Omega's Teacher: MM Mpreg Omega Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 3)

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Omega's Teacher: MM Mpreg Omega Romance (Baby Makes Three Book 3) Page 9

by Bennet, Bella

  “Yes. They’re still together. They were missionaries for a long time then got married, had kids, then when we were older they went off to do missionary work again. They love it .”

  Alex listened but didn’t hear anything that would explain Harry’s hangup. “My parents live together too. They’re still on the Hamptons in that huge overgrown monstrosity of a house. With no one there but them. It’s a waste of space .”

  Harry turned his head. Alex glanced up at him. Harry was frowning. “Why don’t they move into something smaller? It’s a waste of resources and money to live in a house that is too big for them? Another family could use that space .”

  “You’re right. Actually I think three to four other families could live in that house without seeing each other. But my parents won’t move. It’s their statement house. The house they used to impress and to make themselves feel like they’ve made it.” Harry was still frowning. Alex kept going. “Some people get their worth from things they do, things that make them happy. Like your parents. They give and they’re happy. My parents are happy only if other people are in awe of them. Which means they’re miserable most of the time. I grew up in that house with those same values until they forced me to grow up. Which is ironic.” Alex looked at Harry who was no longer frowning. Good. “Let’s just say that I’ve learned the value of a dollar. I’m not like my parents at all. Except that I love the water. But other than that, we’re different .”

  Harry looked at Alex and smiled. “I’m glad.” Relief flooded through Alex. Maybe they had some sort of breakthrough tonight. He hoped so. Alex didn’t like being kept at an arm’s length .

  * * *

  A lex was putting the finishing touches on his Chemis-tree when Dr. Stevens walked into his lab. Alex smiled though he was nervous .

  “Hello Alex, how are things going? Is that a new experiment ?”

  Alex shook his head. “No, it’s my Christmas tree, a chemis-tree. Get it? Each beaker is full of colored water .”

  Dr. Stevens laughed. “In all my years I’ve never seen that. You’ve brought new life and excitement into the sciences this year. The students love it. And I’m glad for it too. Thank you .”

  Alex smiled. It was always good to hear you’re doing a good job from your boss. “Thanks.” Alex went back to filling the beakers and arranging them on the stand .

  “I’m glad that you and Mr. Reyes seem to have worked things out. You’re getting along from what I hear .”

  Alex stilled. Would Dr. Stevens be happy with how well they were getting along? “You could say that .”

  Alex looked over at Dr. Stevens. He looked smug. He had to already know. Alex wasn’t going to bring it up though. He kept filling the beakers with water and adding drops of coloring .

  “I’ve noticed that Harry is expecting and you’re both still at different addresses.” Alex looked up frowning. This was moving into personal territory. Dr. Stevens held his hand up. “I know, but I’m saying this as a friend not your boss. I’ve known Harry for a long time. He is a terrific, wonderful man but does not trust easy. Also, he’s shy and protective of himself. He did not grow up with things that we took for granted.” Ok. Alex knew this. What was he getting at? “He can also be stubborn.” Oh yea, Alex already knew this. “Sometimes you might need reinforcements. Anyway I thought I’d just come in and see how you’re doing. Have a good day .”

  Well that was odd. Very odd. Alex noticed that Dr. Stevens left a Post It note on his desk. Alex walked over and picked it up. It was the phone number for Harry’s parents. Interesting. Very interesting. Alex went back to putting his tree together while thinking .

  Chapter 14

  H arry climbed out of his car. It was getting more difficult as time went on. Harry sighed. He missed Alex picking him up in the morning and driving him to work. Alex was so concerned about Harry driving in the snow. He was a great alpha. Today though Alex needed the day off, so Harry was driving himself .

  Harry missed the routines they had fallen into. After driving Harry home, they ate dinner together, cuddled, graded homework then slept together or did other activities. Activities that Harry missed. But he hadn’t felt like doing any of that for a long time. First the puking, then getting used to the bump in front of him and the tiredness. Oh, the exhaustion. Harry could barely get through the day. He sat down for most of his classes now. The students were excited he was having a baby. His friends were overjoyed that he had found his alpha .

  But, Harry didn’t know how he felt about that. He loved Alex, wanted him to be his alpha, but it turns out now that he had found his alpha he was scared to take that final jump and move in with him. He didn’t want to give up the control he had over his life. He didn’t want Alex to move in and change everything or tell Harry what to do. Harry knew that was ridiculous, but there it was anyway .

  Harry waddled up the walk to his front door, put his key in the lock but the door was already unlocked. Fear zipped up his spine. He had been robbed? Just then the door opened from the inside, with Alex standing in the doorway .

  “Hi honey, come on in.” Alex swept his arm out inviting Harry in. Harry didn’t know what to think, but something was wrong because he could see through the foyer to the living room and things looked different. Not completely changed, but different .

  “What’s going on?” Harry was glad he sounded calm and not actually accusing Alex of changing his house behind his back. See, he could learn .

  “Oh nothing. I just thought I’d welcome you home from a hard day at work with a nice home cooked meal .”

  Harry squinted his eyes. “You took a day off work to cook me a meal?” That sounded crazy. Alex had to have done more than that. Especially since he saw an additional chair in the living room. Harry walked through the foyer .

  “Let me take your coat. Don’t want you to overheat in here.” Alex tugged his scarf, hat, coat, gloves off and took them away. Harry looked around his living room trying to control himself. There was another chair in the living room, some additional things on the walls, another floor lamp. Harry turned around. There was a new picture hanging in the foyer too .

  Alex was smiling like he won the lottery. Harry’s hands hadn’t left his hips. He scowled and walked into the kitchen. Everything looked the same there. He walked down the hall to his bedroom. Things looked the same, except there was a new piece of furniture and two pillows on the bed .

  Harry turned around to face Alex. “What’s going on ?”

  Alex didn’t stop smiling, but he shrugged. “I thought I’d help your decision making process along by just moving myself into your house. I removed nothing, I just added some.” Harry stiffened. Alex moved in. While Harry was at work. Without talking about it .

  Harry breathed heavily as he was trying to calm himself down and keep from unleashing one hell of a temper tantrum. Alex wrapped his arm around Harry’s shoulders and led him back into the living room. “Why don’t you sit down right here in your chair and I’ll bring you some peppermint tea .”

  Harry found himself pushed back into the chair. Just as he opened his mouth to unleash what he thought of that arrogant, presumptuous prick, he saw who was standing in the far corner .

  “Hello Harry, surprise!” His parents. Harry couldn’t even think of anything to say. In all the years he’d lived here, never had his parents come out to visit him or see his new house. But here they were in his living room .

  They walked over and hugged Harry. “You stay there in the chair. You’re so far along!” His dad sat in the new chair in the living room, which was wide enough for both of his parents to share it. It must be one of those wide chairs that was actually a love seat. If the people were skinny enough .

  “What are you doing here? You’ve never come out when I’ve invited you .”

  His parents looked at Alex. “It’s all thanks to him. He bought our plane tickets and flew us out. Said we had to visit our son before he gave birth. We were so overjoyed!” Harry looked at Alex, but Alex on
ly winked as he put a mug of peppermint tea into Harry’s hands .

  Harry looked back at his parents. “So… so…” He just couldn’t even get past the fact that his parents were here, Alex had invited them and paid their way out here. “You planned all this ?”

  Alex nodded and sat down on the couch, Harry’s couch that was still in the same position it had been yesterday. “I decided that I needed to bring in some big guns to get you to see that I do need to live with you .”

  Harry was still confused. “How did you know how to find my parents? How did you get them out here?” Harry looked at his parents who were drinking tea. Harry looked back at his alpha, but it was his dad that spoke .

  “We got a call from this nice young man. He told us about himself and that he was dating you, but you were hesitant about letting him move in. He didn’t tell us you were pregnant, don’t get upset about that. We noticed that when you walked in the living room ourselves. I’m so proud of you. But I’m not proud you kept your alpha at arm’s length.” His dad stopped talking to drink his tea .

  Harry was still speechless. His mom picked up the story. “We wanted to visit you for years but all our money that didn’t go to our basic needs, went to our missionary work. We couldn’t see spending that money frivolously. So Alex paid our way out here so we could see you and spend time with you. We’re so grateful to him .”

  “But, but… you came and Alex moved in on the same day?” Alex was sipping his coffee so Harry looked back to his parents for an answer .

  They were nodding their heads. “Yes. Alex picked us up from the airport and told us to hang out at your house while he moved in. We didn’t think that was right, him moving in by himself. We liked him, thought he was a good man for you and helped him move. He was very careful not to take anything of yours out .”

  Harry didn’t know what to say. He was speechless .

  * * *

  W ell, Harry seemed to take it better than expected. Having his parents here sure helped calm Harry down. That was a smart move on the parent’s part. They were the ones that suggested it. Harry’s parents were down to earth and clearly loved their son .

  “Honey, why weren’t you letting him move in with you? He’s your alpha, the father of your child, surely you’d want help around the house? It’s not right to keep him apart from you.” Harry’s mother had a slight twang when she spoke, which made anything she said more interesting. Alex normally hated Southern accents, but Harry’s mother was just adorable. Plus she promised to make him a peach pie. He loved peach pie .

  “I… well…” Harry looked at Alex for help. Alex took a drink of his coffee smiling where Harry couldn’t see it. He didn’t like seeing his omega squirm, but Alex really wanted to know the answer as well .

  Harry looked at his parents who still waited for an answer. Finally Harry let out a big sigh. “I was scared that if I let my alpha move in, he’d take over my life. Move my stuff out. Order me around. I didn’t want that. I bought this house myself, made it my own, made my own career as a teacher and I wasn’t giving it up.” Harry looked at his parents .

  “Where did you get that idea? Alex doesn’t at all seem like the type that would run you over. Honestly .”

  Harry frowned. “You kept warning me not to let alphas run me, my entire life. Remember? Plus you would remind us of that every time your friends the Coffman’s came over for dinner. That alpha ran all over his omega .”

  Harry’s parents both looked at each other then back at Harry. “I’m sorry. I sure didn’t mean for you to not give any alpha a piece of your life. I sure overdid it.” Harry’s mother wiped her eyes. She looked at Alex. “I’m sorry, this is all my fault .”

  Alex shook his head. “No I don’t think so, don’t worry though. I think we’ll help Harry overcome it.” He looked back at Harry and winked. Who rolled his eyes. But he was smiling at Alex while he did it .

  * * *

  “S o how are you doing? Are you in any pain? You keep rubbing your back .”

  “My lower back hurts. I think it’s just the added pressure of the baby bump growing up front.” Harry tried to stretch his back, but it was difficult while sitting in bed .

  “Sit over here and I’ll massage it.” Harry took his pajama top off, turned to face away from Alex and leaned over. Alex loved massaging Harry. He poured oil in his hands, spread it over Harry’s back and then kneaded the tight muscles he felt .

  “Hmmm, that feels so good.” Alex lit up inside. He loved taking care of his omega. Especially now that he was living with him. That crazy stubborn omega. Alex leaned over and planted a kiss on Harry’s spine .

  “Do you think I should send announcements to the other teachers that I’m having a baby?” Alex snorted. If they hadn’t seen out by now, they were blind as bats .

  “Honey, I don’t think you need to.” He didn’t want Harry to think he was calling him fat, so he just said nothing else. He knew how to deal with a sensitive omega .

  “What about your parents? Have you told them yet?” Alex stilled. Then went back to massaging Harry’s lower back .

  “No I haven’t.” He didn’t know what to do about that. He realized that his parents had done him a favor, now that he was far removed from that traumatic experience. Nothing like getting kicked out with no money to help you grow up fast. He still thought they could have gone about it better. “I haven’t actually talked to them since I got kicked out .”

  Harry turned around. “Are you serious? That’s been what, over a decade at least .”

  Alex nodded. “Yup.” He didn’t want to get into this tonight. He really didn’t. He just wanted to focus on Harry .

  “Don’t you think they’d like to know how you’re doing? Have they tried to contact you at all ?”

  Alex thought back to the messages his cousin Penny had passed along. He felt like a heel for never calling them, but he was mad. No he wasn’t mad, but it was hard to admit they were right, when they ruined your life. Alex sighed. “Yeah, they have.” He hoped Harry would drop it .

  “Are you embarrassed of me ?”

  Alex whipped his head up. “What? No! Why would you think that? Didn’t you just visit with your parents that I brought out here? Didn’t I just move in with you?” What the hell was Harry thinking ?

  “Yes, but you haven’t told your parents about me. Or the baby .”

  Alex stopped massaging and gave Harry a look. “I haven’t talked to them about anything since I was kicked out. It’s not you.” Alex went back to massaging Harry’s lower back .

  Harry turned around again. Alex looked up at Harry’s head and then back down to his lower back. He sighed. Dammit. He didn’t want to deal with his parents. Alex looked back up at Harry and realized he would do whatever Harry wanted. He was wrapped around Harry’s finger .

  Alex swiped his phone off the nightstand and called his cousin Penny. “Penny?” Harry turned around in surprise. “Fine. Could you give me my parent’s phone number?… Yeah, I guess it’s finally time. Thanks.” He hung up and stared at Harry .

  By this time Harry had turned around and was holding onto Alex’s legs. “You can do it. I’m proud of you.” Alex smiled. Harry was so hot in his glass and briefs. But pain before pleasure .

  Alex looked down, typed in the numbers and let out a big sigh .

  Chapter 15

  H arry was tired of this. Tired of all of it. He wanted this over now. He would smack Alex the next time he saw him. Damn alpha getting him pregnant. This was all his fault. He turned around to walk back down the hospital hallway when he saw Alex and two people that had to be his parents. Why the hell did he think this was a good time to introduce him to his parents? Harry now had a killer headache to go along with the pain from his contractions .

  Alex was still walking towards him but was mouthing words and shaking his head while pointing to himself. He guessed Alex was trying to say it wasn’t his fault. While he was in horrid back pain from labor, everything was Alex’s fault. Even the hal
lways being too cold .

  “I’m so sorry. We came out as soon as Alex told us you were in labor. We’ve been calling him every day since he contacted us months ago. You can’t blame us for wanting to be here for this big event!” Alex’s mother ignored Harry’s glare at Alex and wrapped her fur covered arms around his back. Harry stood still. While still glaring at Alex .

  Alex’s mom pulled back and squeezed his cheek. “You are just adorable! So handsome and geeky with those glasses! Is this your first child?” Harry looked at Alex again with a stronger glare this time. His lips were so pursed he swore he’d make a diamond if someone put coal in his mouth .

  “Mom, stop. Just back up. Remember what I told you in the elevator ?”

  Alex turned back to Harry. “Honey I’m so sorry. They called me from the airport to ask what hospital you were at. I had no idea they were coming.” Harry looked at Alex and let his glare go away. But not entirely. The nerve of his parents. He couldn’t seem to unclench his jaw though .

  “Quite right son.” Alex was pushed aside by a tall, stocky man that looked like Alex. He held out his hand. “I’m Mr. Short. Pleasure to meet you.” Harry looked back at Alex with wide eyes. Were these people for real? Harry was having contractions in a hospital hallway, wearing a thin gown and robe while hanging onto an IV stand .

  Alex pulled his dad back. “Dad, Harry is in labor. He’s in pain. Just go sit over there. We weren’t expecting you. You should just go to your hotel and wait till we call you that the baby is here.” Alex turned around and gave Harry a thumbs up signal .

  “Oh Honey, we can’t do that. We don’t have a hotel room. We thought we’d stay with you wherever you’re at.” Harry’s eyes couldn’t get any bigger. Oh hell no .

  Alex’s head whipped around to Harry with wide eyes. He stood in front of Harry, probably to keep them from seeing the look on his face, and then faced his parents. “No. No you can’t. Seriously. We’re in the midst of labor here, then we need some time to ourselves as a family. We’ll call when you can come to the hospital but then you’ll have to leave us alone for a few days. Ok? So you should leave and get a hotel room. Explore the city .”


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