Sell Like Crazy

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Sell Like Crazy Page 9

by Sabri Suby

  speaking only to the 3% of your market who are looking to buy, with a call to

  action (CTA) like ‘get a quote’. This type of CTA typically converts at

  around 3%, resulting in the three leads. A typical conversion rate for this type

  of offer generally converts at 30%, resulting in this exercise yielding one


  Scenario 2: You send the same 100 people to a website or landing page that

  speaks to the burning questions that market has with a HVCO. This type of

  offer generally converts at 25% because it’s aimed at educating the market

  rather than selling. Because the offer is more educational, naturally there is

  less buyer intent behind it, so these leads close at a lower rate of typically

  around 12% if nurtured correctly. Resulting in three sales. Net result? Same

  cost to generate the 100 visitors, with triple the amount of sales.

  So, now you know that HVCOs work, and can dramatically increase sales for

  your business, you should think about the type of HVCO that would really

  provide value for your prospects, whether that be a free report, video, cheat

  sheet, webinar, seminar, or otherwise.

  Remember, it must be geared towards mass market appeal, answering the

  most prominent burning question, and offering the single most valuable and

  immediate solution to that problem. All while drawing into the top of your

  funnel as many targeted people as possible.

  Now let’s get into the actual mechanics on how to create an HVCO for your


  There are three rules you must follow when putting together the kind of

  HVCO that will explode your sales:

  HVCO Rule #1: Create an Attention-Grabbing Headline

  HVCO Rule #2: Make sure every point touches a burning issue.

  HVCO Rule #3: Keep it simple.

  Now, they’re all important, and we’ll come to rules #2 & #3 in a moment; but

  first, the single most critical part of this process is having an attention-

  grabbing headline that stops your prospects in their tracks, grabs them by the

  throat, and creates so much intrigue that it practically forces them to give you

  their contact details.

  HVCO Rule #1: Create An Attention-

  Grabbing Headline

  To illustrate the importance and power of this, let me share a short story. In

  1982, Naura Hayden released a book called Astro-Logical Love.

  Looking at the title, what do you think this book is about? Does it grab you

  and demand your attention? Is it clear and specific as to what you’ll learn?

  Well, when they print a book, the first print run is typically 5,000 books, and

  most books don’t sell out in their first run. This book also didn’t sell out in

  the initial 5,000. In fact, it sold only 2,000 copies.

  So Hayden sold the rest of her books to discount book stores and flea

  marketers who sell books for 99 cents. It was there that a New York publisher

  stumbled across the book, bought it, read it, and thought, ‘This is a great

  book about how to seduce women’.

  He called Naura Hayden and bought the rights to the book and republished it.

  He didn’t change one word inside the book.

  Exact same book… The product was the same.

  But he changed the title to this: How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time… and

  Have Her Beg for More!

  Which book would you rather read if you were in the market for that type of


  Well, the result was 2.3 million books sales in the first 18 months!

  It became a massive cultural phenomenon and a New York Times #1 best

  seller. Same book, same content, just a different title. It wasn’t the picture on

  the cover that made the difference (actually there is no picture). It was the

  title, and more specifically the offer in the title that changed.

  And that was an offer that someone actually wanted. The take-away for you

  is simple and clear:

  Identify your Dream Buyer’s single most pervasive and persistent hair-on-fire

  problem – and then offer them the single most valuable and immediate


  Once you’re clear on this, really labour over figuring out the best possible

  title for your free report. Because the truth is, the title of your free report is

  the number one factor in the pulling power of your HVCO and will largely be

  responsible for the amount of people that enter your funnel… and the amount

  of sales you make.

  Like the example earlier, you don’t want to call your free report How to

  Make Men Want You. It’s a vanilla offer and it doesn’t intrigue the reader.

  You want to name it, Make Him Beg to Be Your Boyfriend in Six Simple


  Consider an HVCO that King Kong put together: 22 Money Murdering

  Mistakes That No Web Designer Would Dare Tell You. It’s a lot more

  compelling than Five Things You Should Know When Building Your

  Website. We dialled up the volume, using strong imagery that provoked a

  visceral response. You want to make your title burn with intrigue and be

  absolutely irresistible

  If the title of your HVCO isn’t enticing and doesn’t stop people in

  their tracks, then nobody’s going to download it. And if nobody

  downloads it, you’ll have nobody entering the top of your funnel and

  you’ll have nobody to call. You’ll have no leads and you’ll make no


  Having a really good title to your HVCO literally pulls everybody into

  the top of the funnel.

  So, how do you get people to actually read your stuff? Here are five headline





  “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body

  copy. When you’ve written your headline, you’ve spent eighty cents out of

  your dollar”.

  - David Ogilvy

  People who write copy and craft headlines and ads for a living are called

  copywriters. And which publications have the highest-paid copywriters on

  the planet? You might think it’s a huge advertising agency, or maybe Coca-

  Cola, or Nike, but you’d be wrong.

  The answer is gossip magazines and news publications. Like Women’s

  Weekly, AARP and The National Enquirer.

  For those wondering what The National Enquirer is, it’s one of those trashy

  gossip magazines in the US that you see near the checkout in supermarkets

  and convenience stores. But there’s a good reason why they pay their

  copywriters so much. The writers for The National Enquirer are among the

  best anywhere on earth. I’m not being sarcastic. They really are. If you doubt

  that, here’s something for you to consider.

  Approximately seven million people read The National Enquirer each and

  every week! Enquirer articles are superbly written. They are clear, concise,

  crisp, and, all in all, the most easily understood articles of any publication.

  And what do Enquirer writers excel at above all else?

  You guessed it – HEADLINES. Their headlines are so powerful and have so

  much grabbing power that every week, people who’ve sworn they’ll never

  again buy such a publication are almost forced to purchase it despite


  Let’s take a quick look at the attention-grabbing pulling power of their

  headlines now.

  Look at the wording: ‘Exposed!’ ‘Revealed!’ ‘Confession!’ ‘Horror!’

  ‘Secret!’ ‘Torture!’

  These are all emotional trigger words that strike up very visceral emotions.

  Now at this stage you might be thinking, ‘I could never position my business

  as these trashy mags do!’

  Slow down. Be patient and stay with me.

  It’s not just the National Enquirer that does this. Let’s look at something a

  little closer to home and see what we can learn about how to create an

  irresistible, attention-grabbing headline.

  Take a moment to look at each one of these covers and see if you can see

  some commonalities, other than of course all being fixated on ‘Better Sex!’

  and ‘Getting Chiselled Six-Pack Abs!’ Something else should jump out at

  you, something that adds to the grabbing power of their headline. Let’s take

  the first one, Glamour Magazine with Jennifer Lopez on the cover. Notice the

  use of numbers…


  Numbers give your prospects a tangible object or logical idea to wrap their

  head around. They also lay out a structure the reader instantly knows will be

  easy to follow (not forgetting it makes it easier for you to write). Would you

  rather read ‘5 things you must know before hiring a wedding planner’ or

  ‘Some helpful information about hiring a wedding planner’? The answer

  should be obvious.

  So, let’s try it for your business:

  ‘7 Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner’

  ‘12 Things No Wedding Photographer Would Tell You’

  ‘22 Money Murdering Mistakes No Web Designer Would Dare Tell


  It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, this is cut and paste: ‘Shocking

  reporting reveals the 5 things you must know about X’.

  I’ve used it in hundreds of industries and it’s never not worked.

  Remember, your prospects are more distracted than ever before. People

  browsing the web are basically sleepwalkers and you must jolt them awake

  like an electric shock. Remember, they’re only one click away from seductive

  porn or irresistibly cute cat videos.

  In the first few seconds you must grab them by the throat and drag them into

  your copy and your offer. Once you have their attention with an attention-

  grabbing headline, this sets you up for the ‘meat and bones’ of your ad where

  you need to create enough desire for them to give you their contact details

  and download your HVCO – and therefore enter your funnel. And you do

  that by creating irresistible intrigue.


  It’s not enough just to get their attention and sell the benefits of your offer.

  You also need to pique your reader’s interest and have them burning with

  curiosity. The best way to do that is to dial up the intrigue.

  A great way to create irresistible intrigue is by using words such as ‘Must’,

  ‘Alarming’, ‘Shocking’, ‘Won’t Tell You’, ‘Exposed!’ ‘Revealed’

  ‘Confession!’ ‘Horror’ ‘Secret’. You can download an additional list of power

  words to help you get started at

  Or try adding a twist or qualifier to the hook, i.e., ‘How to start and scale an

  online business, even if you don’t know what to sell’. By adding the ‘even if

  you don’t know what to sell’ it not only qualifies people who don’t know

  what they want to sell, but also increases the intrigue for your prospect to find

  out how that’s possible.



  Your HVCO should ultimately be about them and their desired outcome.

  Your prospect needs (and wants) an immediate benefit and the key is to write

  about them – not you.

  Show them how they’ll learn simple tips that will help solve their problem.

  Show them what their desired outcome looks like, and then educate them on

  how to get there. That’s the payoff the reader gets in exchange for their email


  You must add as many specific and vivid details as possible. Let’s look at

  one of the titles for a free report we looked at earlier:

  ‘7 Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner’

  That’s already better than most. Most people would generally go with

  something very vague like:

  ‘7 Things to Know About Financial Planning’

  How can we juice this up and make it more irresistible?

  Lets add in some power words.

  ‘7 Alarming Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Financial Planner’

  ‘7 Shocking Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Financial Planner’

  ‘7 Horrors You Must Know Before Hiring A Financial Planner’

  That’s a bit better, but what else can we do to really get these singing?

  Well, one more thing we can do to take these titles to the next level is to

  make them as specific and bursting with intrigue as possible.

  ‘7 Horrors You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner (Not knowing

  these could cost you $10,000s!)’

  ‘7 Alarming Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Financial Planner (#3

  Will Blow Your Mind!)’

  That last one is strong. The intrigue has been dialled up. Let’s go with that.


  7 Alarming Things You Must Know

  Before Hiring A Financial Planner

  (#3 Will Blow Your Mind!)

  Top financial planner reveals his secret checklist and the dirty little lies that

  could cost you $10,000s and stop you from retiring 7 years early. Shocking

  free report reveals all!

  Now let’s take a step back and compare the original title with the one we’ve

  just created:

  ‘7 Things to Know About Financial Planning’


  ‘7 Alarming Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner (#3

  Will Blow Your Mind!)’

  Which sounds more compelling? More intriguing? Which would more likely

  to convince you to hand over your contact details in exchange for that info?


  ‘7 Things To Know About Financial Planning’

  ‘How to Meet Men’

  ‘5 Facts About Web Design’

  ‘Information About Getting a Divorce’


  ‘7 Alarming Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Financial Planner (#3

  Will Blow Your Mind)’

  ‘Make Him Beg to Be Your Boyfriend in 6 Simple Steps’

  ‘22 Money Murdering Mistakes That No Web Designer Would Dare Tell


  ‘A Top Divorce Lawyer’s Secret Checklist: 22 Tipoffs Your Husband May Be

  Cheating on You’

  Timeless Formulas For Your HVCO


  Timeless Formula #1

  X ways to achieve [Desirable Thing] without doing [Undesirable Thing]


  6 Ways to Get Washboard Abs Without Doing a Single Sit -Up

  Timeless Formula #2

  [Do Difficult Thing] in [Specific Period of Time] Even if [Shortcomings]


  Pay Off Your Mortgage in 7 Years Even if You Have a Modest Income

  Timeless Formula #3

  Achieve [Desirable Thing] like [An Expert] Even Without [Something



  Paint Masterpieces Like Picasso Without Ever Having a Single Lesson!

  Timeless Formula #4

  How to Eliminate [Biggest Problem] without doing [The Thing They Hate]

  Within [Specific Timeframe]


  How to Eliminate Your Muffin Top Without Giving Up the Foods You Love

  – Within 21 Days or Less!

  These are all pretty good starting points for your HVCO title. They speak to

  your prospect’s needs in a clear and concise way.

  You don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time you write a new report.

  However, if you can come up with a unique and memorable title, it will suck

  in leads like a vacuum cleaner on steroids.

  HCVO Tip #2: Make Sure Every

  Point Touches A Burning Issue

  Make sure every point in your HVCO touches on a burning question your

  audience has. If you’re writing a report or an ebook, do this in the sub-heads

  to ensure anyone just skimming it will get pulled in.

  For example, if your headline is this:

  ‘5 Shocking Ways Internet Thieves Are Stealing Your Private Data – And the

  Secrets to Protecting Your Family!’

  Every point or subhead in the text needs to support this assertion. For

  example, a subhead could be:

  ‘#1 – Think Your Password Keeps You Safe? Think Again!’


  ‘#2 –Destructive Malware Will Fry Your Computer!’

  The point is that if you make an assertion in your title or headline, you must

  back it up in the text. Keep up the pressure!

  HCVO Tip #3: Keep It Simple

  Start by writing a free report or ebook. There are lots of different types of

  HVCOs (see below for a list), but reports and ebooks are easy to create, and

  you can have one up and sucking in leads in no time. All you have to do is

  write a short report (5-6 pages is plenty) and convert it into a PDF. (Don’t let

  the simplicity fool you into thinking they’re not effective. Some of the most

  popular HVCOs I’ve ever deployed were only eight pages.)

  You don’t even have to write your report from scratch. You could compile

  your most popular blog posts into one easy-to-digest guide, jazz it up with

  basic styling, and convert it into a PDF.

  Or you could interview experts on a subject, compile the answers into a

  report, write an irresistible title, and away you go. (Many experts are happy


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