Lunatic: Queens of Chaos

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Lunatic: Queens of Chaos Page 3

by J. N. Pack

  Ada Jade smirks, “What’s up with that?”

  I glare at her. “With what?”

  Maddie laughs. “You and the hot Lucian.”

  I laugh. “Absofuckinlutely nothing!”

  Ada Jade says, “Yeah okay!”

  I glare at her. “Had he been any other person you’d have ripped his throat out.”

  “I still might.”

  Maddie hands me the joint she rolled. “You know we never would have put you in that closet had it not been completely necessary.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever, I don’t even care.”

  Ada Jade sobers up. “We need to watch them. He’s too interested in our business.”

  I look at her. “I know.”

  Ada glares at me. “I’m sure you do...but anyway, inquiring minds would like to know...”

  “Know what?” I ask, a little confused.

  “Hmmmm is his dick as big as I imagined?”

  I roll my eyes. “I wouldn’t know, you bitches prevented me from finding out.”

  Maddie starts laughing and spews vodka from her nose and mouth. Sending Ada Jade and I into a fit of laughter as she moans and groans from the burning.

  Chapter 6

  Sitting on my bike backwards waiting for the girls to get to school, I suck on my blue raspberry lollipop and watch as the crowd of kids make their way to school. Maddie makes it before Ada Jade and lights up a joint. Ada Jade arrives shortly after her. We finish the joint and make our way towards the school. My shorts and tank showing more skin than they probably should, but I didn’t give a fuck and there wasn’t a chance in hell that anyone inside would say anything to me. My belly showed what wasn’t covered by my leather jacket.

  Maddie and Ada Jade split off for their lockers and before I get to mine Jasmine shoulder bumps me. I turn to grab her, and someone grabs me around the waist and drags me into an empty classroom. I jerk free and turn finding Mr. Broadway crowding my space. He leans forward and whispers, “You’ve been bad.”

  I snort taking a step back.

  He takes two steps forward and smash his lips to mine and lifting me to the desk behind me. My skin instantly starts crawling, but I don’t dare let him know. He shoves his hand in my shorts and I just bite into my lip. The irony metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. He leans back looking at me, but I don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing this disgusts me. He starts to unzip his pants, but the door behind him opens and in steps Bishop fuckin’ Lucian. Mr. Broadway steps back from me, but not before whispering, “Next time.” In my ear.

  “Can I help you Mr. Lucian?” he asks.

  I stand and make my way to the door with my head held high. I feel the bile rising and if I don’t get to the bathroom soon it may end up on the floor or more embarrassingly on Bishop.

  “Naw, you can’t do anything for me Broadway.” Bishop says turning and following me from the class. I don’t make it four feet from the door before he takes my arm and stops me. I turn swinging, but he counters it stopping my assault. “Stop!” he growls.

  I look up at him and growl, “Get your fuckin’ hands off me if you know what’s good for you!”

  He asks, “You good?”

  “What the fuck do you care?” I growl, needing to get to the restroom.

  He smirks and says, “I don’t…give a fuck.”

  I go to swing again, but he counters it as well and I say, “Good! You and your boys need to back the fuck off before I make you.”

  He lets go and his grin only grows, “Oh please do. Please make us.”

  I jerk away and rush to the bathroom locking myself in one of the stalls. I empty the contents of my stomach. I walk out of the stall to five sets of eyes. My girls staring down the Lucian boys who were leaned against the counter. I growl, “What the fuck?”

  Killian growls, “You fuckin’ tell me.”

  I roll my eyes.

  Maddie says, “Do you stalk all girls to the restroom or just Luna?”

  Killian looks at her and says, “Get fucked.”

  Maddie steps to him but is quickly restrained by Hux. Killian says, “What the fuck did Broadway do to you?”

  I give him a deadpanned look and then start laughing hysterically and five sets of eyes turn my direction.

  I try and catch my breath and say, “Do... to me? What... did he do to me? Do you know me? Nobody fuckin’ touches me if I don’t want them to.”

  Bishop snorts a laugh and then says, “That why you were in such a hurry to get out of there? That why you bit a hole in your lip? Better yet, that why you just emptied your guts in there?”

  I jump in his face and growl, “Get fucked pretty boy.”

  Ada Jade steps between us easing me back and says, “If you don’t want to fight or fuck, get the fuck out of here.”

  None of them fuckin’ move. I’m seriously about to break and the last thing I want is all these mother fuckers to see it.

  I growl, “Everybody get the fuck out!” and smash the fuckin’ mirror with my fist.

  All their eyes dart my way and Ada starts trying to maneuver everyone out of the restroom.

  Killian won’t budge, she starts beating his chest telling him to back the fuck off, but he refuses to move.

  Bishop takes her around the waist dragging her into the hall. Killian stays where he is, watching me with his back to the counter and his arms over his chest. I look down into the sink watching the blood drain from my hands and refuse to acknowledge him.

  I hear glass crunching and then I feel his hands turn me, so I am facing him. I roll my shoulders ready to fight and he lifts me and steps across the glass to a part of the counter that has no glass. He eases me down so I’m sitting on the edge of the counter, and I glare at him. He squeezes between my thighs and braces his hands on the counter around me caging me in.

  He says, “I need to know what the deal with Broadway is.” Leaning in he nuzzles my neck and I can feel his lips doing things that make my insides shudder.

  I try to ignore him and stare off to the side.

  He rolls his eyes and looks away then back again, “I will find out.”

  I sneer at him and say, “Back the fuck off Lucian!”

  He smiles smugly and leans in capturing my lips with his and I find myself arching my back to give him more access. He leans his head down and kisses my neck. Heat begins to pool between my legs and I finally shove him away. He smirks as he turns and makes his way to the door.

  I climb from the counter taking a deep breath to get my breathing under control and then pick the glass from my hand before rinsing it under the cold tap water.

  Outside of the restroom Ada Jade and Maddie are still being restrained by Hux and Bishop. When I walk out, they release them, and Ada Jade immediately turns and smacks Bishop across the cheek and turns stalking towards me.

  I smirk at him and we turn making our way to class.


  Walking into the garage after school Frank instantly asks, “What the fuck Luna?”

  I shrug. “What?”

  He growls, “Do you want me to fuckin’ murder somebody?”

  I laugh, “Wouldn’t be the first time, but let’s skip the dramatics. Why?”

  He shoves my face to the side looking at my neck and it hits me like a fuckin’ brick to the face. That mother fucker marked me.

  “Who? Never mind don’t tell me. I know you’re messin’ around, but don’t rub that shit in my face.” He says backing up a step, crossing his arms.

  I growl, “I’m going to fuckin’ kill him.” As I shove my face in the mirror to see how bad it was. “He’s a dead man.”

  Frank grumbles, “Get in line!”

  I glare at him, “I’m going to fuckin’ kill him!”

  He chuckles with a wicked grin walking away slowly.

  I’m going to choke Maddie and Ada Jade for not opening their mouths. I grab the keys to my bike and get out of there as quickly as possible.

  I’m at the beach for an hour before Ada Jad
e and Maddie arrive.

  Maddie smirks, “What’s up bitch?”

  I flip her off leaning back on my log with my eyes at half mass.

  “One of you bitches plan on telling me that mother fucker marked me?” I growl.

  They both start giggling. I throw my shoes at them and Ada Jade falls off her log laughing harder while dodging them. Maddie just takes it and flings it back laughing.

  “You must have enjoyed it if you didn’t realize his mouth was on your neck.” Ada Jade smirks.

  I give a wicked smirk back and say, “I was a little distracted.”

  Ada Jade, “Sooo?”

  “So what?” I ask.

  “How fuckin’ big is it?” she growled. I laugh and shrug. Maddie snorts and says, “Size?”

  “Guess you guys will have to find out for yourselves.” I say leaning back against the log chuckling to myself.

  “Sure, that’s going to fuckin’ happen. Boys got his shorts all knotted up over you.” Ada Jade says.

  “He may as well unknot them, because it’s never going to fuckin’ happen.” I growl.

  They both grin.

  Chapter 7


  It probably wasn’t a good idea to mark her, but fuck it felt good. This is probably the reason she’s been giving me a death glare all week. She hasn’t approached me yet, but it’s coming. You don’t mark a girl like her without there being repercussions.

  “You’re either brave or stupid, I don’t know which yet.” Bishop says smacking my shoulder at lunch on Friday.

  She hasn’t looked in my direction all day. She’s avoiding me today. “Probably a bit of both.”

  Hux drops on the table beside me and says, “Are we going to Tech’s party tonight?”

  Bishop glances at Ada Jade and then back to us. “Phoebe will be looking for you Killian.”

  “We’re going. I need a break from this shit tonight.” I say. I glance at her one more time before leaving the cafeteria.


  After school we drive to the other side of town where the people with money live.

  This town is literally separated by train tracks. On one side is the rich and sometimes snobby fuckers and on the other we have the poor or not so poor, but not rich either fuckers. I went to school on the other side of the tracks for now, but I live and play on the rich side of the tracks.

  I have a completely different life here. There I’m on a mission, here, this is where my life is. We swing by my Dad’s before the party.

  Gina’s in the kitchen. She smiles when I walk in and says, “Hey there handsome.” And my skin crawls. I ignore her. “What are you boys getting into tonight?”

  I don’t respond, but Hux says, “Party.” While shoving half a sandwich in his mouth.

  Dad walks in and says, “Hey son.” And then looks to Bishop and Hux, “Boys.”

  “Dad.” I say.

  “What kind of trouble are you boys getting into tonight?” he asks.

  “None!” I reply smirking.

  “I want to speak with you in my office before you leave.” My Dad says quietly.

  I nod my head and then jog up the stairs to my room to grab a few things and then make my way to his office. The sooner I’m out of here the better. I can’t stand Gina. She literally makes my fuckin’ stomach turn. The bitch has been trying to get in my pants since my nuts dropped. I step in my Dad’s office and drop in the seat across from him taking the bourbon he hands me.

  “The girl?”

  “Is a complete psychopath.” I say bluntly.

  He smirks and says, “She gets it honest. Her mom’s no saint and neither is Frank.”

  I lift my glass at that on a slight laugh.

  “Things are going as planned for right now so just watch her. If things change and we need to make a move, I’ll get the word to you and the boys.” He says.

  I nod drinking the rest of my bourbon. He squeezes my shoulder and says, “Let’s back to the boys before Gina adds them to her list of conquest.”

  I smirk. He has shit taste in women, and he knows it. Doesn’t care one bit, but he definitely knows it.


  We pull up to the party no one expects us to attend and climb from our bikes. I put my helmet on my handlebars and pull my hair down to hang down my back. I’ve got on short cutoff shorts and a white wife beater with my leather jacket over the top.

  I don’t intend to impress these mother fuckers in the least. My girls on the other hand are dressed to the nines. Maddie with a short black skirt and knee-high boots with a white shirt tied at the waist. Ada Jade of course has on tight black leather pants with a short shirt that shows her abdomen and black leather boots.

  “Are we really going to do this?” Maddie asks.

  I smirk and say, “Fuck yea!”

  Ada Jade says, “Let’s cause some Chaos girls!” and we start towards the front door where we let ourselves in.

  As we walk past every eye in the room turns on us. We walk to the makeshift bar and I pluck a drink from some guys hand. I turn it up and hand him the empty bottle back. I get another from a wanna-be bartender and turn, scanning the room and finding exactly what we came to find.

  We make ourselves comfortable.


  Phoebe wiggles her little ass on my lap and I groan. Phoebe and I have been together on and off for two years and things were easy with her. Easy was not necessarily better. Sure, I could call and get my dick sucked at any given moment, but she was simple. I don’t crave simple.

  “When are you guys coming back to school?” she asks.

  “Probably not going to. It’s our senior year I’m not changing schools again.” I say bluntly.

  She wiggles her little hips again and I grip her hips to keep her still. I turn up the drink I’m holding and Hux makes a choking sound. I glance at him patting his chest and follow his glazed over gaze.

  Sitting at the bar in all her fuckin’ glory is Luna with her girls.

  They’ve probably seen enough to know that Phoebe and I are together. Luna cocks her head to the side and stares for a moment longer. Then she smirks.


  She turns her drink up and then sits it on the counter climbing to her feet with her girls following she makes her way towards us. She rolls her shoulders before she even gets to us.

  Fight or fuck.

  That’s the only options with her. Hux and Bishop stand ready to separate them if need be. Phoebe’s eyes turn to her and she smiles up at Luna who sneers.

  “Aren’t you a pretty little thing?” Luna says looking at Phoebe avoiding me. “Isn’t she a pretty little thing Mads?”

  Maddie sneers and says, “Adorable.”

  “What do you think AJ? Isn’t she such a pretty little thing?”

  Ada Jade tilts her head and snarls, “If that’s what you’re into?”

  I can feel Phoebe tensing. She nervously smiles and says, “Thank you. I’m Phoebe and this is my boy...”

  “Friend? Your boyfriend?” Luna smirks.

  “Enough Luna.” I warn.

  She flips her blade open and Hux and Bishop take another step forward. She puts it to the tip of her finger drawing blood watching it dribble down her finger. Then she licks it and I swear my shit hardened. She flicks the knife at Phoebe and says, “Move.”

  Phoebe is terrified. She stands staring at Luna and then me then looking between the two of us. Luna drops down onto my lap. A tear slips down Phoebe’s cheek and I want to comfort her, but then I wanted her to stand up for herself too. A minute later Charlie, Phoebe’s older sister is standing beside her and she says, “What the fuck Kill?”

  Luna glares at her and Charlie says, “Get this trash out of here.”

  Luna flicks her blade open and closed in her hand and then she looks up at Charlie, “You rich bitches really don’t get it do you?”

  “Get what?” Charlie snaps.

  Luna stands and gets within an inch of Charlie’s face, “I tak
e what the fuck I want.” She throws her head back laughing and spins in a circle. Then her face sobers, and she gets right back in Charlie’s face, “I dare you to try and stop me.”

  Charlie looks past Luna and says, “Get this crazy bitch out of here.”

  I won’t say anything. Maddie walks over to Phoebe and says, “I’ve got a secret.”

  Ada Jade walks closer and says, “Can you keep a secret pretty girl?”

  She looks from them to me and back to them.

  “Luna, stop.” I say warning her again. This shit is really starting to piss me off.

  Her angry glare turns to me and I see something I never expected to see in her eyes. Pain. Hurt. But she quickly masks it making me wonder if I actually saw it there.

  She flicks her blade one more time before she walks to the bar leaving her girls behind. Ada Jade whispers into Maddie’s ear loud enough for everyone to hear, “Should we tell her, her boyfriend wants to fuck the Queen of Chaos?”

  Maddie puts her fingertips to her lips and whispers, “Ooops! Guess we already have.” Then they stand straight and turn their backs to us and walk away. Luna chugs a small bottle of Vodka and heads for the door without so much as a glance in my direction. She’d come to do what she does. To cause Chaos.

  Once she’s out of sight Charlie and Phoebe turn on me. “What the fuck Killian?” Charlie growls while Phoebe stands there with tears swimming in her eyes.

  Bishop rolls his shoulders. Hux is just staring in the direction that they left.

  I stand and Phoebe quietly asks, “Is it true Kill?”

  I start to walk away stopping beside her without looking in her direction, “Would it fuckin’ matter if I did?” I say and then walk away with Hux and Bishop behind me not glancing back once. My mind on the whirlwind of chaos herself.

  When we get outside, we start to climb in my SUV when we see Maddie and Ada Jade leaning against their bikes.

  I shut the door and walk over to where they are. “Not done yet?” Bishop asks.

  They laugh. I mean literally bent at the hips laugh.

  “Where’s the other one?” Hux asks.


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