Stealing Grace

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Stealing Grace Page 31

by Shelby Fallon

  He picked her up gently, remembering her condition, and carried her to their bedroom, slamming the door hastily with his foot behind him.

  Shortly after, the guest started to arrive, all three of them. Agent Wright was there exactly at 7:00 on the dot. Amy and Roger got there a few minutes later. Amy made homemade rolls and peach cobbler.

  Elena’s pork roast and potatoes had been in the oven for hours and was filling the house with divine smells of old bay and Vidalia onions.

  They ate and the men laid on the praises for the food thick and sweet to the girls. Every morsel of food had been devoured and the peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream was being passed out.

  They sat outside at the picnic table to eat desert. It was cool at night, the sky lit bright with a full moon as they talked about all the things that had happened in the past few days, nothing much.

  Apparently convictions, though strong cases, take a long time to sift through.

  “So they’ve got all the evidence and testimonies in order but we are just waiting on sentencing,” Agent Wright stated. “It’s a process, as much as we may not like it.”

  “As long as it’s over soon,” Amy said. “I just want it over with. I’m ready to stop being scared all the time.”

  Roger pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. She rubbed her belly protectively.

  “I know, I know it’s not fun but this is the way it is. It’ll be over before you know it,” Agent Wright assured her.

  “So what do we-” Alex started to ask but was interrupted by the neighbor boy, Mack.

  “Hey! Mrs. Elena.”

  She looked up to him and smiled.

  “Mack.” A woman Elena assumed was his mother was with him. “Hi.”

  “Hello,” the woman said with over exaggerated friendliness. “I’m Mrs. Grandy. We saw your little get together going on out here and just wanted to come by, say hello.”

  Mack rolled his eyes behind her and mouthed a ‘sorry’ to Elena. She stifled a laugh and extended her hand to his mother.

  “Hi, I’m Elena. You should know, your son has been doing a very good job at making us feel welcome.”

  “Oh?” She seemed genuinely surprised. “Well, I’m glad. He usually just rolls his eyes and says I’m being annoying.”

  Elena couldn’t help her slight giggle and neither could Mack, because that was exactly what Mack had done.

  “No, he’s been very sweet.”

  “I’m glad, though Maxwell usually is sweet to pretty girls. How old are you anyway, dear? And you’re married too, aren’t you? My, my.”

  Neither of those sounded like questions so Elena didn’t feel inclined to answer.

  “Maxwell, huh?” Elena asked him.

  “Yeah. Mack is more my style.”

  “Well, Mack. This is my husband, Alex. Alex, Mack.”

  They shook hands too, Mack nodding and trying to look grown up. Then she introduced everyone else too and started to ask Mack about school when she was interrupted by Mrs. Grandy.

  “Well, I’ll let you get back to your little party.”

  Elena didn’t miss how she kept sneering the ‘little’.

  “Stay for desert if you’d like some peach cobbler.”

  “Oh thank you, but no. It’s a little too late in the evening for desert. It’ll go straight to the...hips,” she slowed her chipper explanation, seeing as how she just insulted the five people in front of her. She cleared her throat shrilly and smiled big. “Well, nice to meet you all. Good night.”

  “I’ll stay for desert,” Mack said and sat in the grass next to Elena’s chair.

  Mrs. Grandy didn’t look thrilled.

  “Don’t stay too long, Maxwell.”

  “Yes, mom.”

  Elena got him some pie and ice cream along with a glass of tea and Agent Wright started to proceed but looked at Mack and quirked his mouth in silent question.

  “It’s ok, Agent Wright,” Elena assured him, “Mack is the one who got the visit from our friend a few weeks ago. He’s ok.”

  “Oh, really?”

  That perked Wright right up and he went full blown cop mode. He introduced himself to Mack and Mack’s eyes bugged at the word FBI and he sat up straighter. The questions flew as Mack finished his pie and happily answered them all with clarity and certainty. He seemed intrigued and important to be talking to an FBI agent and involved in something like this.

  “So, anyway, I’ve been looking out for Mrs. Elena every since.” He beamed at her. “She told me about that guy and to not tell anyone else about her or her husband being here so I made sure to keep an eye on the place. I even lock the back gate for her sometimes when I come home from school.”

  Elena smiled at him gratefully. He was cutely grandstanding just a little bit, but Elena noticed that he had been doing those things he said. She’d seen him lock her gate quite a few times on his way home from school and he always waved to her from his window or balcony when she was coming or going from the house.

  “Wow,” Alex said impressed. “Thanks for looking out, Mack. Maybe we should put you on salary.”

  Everyone chuckled. Elena looked over to see Amy asleep in Roger’s lap in the chair. It was seven o’clock and this kind of talk must not have been riveting enough. Roger caught Elena looking and smiled at her, shrugging his shoulders for his precious fragile tired wife.

  The night air had begun to chill and she went inside quickly, grabbed a blanket for Amy and placed it over her and Roger.

  “Thank you, sweetie,” Roger whispered.

  “You’re welcome,” she whispered back.

  When she sat back down she wished she’d grabbed one for herself. She tried not to shiver so Alex wouldn’t know but he still knew her too well. He took off his sweater, leaving him with a white undershirt. Ah, he knows I love that. What’s he trying to do to me?

  * * *

  Alex pulled the sweater over Elena’s head while Mack and Wright chatted like old buddies. The sweater smelled like him and was warm from his body.

  Elena sighed and he chuckled silently, pulling her into his chest and tucking her hair behind her ear. When he kissed her forehead he closed his eyes. When he opened them, Mack was watching them closely. Alex smiled at him and that seemed to knock Mack from his trance and he glanced away, flushing and fiddling with pieces of grass.

  Poor kid, Alex thought. Stuck with that mother who was clearly only interested in climbing the social ladder and being some kind of neighborhood matriarch. He was nice, Alex thought and had been sweet to Elena. The fact that he was sweet on Elena was irrelevant. He could see that plain as day. He didn’t blame him. Elena was pretty great, and gorgeous in an I’m-hot-and-I-don’t-know-it kind of way.

  Of course, he wasn’t worried about it either.

  * * *

  Wright talked on and on, answered their questions, answered Mack’s questions. Wright told him about a summer intern program at the local police station for kids interested in joining the force. They can shadow the cops on their runs and daily routines for a week. Mack’s mouth fell open but then he tried to play it cool.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll see if I have time. That’d be pretty sweet. Of course, have to run it through the ‘rents first. And the ‘rents aren’t interested in community service, unless it pays like a lawyer.”

  Agent Wright laughed. It was the first time he laughed outright and loud since they’d had known him.

  “Well kid, I’d find another career path then.”

  “Yeah,” Mack conceded sadly. “Alright, I better go before mom starts yelling from the window like the deranged housewife she is.” Everyone chuckled again. “Thanks for inviting me and thanks for the pie, Mrs. Elena. It was awesome.”

  “No problem, Mack. You’re welcome anytime.”

  She leaned forward in the chair to hug him and he smiled brightly when he saw what she was doing before kneeling down. He made a precise effort not to meet Alex’s eyes over her shoulder as he squeezed her tightly and then apol
ogized for being rough with her in her condition. Elena laughed at him and assured him she was fine and lay back against Alex as Mack shook hands with him.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Alex. Let me know if you guys need anything,” Mack said firmly.

  “Sure thing. Nice to meet you, too, and thanks for looking out for El.”

  “No problem. She’s great.” He grimaced and made his way to Wright, shook his hand as well. “Good night, all.”

  They said their goodnights to him and resumed talking about the actual stuff they needed to talk about. When Alex looked back down at Elena, she was already asleep against him, her fingers wrapped in his shirt.

  * * *

  Elena woke with warm breath on her neck and she was undressed under the covers, the sun peeking through the slats in the blinds. The person behind her was undressed too. She giggled silently at Alex. Anything to get my clothes off. She was so unbelievably comfortable. That hadn’t happened in a long while. She felt completely rested and perfect. She realized he must have brought her in after she fell asleep last night in the chair outside.

  She could tell when he woke up. She wasn’t sure how, he didn’t say anything or move but she knew.

  “I’m sorry I passed out last night.”

  He moved his hand to rest on her belly, rubbing circles with his thumb.

  “It’s ok. We stayed out there for a long time talking to Wright while you and Amy slept.” He chuckled. “It’s fine. I know this little guy is taking it out of you.”

  “Or little girl.”

  “Or little girl,” he conceded.

  “Which one do you want.”


  She gasped.

  “Don’t you dare try to curse me with twins.”

  “Curse? But that means you get two with one shot. You wouldn’t have to be pregnant twice.”

  “But maybe I want to be pregnant twice. I’m kinda liking this actually.”

  “Really? I thought it was miserable.”

  “Some of it is and I haven’t even gotten to the really miserable part yet but...I don’t know. It’s weird - in a good way - to feel somebody growing in you. I haven’t felt him move yet but I can’t wait for that.”

  “Me either.”


  “Sure. What do you want?”

  “Not sure. I’ve been making all the food decisions lately. Why don’t you pick what you want me to cook?”

  “Why don’t I cook this morning?”

  “You’re gonna spoil me,” she said in a sing-song voice.

  “You deserve it.” He nuzzled her neck and kissed her throat. “Besides, I have to go back to work in a few days. This may be your last chance to be spoiled.”

  She groaned.

  “I’m not ready for you to go back.”

  “Me either, but I kind of have to. I don’t like the thought of you being here alone, though.”

  “I’ll be fine. We have the security system,” she assured him. He pulled her to roll towards him. She pushed his hair back and kissed his nose. “You worry a lot. It’s not good for your cholesterol, Mr. Brooks.”

  “My cholesterol is just fine. In fact, I think some fried bacon and eggs is in order.”

  “Sounds good to me,” she rubbed her belly, “and junior.”

  “Oh, it’s definitely a boy,” he assured.

  “We’ll see,” she said smiling.

  She kissed him and he started to get up but came back and kissed her again. He kissed her deeply and groaned, she laughed at him as she felt his hand start to wander.

  “Junior’s not gonna wait too much longer for bacon and eggs,” she got out between kisses.

  “He’ll have to wait a few more minutes,” Alex said huskily, his lips traveling down her throat to her collar bone. “Daddy’s got priorities.”

  She laughed and giggled and melted.

  * * *

  The next day, they were scheduled for an ultrasound and were told, without a shadow of doubt, that it was a boy. Alex gloated and gleamed the whole drive home.

  * * *

  A few days later, Alex left for work as he said he would. He was not happy. He checked the alarm five times before leaving. He checked the windows and the back door and gate. He checked her phone for minutes and battery and told her to keep it on her at all times.

  He left her on the couch with a cup of decaf, her phone, the remote and an order to take it easy and don’t do too much while he was gone. He’d call to check in often.

  She assured him lots of pregnant women did laundry every day. He would rebuttal that he wasn’t married to lots of pregnant women. Only one.

  She sat and watched the morning news shows but drew the line at soap operas. She decided to paint her toenails, since soon she’s not be able to reach them. After that she decided to finish up the new book Alex had bought her.

  The phone rang.

  “Hello,” Elena answered.

  “Hey, bored out of your mind yet?” Amy’s sweet voice asked from the other end.

  “Hey, Amy. As a matter of fact, I am. Alex is going a little overboard.”

  “He’s just worried about you. You scared us. Gestational diabetes is nothing to snuff about.”

  “I know, I know. But it doesn’t make me an invalid. I just want to be normal,” Elena groaned. “Enough about me. How are you?”

  “I’m great. The baby book says I’m going through the part of the pregnancy where I’m full of energy and my moods even out a little, right before I hit the worst part.”

  “Something to look forward to,” Elena jested.

  “Apparently, girls make you more mellow and relaxed but paranoid, so the book says.”

  “So you’re mellow and I’m…what?”

  “It says boys make you energetic but cranky and clingy.”

  “Ha! It must be true then. It is really a boy.”

  Amy giggled and Elena heard a male voice in the background.

  “My boss is here. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I better get back to work.”

  Elena thought of something.

  “Did Alex ask you to call?”

  “Um, yeah,” she confessed. “He texted me this morning, but I would’ve anyway,” Amy assured.

  “Oh sure!” Elena joked. “Ok, thanks I guess. You guys want to go see a movie or something this week?”

  “Sure. I’ll ask Roger. See ya, Preggers.”

  “Bye,” she laughed.

  She hung up and chuckled to herself. Alex was crazy. I’m surprised he even was able to leave me at the house this morning.

  The phone rang again and she laughed picking it up.

  “I’m fine, Amy! I promise. Tell Alex to let you work.”

  “Sorry,” a deep male voice said, “not Amy.”

  Elena’s heart jolted.

  “Who is this?”

  “Oh, Elena. So worrisome. Are you frightened?”

  “Who is this?” Elena repeated.

  “Your worst nightmare,” the voice said and hung up the phone.

  Elena knew she should call Alex but dang it, he’d just went back to work today. He’d be fired for sure. She called Agent Wright instead.

  “Agent Wright? This is Elena Brooks.”

  “Hello, Elena. What can I do for you?”

  “Someone just called the house.”

  “What? Who?”

  “Don’t know. A man, he said he was my worst nightmare.”

  “Get out of the house, Elena. Now! Go! I’m on my way,” he shouted and slammed the phone down.

  Elena grasped her phone in her hand and looked at the wall clock. Three thirty five. Mack should be home from school.

  She ran outside through the back door and straight to Mack’s. She knocked on his back door and hoped and prayed he was there. In seconds she heard footsteps and then someone peeking through the slats of the blinds. Mack opened the door with a wide grin but quickly changed his expression.

  He pulled her behind him before she even real
ized what he was doing and he peeked around the back, shielding her with a hand around her.

  “Who’s here, Mrs. Elena? Someone after you?” He turned back to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Are you ok? I’ll call that FBI guy for you. I have his number in my room.”

  “I already called him. He told me to get out of the house. Someone called me, that’s all. No one’s here, Mack.”

  He let out a relieved breath.

  “Oh. Well still, I’m glad you came. We have to do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Come on,” he grabbed her hand and started to tow her, “we can hide out in my room.”

  “Uh, Mack, I’m not sure that’s appropriate.”

  “Why? My mom’s not here.”

  Elena realized just how young he was, even though he was just a few years younger than her. He was clueless; cute and sweet and clueless.

  “Ok, Mack. First, do you mind if I have a glass of juice or something?”

  “Sure. We’ve Organic got orange juice. My mom’s into all that organic hippie crap.”

  Elena chuckled and took the glass from him.

  “Thanks. I should probably call Alex too. Even though I don’t want to.”

  “Trouble in paradise?” Mack asked and seemed a little too happy about that.

  “No, I don’t want to get in him trouble with his boss.”

  “Oh,” he said and sounded disappointed, “well, the phone’s there by the fridge.”


  She dialed his cell with no answer and then his desk with no answer there either. She sighed and let Mack lead the basement.

  “All the rooms upstairs were small so I begged my mom to let me stay in the basement instead. She didn’t like it. Said it was ‘uncivilized’ but eventually gave in,” he said smugly.

  “Wow.” She looked around saw just how huge it was down there. He had it set up as any teen would. Unmade bed and dirty clothes on the floor with a T.V. and about fifty DVDs but there weren’t any posters of girls or Star Wars. Just blank walls and plain blue everywhere. Very grown up, she thought.

  “So, whatya think?” he asked and spread his arms wide to indicate the room.


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