Lunatic: Queens of Chaos

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Lunatic: Queens of Chaos Page 10

by J. N. Pack

  “Where’s Frank?” I ask.

  He tenses and says, “He has something to take care of.”

  Ada Jade walks in with Bishop with her. Ada Jade goes to her side and I back away giving them their moment. “Don’t ever do that again Luna. Ever!” she says quietly.

  Luna smirks, “Yes mom!”

  Bishop pats Killian’s shoulder and walks a little closer to where Ada Jade is standing by the bed.

  I’m so glad Ada Jade and Bishop came in when they did. I feel like I’ve been through a meat grinder. Killian is watching me like I’m a flight risk. If I’m being honest, I may be, because as soon as I can convince someone to get me out of here, I’m out. No time like the present.

  “AJ? Help me get my clothes on. I’ve got to get the fuck out of here.” I groan.

  This bitch looks back over her shoulder to Killian.

  “What the fuck you lookin’ at him for?” I growl.

  Killian just shakes his head and smirks.

  Ada Jade looks between the two of us. “Ummm. I wish I could help, but it’s his call.”

  I sneer, “HIS! His call? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Ada Jade points over her shoulder and says, “Ask him.”

  He leans forward and folds his hands bowing his head onto them without saying a word.

  “What the fucks going on?” I ask.

  Bishop smirks and heads for the door, “That’s my que to leave.”

  Ada Jade follows behind him like a lovesick puppy; I sneer at her back.

  Killian still hasn’t said a word.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  He looks up from his arms and says, “Frank didn’t know if he’d be here when they wanted to release you so he made it where him or I are the only people who can sign you out. Which I’m not going to do by the way, not until the doctor releases you.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and growl, “You can’t be here all the time and when I want to go, I will walk my happy ass out of here.”

  He stands and crosses his arms across his chest and says, “I can, and I will. I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

  “O yea?” I say angrily. “Who pray tell do you plan on watching my sister while you keep me here.”

  “OUR SISTER will be right here. She’s not going to leave your side regardless of whether you try and throw her away or not.” He growls angrily.

  I suck in a sharp breath and throw the cup of water from beside the bed at him, soaking the floor. He saw it coming and slid out of the way. Instead of saying anything he grabs a towel from the in-suite bathroom and starts cleaning it up.

  I roll over on my side and stare out of the window. I end up drifting off to sleep and waking to a damp clothing on my forehead and tears on my face.

  “You were having a bad dream, you okay?” Killian asks.

  I tense at his nearness and swipe the tears from my eyes, “I’m fine.”

  He steps back and shoves his hands in his pockets watching me closely, “Wanna tell me about it?”

  I grind my teeth and say, “I’d rather give a cactus a blow job.”

  He smirks and says, “That’d be interesting to watch.”

  “When the fuck are you going to get me the hell out of here?” I ask.

  “Doctor said tomorrow if nothing pops up.” He says.

  “You do know I’m not going home with you, right?”

  He shrugs and says, “I can’t make you, but I hope you do if for no other reason than McKayla.”

  I bite my lip and watch him for a minute before he says, “Why you trying to shut me out?”

  I glance away and then back at him, “You’d have had to be in for me to shut you out.”

  He drops his chin and shakes his head smirking. He walks out leaving me to sulk.

  Chapter 21

  When I wake up the next morning, I feel like I’ve been run over by a car. I wince and slowly begin to pull myself to a sitting position. I yawn because I slept like shit with every fuckin’ nurse in this place coming in at least twice to check my vitals. I glance over to find Killian sitting in a chair with his arms crossed over his chest and with his head laid back awkwardly against the wall. Then I notice McKayla sprawled across a recliner in the corner. Her mouth is wide open, and a little drool is pooled in the corner threatening to drip down her chin. I smile. She’s everything perfect in this world. She deserves her happily ever after. Lucky for her she’s got the Lucian’s to ensure she gets exactly that. Killian will walk through hell alone for her and Lincoln will ensure she has the best of everything and never has to go without. I know she thinks I’m betraying her, but I’m really not. I’m stepping back and allowing her to bond with the people who are better for her. I could never fully walk away from her. Hell, everything I’ve done lately is because of her.

  Except Killian. That was for me because he made me feel things. Made me feel like I was more than an empty shell. Like I was capable of loving someone and being loved in return. After what I’ve done, I don’t deserve to be loved.

  My brain is beginning to stumble across all of these emotions when I realize his eyes are open and trained directly on my face. Studying my every feature. Before I can get control of them and hide them, he’s on his feet and at my side, “Don’t shut me out Luna. Leave the walls down.”

  I say the only thing I can force from my mouth in that moment, “You don’t know what I’ve done. It’s best to just let me go Killian.”

  He leans forward pressing his lips to my forehead before leaning back and saying, “Never gonna happen. I don’t care what you’ve done. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I frown, “You can’t promise that without knowing.”

  He squeezes his eyes shut and gives his head a slight shake, “If you want to tell me I’ll listen, but don’t expect it to change how I feel about you. Nothing you tell me could be worse than what I imagined after finding you after McKayla called.”

  A tear slips down my cheek, but I don’t say anything else. I need to get out of here. I feel like I’m suffocating.

  He notices and lifts his hands in surrender and backs away. “I want push you right now, but I’m not giving up either.”

  I turn away. I feel my phone vibrate in the bed beside me and lift it to find a text from Maddie.

  Maddie: Pretty boy still watching you like a hawk?

  I smirk.

  Luna: Fuck yes. I need to get out of here Mads. Help me please

  Maddie: I dunno, some of your injuries are pretty serious.

  Luna: Don’t make me beg you. I just need you to make sure he’s out of the room for like twenty minutes.

  Maddie: FINE! What’s the plan?


  I knew something was up when Maddie called and asked me to come look at her bike. These girls grew up in Frank’s garage. They could teach me more about bikes then I could ever dream of telling them. However, I needed to get out of this room for a few, so I went.

  I knew for sure something was up when Ada Jade walks out of the room eyeballing me. “Have you lost your fuckin’ mind?”

  “What? I don’t have the patience for the guessing game.” I growl tiredly.

  She rolls her eyes and says, “You left her you fuckin’ idiot. She hates hospitals more than she hates Lux Island High.”

  I step around her and look through the door to find the bed empty. I grumble under my breath while rubbing circles on my temples.

  The Dr. steps in and smirks, “I was coming to release her. I knew she wouldn’t put up with me for long.” He shakes his head and hands me her prescriptions and after hospital instructions.

  Ada Jade wakes McKayla and we all sleepily walk down to the lobby. McKayla climbs into my truck and curls up in the back seat quickly going back to sleep. Ada Jade climbs into Bishop’s SUV with him and Hux. Of course, Maddie is nowhere to be found.

  I’m angry and a little frustrated, but I knew something was up when Maddie called me. I’m too tired to dwell on this crap right n
ow. I need a couple hours of sleep then I’ll go find her. She is either at her house sleeping or at the beach getting wasted. I’m hoping she has enough sense to go home and rest. I’m no good to her if I don’t get some rest. I’m just an ill asshole and that’s good for no one.


  Maddie helps me into the shower paling when she sees the condition of my body. I avoid looking at her. She sits on the toilet and refuses to leave while I shower and wash my hair. She tosses a towel and I quickly dry my hair before drying my body, wrapping the towel tight around myself. I wince glancing down at the hideous pink cast on my wrist.

  “Who fuckin’ chose pink?” I grumble.

  Maddie smirks. “McKayla. She said you needed something bright in your life.”

  “Really? How the fuck is this kid my sister?”

  Maddie sobers. “She’s just like you. Only sweet.”

  I smile at that. She is sweet. I love her to death even though she has this hideous pink cast wrapped around my wrist.

  In my room I pull on the most comfortable clothes I own. A pair of black joggers and a white tank top. I pull my white ‘Call Me Poppy’ hoodie over my head and curl up in my bed. It doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep with images of Killian in my head. It seems like no matter how much I fight it; I can’t escape him.


  When I wake up, I’m stiff from sleeping so long in the same position. I groan as I pull myself into a sitting position. I freeze when I find I’m not alone. Killian has a chair from the kitchen positioned between me and the door. He’s bent forward with his elbows on his knees watching me. I can smell his scent from across the room and his hair is still damp from a shower he obviously took before coming here. He lifts a prescription bottle and shakes it at me. He shakes one single pill into his hand and hands it over to me with a bottle of water. He then shoves the bottle into the front pocket of his jeans obviously not forgetting overdosing incident.

  “You know, if you had waited fifteen more minutes, they would’ve let you leave.” he says without emotion.

  I shrug. “I’ve never been patient.”

  He smirks, his green eyes showing his amusement. “Did you at least sleep better?”

  I ease to the edge of the bed and hang my legs over the side and stretch. “Mmm hmmm.” I shove my hair from my face and climb to my feet to go in search of food.

  He follows close behind me as I make my way to the kitchen. I grab a hot pocket from the freezer and toss it in the microwave. Feeling slightly frustrated I turn on him, “I’m being completely out of character here when I tell you to give me a little space instead of throat punching you.” I cock my eyebrow waiting for his reaction.

  He smirks looking away and taking a couple steps back.

  I glance at him and curiously ask, “Where is McKayla?”

  He sits in one of the chairs at the table, “Dad took her to get some clothes and shit. He didn’t want to chance her being around Broadway to get her stuff from there.”

  I wince at the mention of his name.

  He notices, but he doesn’t call me on it. “She convinced Ada Jade to go with her. She’s pretty convincing when she wants to be.”

  I smirk. “Ooo that’s going to be fun.”

  He smiles, “They’re going to make his life hell.”

  Chapter 22


  After an hour, I finally talk her into coming back to the house with me. At least until she heals anyways. If I’m being completely honest, I think she did it, so I’d shut up. I followed her from room to room as she tossed shit into a bag. When I try to follow her into the restroom her temper nearly boils over.

  “Back the fuck up. I’m not going anywhere if you’re going to be attached to my ass like a fuckin’ tick.” She growls.

  I hold my hands up and back up exactly one step. She groans and turns back to then put the basic toiletries in her bag. Shampoo, soap, brush, toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, you know, the basics.

  She walks back to the kitchen and puts on her black and white DC sneakers. When she’s done, she looks at me and I can see the horror behind her eyes. She’s out of her element and she’s on the verge of complete panic.

  I smile at her and nod my head to the door, “You’ll be okay. Come on.”

  She hesitates, but she slowly walks out the door ahead of me.

  “Do I need to lock this or something?”

  She smirks looking back at me, “Nobody is stupid enough to cross the Kings. I could leave a bag of money open on the front steps and go on vacation and it’d still be there when I come back.”

  I laugh shutting the door and wait for her to climb in my truck before climbing in on the driver side. The entire trip to the house is made in silence. When we pull up, she looks like she could puke.

  In pure panic she blurts, “I’m not sleeping with you in your bed. I…I can…I can…sleep on the couch.” Her eyes are wide, and I can feel my chest tightening.

  I reach over and grip her fingers, “This wasn’t just to get you in my bed. You have your own room. I’d never make you do something you aren’t comfortable with. When you are ready, my door will be unlocked.” I wink at her as I climb from the truck. I grab her things from the backseat as she climbs out.

  “Kill…” I turn to see her frozen in fear at the front of my truck. I’ve forgotten who she is. She doesn’t like people, and this is a huge change for her. She’s trying to trust me and it’s terrifying her. “I… I um… I…”

  I stop and quickly make my way back to her, her bags abandoned by the front steps. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her. She doesn’t fight me. She returns the kiss.

  When I pull back, I press my forehead to hers, staring into her eyes.

  She whispers, “I don’t know how to do this. I’m not a good person. I’m a complete fuck up. I like fucking up.” Her hands lightly touch my hips.

  “You’re the fuck up I need.” I whisper and put her hand over my heart. “Feel that?” She looks from our hands over my heart to my face. “When I’m with you my heart races for you. Doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what you do. You’re mine. You are perfect and I wouldn’t change you for all the fuckin’ Phoebe’s or J’El’s in the world. You’re MINE!”


  The panic I was feeling had started to ease until he turns back to the house. “You’re mine too.” I blurt. I don’t know what it is I’m afraid will happen if I go in there, but he turns back to me and smiles a wide toothy grin, it’s gone. No fear. No panic. “Of course, I am. Have been since I walked into that school and saw that psychotic grin.”

  I smirk and finally follow him to the house. Bishop is sprawled out on the couch watching some show on Netflix when we walk in. He looks up to see who had come in and quietly returns his attention to the tv. “There’s pizza on the counter.”

  I was headed up the stairs behind Killian, but at the mention of pizza, I make a quick u-turn into the kitchen. I hear him laugh as he continues up the stairs. In the kitchen I pile a plate with three pieces of pizza and grab a soda from the fridge. Back in the living room I sit across Bishop’s legs. He glances back and smirks. He doesn’t move and turns his attention back to whatever the hell he’s watching. I hold my plate close to my chest to keep crumbs from everything and devour the first piece of pizza.

  Killian comes back down the stairs and disappears into the kitchen, when he walks out, he has a piece of pizza in his mouth and three on his plate.

  Bishop glances at him and smirks, “What a fuckin’ fat ass!” shaking his head.

  Killian grins around the piece of pizza hanging out of his mouth and flips Bishop off before dropping into one of the recliners.

  Killian is definitely not a fat ass. Fine ass…yes. Complete ass…maybe. Quickly turning into my favorite ass. For sure, but definitely not a fat ass.

  For the next few hours, we all become engrossed in the show Bishop was watching that turned out to be called Vikings. I mean, I really don’t watch a lot
of tv, but if I’m going to watch anything… Fine ass men fighting with swords is at the top of my list.

  Killian keeps glancing at me sitting across the room like he’s afraid I’ll bolt at any moment. Bishop notices to. “Chill man! She’s here, if she bolts, we know where she’s going. Relax!”

  Killian scowls at him.

  I snicker and look between the two of them, “You guys do realize if I wanted to leave, you couldn’t stop me. I’d burn this fucker to the ground to get out.”

  Bishop groans, “Don’t we fuckin’ know it little fire bug.”

  I cock an eyebrow at his little nickname for me. “Those bitches deserved it.”

  Killian drops his head slowly shaking it. “Number one… You’d never burn down this house because it’s now McKayla’s home. Number two...” He lifts his eyes up to look at me and continues, “I’d never make you stay here if you wanted to leave. So, nobodies burning this house down.”

  I shrug turning my attention back to the tv. He’s right, I’d never burn down a house my sister was living in. Especially not when she finally has a real chance at a better life and true happiness.

  I slide into the corner of the couch off of Bishop’s legs lying my head on the arm of the couch. I make it through one more episode of Vikings before I fall asleep.

  Chapter 23

  It’s been a few days since I’ve seen or heard from Frank when I return to school. I’ve been at Killian’s house with the Lucian boys and McKayla since I woke up to Killian watching me sleep. I’ve slept in my own bed every night, but one. I fell asleep on Bishop’s legs one night and the idiot stayed there so he didn’t have to wake me up. I sat on his legs to irritate him and I get absolutely no reaction even though I know I’m annoying him. He just looks at me and turns back to what he is doing.

  The next morning, he limped for a few hours with cramps in his legs, but he didn’t say a single thing about it. Maddie and Ada Jade have been hanging out there a good bit too.

  Killian invites me to his room every night, but doesn’t push me to come in. I’ve made it to his door, but I always bail at the last minute. I know he’s not going to hurt me. I know he is being patient. I also know that I’m holding back because I don’t want to climb into bed with him and my brain malfunction. I need to have a clear mind before I climb into bed with anyone. Even if it is just to sleep. Nahhh… probably not. Who am I kidding? When Killian and I climb back into bed together, it’s going to be earth shattering. I’ve thought about it almost every night. Making myself so horny, I have to use my fingers to ease the built-up tension. Whispering his name when I come apart.


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