The Celtic Serpent

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The Celtic Serpent Page 31

by S. Robertson

  Until confirmed, arrangements had to focus on twenty-one going through the gate; Angi, Wolfram, Vette, Morgan, Andrew, Bryce, the other Guardians (one each from the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Scotland), Wolfram’s grandfather, plus Dylan and his eight member team.

  Andrew, Bryce and Dylan worked feverishly to hire a private jet to transport everyone from Edinburgh to Dublin, and to have a tourist bus at the Dublin airport for the trip to Tara, all difficult on such short notice.

  The other Guardians had been contacted and, while they wished to be at Tara, they remained noncommittal about gate travel. Their arrival at DunRoslin was set for ten days prior to August 1st, allowing time for the completion of the east wing renovations, getting acquainted with Sirona, and preparation for the trip to Tara.

  Sirona arrived each morning for the Tara planning sessions and returned again in the evenings for Angi’s training.

  Angi was grateful for Sirona’s magical gift of time manipulation as sleep was becoming a scarce commodity. Her day began at 5am with meditation, followed by an hour at the gym. After that, the rest of the day was monopolized with Tara preparations, and training, which had become more complicated as they neared their goal. She rarely got to bed before three in the morning.

  Sirona continued answering the many questions from the group and began preparing them for gate travel, the first step being to assess their physical limitations. One morning, standing regally in their midst she asked, “As I recall, Angi, your friends wanted a demonstration of the medallion’s power and earlier I waved this aside.”

  “That’s right,” replied Angi, having forgotten.

  Before Sirona had a chance to proceed, Wolfram interceded, “Actually Sirona that may not be needed as in the past few weeks we’ve had several impressive demonstrations. But then, I expect this was just the tip of the medallion’s powers, right?”

  “Indeed,” said Sirona glancing at Angi, “the medallion has layers of scientific wonders. In the brief time we have before Tara we’ll barely tap its marvels. However, today, with Angi’s help, I would like to show you another facet of this instrument. Wolfram, would you please come forward?”

  Wolfram rose from a nearby chair and, limped towards Sirona not knowing what to expect.

  Sirona took the pulsating instrument in her hand and moved it gently over his entire body saying, “It appears, except for some old wounds, that your left hip and leg are your main physical problems. Is that correct?”

  “Basically,” replied Wolfram, reluctant to discuss his handicap, “I’ve generally recovered from my car accident but this hip and leg remain a daily scourge. When informed there was no medical solution, I’ve forced myself to do daily exercises to strengthen whatever remains.”

  Then, turning, Sirona said, “Angi, I would like you to place your hands on Wolfram’s left hip and knee. Using the healing methods I’ve taught you, I want you, with the aid of the medallion, to restore his physical body.”

  Angi moved to Wolfram’s left side and placed her hands as instructed. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the energies which she knew had to be rearranged for healing. Determined to help her friend, she took her time.

  No one spoke as they watched and waited in anticipation. Only the flapping of a distant window blind disturbed the scene.

  After ten minutes, Angi stepped back, saying, “Wolfram, I hope that made a difference?”

  Wolfram, not wanting to believe the unbelievable, hesitated, then stepped forward gently on his affected leg. When the usual stabbing pain did not greet him, he gingerly took a second step…………then more ………..then he walked with increased abandon taking several quick steps. Then, totally out of character, he began dancing around the room. In his joyful exuberance he exclaimed, “My God, Angi, you did it! ……….The pain, that cursed, stabbing, damnable, pain, is gone………… I’ve been freed from a debilitating hell.” Overjoyed he turned and gave her a bear hug. “Thanks, a million times thanks. I don’t give a damn whether it’s the medallion or not. If you hadn’t appeared in my life I’d never have had this unbelievable journey or my life back.” And ignoring the rest he kept gliding about the room unrestrained in his joy.

  Angi, caught off guard, was delighted at his response.

  “Now that’s a happy customer,” laughed Sirona.

  A smile erupted on all faces as this was the first time they had seen Wolfram so elated. Morgan was the only one in the room who had known happier times.

  “We’re not through,” said Sirona. “Bryce, I would like you to now come along? I know your right knee is still in its healing stage, but we might as well get this attended to as well.”

  Angi performed a similar but shorter healing procedure on Bryce’s knee.

  As Bryce walked about without his cane, he smiled “My dearest thanks Angi. I couldn’t see myself limping through that gate on a cane. I concur with Wolfram, without your presence this quest would never have happened. At my age this has been a glorious adventure and it’s not over yet.”

  “Good, that seems to have taken care of the apparent physical issues,” said Sirona, looking around the room. “Next, I need to check each one of you to make sure you are in balance.” And with that she made her rounds placing her vibrating instrument on each shoulder. As she finalized Andrew’s assessment, she stepped back, “Angi, I believe we have one more client. This time I would like you to place your hand on Andrew’s Third Eye as a general healing is needed.” Looking at Andrew she continued, “This is a very old wound which has grown tentacles.”

  Angi took fifteen minutes this time. Finishing, she looked into Andrew’s face, someone she had grown to respect, and said, “Andrew, I hope that gives you some relief,” unsure of his precise physical ailment.

  Andrew lifted his shoulders, and then raised both arms well above his head and stretched. Smiling he responded, “Fantastic, Angi. I haven’t been able to do that in decades. I too was apprehensive about Tara, as I felt my old wounds would jeopardize my effectiveness. Angi, you have brought sunshine into my world, and the greatest quest this Scottish heart could ever have imagined.”

  Having stopped moving while Andrew was being healed, Wolfram asked Sirona, “What’s the difference between your flashing hand instrument and Angi’s medallion? Could you have done the same thing?”

  “Not quite. My instrument allows me to assess and rebalance your energy fields but it is not programmed to correct a major illness. Angi possesses a unique genetic makeup which is enhanced by the medallion. As you can see the medallion has a number of specially selected and cut gemstones. Multiple gemstones in combination with the blue stone of Atlantis function like a grid to amplify the energetic potential of a single gemstone to achieve a very powerful healing. The healer, using prescribed techniques, is able to focus and stream the energies in a manner similar to what is possible with what you call a laser.”

  “Is that the reason Aboriginal shaman throughout the world use quartz crystals in their healing practices?” asked Morgan, continuously impressed with the unfolding revelations of their journey.

  “That’s right,” replied Sirona. “Using quartz crystals, they are able to rebalance and cleanse the blockages in the chakras. But Angi is able to extend this healing process to resolve a major illness and achieve permanent healing.”

  “Are you implying that crystals can function as some kind of thought-energy amplifiers and operate at some magnetic-electric level?” asked Andrew, trying to grasp the enormity of what Sirona was suggesting.

  “That’s it,” responded Sirona surprised at Andrew’s quick understanding. “Many substances and membranes within the human body function like liquid crystals, something you are just discovering. Reducing the process to its simplest form, the quartz crystals, aided by a trained healer, provide a resonance effect on the human crystalline structures, and thereby achieve the intended healing.”

  “Imagine what this could do for our health industry,” commented Bryce.

�That was my thinking exactly,” was Angi’s instant response. “But can you imagine the resistance. But reducing the need for surgical or chemical intervention would be a precious gift to humanity.”

  We’ll definitely talk about this again. But for now, I just want you to know that everyone in the room is ready for Tara,” said Sirona. “A few days before we depart when I know precisely who will be stepping through the gate, I’ll recheck you as an extra precaution.”

  “Whew, I’m glad that’s over,” said Vette. “I’d have been ticked off if I hadn’t qualified. But I wonder Sirona if you might help me with a nagging concern.”

  “Certainly Vette, what is it?” asked Sirona, growing fond of her newly discovered team of adventurers.

  “Well, if everyone in your world is as tall as you then I’m going to feel like a Hobbit in the Lord of the Rings movie.”

  “What’s a Hobbit?” asked Sirona.

  “Oh, a diminutive individual in comparison to those around them,” replied Vette. “It’s a character in a recent movie here on earth. Anyway, can you tell me I won’t be the only one my size in your world? Be assured whatever you say will not deter me from going, I just want to know what I’ll be facing.”

  “I share Vette’s concern,” piped up Morgan having had similar thoughts.

  Sirona grinned suddenly realizing the problem, “Be assured you won’t be alone. While the majority of my people are about my height or taller, we do have others who are more your height. Remember, over the centuries there have been humans who have come through the gates and stayed. You’ll meet them when you get there. I’ll make sure of that.”

  Morgan, relieved, pressed another point, “Sirona, I wonder if you might clarify the time difference between our two worlds? Some say centuries could pass in this world to one day in yours. Could this happen to us?”

  “Ah, yes, the time factor, I thought that might turn up. Well, admittedly we regard time differently. However, on this occasion I’m under strict orders. If you decide to step through the gate, you will be gone precisely three months, and that’s your calendar not ours.”

  “Sorry to be persistent,” continued Morgan, “if you didn’t have this strict order, would the gap exist as I stated?”

  “No, but some variation may occur, more days than centuries. Our two calendars are not identical. However, there are other dimensions where the time variation could be quite different.”

  “Oh great……..more dimensions.” was Wolfram’s surprised response. “For now I’d prefer to stick to one at a time.”

  “Agreed, we’ve enough to deal with on this first journey,” replied Sirona.

  “Did I detect an imperative on the opening of this gate?” asked Angi.

  “You don’t miss much, Angi. I guess it’s time I explain the urgency. In past centuries the gates allowed a free flow of energy between our worlds. Because of this, when too much negative energy built up on either side we could reduce the dangerous overload. But, for almost two thousand years the gates have been shut and our worlds are reaching a critical mass of negative energy. Unless we relieve the overload both our worlds could be in jeopardy.”

  “So, opening the Gate of Tara is some kind of release valve,” responded Andrew, suddenly grasping the practical significance of the medallion and the Tara gate.

  “Yes, there will be other gates to open but Tara is the principle one. While you may know Tara as an ancient Druid site, or even the capital of the Tuatha De Danann, which is true, its real importance is that it was the central gate of Atlantis. Thousands of years ago Tara was a place of inestimable wealth with palaces, golden temples, marble halls, and many harpists. It was not only known as the entrance to the otherworld, it was also the place where aging was retarded for humans. It was a joyous site, a place of plenty, and one in which people from around the world came for guidance in spiritual and scientific advancement. A faint remnant of this glorious past remains in the five ancient roads which converge at Tara. The concentric ring on the site was a universal symbol for the gate. For these reasons, up until the 12th century the kings of Ireland continued to be crowned there, absorbing the powerful vibrations which lingered in its soil. The opening of the Gate of Tara will release a gigantic wave of healing energy into both our worlds. We have our finest scientists ready to act should this energy burst produce any untoward side effects, but all calculations point to a positive outcome.”

  “Isn’t that amazing,” said Morgan. “I just read that some Irish archeologist has discovered an enormous egg-shaped temple underneath the Hill of Tara. Was that a coincidence?”

  “The timing of this discovery is coincidental but also important,” replied Sirona.

  Morgan continued, “Sirona, why was the gate closed in the first place?”

  “In the first century when the Roman empire declared war on the Druids, their control of the gates in this corner of the world was not only threatened but there was a growing fear as to what the Romans would do with such technology. After much deliberation between our two worlds, it was decided the gate would be closed temporarily. No one envisioned two thousand years. But closing the Tara gate triggered the closure of all the other earthly gates. That was also the time when the medallion’s gemstones were disassembled and passed onto female Druids, which continued right up to the present day. To make sure the site was not disturbed Tara was cursed by the Druids, with an edict of excommunication on all who continued to dwell there. This resulted in the place being deserted and eventually falling into ruin.”

  Angi, suddenly thought of something, “Will the gate be in the open or covered in some way?”

  “That’s another problem unique to Tara. In the past all gates were either in temples, mountains, or underground which protected them. When the comets hit Atlantis, the temple at Tara was destroyed. While we were able to save the gate it remained exposed. In past centuries that wasn’t a problem, but today’s population growth makes this a real concern which will need a temporary remedy.”

  “Speaking of Tara, Sirona, if there are numerous monuments spread over the hill, where precisely will we be congregating?” asked Andrew. “I am guessing that since the granite Lia Fail or the Stone of Destiny was said to be one of the four treasures brought to Ireland by the Tuatha De Danann, it may be one possibility.”

  “As they say, Andrew, your ‘spot on’,” replied Sirona with a smile, “however, because Lia Fail was moved from its original place at the entrance to the Mound of the Hostages, we’ve had to revise our calculations. It’s likely not serious, and the new location might be easier in the long run, but still it adds an extra wrinkle.”

  “I’m confused,” interjected Vette, “I thought the Stone of Destiny was in Scotland. Are there two?”

  “Good point, Vette,” interjected Bryce, “If we accept the accounts in Scotland and Ireland there are either two, one is real and the other a fake or there’s another story. According to the records, the Lia Fail, in Ireland, was supposed to have left Tara in the sixth century when the High King of Ireland, Murtagh MacErc, loaned it to his brother, Fergus, for his coronation in Scotland. But not long after the coronation Fergus perished in a storm and, it was said, the stone stayed in Scotland. But this story is now regarded as a fable, and, according to the Irish, the stone never left the country.”

  “So, the Irish stone is the real one?” asked Vette, looking at Sirona.

  “Actually,” replied Sirona, “the true Lia Fail or Stone of Destiny was sent through the gate when the Druids sealed it shut. They did not want the Romans getting a hold of this magical stone. It will be returned after we get the gate up and running again. There are other magical treasures which will also be returned, but only to their rightful heirs. Both tales were encouraged to remind the people of their true inheritance. Actually, the stone which is now referred to as the Lia Fail is the pillar needed for opening the gate. It was once a magnificently engraved standing stone with a gold cap. Over the centuries the gold and lettering disappeared, so I will
have to give Angi precise instructions where to place her hand, a demarcation which was more pronounced in the past.”

  “Is it possible, Sirona, for you to give us a picture of what we might expect at Tara?” asked Wolfram. Others nodded in agreement.

  “As you wish,” replied Sirona, bringing up the Lia Fail stone on the large screen, “As you can see, the Lia Fail stone sits on an oval hilltop enclosure of Tara, called the Forradh or Royal Seat. There we will gather. You will be arriving by bus from the Dublin airport sometime before 5am in the morning, and make your way to the crest of the hill. There you will stand in a semi-circle, about twenty feet behind Angi who will be positioned at the Lia Fail. If all goes well, at 5:30 Angi will place her right hand on the Lia Fail, leaving her left hand to command the elements. It is imperative that the medallion is fully exposed. Then Angi, in both Gaelic and English, will command the release of the Gate of Tara. The spell, though powerful, may take several tries.”

  “Have you any idea how long this might take?” asked Andrew.

  “That’s hard to predict,” replied Sirona. “I understand we have about three hours, and Andrew, you mentioned we might be able to stretch this by telling people that the site is being used as a movie location for the morning. That would help if you can manage it.”

  “I’ll work on that, and will make sure there are chairs for the Guardians as we can’t expect them to stand for an indefinite period of time,” said Andrew continuing to fine tune their plans.

  Sirona then, displaying a more serious tone, said, “There is one essential point that I must insist upon.”

  “What’s that?” asked Wolfram.

  “Whatever happens, none of you must go to Angi’s aid……… one,” the last two words coming out forcefully as she looked around the room. “Don’t make a move no matter what happens. She is the only one protected by the medallion. I don’t want to lose any of you. Is that clear?”


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