Sell Like Crazy

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by Sabri Suby

  they would be successful.

  State your price and what your services cost. Say it with pride and conviction.

  Do not hesitate for a second and do not pause to get a confirmation once you

  state your price. This is a run-on sentence, and you want to go on to further

  explain the pricing.

  All packages should have a set-up fee. This is for two reasons: 1) to offset

  your customer acquisition costs, and 2) to create urgency using a Fast Action

  Bonus (FAB).

  Fast Action Bonus – Going back and forth costs you time, energy, and

  money. Let them know you can drop the set-up fee if they make a decision


  As a backup you, can give them 24 hours if they truly need to speak with

  their partner.

  ‘Well, Mike, as I mentioned, there’s normally a $1,000 set-up fee.

  However, I’ve found that people who are able to make decisions

  quickly always turn out to be my best clients. This is because they’re

  decisive and can take action. Also, going back and forth costs me

  time, energy, and money. So for that reason, if we can get this all

  sorted for you on the call today, I’ll waive the $1,000 set-up cost off

  your investment, making it just the $___. How does this sound Mike?

  Can we go ahead and get this set up for you?’


  There’s an old saying in sales: ‘The person who speaks first, loses.’ You’ve

  stated your offer. Now you must show confidence by waiting for their


  You’re looking for confirmation on moving forward.

  You wait for Mike to say,

  ‘How does that work?’

  ‘What are the next steps?’

  ‘Yes, let’s do it!’

  ‘Ok, how can we pay?’

  ‘What is the process to getting signed up?’ Then you say,

  ‘Ok, great! We take Visa, MasterCard or Amex. Which card would

  you like to use today?’

  Collect their payment details and boom! You’ve closed the deal and won a


  Now you might be thinking, ‘It can’t be that simple’. But it is.

  This is the complete opposite approach to what most people use when

  making sales. Typically, they follow the ‘guru-centric’ model where they’ve

  worked to put themselves up onto pedestals so they could be admired,

  appreciated, and respected enough to be purchased from. Instead we use this

  process to create massive relevance for your clients by being able to solve

  their biggest and most burning problems.

  Recap: When selling coaching, consulting, or professional services, it’s

  important to weed out people quickly if they aren’t going to be a good fit.

  You do this by using surveys and applications. That way, it frees up more

  time for you to spend with people who are a good fit and that you can

  actually help.

  The survey and application pages allow you to pre-frame your prospects by

  having them jump through hoops, qualifying themselves and confirming they

  are a good fit. When the fate of your business is on the line – which it always

  is because sales is the oxygen for any business – you need a proven ‘rinse and

  repeat’ process and script for converting leads into sales. You don’t want to

  have it all in your head or ‘wing it’. You must have a script that you refine

  and strengthen over time.

  Then when you hire people, they can follow your proven script, leaving little

  to chance.

  But what happens to the people who go through our funnel and don’t take the

  desired action we want them to? Which, I will add, will always be the

  majority of people, because in marketing, we only ever count on a very small

  percentage of people actually doing what we want them to do. Do we just

  accept this and move on to simply just generating more traffic?


  We nurture these people over time. We provide value and build a relationship

  by using email.

  In the following pages I’ll go in-depth on the topic of email marketing and

  how I’ve used it to generate tens of millions of dollars in sales.

  PHASE 8:

  Automate And Multiply

  My Secret Weapon to Turning any Traffic Source into My Own Personal

  Honeypot of Hyper-Profitable Endless Sales

  If you had to strip me down naked, take everything I’ve got, and leave me

  with nothing except for one marketing weapon of choice, what do you

  think it would it be?

  My contacts? JV partnerships? Google rankings? My ability to turn ice-cold

  traffic on Facebook into profit?

  Nope! I would choose email!

  Why? Email outperforms every other marketing channel. Period. And one of

  the biggest mistakes I see businesses make is not building an email list from

  day one.

  Email is the bedrock of my business today. It’s by far my #1 source of

  revenue. It’s how I communicate with my community, launch new services,

  and reach my customers. Email is the engine that’s generated millions of

  dollars for my business — more than every other channel we’ve used

  combined. And it’s not just our business that depends on email.

  It turns out that having an email list has a forty-fold impact on your bottom

  line. Yes, you read that right. According to a 2014 study by McKinsey and

  Company, for every dollar you put into email marketing you get back forty

  dollars more than you would through Facebook, Instagram, and almost every

  other marketing channel. Forty times more revenue!

  And according to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), for every $1

  marketers spend on email, the average ROI is $44.

  Don’t make the mistake of not building this incredible asset for your own

  business. Email delivers more leads than any other marketing channel, and

  42% of businesses have listed email marketing as the top digital marketing

  channel for lead generation. So if you’re serious about business growth, an

  email list is critical.

  I get asked all the time about why am I so bullish on email? Aside from the

  obvious case as seen in the statistics above, my reason is simple: it’s a huge

  risk to build a business on a platform owned by somebody else.

  While everyone’s freaking out about Facebook messenger bots and

  screaming from the rooftops, ‘email is dead’, Facebook can change its

  policies overnight – which they do all the time.

  Google can penalise your site and flatline your traffic.

  But you own your email list. Nobody can take it away. The moral of the story

  is this: don’t leave the fate of your business in somebody else’s hands. If you

  build your audience on some external platform, you’re at their mercy. And

  you’re not in control.

  In addition to this, email is incredibly efficient… It can sell to 10 people as

  easily as it can to 100,000 people. In other words… it scales! You can write

  just one great email message and profit from it again and again.

  Just like this one email I wrote in 30 minutes that has already made me


  I wrote this great email once, and thanks to the power of email marketing and

  automation, it’s been a workhorse that keeps working, grinding it out and

ng in money – without me having to exert any further effort.

  When I look at sales and marketing, I look to create automatic and robotic-

  like selling systems where you can write an email, shoot a video, write a sales

  page, or record a webinar, and then profit from it again and again on


  Over 117,391 people have read that email in the last two years. All

  automatically, robotically. I didn’t lift a finger.

  Email is really one of the biggest levers in your business, and hopefully by

  now you see why it’s so important.

  So if it’s that important, what do you think you should spend time getting

  good at? Yes! Email.

  Now I’m going to pull back the curtain and show you exactly how to write

  throat-grabbing emails that get people to buy.

  The Battle For Attention In The Inbox

  In Phase 2, we covered how to use High Value Content Offers to get anyone

  to give you their email address. Now I’m going to walk you through how to

  use email to form a friend-like bond with your list, channel influence, and

  create an avalanche of sales for your business.

  We’re going to talk about what you do once you’ve got a list of prospects.

  When it comes to email, there really are only three things that matter:

  Get it delivered

  Get it opened

  Get it clicked

  And we’re going to cover everything in this chapter.

  Step 1: Get It Delivered

  When most people think about email marketing, they think, ‘All I have to do

  is get an email service provider, upload my list to a piece of email marketing

  software, click the send button, and they’ll handle the rest.’

  It really doesn’t work that way. You have to really work to ensure your

  emails get delivered. Considering the smart filtering systems of today’s

  mailboxes and email providers, achieving a high inbox deliverability rate is

  not easy.

  In today’s day and age, email deliverability is determined by three things:

  Sender reputation.

  Bounce and complaint rates.

  Recipient engagement.

  For businesses that are serious about growth, email deliverability is arguably

  one of the most important metrics. However, you won’t find any marketers

  talking about it. Why not? Because it’s not sexy. But let’s face it, if email is

  the biggest driver of revenue, and if you’re not optimising and testing your

  deliverability, you could be leaving hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of

  dollars on the table.

  Because if your emails aren’t being delivered, then they aren’t being seen,

  read, or clicked. And if you can increase your email deliverability by even

  just two or three per cent, it can significantly increase your revenue.

  So, while this is going to get a little technical, stay with me because I promise

  it will be worth it.

  The Platform

  The very first step to getting your email delivered is to be on a good platform.

  What platform is best? This all comes down to the size of your list (how

  many people are on your list) and the economics (how much it will cost you

  to send out to that list).

  A great place to start if you have a smaller sized list (sub 10,000) is

  MailChimp, which has some of the best deliverability in the industry.

  However, it can prove to be relatively more expensive as your list gets


  Some other good platforms are ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, AWeber, and


  Without getting too technical, each platform does better with different email

  providers. Depending on your list size, you might want to use multiple

  platforms for different email providers, or you might choose a platform with

  the best deliverability for the majority of your list’s email providers.

  Primary Email Providers

  Email Deliverability

  Deliverability by Email Provider

  It’s clear that some email platforms are better at delivering emails than

  others, and specifically at getting through to certain email providers like


  I strongly believe that deliverability should be an important factor to consider

  when choosing an email software service. And while it might seem like I’m

  deep in the weeds here talking about highly technical elements, it’s important

  to fully understand the profound effect that deliverability plays in driving

  sales. The results aren’t linear – they compound and exponentially move the

  needle for your sales:

  Small Hinges Swing Big Doors

  More delivered > More opened > More clicked > More see your offer > More

  buy $$$

  Sender Reputation

  Just like a credit score, your IP address (the unique string of numbers that

  identify your computer) has a reputation called a sender score.

  If you’re like me, your eager little brain is probably saying, I wonder what

  my sender score is?

  Well, you can go to and find out for yourself.

  This website is run by a company called Return Path, and it will tell you what

  your reputation and sender score is. Anything above 90 is good, anything

  above 95 is great, and you shouldn’t be having any deliverability issues.

  However, it is something you need to frequently check, as you want to

  uncover any issues sooner rather than later.

  If you score anything below 90, you have some issues that need to be

  corrected. Here’s a list of the most important metrics that affect your sender

  score and reputation.

  The Most Important Metrics That Affect Sender Reputation

  Message is read – A positive indicator that the recipient wants to

  receive your emails.

  Message is replied to – A positive indicator that the message is

  desired and presents a personal interest to the recipient.

  Message is forwarded – A positive indicator that the recipient finds

  the message valuable and thinks that others should see it too.

  Message is marked as ‘not spam’ – A very strong positive indicator

  that email providers use to train their spam filters.

  Message is moved to a folder – An indication that the recipient wants

  your email, but also wants to better organise it and access it later.

  Sender/domain is added to the address book – A positive signal

  indicating that the recipient wants your emails and wants to make sure

  your future messages will be delivered to their inbox.

  Message is deleted without being opened – A negative signal that

  your email is of no interest to the recipient.

  Message is marked as spam – A very strong negative signal that

  your email is unwanted and not worthy of being in their inbox.

  Creating Goodwill With Your List

  The single most important strategy for increasing your sender score is by

  sending more engaging and valuable emails. Don’t just send your list promos

  and offers. You need to create goodwill with your audience and have them

  hanging for your next email, which is why the Magic Lantern Technique

  works so well.

  An easy way to manage this is to make sure two thirds of your emails are

  content and value, and one third is offers and promos.

  This rule is not
hard and fast. In your content pieces, you can make offers.

  Throw them in the P.S. and ensure the main body of the email stands alone as

  a valuable piece of content.

  Warm Up Your New IP Address

  After you select which platform is best for you and you’ve got a new IP, it’s

  important to start sending slowly with a low email volume to establish an IP

  address reputation. Over time, you can increase the volume.

  Formatting and Styling

  Contrary to popular advice, your email shouldn’t look ‘beautiful’, with heavy

  images and sexy graphics. Why not? Firstly, who do you think send these

  types of heavy emails with lots of images – individuals or businesses with

  commercial intent? Businesses! These types of emails send a signal to email

  providers that the nature of your email isn’t personal, and therefore it hurts

  deliverability. And if it doesn’t get delivered, nobody’s opening it, and if

  nobody’s opening it – you guessed it – nobody will be buying!

  Secondly, while you may think, ‘But it looks so schmick and sexy’, know

  that in the case of email, schmick and sexy doesn’t drive sales. It’s been

  proven in countless split tests. However, most businesses keep overdesigning

  emails and attempting to make them look ‘beautiful’.

  Logos in the Header

  A lot of business owners and even seasoned marketers put their logo at the

  top of each email, and then have padding around the email with fancy

  buttons, almost styling it up like a web page.

  These heavy-weight emails kill your deliverability, because who sends these

  types of emails? Businesses! And what types of emails do businesses send

  out? Promotions! And therefore, this type of email gives a signal to the email

  providers that this is a promotion, and so they will either stick it in Gmail’s

  promotions tab or throttle the deliverability. This not only kills the amount of

  emails that arrive in the inbox but also hurts consumption of the email, which

  we’ll cover in the following points.

  This is the bottom line: If you’re serious about email marketing and want to

  run world-class email campaigns, you must have a robust infrastructure

  providing accurate email authentication, high sender score, clean sending IP

  address, and a good sender domain/email reputation.


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