The Celtic Serpent

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The Celtic Serpent Page 25

by S. Robertson

  “Fine, lets agree on that, but why is it relevant to our situation and in particular this medallion?” asked Angi

  “Because that blue stone in the center of the medallion is from Atlantis and Bryce and I believe the medallion is from the same source,” replied Andrew glancing at Bryce. “These Blue Stones were referred to in old texts as the Blue Apples or the Grapes of Eschol. It was thought they possessed supernatural powers and were capable of opening some ‘gate’.”

  “You are talking about more than one gate?” asked Vette

  “How many is unknown. But we do believe we have one in this medallion. The age and activity of the medallion points to Atlantis,” replied Andrew.

  “I’m interested in your comment that it can open a gate, what gate?” asked Angi.

  “Ah, that’s the question,” relied Bryce. “In light of Brigit’s comment that, once the gemstones are in place, we will be gathering on the Hill of Tara, I will make a guess that a gate exists somewhere at Tara. After all, Tara is supposed to be a remnant of Atlantis, where the Druids and the kings of Ireland held sway. Any further details are tantalizing unknown.”

  “I’m still uneasy as to where this is going but let’s continue. If we accept the medallion came from Atlantis, then I assume you are about to tell us that somehow it remained in these parts, except for the past 350 year gap when half the gemstones were sent to America. Is that correct?” asked Angi.

  “Yes and no,” replied Bryce. “Some say the Druids came from Atlantis and there are legends that support that premise. They likely had the medallion after the disaster but fearing another inundation, they removed all priceless objects to safety, and some think it was to Egypt. Perhaps this will be confirmed when the records of Atlantis are found beneath the paws of the Sphinx.”

  “I’ll let that one go for now………too tempting,” said Morgan. “Then how did the medallion get back to Ireland and Scotland?”

  “Irish legends say that the Blue Stones of Atlantis were eventually given to Moses and taken to Jerusalem which means that they must have first been in Egypt. Centuries passed, and in 585 B.C.E… when Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians, Jeremiah the prophet arrived in Ireland with the surviving member of the House of David, a princess named Tamar from which the name of Tara is derived. In addition to the Blue Stones he is suppose to have rescued many of the Temple treasures. It was said that he used the blue stones to establish the Druid Schools of Wisdom,” said Andrew

  “I can’t believe how many times the Bible keeps popping up. You’d almost think it was a historic code book,” said Angi. “So, if I understand it, the Druids came from Atlantis, the Blue Stones were sent to Egypt for safe keeping, and centuries later the circle is completed by Jeremiah.”

  “That pretty well sums it up,” replied Andrew.

  “So, Nat was right,” said Wolfram, “the gemstones in this medallion are similar to those listed on the breastplate of the High Priest of Jerusalem. Do you think there’s any connection?”

  “I’m not sure,” replied Andrew. “What may happen, and this is strictly a personal opinion, is that the medallion works in combination with the breastplate crystals creating a perfect communication channel with the other dimension. Since Angi is already in contact with this dimension, the medallion must be able to work independently, thus making it the primary piece of equipment.”

  “So, where does this leave us?” asked Dylan, keenly following the discussion up to that point.

  “It leaves us with a long list of questions,” replied Andrew. “However, we now have a conduit to more information in you Angi and when Sirona next appears would you ask her the following three questions; Can she guide us to the last two gemstones? What and where is the final stage if and when we have all the gemstones? Can she give you instructions on how to operate the medallion or proof of its power? That’s enough for now.”

  “I’ll ask the questions and report back if she agrees to answer them,” answered Angi, glad to have more specific instructions. “But, I don’t believe Wolfram’s question has been answered. Why have you hired so much security?”

  Andrew was hoping to avoid this so early in the game but knew Angi and Wolfram were not easily diverted.

  Taking a few seconds to select his words, he began. “It didn’t take us long to realize that the medallion matched the ancient records of one of the secret societies we belong to. I actually saw a faint drawing. We were aware of “the coming times” prophesy, that it was expected in this century, but the pieces didn’t come together until you appeared Angi with that medallion. It was definitely confirmed today when we saw the gemstone inserted. Whether you four understand it or not, you have been selected not only for this unusual quest but possibly to take humanity to the next level.” He stopped to let that sink in.

  “Oh, not again,” replied Angi, in almost a lament. “Brigit’s comment about me being a prophetess was unnerving enough but now you’ve taken it one step further. While I’ve gone along with this venture, I’m not prepared to think that I’m going to be responsible for saving humanity. That’s too scary. It’s way out of my range of possibilities. I’d prefer to think I’m just a courier.”

  “I agree with Angi,” was Wolfram’s rapid reply. “I’m here trying to function after a major car accident and in no way feel qualified for any such undertaking. I’m out.”

  “Well, if these two are out, I’m definitely out,” said Morgan. “I don’t mind being part of the foursome, but I’m no hero. In fact I’d argue the very opposite. You can’t be referring to me.”

  “I’ve been delighted to be part of this venture, in fact I’d love to travel further with this group, but no way would I consider myself qualified to save humanity. I like manageable projects, numbers I can handle. Count me out,” was Vette’s response.

  Bryce watching the four, smiled. “I’d have been disappointed if any of you thought you were qualified for such a task. In a world of overinflated egos I’m amazed the cosmos found you four. We would not expect you to handle this alone. We represent several organizations which are standing by to support and protect you. Two of these organizations have international roots. We are all walking into the unknown. Angi is just one step ahead as she wears the medallion. Angi remember I asked you about your name. Through our many sources we’ve discovered you have several royal genetic links and your Jenesis name was chosen because you are the ‘beginning’ of something. To answer your question, Wolfram, the degree of security is because we believe we are protecting something valuable, powerful and magical. We hoped to release this information in small doses but perhaps it is best it’s out in the open. Don’t negate it entirely. For now let’s stay focused and get the gemstones. Can you agree to that?” said Bryce, trying to relieve their visible anxiety.

  “OK, let’s set this grand scheme aside for now. We’ll stay on course and see what follows,” replied Angi.

  “Good. That’s sounds fair. We’ll speak no more of this unless we are pressed. Just know that you are well supported whatever transpires,” confirmed Andrew.

  “Then, to ease my nerves, can we return to our previous discussion. Since Atlantis is a topic I’ve shunned, can you tell me anything about it?” asked Morgan. “Andrew, I’ll chat with you later as to how you’ve remained in the academic community knowing all this without destroying your career.”

  “Sure, but Morgan this will have to be a capsulated version,” answered Andrew, glad for the diversion. “Atlantis, as you may or may not know was an island civilization. It had a large empire, ruling over countries as far as Egypt and Libya (the ancient name for Africa), and in Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (an ancient Greek name for the Etruscans). Plato wrote that the society was highly civilized, possessing outstanding arts and crafts, roamed the seas with ships and merchandise, had advanced science and even possessed the secret of flight. Their gods and goddesses, ordinary citizens elevated in legends, had technically advanced weapons of war which we are only now rediscovering. Many societies, inclu
ding the Egyptians, Greeks and South Americans, kept saying that the tenets of their civilization came from a northern motherland, but this was ignored. However, like so many societies, Atlantis became debased, avaricious and corrupt. They were in the midst of a major war with several countries when destruction arrived from the skies. Survivors fled, some to the remaining pieces of their island, while others scattered to both sides of the Atlantic and into the Mediterranean. The destruction, according to Plato, left the sea beyond the Pillars of Heracles impassable and impenetrable because of the quantity of mud in the way, caused by the subsidence of the island. If Plato was aware of this, or it was still fresh in his time, then it speaks of a time closer to our own era. Anyway, as the centuries passed many groups of people kept returning to their ancient motherland, descendants, I would argue, of Atlantis.”

  “I was wondering, do you think our current fixation on disaster movies has anything to do with this cosmic disaster?” asked Vette.

  “I wouldn’t dismiss the connection,” replied Andrew. “We’re not alone in this fixation. May I remind you that numerous societies, some now in ruins, built impressive monuments and buildings to study the skies. Please feel free to explore this library there’s plenty of information on all these topics. But, for a moment, we must not forget our emissary, Antonino.”

  This was Dylan’s entry, “Someone gave, and is giving, Antonino details of our plans. So far, all our search efforts have produced nothing. We’ve ruled out the construction workers and are focusing inward. In the meantime our priority is Angi’s safety. So, I must insist Angi that you have one of us with you at all times. I’ve also posted a guard in the corridor outside your bedroom.”

  “Thanks Dylan. I appreciate all your efforts,” said Angi. “If Vette’s not available I’ll recruit any one of you, including you Morgan.”

  Morgan was glad to be included but prayed Angi would seek out the more experienced members.

  As a closing directive Andrew said, “We must also assume that if we are unable to identify the culprit, then we can expect more trouble in the next two trips. Report anything suspicious, the smallest detail,” and he turned and left the library with Bryce and Dylan.

  Angi, Vette, Wolfram and Morgan looked at each other not knowing what to say. Angi broke the ice. “Let’s leave what Andrew said until we’ve all had a chance to chew on it. I’m pleased that we’re together. I like small steps. If Sirona appears I’ll try and get answers to the questions.”

  “I totally agree,” said Wolfram eyeing a comfortable chair. “We keep absorbing so much new information along with colliding into the occasional Celtic goddess and ghost that it’s a lot to absorb. Let’s tackle Andrew’s bookcase and see what tomorrow brings.” Silence filled the room as each tried to grasp the unthinkable possibilities which might lie ahead.

  * * *

  DunRoslin Castle: Angi’s Bedroom

  That evening, alone in her room, Angi found the waiting nerve racking. She had retired early to await Sirona’s arrival, not convinced it would even happen. “After all it was a mere suggestion,” she reminded herself. Silence created room for questions; “Would she appear? Would the added gemstone make a difference? Why didn’t she just come and retrieve the medallion? Surely they, whoever they were, could create similar gemstones or did the original stones hold some special magic?”

  By 9:15pm, growing restless, she rose and began alternating between staring out the window and pacing. Annoyed, she demanded of herself, “Get a book and relax.” She picked up a book and settled into a comfortable chair but couldn’t concentrate as every sound diverted her attention.

  Around 10pm, as darkness set in, she heard faint harp music. “There it is again. It must be Sirona’s call signal…….a nice touch,” she thought. With no preliminaries, Sirona appeared instantly in front of her, this time more distinctly. Angi wondered, “How does she judge the landing, a miscalculation could land her in the closet…………ah, I know, she targets the medallion.”

  Confidently, Sirona greeted Angi, “There, I told you things would improve with the next gemstone. It’s good to be back. I’ve missed the old place. Women’s clothing has certainly improved since my last visit.”

  “Welcome,” replied Angi, still adjusting to pop-in guests from another dimension. “Women’s fashions have changed many times since the 1600s, which I assume was the time of your last house call. It’s nice to see you again, Sirona, our last get-together was a bit fuzzy. By the way, are you the Sirona listed as a Celtic goddess in our books?” Angi was curious as to how she’d reply.

  “I suppose that’s what they’d call me. I never thought of myself in such lofty terms,” replied Sirona. “Prior to the Romans when we had centuries of peaceful communications, I expect they had several names. I’ve never paid much attention. As with you, I state my name and assume that’s the one recorded, but then there have been different languages over the centuries. For the past 2000 years my visits have been few and shrouded in danger so I’m surprised a name survived at all.”

  “How did you visit if the gemstones had all been removed from the medallion?” asked Angi.

  “What you may not know is that the gemstones can be extracted and reinserted quite easily. So, when the Guardians, female Druids or later ‘sacred gentry’, wanted to chat they just reinserted the gemstones. Thankfully, those difficult times are over, but it will take time to reestablish the old linkages.”

  “You’re saying the gemstones can be extracted as easily as they are inserted?” asked an amazed Angi.

  “Yes, the process has likely been lost over the past centuries. I’ll show you later. First we need to get the medallion fully operational.” At that point, Sirona began to look around. In graceful movements she touched items, opened a book, looked out the window, inspected the bathroom and finally sat on a chair, her long legs stretching out into the room. “It’s small but definitely an improvement. Is this where you sleep? I’m not sure whether this castle existed when I was last here, but it looks familiar.”

  “Yes, this is where I sleep,” replied Angi, becoming relaxed in Sirona’s company. “She speaks flawless English,” thought Angi. “I wonder what I’d have done if she spoke Gaelic or some other foreign language?” With that in mind she asked, “I expect English is not the language of your homeland? You’re command of the language is very good,” said Angi, realizing she knew practically nothing of Sirona’s world.

  “I adapt,” replied a confident Sirona. “I spoke Gaelic with the Druids, and later an earlier form of English in the 1600s. Knowing I was on travel assignment for your time I…. what’s that phrase, oh yes……… I brushed up on your language, the idioms are fascinating. I also scanned the Canadian east coast where you grew up. How am I doing?” she said, with a slight grin.

  “Not bad. You remind me of an old school friend,” replied Angi. “Thanks for the consideration. I’d have been a dead loss if you spoke otherwise. I’ve a passing ability in French and Spanish but little else. So, now that we can communicate, let’s clarify what lies ahead; how often will you appear and what’s your role?” Angi’s old administrative had clicked into action.

  Sirona’s arrival had confirmed Angi’s earlier assessment. She was taller. Angi had to crane her head to talk to her. With a better image, Angi noted Sirona’s pale, impeccable skin, platinum hair worn in a single braid down her back, and her graceful, slim physique. “It’s nice to see someone else with emerald eyes,” she thought. “Maybe there are more like me after all. Her outfit seems like a uniform, the blue flowing pants and silver tunic is accentuated by what appears to be three purpose-built pieces of jewelry; a pin on her left shoulder of a snake curled around a ruby stone, a watch-like band on her left wrist with flashing lights, and a gold ring with unusual lettering on her right index finger. She seems friendly enough, but be prepared for the unexpected. After all, she’s from another dimension and you are judging her on this world’s standards.”

  Sirona, wasting no time, proceed
ed, “Angi, we’re moving into a critical phase so we’ll need to meet more frequently. It’s complicated, so my main task is to help you work with the medallion.”

  “Any idea how long this might take?” asked Angi.

  Sirona hesitated, then responded, “Well, the Druids took twenty years for their basic training and, the one chosen to wear the medallion, had to have at least that much time again of proven experience. On that scale, it could take forty years as you judge time.”

  Angi gasped, “I’ll be an old woman by then. Any chance of a quick version?” growing disheartened at the enormity of the task ahead.

  “I’ve already considered that. We’ll focus on some basic steps. But to do this we’ll still need up to three to four hours every night for training. Even at that you will know enough to avoid trouble and achieve, what might be regarded in your world as magic. But it’s not magic. Your actions must be based on scientific principles.”

  “But that schedule will cut into my normal sleep time,” replied Angi, knowing she did poorly deprived of sleep.


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