Tanya's Torment

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Tanya's Torment Page 17

by Tessa Valmur

  ‘So you like to do this for money yes? You sell your body to men, yes?’

  Of course Tanya couldn’t answer this question thanks to the gag and as she was forced to feel the rubber phallus thrust inside her mouth provocatively and the broad rubber of the mask snug against her mouth and eyes she could do nothing but reflect on the question. Yes, she realised, she had sold her body for pleasure, but not just for the men who paid; but for her own; she had signed up to do the film work in Scotland and had signed up to Sturmberger because it offered her the chance to act out her own sexual fantasies. Only now, lost in the jungle of South America and at the mercy of two beautiful, sultry girls probably not much older than she was, Tanya found it hard to believe where her adventure into fulfilling her desires had led her.

  As she stood passively awaiting her fate at the hands of the sisters, Tanya felt the soft brush of hair against the backs of her legs, and then a pair of gentle hands was carefully wrapping something around her right ankle. When the material was drawn tight, she recognised the sensation; a leather ankle cuff had been fastened snugly upon her and sure enough a moment later her left ankle was given the same treatment. Tanya’s heart was beating quicker now and she nervously twisted her hands against the rope that bound her wrists even though she knew she could never extricate them.

  ‘Okay English girl, let’s see how good you swim.’

  Soft hands rested palm down against her back and then she was pushed backwards.

  The warm water closed over her and immediately the memory of the treatment in the bath that Miles had subjected her to came back to her. This time though she was submerged under more than a few inches of water and now there were now hands to help haul her back to the surface. The rubber gagging and blindfolding her Tanya still cried out and tried to see where she was but she remained enveloped not just in water but in impenetrable darkness. Urgently she twisted onto her belly and then tried to kick out with her legs only to find that the ankle cuffs had been tied together and all she could manage was to flail her legs a few feet. With her wrists bound together she could do nothing with her hands other than thrust her arms out in front of her as she desperately kicked out with her hobbled legs. She felt her long hair swirling around her face and the warm water was still enveloping her and she had no idea how deep she was and whether she was actually making any progress towards reaching the surface of the pool.

  The next instant she felt fresh air against her face and gratefully she inhaled through her nose before her head momentarily bobbed back under the surface.

  ‘Are you enjoying your swim, English girl?’

  Tanya swung her body towards the sound of the voice and kicked out urgently with her legs as best she could. A moment later and her hands struck the side of the pool and she had her forearms balanced on the pool’s edge whilst she trod water and recovered her breath.

  ‘You’re not a very good swimmer are you?’

  This time the taunting voice came from behind Tanya and she suddenly realised that one of the girls must have swum up behind her. Female hands, soft but determined settled at her waist and then abruptly pulled her down. Before Tanya could react the girl had her hands on Tanya’s shoulders and pushed her down below the surface. Tanya kicked out desperately and she recovered the surface but had only a few seconds to pant some air through her nose before she was dragged back under again.

  Quite how long the sisters amused themselves in this way with Tanya struggling against them in the pool, she had no idea but before long she was utterly exhausted and when finally she was dragged from the pool, she was too tired at first to care what happened next to her or to try to offer any resistance.


  Ricardo di Contas, drew on his cigar and allowed himself an indulgent smile as he watched four of his men carry the English girl from the poolside to the room in the villa he had prepared. The girl appeared unconscious at a distance but as she was carried into the villa he could see that she was still conscious despite the amount of time his daughters had kept her submerged in the pool. Julietta and Catherina deserved some pleasure and amusement he reminded himself.

  Since they had lost their mother when her car was ambushed and she was gunned down by Government troops who had hoped to ambush Ricardo, he had been forced to bring them up as best he was able. As a revolutionary-turned-bandit who still held control of hundreds of miles of remote jungle he had some freedoms but for now sadly he could not risk letting his daughters travel to the cities of the coast. So it was that from the ages of fourteen and sixteen their education had been completed by a Jesuit priest and by a drunk old Englishman who Ricardo had liberated from slavery in a remote rubber plantation and had made him the girls’ private tutor.

  Patrick Hamilton had claimed he was an explorer and had been lost for years in the jungle before he was captured first by Tapuya Indians and then by ruthless rubber plantation owners who had made a slave of him just like so many other hapless innocents who were caught by them. Ricardo guessed Hamilton to be in his sixties or seventies; he had forcefully dried out the old soak during the first year he’d taken him under his wing and for the next four years he had acted as tutor to Ricardo’s daughters. Now as the half drowned English girl was carried through the villa’s hall by four of Ricardo’s men, each holding one of her slender limbs, Hamilton stood at the foot of stairs watching disapprovingly but saying not a word. He exchanged glances with Ricardo who shrugged apologetically as they watched the girl being carried past them and into another room.

  Julietta and Catherina followed, the younger, Julietta, just two days past her nineteenth birthday was grinning widely at the prospect of what would happen next. Catherina, twenty-one, was altogether cooler and only her eyes betrayed her excitement. Ricardo regarded the old Englishman as he watched the two sisters walk past him. Julietta in her skimpy black swimsuit, high cut at the hips with her teenager’s long legs looked colt-like and she almost skipped after the men carrying their new plaything. Catherina followed unhurriedly, her head held haughtily high, her shoulders drawn back a little self consciously as she flaunted her achingly desirable cleavage, her firm young breasts still soaking wet and clearly visible under the now damp crop-top that she had pulled back on. Her shorts she had not bothered with and Ricardo might have rebuked her for such a display in front of his men were it not for the English girl. He knew that his men’s attention would be focused on their prisoner and he would let his men enjoy her and thereby distract them from his older daughter’s equally desirable young body.

  Depositing the English girl on the wooden floor his men stood back to await his orders. If their eyes strayed from the naked English girl, lying groaning into her gag it was only to glance at the machine they had taken from the ship. None of Ricardo’s men would dare to openly gaze lasciviously at either of his daughters. They had too much respect for their leader and they were too fond of his daughters. Besides which one man once had been stupid enough to try to seduce Catherina and when he had refused to take no for an answer she had calmly pulled a small knife from her boot and had rammed it to the hilt into the man’s buttock. When Ricardo had discovered the explanation for his screams he had offered to execute the man if Catherina so wished. The girl had said to spare the man his life but everyone knew Ricardo never made idle threats and the warning was enough to the other men to keep their hands off the sisters.

  ‘Take the gag off her,’ Ricardo ordered.

  Immediately the order was carried out, the rubber mask was unbuckled and the blonde girl was gazing up at him as he stood over her, her eyes blinking and her pretty mouth hanging open as she gasped breath gratefully through her mouth once more. She had sensual bow-shaped lips and perfect white teeth. Her lightly tanned skin was slightly freckled about her cheeks and she had high cheekbones and attractive light blue eyes that now looked pathetically at him as she realised all too well that in his hands hung her fate.

‘Tie her down over the bench.’

  His men carried out the order. Keeping the girl’s wrists bound together they tied another rope around the one already in place, pulled it taut and so drew Tanya’s arms out in front of her and along the bench to which she had been forced to lie face down. There was a rope, badly tied, maybe fifty centimetres in length, between the girl’s ankles - Catherina’s handiwork - and now this was removed, the English girl’s legs were spread and then tied to either side of the bench by binding leather cords through the steel rings that were sewn to the ankle cuffs she wore and then the cords were pulled tight around the legs of the bench and tied fast. The blonde girl’s pale white arse, firm and begging for attention was left thrust high and well exposed. Her generous breasts were pressed under her against the bench and though she tried experimentally to move her arms and legs, she could achieve little and would certainly never be able to extricate herself from where she was now tied down.

  Catherina and Julietta circled their victim. Their father would turn the English girl over to his men come nightfall but for what remained of the afternoon, he had agreed to allow them to indulge themselves by subjecting the girl to whatever pleased them. Julietta was eager to try out the machine but first Catherina wished to see how the English girl could take a whipping. Catherina also had other ideas as well and she was impatient to begin though anxious not to seem so.

  ‘Let me give her a taste of the whip, papa,’ she asked, picking up a slender, long whip of plaited leather and looking endearingly at Ricardo, who nodded his agreement. Settling himself into a high backed carved chair he placed the heels of his booted feet crossed at length on the end of the bench to which the English girl was tied down. From where he was sat he had a good view of her face and he watch her eyes to gauge when she’d suffered enough. He had no qualms about allowing his prisoner to suffer for his daughters and his men’s amusement and pleasure but he knew that although she might be a willing sexual submissive given that she was payrolled by Sturmberger shipping for such a role, she’d have a limit to her endurance.



  Without any preamble or hesitation Catherina had brought the whip down upon the girl’s back. The English girl was trembling now and a faint red line appeared running from her left shoulder diagonally across her back to her slender young waist.



  The second blow was harder and Ricardo watched as the English girl jerked urgently with her arms against the ropes that held them helplessly outstretched. She looked up at her, her mouth trembling and her blue eyes moist with tears that were ready to fall but for the moment she just managed to hold in check.

  ‘Slowly Catherina, she’s a girl like you. Not some dumb pack animal you are trying to hurry along,’ Ricardo cautioned.

  ‘She’s trembling,’ Catherina laughed.

  ‘What’s her name father?’ Julietta asked, circling the bench and gazing with fascination at Tanya’s helpless condition.

  ‘Tanya,’ Ricardo answered.

  Julietta knelt beside the bench and taking a hold of Tanya’s tousled blonde hair made her turn her head to meet her gaze.

  ‘How does it feel? Does it excite you? Do you want Catherina to stop? Would you like it if we were more gentle with you?’

  ‘Stop teasing her,’ admonished Catherina, ‘ and get out of the way in case I catch you with the whip.’

  Julietta stepped back and Ricardo watched his older daughter bring the whip down again. She was well practised, he mused, as good with a whip as she was with a knife or gun. At twenty-one Catherina already knew how to look after herself and he was well pleased that she had her mother’s feisty nature and his own instincts for self preservation.



  This time the whip cut across Tanya’s exposed buttocks and the force with which the blow was delivered was far more restrained.

  ‘How did that feel?’ Catherina teased, moving close to behind Tanya’s tied legs and allowing her hand to caress between the girl’s spread thighs.

  ‘Hasn’t she got a small arse?’ Catherina laughed, ‘Even smaller than young Julietta’s!’

  ‘Good tits though wouldn’t you agree sis’?’ replied Julietta, ‘ compared with yours that is.’

  Ricardo grinned as his daughters exchanged snipes. Tanya gazed at him, a resigned expression on her pretty young face and for a brief moment he felt a little sympathy for her. He then reminded himself that she had obviously entered into her duties on board Sturmberger’s ship well aware of what was expected of her and she was therefore the ideal person for his men’s satisfaction and his daughters’ amusement.



  ‘Let’s feel how you like that?’ Catherina once more caressed between Tanya’s forcibly spread thighs and this time she smiled triumphantly.

  ‘You know what? She’s getting wet; I do believe the little slut is getting turned on by being treated like this, I think it’s time she suffered a little more vigorously!’

  Taking hold of the hardened leather handle of the whip at the other end, Catherina smacked the whip’s stiff handle down against Tanya’s rump, making her grunt in anguish.

  Smack! Smack!

  ‘Oww! Please, stop it!’

  Smack! Smack!


  Twice on each taut young buttock the handle of the whip was cruelly brought down with rapid speed.

  ‘You see, Tanya, there are lots of ways to use a whip,’ warned Catherina

  Tanya could only squirm and gasp as she next felt the bulbous end of the whip handle being rubbed between her spread thighs and the hard leather, warm from the other girl’s grasp, was stroked against the lips of her sex making her gasp and then sigh with sudden and unexpected pleasure.

  ‘Does that feel nice, Tanya? I bet you’re desperate for the feel of your pussy being filled up, aren’t you?’

  ‘Uhhh... please...no...’

  It was evident from Tanya’s breathless tone and her uncontrolled writhing that she was as eager for satisfaction as Catherina was suggesting as she now rubbed the end of the whip handle more firmly against Tanya’s vulva.

  ‘Why don’t you beg? Tell us how much you want it, go on,’ coaxed Catherina, now warming to her role.

  ‘Uhh! Stop... hurts... please...’

  Ricardo watched Tanya struggling now against the ropes as his daughter lightly tapped the tethered girl’s exposed sex with the end of the whip. Looking at him with wide, begging eyes, Tanya shook her head, biting down on her lower lip and her pretty blue eyes, full of anguish now rolling upwards in pain as the plaited leather handle of the whip was repeatedly and mercilessly struck against her clitoris with more than enough vigour to cruelly stimulate her and just enough hardness to make the pain a little more intense than the pleasure.

  ‘Is that too much for you? Would you prefer it if I just stroked you here, like this?’

  Tanya could only sigh and writhe helplessly as she felt the handle of the whip being used to tease her pussy. Soon enough she was slick with arousal and Catherina seeing her condition adjusted her grip on the whip handle and calmly drove the end into Tanya’s sex, drawing a gasp of surprise from her then an uncontrolled sigh of pleasure.

  ‘How deep do you like to feel it, Tanya? A little more perhaps?’

  ‘Stop... enough... please...’

  Tanya tossed her head from side to side, dragging her legs against the tethers that held them spread as she felt more and more of the whip handle being slowly pushed into her pussy.

  ‘Please...uhh... no more...’ she begged, looking up expectantly at Ricardo clearly willing him to make his daughter halt. If Tanya though had hoped that Ricardo might provide some degree of a restraining influence on his daughter’s sadi
st nature, she was sadly misguided.

  ‘Why don’t you try the machine out on her: there are some attachments for it that look far more challenging than the handle of your whip, Catherina?’ Ricardo suggested, a broad smile on his face as his gaze met Tanya’s. Her eyes wide with fear, she shook her head urgently, her arms dragging ineffectually against the rope that held them outstretched. Ricardo watched her struggling intensify as his daughters moved the machine to directly behind Tanya’s spread and tethered legs.

  ‘Just remember that tonight she’ll be servicing all the men so don’t tire her out too much,’ cautioned Ricardo.

  He glanced at Tanya and gave her a brief and half-hearted apologetic smile before walking out of the room and gesturing for his men to follow him.

  ‘Leave my daughters to their fun and games, our presence will only inhibit them and besides there is work to be done.’

  Ordering his men out of the room ahead of him, Ricardo lingered a moment in the doorway. When Catherina selected the largest of the dildo heads to screw onto the machine he grinned to himself. The poor English girl was in for a hard time that was for certain, he decided. Whilst his men would no doubt fuck her senseless tonight, long before then he reckoned that his daughters would have her begging for a respite from the merciless treatment they had planned for her tender young body.

  Chapter Sixteen

  ‘Please, no....uhhh...uhhh!’

  Tanya shook her head, writhing urgently against the ropes that held her down over the bench. The rubber phallus that was now fixed to the piston of the machine was sinking relentlessly into her pussy, stretching her sex wider than she’d ever experienced soon filling her and ploughing deeper into her than she imagined she could bear. Just as she was certain she couldn’t take any more the enormous rubber dildo withdrew almost completely. Before Tanya could heave a sigh of relief though she felt it slowly penetrating her once more.

  ‘That looks perfect, now let’s set a decent speed,’ announced Catherina.


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