Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 3: Tasha (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Oh God help me. What am I going to do?

  Chapter 5

  The Station was jam packed and Serefina sat on Bull’s lap despite her insistence that she didn’t want to bump his arm and chance hurting him. His injured arm lay across her lap and thigh. His fingers caressed the skin slightly under the material of her skirt in a possessive manner as he talked to his friends about the fire. Her chest tightened. She had trouble sleeping the last few nights for numerous reasons. She was worried about him, as thoughts of her men dying in a fire or being badly injured or burned ruled her mind. Then of course she worried about Tasha. Tasha never called her back today, and she wasn’t certain if she would show up tonight. She wished she did. She really wanted to know if that guy contacted her again, and what she planned on doing about him. Serefina knew that if her men or her brothers found out about this, they would be upset. But she made a promise she had to keep.

  The moment the hand touched her shoulder she jerked to the right. All conversation stopped as Bull, Ace, Ice, and her brothers looked at her.

  “Are you okay?” Ace asked, caressing his knuckles against her cheek. She nodded her head and looked away. She didn’t want to lie to them. Her heart was heavy and her concern great.

  Bull squeezed her thigh. “Serefina?”

  She placed her fingertips against her temples. “I’m sorry, I have a bit of a headache.”

  “Want me to see if Burt has any aspirin behind the counter?” Ice asked her, looking concerned. She shook her head and turned away when she spotted Tasha.

  Her friend looked uptight as she scanned the bar and then kept looking over her shoulder. When they locked gazes, Serefina stood up, and Bull held her by her hips as he caressed her thigh.

  “Where are you going?”

  She didn’t even look at him. “There’s Tasha and I need to talk to her. I’ll be back,” she said with a glance over her shoulder. She could see by her men’s expressions that they were concerned. But one look at Eddie, Lance, and Tyler, and they had their eyes locked on Tasha.

  Serefina met her a few feet before the bar. Tasha was dressed in one of her stylish dresses, high heels and all. She looked incredible.

  “Hey, I wasn’t sure you would show up,” Serefina said as she embraced Tasha.

  “I wasn’t sure I would either, but I had to.” She looked behind Serefina, and as Serefina looked over her shoulder, she saw her brothers staring at Tasha.

  Tasha grabbed Serefina’s hand, squeezed it, and led her away from the tables and toward the end of the bar where there were less people. “I need a drink. Can you sit with me a bit?”

  “Of course.”

  Serefina waved at Jerome and he took their drink order.

  “Two dirty martinis please,” Tasha ordered. Jerome raised his eyebrow and then walked away.

  “That bad?” Serefina asked as she leaned closer to Tasha.

  “I think it’s best if I don’t get into the details with you.”

  Serefina felt her chest tighten. “I’m your best friend, and I’m worried about you.”

  Tasha looked at her and then around them as if she were looking for someone specifically.

  “You think he’ll show up here, don’t you?”

  “No. I don’t. I just needed to get out, and do like you said and be with our friends. I came here to take things off my mind.”

  “Here you go, ladies.” Jerome placed the martinis down and smiled.

  “To friendship,” Tasha said, and as they clinked their glasses lightly, Tasha held Serefina’s gaze. “And for keeping what’s going on a secret. I won’t put anyone else in danger, Serefina. Especially not you. You’ve been through enough.” She took a sip and so did Serefina.

  “I don’t care about any of that. I’m here for you, no matter what.”

  Tasha smiled. “Tyler and Ace are on their way over. Please don’t say a word. I trust you,” Tasha said and then smiled wide as Ace and Tyler joined them.

  Ace placed his hands on Serefina’s shoulders as Tyler placed his hands on Tasha’s chair but leaned really close.

  “Martinis, huh? Hard day at the office?” Tyler asked Tasha as he leaned closer to her. She turned to look up at him.

  “Just trying to relax and enjoy a Friday night with my best girl.” Tasha winked at Serefina.

  Serefina smiled but she was worried. Perhaps Tyler would finally make a move and somehow protect Tasha from this guy Dash. But then she worried about him, Lance, and Eddie, who now joined them too.

  “Tasha, you look beautiful as always,” Eddie stated.

  She smiled. “Thank you, Eddie. How’s everything going? Any new fire stories?” She took another sip from her martini.

  “Oh God, don’t get them started again,” Ace said and Serefina chuckled. Tasha looked at Serefina’s brothers.

  “I always like hearing firefighting stories. They’re always so hot,” she teased.

  “Oh brother,” Lance added and they all chuckled.

  * * * *

  Tasha was finally feeling a bit more relaxed once she finished the martini and engaged in conversation with Tyler, Lance, and Eddie. Ace was whispering into Serefina’s ear when Lance, who had taken the seat next to her, leaned closer, placing his hand on her knee.

  “This is a really nice dress you’re wearing. Were you meeting someone special tonight?” he asked. She looked into Lance’s gorgeous green eyes. His chiseled expression held hers, and she wondered if he were teasing, if he were jealous or just striking up conversation.

  “No one specific, but I wanted to be prepared in case Prince Charming showed up.”

  He ran his hand back and forth, slowly along her thigh. “How about three Prince Charmings?” he asked, shocking her.

  This couldn’t be happening. It had to be from the martini. Was she losing her mind?

  “What did you say?” she asked, and the sound of her cell phone ringing and vibrating on the bar drew her attention. She reached for it and felt her heart race. It was Dash. She swallowed hard, downed the remainder of the martini, and climbed off the stool.

  “Where are you going?” Eddie asked. Tasha looked from him, to Lance and Tyler.

  “The ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.”

  Tasha moved quickly through the crowd. She went to the small sitting area and felt the phone vibrating and ringing again. When she glanced down, she saw that it was a private number. Curious as to who it may be, she answered it.

  “Miss Malone?”

  “Who is this?”

  “Miss Malone, my name is Investigator Thor. I work for the New Jersey State Police, ma’am. I’m going to make this quick. A man by the name of Dash McGuire has recently begun to pursue you. It’s imperative that we speak.”

  “Are you for real? I don’t even know him. He’s been bothering me for a couple of weeks now.”

  “I know. Since the night you and your cousin Melanie arrived at the club Borderhouse, he’s taken a keen interest in you.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Like I said, Miss Malone, I’m an investigator with the state police. I don’t want to get into too much over the phone, but he’s trouble, and he’s working with some really shady characters. I can’t say much more until we meet. I know he has men watching you. He is a very dangerous man. This is what I want you to do.”

  Tasha listened as this investigator spoke with her about meeting him in the shopping mall tomorrow morning. He had the entire thing planned out where she could lose the men following her and be safe from anyone knowing that the police were talking with her. She thought about how Dash threatened her at the office today and how Melanie had been trying to call her to pick her up and bring her to the club tonight. She needed to go.

  She looked around her and moved toward the safety of the empty corner of the room.

  “This guy was at my office today. He’s making demands. He threatened me, and said he wanted to see me tonight.”

  The investigator was silent.

�s important that you don’t let on that you and I have spoken. You may need to go through with going there tonight.”

  “What if he tries something?”

  “You’ve kept him at bay for two weeks. Stick to your guns. Play shy, innocent, inexperienced. Get through tonight and tomorrow we’ll talk.”

  “Oh God.” She felt her heart sink, her hands beginning to shake. The effects of the martini only temporarily numbed her fear.

  She was scared out of her mind. By the time she disconnected the call she wanted to cry and could hardly stand. An investigator from the state police needs to meet with me secretively. What in God’s name is happening now?


  She looked up and saw Tyler standing there. She lowered her eyes and tried to calm her breathing. She felt his hand over hers and, and then he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

  “What’s wrong? What’s going on?” he asked, sounding concerned.

  She looked up at him.

  “Nothing,” she said with little effort.

  He pulled her along to the back of the sitting area near the back door.

  “Something is going on. You look as white as a ghost. Talk to me. I care about you.” He said as he cupped her cheek. She was trying to process the phone call still and now the fact that Tyler had her pressed against the back wall, his hand against her cheek and his body covering her from view of anyone behind him and across the room.

  “I just need a minute,” she whispered. He pressed closer. His hard, solid chest rubbed against her oversensitive breasts and he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him.

  The feel of his embrace, the scent of his cologne and just pure Tyler manliness, consumed all her senses.

  She turned her head, tried to push away but with barely any effort. She needed his hug, to feel safe for even just a moment of time. She turned her head to inhale his scent when her lips touched his shirt. Fabric softener and cologne, a wonderful, enticing mix.

  He lowered slightly. “You feel so good in my arms. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Damn, baby, you feel fantastic.” He lowered and squeezed her tighter. She gasped and stood up on tiptoes as she held on and pressed her lips against his neck. He turned his face into her and his lips touched hers. For a moment time stood still. All the danger and the fear disappeared with every stroke of Tyler’s tongue, every squeeze of his strong hard muscles. Then the sound of her cell phone ringing brought reality crashing back. She pulled away.

  “Let it go to voice mail. I need more of you,” Tyler whispered, his hazel eyes looking hungry and wild as he cupped her cheek. His large, warm hand even covered her ear and neck.

  She tilted her head up toward him. It was so difficult to lock gazes with his hazel eyes. She felt guilty, paranoid, and just plain stupid to have gotten herself into this predicament.

  “I can’t, Tyler. I shouldn’t have let you kiss me like that.” She pulled away and looked down toward her phone. It was Melanie. If guys were watching her like the investigator said, then what if they saw Tyler kiss her? They could tell Dash and he could hurt Tyler, just as he almost hurt Lance. No, she needed to push him away, and keep him safe.

  She couldn’t lead Tyler on like this. It was such bad timing, and she’d already jeopardized his life once.

  “I need to take this. It’s this guy I’m seeing. I’m sorry, Tyler.” She saw the hunger drain from his eyes and get replaced with anger. Quickly she headed toward the bar as she placed the phone to her ear. She needed to say goodnight to Serefina, but as she turned she caught both Eddie and Lance staring at her. They must have seen Tyler kiss her. Her heart sunk. She had waited for this moment, dreamed of it, fantasized about it for months, hell over a year. Her life was slowly being destroyed by this monster, Dash. She had to meet the investigator, and see how she could get out of the situation she was in. Perhaps he would be able to help her get Dash away?

  “Hello?” she answered the phone as she locked gazes with Serefina. Tasha waved and smiled, and Serefina slowly raised her hand but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Her best friend would hate her for what she just did to Tyler.

  “Where the hell are you? I waited at your apartment and when you didn’t show up, I headed to the club thinking you were here. He’s pissed, Tasha, and I’m in trouble now for lying to James and failing to bring you here.”

  “I had to stop by the Station first to see my friend. I’m on my way out now.”

  “You’d better hurry. Dash’s meeting is ending any minute and he expects you to be here and you’d better have a great excuse.”

  Tasha headed out of the bar and straight to the parking lot. She wished she could have met the investigator tonight. As she unlocked her car and looked over her shoulder, she saw the headlights turn on in a sports car. The panicked feeling consumed her, but she ignored it and got into her car. As she headed out of the parking lot and down the highway, she noticed the sports car following her. She continued to drive out of Treasure Town and three towns over when finally she arrived at club Borderhouse.

  She locked her door, took a deep breath, and headed inside. She needed to buy time for tomorrow. If she didn’t somewhat comply to Dash’s demand and show up here, then he could hurt her, and maybe make it so that she couldn’t even get to the appointment tomorrow with the investigator. She prayed her gut was right as she began to pull out her ID to show the bouncer, but instead he waved her right in past the crowd of waiting guests.

  She didn’t like the feeling it gave her. It was like Dash spread the word that she was his woman. She looked toward the parking lot as two guys headed got out of the sports car that followed her and headed toward the side of the building. She wondered how long they had been keeping an eye on her, and whether or not they were in the Station. If they saw her and Tyler kissing, she may have just placed him in danger. She was shaking as she entered the club. Before she could glance around to try and spot Melanie, she felt the arm come around her waist from behind and a strong hand grip her wrist.

  “Follow me, Tasha.” It was James and he looked pissed. With a firm hold he escorted her across the room, past the bar and crowds of people, straight to a back hallway. He knocked on the door four times and it opened. Shoving her inside, she quickly took in her surroundings. There was Melanie slumped in a chair her eye swollen, her lip bleeding and a mess.

  “What did you do?” Tasha yelled.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck happened?” Eddie asked Tyler as he and Lance joined him by the bar. Eddie thought Tyler looked pissed even though they saw him kissing Tasha. What the heck went wrong?

  “I don’t want to talk about it. It’s over. Forget about her, about what we decided.” Tyler slugged down the entire beer. He slammed it onto the bar and Eddie and Lance stared at him.

  “Tells us now,” Lance stated firmly.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does matter. You were kissing her,” Eddie stated.

  “She was kissing you back. Her hands were all over you,” Lance added.

  Tyler shot him a look. “None of it matters. Just forget her.”

  “Why?” Eddie demanded.

  Tyler stared at them and then his expression filled with anger. “She’s seeing someone. He called while we were kissing.”

  Eddie felt his heart sink and anger fill his gut. “Why the hell would she kiss Tyler if she was seeing someone?” Lance asked.

  “I guess that’s something we’re going to have to ask her next time we see her,” Eddie added firmly.

  Tyler looked up and stared at him. “This is what we were afraid of. We’re too late. Someone else moved in on her because we were too consumed with her age and her inexperience to go after her.”

  “Now what?” Lance asked.

  “Nothing. It’s over.” Tyler stood up and walked away.

  * * * *

  “Melanie, are you okay? Can you hear me?” Tasha asked her cousin, as she knelt down by the chair. Melanie moaned as tears rolled down her b
attered face.

  “This is your fault, Tasha. You made her lie to me about where you were,” James said as he licked his lower lip and rubbed his palm over his fist as if he were ready to slug her. It pissed Tasha off. She stood up.

  “You think you’re a man because you can hit her and scare her?”

  He stepped toward her and Tasha put up her hands to defend herself in case James struck her. She felt a mix of emotions. She was angry at seeing Melanie hurt, but she was also scared of what could happen. If there was a police investigation and agents were planted around the club, wouldn’t they help Melanie and her? She was feeling desperate and suddenly defensive and got into a fighting stance despite the snug-fitting dress she wore. It hugged her curves and the move made the slit up the side expose more skin. But she didn’t care.


  Tasha jumped at the sound of Dash’s voice. He was standing in the doorway with two men behind him. She recognized them immediately as the ones driving the sports car following her.

  James turned toward Dash. He smiled.

  “She’s got guts, but I think she needs a lot of discipline. I can help you with that.” James looked back toward Tasha and eyed her body over. The sick bastard didn’t really give a shit about Melanie. If he did, then he wouldn’t be looking at Tasha in such a way.

  “I appreciate your offer, but she’s all mine. I’ll handle it. Take Melanie out of here. Clean her up, and make sure she understands the rules. No one lies to me and gets away with it,” Dash commanded.

  Tasha stood up straighter and turned toward Melanie. Seeing her battered face, her hair a mess, and her dress ripped tore at Tasha’s heart. She was filled with such hatred for this man. She prayed that the investigator could help them.

  As James lifted Melanie up into his arms, Tasha listened to their exchange of words.

  “Your punishment isn’t over. You know that, Melanie, don’t you, baby?”

  Melanie reached up with a shaky hand and touched James’s cheek. “I know you care about me. I deserve whatever you feel necessary.”


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