Crazy In Love With A Thug: Bari and Seven

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Crazy In Love With A Thug: Bari and Seven Page 14

by LaDonna Robinson

  "You can't see them yet."

  "Why the hell not?"

  "You have to wait until I wear them."

  "Wear 'em now," he said.


  "That's cold, Milkshake. Before I forget, Six, Teddy and Benji are meeting me Saturday at the Shake."

  He went on to explain that a childhood friend of Six and himself was in town, and they were taking him out. The Shake, as Seven called it, is a club. A bomb ass club, complete with a huge dance floor, circular bar and VIP room where exotic dancers perform. The club was previously called Raspberry's. That was when it was owned by my daddy. Now it was mine, unbeknownst to Seven. The name had been changed, and the club had been modernized, with the help of the manager, who was a friend of Daddy's. Seven thought it was merely a coincidence that his favorite club had been renamed The Milkshake and was excited to tell me that it was a sign that we were meant to be together. · I smiled and hugged him, but didn't lead on that it was my doing.

  I spoke to Matty, my father's friend who ran the club, and told him that we would get more money if we made several changes. It was already the shit and got even better. I had only been there one time and had big problems getting in. I was refused admission and had to call Matty on my cell phone to let him know that I was outside and to please come get me. That was the whole plan. My daddy had a strict rule that no one under eighteen be permitted inside, and I wanted to ensure that was still being enforced. Matty had no idea that I would show up that night with Gucci in tow, so he had no way to make it look good just for me. I knew then that things were still the way they were supposed to be, and that security wasn't slacking off when they felt Matty wasn't watching. Gucci and I had a ball that night. She sat at the bar nursing a Pina Colada, and I sat inside Marty's office with him exchanging stories about my father. When Seven went upstairs to shower, I picked up the phone and called Matty and told him I would be there Saturday night. He said that he wouldn't be there, but he would leave word with the assistant manager.

  "Bitch, I can’t talk right now. I'm modeling my boots for Six," Gucci said, all out of breath.

  I laughed and hung up the phone. She called back about two minutes later.

  "Okay. What's going on?"

  I shook my head and told her about our plans for Saturday night.

  "You really ain't gon' let me see?" Seven asked, coming into the kitchen.

  "I'm really not."

  "That's cold. You been to Blackbarry's?" He asked, looking at the food on the table.

  "Gucci and I stopped by there on the way home. I needed to anyway. I wanted to check on some things. Besides, I wanted to talk to Leon."

  "Bari, are you sure you want to work there?”

  I nodded.

  "I've known Leon since I was a little girl, Seven. He's like an uncle or something to me. I'll be fine."

  "School and work? That's a little much, Bari. And besides, we'll never see each other. You'll be leaving for work right after school, and I won't see you until eleven. You'll be exhausted all the time. School and work is like working two jobs."

  "You did it."

  "I know, but ...just give it some more thought. Okay? That ain't some little hole in the wall place. It's a real restaurant, and it's a lot of work."

  "I know, baby. I'll think about it some more. Maybe one day I'll just go spend the day there and see what goes on.”

  “Oh, did you listen to the messages?"

  "Yes, and I was very disappointed, but it's only one more week. I just hope he doesn't cancel again. I really want to see him."

  "You will, baby."

  We ate smothered pork chops, potatoes and fried green tomatoes.

  "You know what, Seven? I think I do want to work there."

  I watched his expression change.


  "In the summertime, Seven. It'll give me something to do while you're at work."

  He looked thoughtful for a moment then asked, "How would you feel about working with me in the summer?"



  "Set up."

  "You're crazy," he laughed. "Why would you say that?"

  "Because it's true. You wouldn't even be able to get any work done because you'd be worried about whose looking and talking to your Milkshake," I said, and imitated his voice. He started laughing. "For real though, baby, I appreciate it, but no thank you. I love to cook, and that's where I want to be."

  "Hey!" He said excitedly. "You don't have no license to cook!"

  "Hey! You don't have no license to cook either, but Major had you melting butter like you were Fabio or some damn body."

  I laughed so hard, and then even harder when I saw that he hadn't cracked a smile.

  "You gon' pay for that."


  "Promise. Speaking of..."

  I am a pirate, sailing the waves of the sea. Although my ship teeters on the tip of the highest wave, it does not topple over. I anticipate the wave that will be strong enough to take my ship all the way to shore. I look through my telescope, and there, still a little ways away, I see sand. Where there is sand, there is shore. I use my oars to row the boat faster. The wind alone isn't getting me there fast enough. I slow down my paddling as the shore seems to be a little too close now. I ride the waves and go with the current, drifting, floating, sailing on the breeze, and now, the shore is so close I could get out and walk to it. So, I roll up my pants and begin to jump into the water. Just a few more steps, a couple more, one more. Yes! I made it! I made it to the shore! Call me Skipper 'cause I sailed the hell outta that boat.

  Chapter 30

  "Are you sure you know what you're doing? You're gonna get yourself killed, Bari."

  "Gucci, please! I'm already nervous. Don't make it worse."

  "Look at all these people! There's like millions of them!"

  "Will you shut up? Please, shut the hell up."

  "Did you hear that? You're next! Bitch, I'm leaving. I can't watch. I love you too much to stand by and watch you be murdered. Let me know how it goes."

  "How am I going to let you know if I'm dead, dummy?" I snapped sarcastically.

  "I love you, Bari," Gucci said dramatically and swept out the door. She came right back. "I can't leave you. They'll know I was in on it anyway. I might as well stay and face the wrath. You look good, Bitch."

  "You think so?"

  "Hell yeah. Oooo, they're calling you! Bitch, don't make us look bad! I don't want to be embarrassed."

  I glanced in the floor length mirror one last time, waited for the announcement and made my way out onto the stage. I barely recognized myself, so I knew Seven wouldn't know who I was. Not to mention the Cat Woman mask I was wearing with the short black dress and my boots that Seven hadn't seen yet was a good disguise. I had never done anything like this in my life, and I was scared as hell. I swayed to the beat of Ashanti's 'Rain On Me' with my eyes on my baby the whole time. He sat at the table and watched as his silly ass boys approached the stage with Benjamin's held out before them. I wasn't about to take off not one stitch of clothing, so they could put their little money right back in their piggy banks. I pointed at Seven and moved my finger in a 'come hither' motion. He didn't move. His boys were yelling at him to get up, all except Six, who was giving him a look of warning and shaking his head. That's right, Six, I thought to myself. Always got my back.

  Since he wasn't coming to me, I would have to go to him. I swerved my way down the steps and approached Seven's table. I turned around and dropped my ass to give him a lap dance and almost laughed out loud when he scooted his chair back. I moved closer to him, then reached into the front of the dress and pulled out the paper that was inside. I didn't pull it out all the way. That was for him to do, but he wasn't really cooperating. I straddled his legs and pushed my breasts into his face, indicating to him to take the paper. He wouldn't take it. What the hell did he even come here for? I moved over to Six and got close enough to him to whisper in his ear.

bsp; "Are you for real?" He asked loudly, then caught himself.

  "Get Seven to take this paper," I instructed.

  "He ain't gon' do it."

  "You have to get him to do it, Six. Just try."

  I was starting to panic. My song was almost over. I danced back over to Seven, who was watching me intently. Six was pointing at the paper, trying to get Seven to take it, and Seven did and tried to hand it to Six. He was pissing me off.

  "What is it?" Six yelled to him over the music.

  Seven threw the paper on the middle of the table. I picked it up and handed it back to him. He looked confused, then glanced at Six, who nodded at him to open it. At the same time, my song went off.

  "If he don't want it, I'll take it." Some dude with a head shaped like a watermelon said.

  "You are fine, baby!"

  "Hell yeah, that bitch is fine!"

  "Shut the fuck up!" Six demanded.

  Seven looked at him strangely. I glanced to the left and saw Gucci peeking around the edge of a newspaper. She snapped it up when I spotted her.

  "Will you open the damn paper?" I yelled.

  His head snapped up.


  I pulled the mask off and shook my hair out.

  "Seven, damn, you ruined my plan," I complained.

  "That's Bari, y’all!" One of his friends informed the whole room.

  "Damn, she looks good," somebody said.

  "Thank you," I said shyly.

  "Fuck all that!" Seven yelled. "What the fuck are you doing in here?"

  He put his coat over my shoulders, more like threw it, and that was where it landed.

  "Seven, let me explain."

  "I don't even want to know. I'm so mad at yo' mutha fuckin' ass right now..."

  "It's not what you think. Would you just open the paper?"

  "Fuck the paper!" He yelled.

  People were being so nosy, straining to hear our conversation that they weren't even paying attention to the girl up on the stage. Six looked at me helplessly. I jabbed a finger in Gucci's direction. Six walked over and slowly pushed down the top of her paper. She gave him a weak smile. I hadn't seen Seven so mad since the night he beat up Trim. I didn't want to have that in common with Trim.

  "Seven. . . "

  "Shut the fuck up, Bari, and let's go."

  "No!" I yelled. "I didn't do all this shit for my fuckin' health, Seven! Shakin' my ass in front of a room full of strangers and shit! I came here to do something, and you're messing it up so open the damn paper."

  "Bari. . ." He was losing his patience, and I could tell, but I didn't care.

  "Bari, just come on," Six said, holding onto Gucci's arm like she might escape if he didn't.

  "Ho," I said stubbornly.

  Seven glared at me for a long time.

  "Gucci, you better get your friend if you don't want her to get fucked up," Seven said.

  "Bari, let's just go. He can see it at home."

  I shook my head. I was pissed off. I was embarrassed. I was scared.

  "I'm not leaving."

  "Does that mean you gon' hit the stage again?" Some man asked excitedly from the next table.

  Seven stared him down until he turned his head.

  "I'm leaving," Seven informed me, "and if I turn around and you're not behind me you're gonna be sorry."

  "Call me sorry then," I said to his back, which was already headed for the door.

  I thought better of it and began to follow him out. I turned around and looked at Six. He understood and followed with Gucci in tow. When Seven turned around, I was right there. He gave me a knowing look. I might be a lot of things, but stupid ain't one of them.

  . "Sev!" Six called out, then spoke confidentially to Seven.

  Seven nodded, hugged Six, then got in behind the wheel.

  "Get in the truck, Bari."

  I knew he was pissed. He usually held the door for me. I got in and closed the door, staring out the window. We didn't speak one word to each other on the way home, or even after we got home for that matter. Seven went straight to the room, stripped off his clothes and stayed in the shower for a good forty-five minutes. I used the shower down the hall, then went and climbed in on my side of the bed. I waited for Seven, who never came. I didn't sleep at all, just watched movie after movie while I laid there feeling sorry for myself and wiping my tears. The movie ended at five am, and I put my robe on and walked down the stairs. Seven was on the couch. He wasn't asleep either. I was wondering why he would sleep on the couch when he had six other rooms to choose from, but didn't dare ask. He got up and walked past me, went upstairs and showered, then came back down about two hours later. I wiped my hands on a towel and was about to go to the living room and demand that we talk about it when I heard the front door slam.

  Chapter 31

  It was late in the afternoon, and Seven still hadn't returned. I dialed his cell phone; no answer. I paged him; no reply. I dialed Gucci's number.



  "You know who this is!" I said. "Gucci, I don't know what to do. He won't even talk to me, and he's been gone all day. He won't even answer my pages."

  Tears burned behind my eyelids.

  "He's okay, Bari."

  "How do you know?"

  "'Cause I'm looking at him. He's been here all day. I called you earlier 'cause I knew you'd be worried. Don't you check your messages?"

  "I didn't today. Gucci, what do I do?" I cried.

  "Bari, I ain't gon' sugarcoat nothing for you. He's pissed. Still. Six tried. I tried. It ain't working. He don't even want to hear it. But if it makes you feel better, when he opened the deed, he smiled from ear to ear. Bari, Seven loves you, baby. And the only reason he's mad at you is because of how you did it. And you sold me out! You fingered me to Six!"

  "I'm sorry," I said.

  She laughed.

  "Girl, I ain't trippin'. I was only trying to make you laugh. Bari, you looked good up there last night, too good. Do you understand?"

  "I don't think I should take that as a compliment."

  "Then you understand. I love you, Lil’ Sis."

  "I love you, too, Gucci." I started to hang up. "Bari!''

  "Yeah?" I asked hopefully.

  "Six wants to talk to you."

  "What's up, Sis?"

  "Six, I messed up really bad," I cried. "I don't know how to fix it."

  "Your intentions were good though, baby. It was them damn boots, they bad luck," he laughed. "Give him a minute alright, Bari?"

  "I love him, Six. I don't want to lose him."

  "Girl, that fool ain't going nowhere, and I'll try to kill you if you try to. Don't get it twisted, Bari, he ain't that damn mad."

  "I want to talk to him."

  "Let him call when he's ready, alright?"

  "Okay, Six."

  "We love you."

  "I love you guys, too."

  I didn't bother to make anything for dinner. I couldn't have eaten if I tried, and Seven wasn't home. It was pitch black outside and almost midnight. I called Gucci.

  "Baby, Seven ain't here. He left here a few hours ago. We thought he went home."

  "He hasn't come home," I said sadly.

  "Bari ..."

  "Thank you."

  I hung up the phone. I blew my nose, turned over in the bed in my old room and tried to fall asleep. I thought it would be easy, since I was dog tired. I dozed for an hour or so then sat up, fully awake. I got up and went downstairs, made me a cup of coffee and sat on the couch. I didn't know what to do. I was scared. I felt like my heart was being torn from my chest. Seven and I were inseparable. I didn't know what to do without him. It was too late to call Major and Birdie. I turned on the T.V. and watched Twilight Zone reruns for two hours, then put in a movie that I had seen a hundred times. When four-thirty finally came around, I got up and showered, then got dressed for school. Seven still hadn't called or come home.

  For the first time since Seven and I had gotten togeth
er, I wondered if he was with someone else. Just the thought was too much for my heart to take. I told myself that I knew better, and I did. Seven would never do that to me, not my baby. I quickly forced the thought out of my head.

  I stopped at Starbucks on the way to school and got a venti cup of black coffee. I dragged my way from class to class and at lunch went across the street and bought another cup. It seemed to be the longest day of my life, and I was so thankful when the bell rang and I was free to go home. I drove home slowly with the hope of Seven being there clogging my brain. He wasn't and hadn't been. I called Six on his cell.


  "Six, it's Bari."

  "I know, baby. He stayed here. He was on the couch in his office when I came in this morning."

  That really pissed me off.

  "You know what, Six? Tell Seven he doesn't have to stay away from his own house. I'll be gone before he gets home."

  I hung up the phone and waited. He made the thirty minute drive in fifteen and burst into the house.

  "Bari, where ..." His words ended when he saw me sitting on the couch. "That shit ain't funny."

  "It's not supposed to be, Seven. And neither is you staying gone for two days and not calling to let me know you were okay."

  "I'm sure Gucci called you."

  "I'm not Gucci's woman." He wouldn't even look at me. "Seven,'' I knelt on the floor between his legs, trying to get him to look at me. "Talk to me, don't ignore me like I don't exist to you. Why are you so mad at me?" I asked, my voice cracking.

  "You won't even understand, Bari."

  "Try me."

  He shook his head.

  "I can't."

  "What does that mean?"

  "It means I can't. I can't even look at you right now. Look, Bari,'' I could tell he was flashing and was now angry all over again, just as mad as he was that night at the club. "I can't talk to you right now. That's why I left. I don't want to say anything fucked up to you. So, to keep from getting your feelings hurt, just leave me alone, alright?"

  He didn't wait for me to answer. He got up and left.

  Each day seemed slower than the last. I rarely slept, if at all, and seemed to be living on coffee. Friday morning, I went into the bathroom and stepped on the scale before I showered. I had lost thirteen pounds, and it showed as I stood in front of the mirror naked. When I got out of the shower, I dressed in a pair of Diesel jeans that had once hugged every curve. They hung loosely off my hips. I applied make-up to hide the bags under my eyes, combed my hair and headed off to school. I was exhausted. I was surprised that I could even half-way pay attention in my classes.


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