was for a client selling a product retailing for $1,000. Again, this is insane


  Here’s another example of one of my client’s Google Ads account:

  Over four months we spent $46,792.25 on AdWords to generate

  $1,490,028.30! That’s a 3,084% ROI! They put in $1 and got $31.84 back.

  One last example. Here’s another client for whom we generated a huge ROI.

  Over four months we spent $8,132 on Facebook to generate $34,579. That’s a

  325% ROI!

  Anyway, I think you get the point. Investing in advertising that attracts high-

  value prospects and then converts that traffic into bona fide sales and clients

  is the smartest, most lucrative investment you’ll ever make.

  And those were just examples of Facebook Ads. That’s not taking into

  account SEO, Google Ads, remarketing, or any of the other traffic channels

  we employ for our clients to multiply money.

  Yet despite this reliable, lucrative return, many businesses brag that they

  don’t spend money on advertising. They almost wear it as a ‘badge of

  honour’. And usually they don’t advertise because they think of it as an

  expense. However, that’s a huge tell-tale sign that you’re playing too small.

  You see…

  Advertising is an investment that makes more money than anything else.


  But it’s not your typical investment, where you stick a bunch of money into

  something and hope you end up rich when you’re old. Because when done

  properly, advertising can make you money almost immediately. Just like

  billionaires who leverage money to make more money, you can also multiply

  your money by attracting high- value clients through smart investing in paid


  So, the big question is, how much should you invest in advertising for your


  I hear people talking all the time about business books or university courses

  where they learned about marketing budgets and having a ‘defined budget’ as

  a percentage of sales.

  Like you should spend 10% of turnover on marketing, and ridiculous things

  of that nature. Let me tell you: You should only have a marketing budget if

  your marketing isn’t working. Because if you’re putting $1 in and getting $3

  back... Why wouldn’t you want to invest as much as your cash flow allows?

  In some cases, it may even make sense to borrow cash to invest in marketing,

  as you have essentially created a money-printing machine.

  The way I think about it, it’s like a vending machine that you can put in a

  dollar and buy a $5 or a $10 note. Essentially, you’re buying money at a steep

  discount! And why would you limit yourself to how much you should spend?

  I don’t know an investment on the planet that gives the types of returns that

  efficient paid advertising does, except perhaps super high-risk, start-up

  unicorns. Warren Buffett himself, the most successful investor in the world,

  only gets a 20% return.

  In the pages that follow I’ll be revealing to you my secret selling system and

  how I achieved staggering results for thousands of businesses of all types.

  I’ve systematised this process and am handing it to you on a silver platter.

  Over a decade of trial and error, millions of dollars spent on scientific

  advertising tests, measured down to the dollar – you’ll find all this and more

  in the following chapter.

  Buckle up, take notes, and enjoy!

  PHASE 1:

  Understand And Identify Your Dream


  Most online marketing information you’ve learned is dead wrong. I

  know that’s a big call to make – but it’s true.

  The fact is, no matter how much you’ve been taught about digital

  marketing in the past, you haven’t been told the full story.

  None of the common digital marketing strategies and tactics you’ve been

  taught will ever give you the rapid growth you seek without first

  understanding the principles you’re going to learn in this book.

  It’s true: the indispensable strategies for success have been kept secret from

  you. This is the vital knowledge the ‘gurus’ don’t tell you and don’t want you

  to know.

  Why would they keep these hidden from you? The answer is simple.

  Most ‘gurus’ simply don’t know them. Or are too lazy to implement them.

  They’re not easy to sell to business owners and entrepreneurs.

  You see, contrary to what you’ve been told, it’s not simply all about traffic

  and getting thousands of visitors to your site.

  Nor is it all about the latest sales funnel software or Google hack that will

  open the floodgate to free traffic.

  The reality is that competition online is at an all-time high. With the rising

  cost per click in Google Ads, or the competition with SEO and Facebook ads,

  the online marketplace is so fiercely competitive that you must have a solid

  strategy to convert traffic into actual leads, customers, and revenue.

  If you don’t, you’ll end up wasting your money and your competitors will eat

  you alive.

  The mainstream way of ‘solving’ this problem is to target only the people

  most likely to buy your products and services. I’m going to show you why

  this approach is so misguided.

  The Larger Market Formula

  One of the secrets to skyrocketing sales is by appealing to a larger market.

  The Larger Market Formula breaks down the entire audience of buyers in any

  market into four key categories:

  Let’s start at the top of the pyramid.

  In any given market at any given time, 3% of people are in ‘buying mode’. If

  you pick up the newspaper, watch TV, or do a Google search, you’ll see ads

  shouting, ‘We have the biggest range and the best prices!’ These ads are

  directed at that 3%, and the conversation goes something like this:

  ‘I’m thirsty right now’.

  ‘Would you like this crisp glass of fresh water?’

  ‘Yes please!’

  That’s not hard. A high percentage of the 3% will buy. You might get a few

  objections like, ‘I don’t want room temperature water. Can you give it to me

  chilled?’ Not hard to rectify.

  The problem is, your competitors are going hard after that top 3%. If you

  split up that 3% of easy customers between you and your competitors, you’re

  never going to make much money.

  The real money is in the 37% of people who are saying, ‘I’m kinda thirsty –

  what should I drink?’ They are either gathering information (17%) or

  ‘problem aware’ (20%).

  Or how about those who don’t even know they’re thirsty to begin with –

  because this market is a
whopping 60% of all people! Once you understand

  the Larger Market Formula, you can use it to swoop up the majority of the

  market that’s being ignored – and transform them into loyal customers who

  continually drive sales into your business.

  The goal is to move the 97% of potential customers up the pyramid faster.

  Because believe it or not, even ‘disinterested’ prospects can turn into

  lucrative customers if you know how to approach them. The problem is that

  most people treat every lead like the 3% who are ready to buy now. They

  have no systems in place to capture and nurture the other 97%.

  How To Take Customers From ‘Just

  Looking’ To ‘Shut Up And Take My


  To reach the 97% who aren’t ready to buy now (but could be very soon), you

  have to educate them. When a prospect isn’t informed or knowledgeable on a

  subject, they’re in a state of uncertainty and people don’t buy in this state.

  But the more they know, the more likely they are to buy.

  The bonus here is, if you are the one educating them, you’re also making sure

  that when they hit the ‘buy now’ stage, they’ll be likely to buy from you. To

  do this, your message must be powerful, insightful, and education-based, and

  not simply a promotional piece about your company.

  What’s also happening is that you’re changing the dynamics and psychology

  of the relationship between your business and your potential customers. It’s a

  technique that means you’re no longer chasing clients. Instead, they’re

  putting their hands up and requesting to speak to you.

  They want you to help them. They start pursuing you or calling you to

  enquire about your products and services. It’s a game changer, and it’s hands

  down the best way to attract business online.

  We go deeper into this later in the book, but…

  The key is to install a system that:




  Gets prospects to act!

  This is vitally important for any business looking to grow rapidly and

  consistently. Because when you have a system that takes cold traffic from

  Google, Facebook, or any other channel and ‘warms it up’, you’re only

  talking to interested prospects, not time-wasters.

  You’re no longer spending hours trying to educate a customer that your

  solution is the best; you’re just closing and collecting the cash.

  Your systems – not you – are doing the grunt work in educating prospects,

  following them up, and delivering content that educates. And when they

  reach out to you, you’ll know they are predisposed, pre-qualified, ready,

  willing, and able to do business with you. They’re virtually 99% ready to


  Here’s what you need to do:

  Educate your prospects so they know more about the process of

  solving their problem, and they’re empowered to make a better buying

  decision. (Do this using a High-Value Content Offer, i.e. free reports,

  videos, cheat sheets, or other value-based materials. You’ll learn how

  to do this in Phase 2.)

  Take your best sales pitch or frequently asked questions and turn them

  into assets that nurture prospects on autopilot. At the same time as

  giving them information, you’re also moving them up the pyramid.

  (Do this using the Magic Lantern Technique, which you’ll learn in

  Phase 6.)

  Position your solution as the obvious choice.

  Make them an irresistible offer using ‘The Godfather Strategy’.

  (You’ll learn how to do this in Phase 4.)

  If you can actively and skilfully move people up the pyramid, you can shift

  many of the 97% of prospects from ‘not buying right now’ or ‘not even

  thinking about it’ to becoming your customer right away.

  The best part about this is you get to reach your dream customers before they

  even know they’re ready to buy, thus reaching them well before your

  competitors have the chance.

  The best way to do this is through what’s called a sales funnel. This technique

  shifts a prospect up each stage of the pyramid over a period of a few weeks.

  Done right, you’ll easily see your sales double without having to spend more

  on your advertising.

  We’ll go into sales funnels in Phase 5, but in simple terms, a sales funnel is a

  controlled path an online user takes to become a website visitor, then a

  prospect, and finally a customer. It’s a way to convert prospects from

  uninterested, confused wanderers into your best customers.

  The Halo Strategy: Know Your


  Before you start thinking about a sales funnel, creating offers, or setting up

  Google Ads, Facebook Ads, SEO, or any other system, you need to do this

  one thing, as nothing matters if you can’t nail this:

  You must know your customer intimately!

  When it comes to acquiring new customers, the most basic starting point is

  understanding who they are. When you understand this, you can tailor your

  marketing message directly for your audience.

  Many businesses fall into the trap of believing they know who their

  customers are. They acquire rudimentary data such as their gender, age, and

  perhaps even their location, and stop right there. This is a big mistake,

  because knowing them intimately can make the difference between winning

  and losing.

  Here are two important points:

  Understanding someone’s age and gender is not enough to really

  know them.

  ‘‘Anyway, your competition is already doing this, so with this

  minimalist approach, the best you can do is match their data’’.

  For your message to stand out from the crowd and really win customers, you

  must go deeper. Much deeper.

  You need to uncover your customer’s deepest and most primal desires. You

  must delve into their fears, hopes, wishes, and dreams. This is the stuff

  they’re thinking but don’t tell anyone. You need to move beyond the obvious

  and work out how your audience thinks, feels, and acts. As Robert Collier


  ‘‘Enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind’’.

  So how do you really identify your ‘dream buyer’?

  Your dream buyer can be identified through Pareto’s principle of the 80/20



  Because the Pareto Principle is exponential!

  Let me explain. We already know that 20% of your customers represent 80%

  of your revenue. But within that initial 20%, the 80/20 rule also applies.

  Meaning the top 20% of the top 20% of your customers (or the top 4%

  overall) represent 64% of your sales (calculated as 80% times 80%).

  Meaning you can laser in on the 4% of your customers who contribute to

  64% of your business’s revenues, and importantly, find more customers like


  Your Power 4%

  I call these customers your Power 4%. Why? Because they have the power to

  make you filthy rich!

  Once you identify your Power 4%, you want to learn all about them. Not just

  the usual stuff like age, gender, location, what products or services they

  enquired about, and how they found you or what channel they came
in from

  (although you want to know that too). You need to know them much more


  You need to read your prospect’s mind. You must be obsessed with their

  passions, dreams, fears, and desires. Getting to know all this crucial detail is

  what we call The Halo Strategy. It’s the most powerful strategy of them all

  and the most important to get right – as none of the other stuff matters if you

  can’t nail this.

  Once you identify your Power 4%, you want to look at what characteristics

  they share. Start with the obvious data including age, location, and education

  level. In addition to this, you then need to look at what products or services

  they enquired about and how they found you or what channel they came in

  from. This gives you incredibly valuable information you can use with a

  variety of marketing tools to find the same type of customers out there who

  don’t know about your business yet.

  So where do you start to discover your market’s hopes and dreams, pains and

  fears, those that literally keep them up at night tossing and turning and unable

  to sleep? It’s simple. All you need to get started is two or three major

  keywords or search phrases around your products or services. Once you have

  those in place, it’s time to do some detective work. You can download the

  halo strategy worksheet at -

  Think about the one or two major keywords and search terms people use to

  search for your products or services.

  Search on Google for popular blogs, LinkedIn forums, YouTube

  comment sections, Amazon reviews, Reddit, Quora, and social media

  platforms. Go wherever your audience hangs out and congregates.

  Look at what your audience is saying and feeling. What are they

  happy with? What are they unhappy with? Look at their concerns and

  questions. Notice any themes? Are they banging their head against the

  wall on the same issue over and over? Pay close attention to the

  language they’re using when it comes to the existing products and

  services already on the market.

  Once you’ve collected all your information, organise your findings

  into categories of comments or concerns that appear the most, noting

  what feelings were most dominant.

  Find the gaps or shortcomings in the products or services already out there.


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