Omega's Teacher: MM Mpreg Omega Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 3)

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Omega's Teacher: MM Mpreg Omega Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 3) Page 7

by Bennet, Bella

  “I need to take care of you .”

  Harry chuckled, Alex felt it through Harry’s back. “Don’t worry. You made me cum without even touching my cock .”

  * * *

  T hey dragged themselves to Harry’s bedroom and his shower. It was the typical tub with a shower head. Not the big shower with several shower heads that he was used to growing up. Or even now. But Alex loved it because Harry was in there with him. They actually showered with little hanky panky. They were both exhausted. He shouldn’t be surprised they were wiped when they had played a hell of a basketball game, got the scare of their lives being reprimanded by Dr. Stevens, then hot sex in the taxi and on the kitchen counter. Quite a big day .

  They collapsed on the bed. Alex rolled over to spoon Harry. He was content to stay here forever. It felt like coming home. He took a big deep breath of Harry’s neck and that fresh cotton smell and snuggled in even closer .

  Until Harry rolled around to lay on his back. Alex frowned, he had been content. “Why did you move? I was perfect .”

  Harry gave a nervous little smile then his face went back to frowning. Like he was worried. “What?” Alex couldn’t say anything more than that. He was exhausted still .

  “We forgot a condom.” Oh shit. That would be something to talk about. He took a deep breath. It’s not like he would dump Harry if he got pregnant .

  “I don’t see a problem. If you’re pregnant, you’re still my omega. That’s not changing anything .”

  Harry’s eyes widened. “A little presumptuous aren’t you? You don’t even know if I want to be your omega. What if I don’t ?”

  It was Alex’s turn to be surprised. Then he narrowed his eyes. “Really? You’re full of shit. You want me as much as I want you .”

  Harry held the haughty look for one more second until he broke smiling like he was viewing an original copy of The Bard’s first work. “I love that idea .”

  Alex relaxed, all his fear he hid behind bravado escaping his muscles, leaving him a limp noodle. “Thank god. Don’t scare me like that again.” Alex leaned over giving him a kiss. “Ok, now that that’s settled, can we go back to spooning ?”

  Harry laughed, rolled over and shoved his ass back till he touched Alex’s thighs .

  “Mmmm, you better stop that unless you want me to give you a tongue lashing .”

  Harry sighed. “Let’s do that later. I want to sleep now .”

  Chapter 10

  T uesday they were both back at school. Harry couldn’t stop smiling. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much these last few days. They had spent all weekend together. They even snuggled up in bed grading homework. Their students would be horrified to know their homework was graded when they were naked. But covered by the bed sheets. They weren’t that gross .

  Harry chuckled. He had never had such a fun weekend. He went into his classroom and paused. There on his desk was a bouquet. But it was an odd bouquet. Harry walked closer trying to determine why the flowers looked like flowers but yet, wrong. Then he realized he was seeing Barnes & Noble gift cards taped together into flowers .

  When had Alex done this? He had left Harry’s at 6pm last night, saying he had to be on his own to do laundry and get some sleep. Harry went to sleep almost immediately after Alex had left. Alex must be tired today .

  Harry picked up a stem examining it. Gift cards were folded and taped together. They were then taped to green stems, green tape or something over the wire. There were about six stems of flowers. Were they real gift cards? Could Harry actually use them ?

  There was a card leaning on the vase. Harry picked it up and read .

  “To my favorite omega. You feed my soul. Here’s some things to feed your literary soul. Alex .”

  Henry’s eyes prickled with tears. How thoughtful. That was the most romantic gift he had ever had. And that he had ever heard of. He wiped his eyes and set the card down .

  “Mr. Reyes, are you ok ?”

  A student was standing in front of his desk. He nodded his head as he finished wiping his eyes. “Yes I’m fine. Just… amazed. Amazed and very happy.” He gave her a big smile and moved the gift card flowers over to a part of his desk where they wouldn’t get knocked over .

  He didn’t want to use the gift cards because it would ruin the flowers. Knowing Alex had made them by hand, made them himself meant so much to him. He was so head over heels for Alex .

  * * *

  H arry walked to the mailroom after his fourth period, the free time in his schedule for the day. He flipped through his mail not seeing anything exciting and looked over at Mr. Short’s empty mail slot. He must not be getting junk mail yet. Harry grinned, thinking of an idea .

  He went out to the main office, grabbed a blank sheet of paper off a printer, then went back into the mailroom. Just because Alex’s mail slot was empty didn’t mean it should be without mail. Harry wrote him a little note, then shoved it into the mail slot. He grinned walking out of the mail room. Shirley caught his eye and waved him over to her desk .

  “How are you doing?” Harry looked at her in confusion .


  Shirley’s eyes widened comically. Harry still didn’t speak. “The basketball game? Friday? Dr. Stevens so mad that I thought he’d fire you both ?”

  Oh yeah. That. Harry’s smile dropped. He hoped Dr. Stevens was ok with how they had resolved their differences. To go from wanting to beat each other to wanting to fuck each other was a little extreme. He hoped the principal didn’t have any problems with teachers dating .

  “Oh, that’s all taken care of. Perfectly fine and A-Ok now. Trust me.” Shirley didn’t look too convinced. “I have a question though. Can you keep this just between us?” He had worked with Shirley for many years and had never once asked her to keep things secret. She was eagerly nodding her head. “Do you know if there’s a policy between teachers dating ?”

  Shirley’s eyes lit up like Christmas came early. She clapped her hands in front of her. “Oh my god! Oh my! I knew you two were perfect for each other! Didn’t I say that at the beginning of the year? Oh, I’m so happy for you two !”

  Harry motioned to keep her voice down. He looked around, but no one seemed to pay them much attention. “Thank you.” Harry blushed. The relationship was still new, and he didn’t want to jinx it, but he was very happy. “I’m very happy. I think Alex is too .”

  “Oh… it’s so adorably romantic.” Shirley sighed. “Just like a romance novel. I swear you two will be the death of me .”

  Harry smiled. “So… do you know if there are any rules ?”

  Shirley shook her head. “There are no rules about dating coworkers. None. Trust me, every time a hot man comes here I double check just to make sure I’m in the clear.” She winked and Harry froze his smile. He so glad she hadn’t gone after him. Or Alex. Actually he didn’t know if Shirley had gone after Alex. He’d have to tease him about turning down Shirley .

  “Good to know. Thanks Shirley .”

  “No problem honey. Just name one of your kids after me. I was the one that saw you two together first!” Harry smiled and turned away. His face dropped. No way was he naming a kid after her .

  * * *

  A lex finished putting together the instructions for next week’s chemistry labs. He was looking forward to them. Actually he looked forward to all his chemistry classes and labs. He loved that shit. Nothing like the smell of hydrochloride in the morning .

  He walked over to his printer and pulled the papers off. Yes he had his own printer. Because he bought it and brought it in after the first few months of school. He wasn’t going to piss off the other teachers by bringing in his own stuff right off the bat .

  The classrooms were now slowly looking like his own. Posters, chemistry memes with that fluffy white cat, all of it was his personality. Anything to make chemistry approachable and fun. He was tired of kids coming to his classes dreading the hard equations and boring labs. He didn’t know what they were taught in grade school an
d middle school, but he would blow their minds .

  Alex walked back to his desk and stapled the labs. He had students wanting to work like this for him for extra credit or just because they liked hanging around. But he would never let students handle assignments or labs before the class. No one was getting a leg up. Plus he wasn’t going to get called out for favoritism .

  Labs all stapled, Alex put them in his desk drawer and locked it. He knew some kid was smart enough to figure out how to unlock his desk, so he locked his classroom door as he closed it. Some kid could undo that too, but with security cameras in the halls, the kid had to know how to shut down security cameras and pick locks. He knew some kids here were that motivated and smart, but he figured they would not chance it. Especially if they knew about the booby trap he put in all his desk drawers. And chemistry storage room. Alex smiled. He couldn’t wait for the day some kid ran across it. It wasn’t damaging, just embarrassing .

  Now down to the main office to check his mail. He rarely got mail, usually just notices from the school for the teachers. But he liked stretching his legs and getting out of his rooms, anyway. Looks like there was something in his mail slot today. Alex pulled it out, surprised to find it was a sheet of paper. He opened it up and read .

  “Alex, thank you for the beautiful Barnes & Noble flowers. I’m impressed you could stay awake long enough to make them. You wore me out. I can’t wait to do it again. Harry .”

  Alex smiled. He folded the letter back and noticed he was now smirking instead of smiling. He wore Harry out. Alex couldn’t wait to do it again. He was also glad Harry liked the “flowers”. He didn’t know what else he could do to top those, but he’d think of something .

  * * *

  A lex stirred the salad and dressing while listening for Harry, who had left the kitchen unexpectedly several minutes ago. Alex hadn’t heard the phone ring, so it wasn’t that. What could have made Harry run out of here like a bat from hell? Alex set aside the salad, opened the oven to check on the steaks. He had never broiled steaks inside the oven, but it was cold out and Harry didn’t have a grill. He guessed that burning meat over a fire was an alpha thing .

  Alex didn’t know what to do with himself. He wanted to run down the hall to check on Harry but was that too much? Could he do that? They hadn’t been together for long, but Alex guessed it would be ok. Once you’ve fucked a guy up the ass, everything should be kosher, right? If that wasn’t a Hallmark saying, it sure as hell should be .

  Alex walked down the hallway to Harry’s bedroom. The bathroom door was closed. He stood near it but didn’t hear anything. Alex tapped softly on the door. “Harry? Are you ok in there ?”

  He couldn’t think of what could be going on. Did the salad dressing reminded him of bad times? What was going on? Alex got a little nervous when he still hadn’t heard anything, but the door opened slowly .

  Harry looked nervous, sheepish and yet happy all at the same time. Alex raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on? I’ve got the salad all done .”

  Harry smiled, but then looked worried biting his lip. Alex frowned. “Hey now, what’s going on ?”

  Alex walked forward, wrapping his arms around Harry. He patted the back of his head and rocked him. Whatever was wrong, they would get through it. Alex couldn’t think of anything that would make Harry nervous already in their relationship .

  Harry pulled back. “Well, I’ve got a surprise for you .”

  Alex smiled. “I loved your note in my mail box. What else do you have ?”

  Harry laughed and shook his head. “I love how open you are.” Harry walked towards him and gave Alex a big hug. He pulled back and looked up. “I hope you like this surprise. It could only have happened from our first weekend together. I didn’t think it would. Looks like your swimmers don’t give up .”

  Swimmers? What the —

  “I can tell by your face you figured it out. We’re going to be parents.” Harry held up the pregnancy test in front of Alex’s face .

  Two lines. Pregnant. Oh my god. Harry’s lips were moving but Alex couldn’t hear anything. What kind of neat trick was that? Ow. His back hurt. Why was he sitting on the floor ?

  Chapter 11

  H arry caught Alex as he tipped over and slid down the bathroom wall. He seemed to stabilize but then Alex went out like a light and fell over. Harry bit his lip trying to stifle his laughter. It was funny though. Big, tough alpha faints at the site of a pregnancy test .

  Harry stretched him out, so that Alex was laying comfortably on the floor. He grabbed a pillow and put it under Alex’s head. Harry would have stayed but smelled smoke. He ran back to the kitchen. Harry pulled the steaks out and shut off the oven. Yikes. So much for dinner. The steaks were better used as hockey pucks. The salad looked good though. He wondered what kind of pizza Alex liked. Then he remembered the first day of school when all the teachers went to the local restaurant. Alex had said he liked everything. Funny how he was paid attention to Alex even then .

  Harry put in a call to the local pizza place and went back to the bedroom. Alex was coming to. Poor guy. He looked so confused .

  “What happened?” Alex was rubbing his hair, trying to sit up at the same time .

  Harry pushed him back on the floor. “Why don’t you lay down more. I don’t want you to sit up and faint again .”

  “Again?” Alex looked at Harry with big eyes .

  “What do you remember ?”

  Alex narrowed his eyes. “You were in the bathroom a long time. I came over to check on you. You came to the door all nervous and shy. Then you… Oh.” Alex laid back down on the floor. “Oh my god.” Alex looked at Harry. “Are you ok? You’re pregnant !”

  Harry smiled. He sure was pregnant. “I’m fine. I got nauseous a few days ago. I figured I should take a pregnancy test since we got busy without condoms that first time .”

  Alex smiled. “Now you have to marry me. I knocked you up.” Harry blinked. That was not what he was expecting out of Alex’s mouth. Not by a long shot .

  “You’re not upset? Mad? Worried? Trying to weasel out of it?” Harry wasn’t going to pussy foot around the issue here .

  Alex laughed. “Hell no!” He rubbed his eyes. “I’m going to sit up now .”

  Harry scooted back as Alex slowly sat up. “I think I’m ok now.” He turned to Harry and wrapped him in a big hug. Harry was relieved. He had steeled himself to any outcome except this complete unconditional acceptance. No, he wasn’t prepared for Alex going beyond acceptance to mentioning marriage .

  “How long have you wanted to marry me?” Harry mumbled into Alex’s shoulder .

  “Ever since I saw you at Seaport Prep. I wanted you right then. I didn’t want anyone else to have you. It infuriated me you wouldn’t even talk to me .”

  Harry relaxed and laughed. What a crazy mess they had made of it. “Well, we’re together now. And we’re having a baby .”

  Alex pulled back. “I know, can you believe it! The first try too .”

  Harry blinked. First try? “Were you trying to get me pregnant?” Accepting a pregnancy was one thing, but purposely trying to get someone pregnant without their permission was no ok. Not even remotely ok .

  Alex frowned. “What? No! How did I even know we’d end up having sex that day? We still hated each other up until we both loosened up enough to realize that we wanted to fuck each other .”

  That was true. “So why did you say the first try? It made me think you planned to get me pregnant .”

  Alex shook his head. “No. So many couples have problems having kids that I was surprised we nailed it the first time we had sex. I’m surprised and happy. I’ve wanted my own family for awhile. Never found the right omega though. And from the grapevine,” Alex got a sly smirk on his face. “I heard you were desperately seeking an alpha. Looks like you got one .”

  Harry shook his head. Alex would be insufferable. He didn’t know how he knew that, but he was pretty sure Alex would be a proud peacock crowing to everyone how
he knocked up his omega on the first try. As if there were sperm olympics or something. Actually if there were sperm olympics he wouldn’t put it past Alex to enter his sperm. Harry tried to get the image of a gold medal hanging off Alex’s dick out of his mind. Or would it be balls since they had the sperm ?

  Harry shook himself. “Ok. I’m glad that’s all figured out. Let’s get up and start on the salad. I’m hungry and the pizza should be here in a few more minutes .”

  “Pizza? What about the steaks ?”

  Harry rose an eyebrow. “You mean the hard brunt charcoal hockey pucks I pulled out of the oven after I got you on the floor?” Alex smiled sheepishly .

  * * *

  “H ey,” Alex paused his eating and looked at Harry. “Whose house are we all going to be living in ?”

  Harry looked back while chewing. “Well, since I’m the one that’s pregnant, I think it should be here. Plus I’ve had this house longer. I love it .”

  Alex nodded. That made sense. But it wasn’t as big as Alex’s place. “But my place is bigger. It’s got three bedrooms .”

  Harry frowned. “I’m the omega, carrying the baby, I think I should get to live where I’m comfortable. I’ve been here over seven years .”

  Alex frowned. He liked Harry’s house, but it wasn’t his place. It looked nothing like what Alex would like to live in. Alex sighed. He supposed he’d have to tread carefully if he would get Harry to move in with him .

  “But I’m the alpha. I’ve got more room. I want to take care of my omega .”

  Harry sat up straight and scowled. “I don’t like this. I just got pregnant. Now you’re trying to get me to move out of my house, that I’ve had over seven years, to move into your place that you’ve had what, maybe four months ?”


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