Chieftain (Historical Romance)

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Chieftain (Historical Romance) Page 14

by Nan Ryan

  Once there she closed the door, gave a great whoop of joy and began stripping off her damp clothes. Leaving the discarded garments where they fell, she trekked, totally naked, into her father’s small study where a fire burned in the grate and a half-full bottle of whiskey sat in a crystal decanter on the shelf behind the desk.

  Lois poured herself a shot of bourbon and downed it in one swallow. She made a face, coughed, poured another and sank down into her father’s high-backed leather chair. She put her bare feet up on the desk, crossed her ankles, leaned back and sighed with satisfaction.

  And she began to make her plans for the evening. An evening that was to last on into the night if she had her way. Indeed, she intended to be in Shanaco’s arms and in his bed when tomorrow’s sun came up.

  The prospect caused her bare belly to flutter and her nipples to tighten.

  Sipping the bourbon and considering what she should wear and what time she should venture out to his cottage, Lois frowned when she heard a loud knock on the door. Annoyed that someone was already intruding on her precious privacy, Lois exhaled as she rose from the chair, gathered up her dropped clothes and hurried to her room.

  There she drew on a satin robe, tied the sash at her waist and slipped her bare feet into a pair of delicate bedroom slippers. When she opened the front door, Captain Daniel Wilde hurriedly shoved her back inside, came in after her and immediately started stripping.

  “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” Lois asked, hands on her hips.

  “What does it look like?” he replied, yanking the tails of his blue uniform blouse up out of his trousers. “I’m getting ready to spend the afternoon in bed with you.”

  “No, you are not.”

  “Why not?” he said, and unbuckled his belt. “Daddy’s gone, remember? Now, slip out of that robe. I know you’re naked underneath and I know why. You were waiting for me, weren’t you? Admit it, baby.”

  “I was not waiting for you,” she said. “My clothes were wet and I had to get out of them before I caught my death.”

  Daniel Wilde unbuttoned his pants. “Come now, Lois. You don’t fool me. You never have. Can you think of a better way to spend a rainy afternoon than making love with me?”

  “Well, no, of course not,” she said sweetly, determined to get rid of him without raising his suspicions. “But, Danny, darling, we just can’t. It’s already half past four and I’m to have supper with that nosy old Mrs. Tullison this evening. I promised Father I would. She’ll be expecting me there within the hour.”

  “Damn to hell,” Wilde swore. “Fine. Go on and hurry back. I’ll wait here.”

  “No such thing,” she said, shaking her head. “Actually, I’m a little under the weather. Soon as I get back from Mrs. Tullison’s, I’m going straight to bed. Alone.”

  “Sure you don’t want me to…?”

  “No, Danny. Now, be a good boy and run along. I must get dressed and over to Mrs. Tullison’s.”

  Lieutenant Wilde was grumbling as Lois shoved him out the door. She expelled a great sigh of relief and locked the door behind him. She had lied to Wilde. She wasn’t about to join Mrs. Tullison for supper.

  Lois had barely closed and locked the door before another knock came. Lois swore through gritted teeth.

  “Danny, I told you I…” she said, opening the door, then stopped speaking when she saw the tall, plain woman before her.

  Margaret Tullison. “Danny?” Margaret Tullison repeated. “Was Captain Wilde here?” Her eyebrows lifted suspiciously.

  “No, no. I was afraid he would come by to check on me, see if I’m all right alone. Father asked him to keep an eye on me.”

  “Well, I would hope he hasn’t been here, what with you going around undressed! And at this hour of the day,” said the middle-aged Margaret Tullison. “Why, it’s indecent.”

  “What’s indecent about taking a bath, Mrs. Tullison?” Lois defended herself. “I was out in the rain this afternoon bidding my father goodbye. My clothes got damp and I was chilled to the bone. I hoped that a good hot bath might keep me from catching a cold.”

  “I see,” said Margaret Tullison. “So Lieutenant Wilde wasn’t here?”

  “Certainly not!” Lois pretended offense.

  “Well, then, bless your heart. You do look a bit peaked. Lord knows you don’t want to wind up in the hospital like poor Major Courteen.”

  “That was last week,” Lois reminded her. “He’s fine now.”

  “No such thing. He was taken back to the hospital less than an hour ago with suspected pneumonia.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” said Lois.

  “Yes, such a good man,” Margaret Tullison replied. “But it’s you I’m worried about. Let me come in and fix you a nice hot cup of tea and then—”

  “That’s most kind of you,” said Lois, but she didn’t throw open the door. “The truth is, I’ve not yet had that hot bath. I was planning a nice long soak and then right into bed.”

  “You’re not coming for supper?”

  “I have no appetite, Mrs. Tullison. The only thing I want to do is get in my nice warm bed and get some sleep. You understand.”

  “Why, yes. Certainly. You have plenty of food in the—”

  “I do. I’ll fix myself a little something,” Lois said, beginning to close the door. “Thanks so much for stopping by.”

  “Sure you’ll be all right alone here?”

  “Positive. Now, good night.”


  Lois Harkins could hardly contain her excitement.

  Finally she was alone and could go about the serious business of getting ready for the upcoming evening with Shanaco. Shivering with anticipation, she shrugged out of the satin robe, leaving it in the small foyer where it fell.

  She hummed happily as she went into her room. From a bureau drawer she took sheer silk stockings and red satin garters. She had purchased the scarlet garters not an hour after seeing the handsome Shanaco ride into the fort on that warm October morning. She had noted how his black stallion was decorated with red trappings, so she supposed red was Shanaco’s favorite color.

  She wanted to wear his favorite color to please him.

  Lois tossed the stockings and garters on her bed and giggled as she took a flaming red silk dress from the very back of her closet. It was one she’d bought in New York shortly before coming out to Fort Sill.

  The dress had never been worn. It, like the garters, had been saved for tonight’s momentous occasion. She would don both and then allow the handsome savage to take them off. Tear them off if he so desired! She was half afraid of the powerfully built Comanche, wasn’t sure what he might do to her once he got her alone. But that made the secret rendezvous all the more exciting.

  Reluctantly, Lois reached for a long, lace-trimmed petticoat, tossing it on the bed. She hated wearing any kind of underclothing, but the lovely red gown required the added fullness of a petticoat if it were to show off her figure to the best advantage.

  Lois went back to the closet, sank down onto her knees and studied the dozen pairs of shoes lined up on the floor. She chose a pair of delicate golden dancing slippers intricately decorated with tiny beads of red sewn across the instep. Perfect.

  Gold slippers, red garters and silk stockings in hand, she sank down onto the vanity stool before her dressing table. Taking her time, making a sensuous exercise of it, she leisurely drew on a sheer stocking, straightening her leg out before her, admiring its smooth flesh and perfect shape. When she slipped the scarlet garter up past her knee, she snapped it playfully and trembled. Within the hour the handsome half-breed would be removing the garter.

  And everything else.

  When the stockings, garters and shoes were on, Lois swiveled about on the vanity stool to examine herself in the mirror. As always, she liked what she saw. Her breasts were very full, but high, no sagging whatsoever. The nipples were the size of silver dollars, their hue a tempting raspberry shade. No man could look on those twin mounds of c
reamy flesh and not go wild over her.

  Lois rose, kicked the vanity stool back out of the way and studied her exquisite body, full length. Ah, yes, she was unbelievably tempting like this, naked save for the stockings and garters. Her hips flared with just the right amount of feminine roundness while her belly was appealingly flat. Her ivory thighs were firm and strong, perfect for holding a lover. And the springy curls between those thighs were as pale and golden as her long, lovely tresses.

  Continuing to stand before the mirror, Lois looked among the many bottles, pots and jars resting atop her dressing table. She finally lifted a small container of rouge she’d never used before, dipped the tip of her little finger in it and stuck it in her mouth to sample. She was pleased; it tasted quite good. She applied a generous amount to the full, ripe lips that Shanaco would soon be kissing hungrily.

  At last, Lois turned and hurried to the bed. She picked up the lace-trimmed petticoat and drew it down over her head. In minutes she was back before the mirror, fully dressed. The red silk gown, cut very low over the bosom and fitted very tight beneath, accentuated her full breasts and small waist. Her blond hair, brushed out and lying atop her bare white shoulders, gleamed in the lamp’s diffused glow.

  Satisfied, Lois rushed from her room. In the foyer she stopped and swirled a long woolen cape around her shoulders. She drew the hood up over her head so that, if she were seen, she wouldn’t be recognized. She eased the door open, looked anxiously about and saw no one.

  A flickering fire was the room’s only light.

  A zinc tub filled with hot sudsy water sat directly before that low-burning fire.

  Shanaco, as naked as Adam in the Garden, had just climbed out of the tub. Dripping water, he realized he’d forgotten to lay out a towel. He shrugged wide shoulders and pushed his long raven hair back. He needed no towel. He’d let the fire dry him, then get right into bed.

  Shanaco’s head snapped around when, not bothering to knock, an intruder suddenly rushed inside, slammed the door and threw off a heavy long cape. Lois Harkins stood before him, smiling. Shanaco frowned but made no attempt to cover himself.

  Lois stared at Shanaco, unable to believe her good fortune. This beautiful savage, whom she had waited so long to make love to stood there gloriously naked before the fire. Wet from a bath, his bronzed body gleamed in the firelight.

  His was the most magnificent male body she had ever seen. And she had seen plenty. His coppery shoulders were incredibly wide, his deep torso narrowing down to a trim waist and slim hips. His legs were long and leanly muscled, the thighs like hammered steel.

  His chest was smooth and hairless, while dense raven hair covered his groin. Diamond droplets of water clung to the night-black coils that surrounded the male flesh she had daydreamed of so often. She shuddered with joy—even at rest, it was impressive. And she had no intention of letting it stay at rest for long.

  “I’m not receiving company this evening, Miss Harkins,” Shanaco said in a calm, low voice.

  Lois was undeterred. Mouth watering, she moved quickly forward. “This is just how I dreamed I would find you, Shanaco.”

  “Now that you have,” he replied coldly, “turn around and leave.”

  Lois didn’t turn around. She walked right up to him, boldly reached out and fanned her sharp, red-nailed fingertips across his smooth chest. “You don’t really want me to go, do you, Chief? Do you like my red dress? I wore it just for you and underneath I’m as naked as you are.” Her hand fluttered down his tight belly to his groin.

  “I told you, I’m not receiving company tonight.”

  Lois smiled seductively, put out the tip of her tongue, licked her rouged lips and said, “I’m not company, Shanaco. I’m your lover.” She laughed then and added, “I have come, my beautiful savage. Now I will make you come.”

  “You, Miss Harkins, are a vulgar, spoiled bitch, and if I wanted you, I’d have let you know. Go home.”

  Lois smiled and told him, “I refuse to leave until you put this—” her hand slipped around the soft, warm flesh nestled in the crisp black hair “—where it belongs. Deep inside me.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, it doesn’t want you. Nor do I.”

  She giggled and began to work the flaccid flesh. “It will want me. I’ll make it want me. I’ll make you so hard, Shanaco, you’ll be in agony until you’ve made wild, hot love to me.”

  Shanaco shook his head, wrapped lean fingers around her wrist and moved her hand away. “You may be something of a novelty here at this frontier outpost, Miss Harkins, but I’ve known plenty of ladies like you.”

  “No, you haven’t, Chief,” she rejoined. “Let me stay for just an hour and you’ll see. I’ll do things to you no lady has ever done.”

  “Not interested,” he said, “and if I…”

  Lois anxiously threw her arms around his neck, rose up on tiptoe and kissed him into silence, sucking at his lips and attempting to thrust her tongue into his mouth.

  “Jesus Christ, behave yourself,” he muttered, grabbing a handful of her flowing blond hair at the back of her head and urging her face up.

  “Love me, half-breed,” she pleaded. “Pull my hair, hurt me. Take me, my beautiful primitive, make me your captive. Keep me here all night. Tie me up if you like. Whatever you want, however you want it.”

  Shanaco released her hair, grabbed her forearms and forcefully withdrew them from around his neck. “I’m tired of your nonsense, Miss Harkins. Time for you to leave.”

  “No, no it’s not. Give me a chance and I’ll get you so aroused you’ll rip my clothes off and—”

  “I have never ripped off a woman’s clothes,” Shanaco said boredly. “I’ve had enough of this. You are going home.”

  He took her by an upper arm and propelled her across the room. Lois dragged her feet and begged him to let her stay. Thinking fast, she flipped open the fasteners of her bodice and exposed her lush breasts.

  “Look at me, lover,” she beseeched him. “Have you ever seen such magnificent nipples? Don’t you want to suck—”

  “Damn it, woman, cover yourself!”

  “No!” Lois angrily protested, and swiftly whirled about to press herself against him once more. “Feel that?” she asked as she brushed her taut nipples back and forth across his chest. “Don’t you want me naked beneath you? Or atop you? I know you do because you’re getting an erection. Aren’t you?” She had a wild look in her eyes as she sensed she was nearing success in breaking him down.

  “You are! You are!” she cried, and managed to wedge a hand between their pressing bodies and around his stiffening member. “Ah, darling, yes, yes! I knew it! Mine, all mine!” she declared. “Give it to me, Chief.”

  Shanaco tore her hand away, gritted his teeth and roughly set her back. His fingers cutting into her flesh, he gripped her upper arms and said, “You are going home, Miss Harkins. Right now.” He turned her around and roughly marched her toward the door.

  Lois was growing frantic. She had used all her charms to seduce the naked Shanaco, but nothing was working.

  “I want to stay here with you,” she whined.

  “I don’t give a tinker’s damn what you want.”

  She began to fight him. She pounded on his chest with her fists and kicked his shins with her gold-slippered feet, the violent kicking loosening tiny red beads from the golden slippers and scattering some across the plank floor.

  Rebuffed, the angry Lois shrieked, “Why, you dirty half-breed bastard. You’ll be sorry you mistreated me!”

  “Fasten your dress and I’ll get your wrap” was his reply.

  Crying now, Lois pretended to be fastening her bodice while he retrieved her cape. What she was really doing was tearing the gown’s fragile fabric as rapidly as she could. Before he turned back to face her, she had torn off a small piece of the red silk cloth and dropped it behind her to the floor. And, when Shanaco draped the woolen cape around her shoulders, Lois swiftly turned her head and bit his hand, leaving teeth marks on hi
s thumb.

  Shanaco yelped in pain, swore and momentarily released his hold on her. Lois seized the opportunity to run her fingertip over her bottom lip and then rub a smudge of telltale rouge on the inside of Shanaco’s thigh.

  His metallic eyes as cold as ice, Shanaco yanked the door open, shoved her out and said, “Don’t come around here again.”

  Furious, crying, Lois stormed away cursing and muttering under her breath.

  And vowing that she would get even.


  Unseen, an angered Lois slipped through the cold winter darkness and into her father’s private residence.

  She knew just how to make the arrogant Shanaco pay!

  If this savage thought he could coldly reject her and not live to regret it, he was sadly mistaken. Before this night was over the half-breed would wish to high heaven he had played the part of her obedient stud. With Daddy and that damned Double Jimmy in transit, the troop would rally round her. After all, she was the daughter of the regiment!

  Lois threw off the cape and immediately went to work on herself. She sat down on the bed, raised her skirts, closed her eyes against the coming pain and pinched the insides of her thighs, squeezing her flesh hard enough to leave bruises. She exhaled heavily and punished her breasts in the same manner.

  Lois gritted her teeth, firmed her jaw and slapped herself on the left cheek. Hard.

  “Damn!” she swore. Opening her tearing eyes, she hurried to the mirror and examined her face. Blood-red finger marks stood out on her pale cheek. Anyone who saw her wouldn’t doubt that she had been viciously struck.

  With the tip of her finger Lois smeared her lip rouge all over her mouth, then bit her bottom lip until she drew blood. Pleased, she lifted her hands and mussed her hair until it was a tangled sight.

  She then took care of her clothes.

  She tore the red silk dress, ripping the fabric until the bodice was hanging in tatters over her bare, pinch-reddened breasts. She yanked at the silk skirts, tearing a section of fabric loose from the waist. When the dress was ruined, she tore lace from her petticoat and, thinking quickly, hurried to the bureau drawer. She took out a pair of naughty French undergarments, tore them as well, then modestly slipped them on as if she’d been wearing them all along.


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