Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Lester took her order as Florence said hello and gave her a hug.

  “How is your mom?” Florence asked.

  Tasha felt her belly ache, and worry consumed the happy thoughts she had moments ago as she spotted the three men she had a crush on.

  “She’s hanging in there. We have a long way to go.”

  Florence caressed her arm. “She’ll pull through. Your mom is one tough lady.”

  “I know she is. That’s what dad always said, too,” Tasha added, thinking about her dad who was killed in a car accident a couple of years ago. Tasha learned quickly how to take care of herself, her mom, and the house. She was working hard and in a company she really didn’t like so much, but the pay was good and the insurance was great. They needed all the money they could get, and were going through dad’s life insurance money quickly with all the medical bills and chemo treatments.

  “Well, let her know that we’re all thinking of her and praying. I plan on stopping in to see her Thursday.”

  “That would be great. She has the last treatment in this series Thursday morning. Then the doctors will see how her body reacts, and take it from there.”

  Florence gave her a sympathetic smile. She knew how serious this medical condition was. There was a high chance that Tasha’s mom could die if her body didn’t take well to the treatments. She felt her eyes well up with tears as Lester placed her container of tea on the counter.

  “Hi, Tasha.” She heard Eddie’s deep voice as he came up behind her.

  He placed his hand on her shoulder, gave it a squeeze that nearly made her knees give out, and smiled. “How are you?”

  He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, and she felt his hand caressed down her bare arm. She knew she tightened up. Hell, she was on fire just from his touch, never mind the always-stern expression and tone of Eddie’s voice.

  “We were talking about her mom. I’m going to visit Carry Anne on Thursday,” Florence said and then excused herself to go help bring food orders from the kitchen.

  “How is she doing? Is she taking to the treatments well?” Eddie asked her, as he crossed his arms in front of his wide, muscular chest. Even with a slight gruff of a beard on his face, the man looked edible. She swallowed hard.

  “So far. We’ll see how everything is by next week.”

  “Hey, Eddie, bring Tasha over here!” Lance yelled out. As she turned to look, she saw Jake pulling over a chair for her to sit at.

  “Come on over.”

  “Well, I was just waiting on my order.”

  “We are, too. Lester will bring it over,” Eddie said and then placed his hand on her lower back as he guided her toward the table of men. As they got closer, she felt Eddie’s hand glide over her ass and then pull away. Did she imagine it?

  She thought of all of them as her friends. They were part of this community and had been in her life for years. But sitting this close to Eddie, Lance, and Tyler and not being able to touch them, tell them how badly she wanted them to see her as something more than their sister’s best friend, was going to be hell.

  Her heels clicked on the hardwood floors as she made her way over. She saw Lance and Tyler look her body over as she made her way closer. Jake and Buddy were talking until she got to the table.

  “What’s going on?” Lance asked, as he stood up and kissed her cheek. Tyler did the same, except when he kissed her he let his lips linger a little longer. She felt her heart pumping faster. Maybe she was imagining it? Maybe her desire to have them was causing fantasy-induced hallucinations?

  “Just stopped in to order a quick lunch to go. I had a meeting in Fairway this morning.” She took the seat between Eddie and Lance.

  “How was the traffic coming back? I heard that the bridge was backed up?” Jake asked her.

  “It wasn’t bad. I left around six this morning. So, did you guys just get off work?” she asked, and then took a sip from her ice tea.

  “Buddy and I just finished eating. We saw these guys and joined them for a few minutes while they waited for their order. We have to head back out now,” Jake stated and then rose from the chair. As he came around the table, he leaned down and gave her a kiss. “Michaela said that you, Serefina, and her have some plans next week?” he teased. She shook her head.

  “I told Serefina and Michaela that I am not doing that eight-mile run. It’s not happening. Five, okay, but with no time for training, I’m not doing it.”

  Buddy chuckled as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “I think you’d do great. You’re in wonderful physical condition.” He winked. She gave him the evil eye and then smiled. Buddy was a character and a very attractive man, but it was Eddie, Lance, and Tyler who always snagged Tasha’s attention. She just wished they’d respond one time to her flirtatious comments.

  She felt Eddie’s thigh caress against hers as he reached for his ice tea.

  “We just got off an hour ago. It was a long shift,” Lance stated.

  She looked at him, his brown shoulder-length hair and gorgeous jade-green eyes. The man was a work of art and so much older and mature.

  “You look tired. Are you feeling okay?” she asked him. He held her gaze, squinted his eyes, and parted his lips as if he were about to say more when Florence walked over with their lunches.

  She swallowed hard. Why was she feeling as if they wanted to flirt with her today and like they were suddenly interested in her as more than just a friend? Was it wishful thinking? Her breasts and pussy sure responded. How many times had she imagined them showing up at her place, whisking her into their arms, stripping her of her clothing, and licking her…

  “Tasha, would you like your salad to go still?” Florence asked. She went to reply but Lance did for her. “No, bring it over, she can have lunch with us.”

  Florence smiled and walked away.

  “I really should head back to the office.” She felt her cheeks burn from her own sexual thoughts. They were in a crowded café, yet she still was lost in their eyes, their bodies, and their voices.

  “Don’t be silly. Take your lunch break. You did head out to Fairway before regular business hours,” Eddie stated.

  “I did, but my boss isn’t so realistic with things like that. He’s expecting me back soon.”

  Florence placed her salad onto the table and then walked away.

  “Eat up, it’s not often we get to have lunch with such a beautiful woman,” Tyler complimented. She felt her cheeks warm and she held his gaze as he looked her over, his eyes landing on her lips. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth and then reached for her fork. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the direction this conversation was going in. They usually gave one another wise-ass comments to get each other going. But this, this seemed like more, and she hoped it was. But the fear of being turned down by them was more powerful than their tiny little flirtatious comments.

  “I think you’re lying. I see you around beautiful women all the time,” she countered.

  “None compare to you, Tasha,” Lance said.

  She looked at him. “You are such a flirt. I think the lack of sleep has gone to your brain. Eat up, Lance, you need brain food.”

  Tyler and Eddie chuckled. Soon they were talking about the upcoming events in town, and hanging out at the Station this weekend. The conversation felt normal and took her mind off her mom, her job, and her stupid crush on her best friend’s three sexy-as-damn-hell brothers. Please let this be a step in the right direction.

  As they finished up lunch, three young women entered the restaurant and immediately stopped at the table.

  “Hey, Tyler, I thought you were going to call me?” the brunette asked. She pressed her hands on the back of Eddie’s chair and leaned forward so her boobs nearly hit him and her cleavage stood out. Tyler leaned back and looked her over, not missing a beat.

  “It’s nice to see you, Cynthia. I’ve been busy with work. You know how it is.”

  “I’ll forgive you if you buy me a drink at the Station this weekend.”
br />   “You got it.”

  As Tasha listened to the exchange, her heart sank. Eddie, Lance, and Tyler weren’t attracted to Tasha the way she was with them. They were just being a bunch of typical bachelors who enjoyed teasing their sister’s friend just like they always had. She would never let them know how she truly felt about them. In fact, it might be time to put them out of her head entirely.

  * * * *

  “So, what did you think about the way the conversation flowed at lunch today with Tasha?” Tyler asked his brothers as they headed toward the truck. Tasha made an excuse to leave pretty quickly after Cynthia and her friends stopped by and flirted. It took so much self-control to not tell Cynthia to take a hike. He was never mean or disrespectful to women. He could have sworn he saw a bit of jealousy or even disappointment in Tasha’s eyes as Cynthia flirted.

  “I think that we’ve been over this before. She’s too young, she’s Serefina’s best friend, and she’s going through a lot right now with her mom being sick,” Lance replied.

  “I like her. The attraction is there and every time I see her with some guy at the station or find out she went out partying with friends, I’m jealous and sick. That can’t be normal,” Tyler replied.

  “Like we don’t feel the same way? We’ve been over this, Tyler. We need to wait,” Eddie said.

  “And if we’re too late and miss the opportunity to make her ours, then what?” Tyler asked.

  “That’s not going to happen. She hasn’t even been hanging out because of work and visiting her mom at the hospital. Besides, we decided that she was too inexperienced and too young. We have to wait until the time is right,” Eddie said as they headed out of the parking lot.

  “Well, I don’t want to wait. If there’s an opportunity to kiss her, flirt with her, and feel her out to see if there’s a mutual attraction, then I’m going for it,” Tyler stated firmly, and Lance chuckled.

  “You may be outvoted on this one, Eddie, despite your age and belief that you’re in charge,” Lance said.

  “We’ll see. Just let it happen, but realize that if we decide to move along with this, then it’s for real, forever, not temporary. I wouldn’t hurt Tasha. She’s got a huge heart and she would fall apart if we hurt her like that.”

  “Agreed,” Tyler said.

  “Agreed,” Lance stated.

  “But we still need to wait. She’s not ready for us,” Eddie said and Tyler sighed.

  “We’ll see, Eddie. We’ll see,” he whispered.

  Chapter 2

  The music was so loud that the bass drums were nearly causing palpitations in Tasha’s chest. She wanted to leave over an hour ago, but her cousin Melanie’s boyfriend wouldn’t let her leave the club. It was the same old story every time she went out with Melanie. Tasha didn’t know why she even bothered. But Serefina was busy, and Mel and Catalina had to work late, and she was trying to get over nearly making a fool out of herself this week at lunch when she sat with the Martelli brothers.

  “Melanie, I’m calling it a night. Do you need a ride or what?” Tasha asked and then glanced at James’s friend. She couldn’t remember his name, she only met him twice, and the first time she did, he had some guy up against the wall by his throat. It was something that sounded more like a nickname. He was also some kind of big shot, because he got drinks at a snap of his fingers and people got out of his way whenever he walked around. He was an owner of the club Borderhouse but it seemed to be more. Some people just had that look about them. He was trouble, and she stayed clear of him despite the fact that he was very attractive. There was a part of her lately, so desperate for affection she would consider a little fling with the right man. What would be better than one with a bit of a dangerous persona, like this guy? But, even he wasn’t paying attention to her. She thought she looked pretty damn sexy tonight. Even her hair and makeup came out great, but not one guy hit on her, and definitely not James’s friend.

  She was feeling down, not good enough, and just plain frustrated with her life. The men she adored didn’t feel the same about her. Her mom was suffering and in the hospital, and that was weighing heavily on Tasha. Her job sucked and her boss was an asshole, she had no social life, and no time to even pursue one. Yeah, she needed to get out of here and just wallow in her own misery and loneliness at home.

  “Melanie, I mean it. I’m leaving. Do you need a ride or what?”

  “I’m not ready to go yet, but I need a ride. James and Dash have somewhere else to go in thirty minutes. Can we stick around a little longer?”

  Tasha rolled her eyes. This wasn’t her thing. She really didn’t like the attitudes of James’s friends and the way that guy Dash—yeah, that was his name—was looking at her right now. It was like he didn’t want her to go, but had yet to flirt or make a move to indicate he was interested.

  “Hey, baby, can I buy you a drink?” some guy asked Tasha, coming up from behind her. He placed his hand on her waist. As she pushed it off and was about to tell him to take a hike, he thrust his hips against her ass and she felt his erection.

  She gasped and turned, but before she could say a thing, Dash decked the guy.

  James pulled her back and into his arms along with Melanie. Tasha turned back to see two guys come over, lift the guy up off the floor who Dash hit, and carry him away. People barely paid attention and went back to talking, dancing, and doing whatever.

  “Are you okay?” Melanie asked Tasha.

  Tasha was speechless. Everything had happened so quickly. Usually she was on guard for guys like that. She was so depressed and down on herself she lost focus. She swallowed hard. “I’m fine.”

  “Two shots of tequila, Pat,” Dash said over her shoulder toward the bartender.

  “Thanks for taking care of that,” James said to Dash.

  Dash gave James a nod and Tasha looked at him. Her gut clenched and she felt uneasy. Dash gave her an expression that penetrated to her soul. He was muscular with wide shoulders, slim hips, and long legs. He was attractive, with black hair and dark brown eyes, but it was the expression, the look of darkness about him, that gave her instant reservations. She turned away and then he whispered to her.

  “Take the shot, Tasha. It will help you relax.”

  He reached for the small shot glass and Melanie gave Tasha a little push with her elbow. Tasha glanced at her cousin who widened her eyes in encouragement for Tasha to listen to Dash and take the shot glass.

  “Take it,” Dash whispered a little more firmly over her shoulder. He was practically pressed up against her.

  His masculinity, his control, and the feel of support against her back played havoc on her brain. She wanted desperately. She wanted Eddie, Lance and Tyler to hold her in their arms and tell her that everything was going to be okay, but they weren’t there. Dash was a stranger who had people waiting on him hand and foot, acknowledging his superiority and leadership. A man who could take her pain, her misery away, even if just temporarily. She needed someone to lean on to help her through this time in her life.

  When she looked at him, she saw that deadly expression. She looked to Melanie for help with this, and James pulled her between his thighs and stared at Tasha as if challenging her to not listen to Dash. Tasha didn’t know if she was imagining all this or maybe looking too deeply into their expressions, until she felt Dash’s hand on her hip and then his mouth next to her ear. He was behind her, pressing only slightly against her from behind. She would be a liar if she said it didn’t feel good. There was something powerful about the feel of a sexy, muscular man pressed up against her back and thighs. She was somewhat caged in against the bar, and it brought on a need a fantasy she imagined herself in with one of the guys at the Station. With Eddie, Lance or Tyler.

  She felt the significance of his size and build. She smelled his fancy cologne. She usually didn’t react like this to a stranger, and she knew it had to do with the circumstances of her life right now, with her embarrassment the other night with Lance, but she felt eager to accept him, e
ven if temporarily. She never allowed anything like this and he made her nervous.

  “Lift it up to those sexy lips of yours and drink it. Come on, we’ll do it together.”

  She felt so uncomfortable, but with her cousin right next to her, not coming to her aide, it gave her little choice. After all, she saw what one strike from Dash had done to the big guy that approached her. His deep, dark voice caused goose bumps over her flesh. He sure was charismatic.

  She held the shot glass but kept it down on the bar.

  “Lift it up,” Dash ordered, and that’s when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and her reservations began. She was never one to back down from a challenge, even though lately she was losing the fight to be so bold. She felt her voice shake as she attempted to gain some control.

  “I’m not really into doing shots or drinking a lot.”

  “No one said you were. Do it for me. After all, I just got rid of that guy who tried to feel you up.”

  She turned to look at him, her anger getting the better of her.

  “I didn’t need your help,” she snapped at him. His eyes looked darker as they took on a different expression entirely. His eyes roamed over her lips and then the cleavage of the top she wore. She never felt so exposed, almost naked from a man’s expression in a bad, negative way. It wasn’t like when Eddie, Lance, or Tyler Martelli looked at her. Those three men set her heart on fire, but it seemed something held them back from pursuing her. Why she thought of them right now this second she didn’t know. But she wished she were with them. Then she remembered the café and that Cynthia woman. The guys didn’t want Tasha, but this guy seemed interested.

  She felt Dash’s hand wrap around her midsection and his palm landed on her hip bone. He squeezed her to him.


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