The Life of Graham Greene (1904-1939)

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The Life of Graham Greene (1904-1939) Page 101

by Norman Sherry

  Preminger, Otto, 644

  Priestley, J. B.: reviews The Man Within, 370; reviews Stamboul Train, 431; threatens libel suit, 435–8; Greene’s opinion of, 434, 439–41, 486

  Princess Casamassima (James), 433

  Pritchett, Mary (née Leonard), 428, 456–7

  Pritchett, V. S., 157

  Pritt, D. N., 621

  Pro, Padre Miguel, xix–xx, 698, 699, 708–9

  Prologue to Pilgrimage, see Anthony Sant

  ‘Proof Positive’ [story] (Greene), 386

  Proust, Marcel, 92

  psychoanalysis: dreams, 96–8, 110; fear of cure, 160; Richmond’s approach to, 95, 102–3

  Quennell, Peter, 4, 110–111, 119; on Charles Greene, 63–4; reviews England Made Me, 578

  The Quiet American (Greene), 13, 15, 133

  Raffalovitch, André, 426

  Rainer, Luise, 593

  Ramage, Cecil, 385

  Rasmussen, Frau, 687–90, 721; in The Power and the Glory, 702–3

  Raven, Simon, 626–7

  Read, Herbert, 616–17; on ‘glory’, 699–700

  Red Mexico (McCullough), 704

  Reed, Carol, 603

  religion: Anglican, 254–5; atheism, 126–7, 255–6; Brighton Rock, 639–42, 644–9, 718; Chamula Indians, 714–15; martyrdom, 698–700; not an escape, 660; The Power and the Glory, 695–6, 698–700, 723–4. See also Catholicism

  ‘Return Home’ [story], 581

  ‘The Revolver in the Cupboard’ [essay] (Greene), 155–6

  Richards, Grant, 166

  Richmond, Canon Wilfred, 94

  Richmond, Kenneth: appearance & background, 93, 95–6, 114; as Greene’s analyst, 92–3, 98–9, 102–7; dream analysis, 96–8; encourages Greene to write, 109; Greene’s ‘epilepsy’ and, 329, 331–2; later relationship with Greene, 214–15, 250

  Richmond, Zoe: Greene dreams about, 102; on Greene’s spiritualist powers, 105–6; recalls Greene, 99, 102–3, 106–7; spiritualism, 93

  Riddock, Dr George, 105, 329, 330–2, 335

  The Road Back (film), 592

  Roberts, Cecil, 251–2, 370

  Robertson, Arnot, 436, 485, 493

  Robson, Flora, 595

  Rochester, Earl of (John Wilmot), Greene’s bio. of, 391–5, 409

  Rolfe, Frederick, 645

  Roscoe, Frank, 283

  Rose, Archibald, 194, 204, 206–7

  Rowse, A. L., 148–9

  Royde-Smith, Naomi, 142

  Rumour at Nightfall: scene from Paris, 163; writing of, 384, 386, 391, 392; poor reviews, 395–6, 409; Greene reflects on, 413

  Rupert, Prince, 231

  Russian roulette, see under suicide

  Sackville-West, Edward, 157, 278

  Sad Cure [verse collection], 166, 211; Blackwell and, 170–1

  ‘Sad Cure’ [poem] (Greene), 158

  Saint Joan (Shaw), 206, 291

  Saki see Munro, H. H.

  Saklatvala, Shapurji, 299

  San Antonio, 665–8

  Sandwich, Earl of, 392

  Saunders, Florence, 100

  Sayers, Dorothy L., 616

  Scaife, C. H. D., 143, 145

  Scotsman, 232

  Scott, (later Sir) Robert, 121, 122, 130, 321

  Scott, Capt. Robert F., 81

  Scott, Sir Walter, The Talisman, 30–1

  secrecy, Greene and, 419

  The Secret Agent (Conrad), 457, 607

  Seymour, Beatrice Kean, Daughter to Philip, 485–6

  Shake Hands with the Devil (Cockburn/Conner), 453

  Shaw, George Bernard, Saint Joan, 206, 291

  Sheed & Ward (publishers), 656, 657–9

  Shelley, Mary, 588

  Shuttleworth, Martin, 626–7

  Sickert, Walter, 377

  Sierra Leone, 515–18; up-country, 519–20

  Simenon, Georges, 305

  Simon, Lady (Kathleen Harvey), 511, 570

  Simpson, T. Dale, 73–4

  Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 254

  Sitwell, Edith, 144, 145, 313, 724; befriends Greene, 141–2

  Sitwell, Sir Sidney, 351

  Smith, Dodie, 35

  Smith, Leslie, 287, 379

  Smith, Lints, 376–7, 378

  Smith, Stevie, 620

  Smythe, F. S., 397, 445, 594

  The Smugglers (Teignmouth & Harper), 362

  Snowden, Philip, 399

  socialism, 410–11, 433, 461; Brighton Rock and, 638; Sweden and, 489–90

  Souri (cook), 518, 524

  Southwell, Robert, 316, 700

  Soviet Union, 617

  Spain, Civil War, 610–13, 655–6

  Spectator, 447–8, 655; film reviews, 587–8

  Spencer, Conway, 153–4

  Spender, Stephen, 607, 611

  spiritualism, 93, 114, 105–6

  Sprigge, Elizabeth, The Old Man Dies, 485

  spying, see espionage

  Squire, Sir John, 313

  Stamboul Train (Greene): sexuality in, 442–3; writing of, 381, 386, 405–16, 420–3; submission to Evans, 424–5, 426–8; Priestley libel case, 435–8; success of, 441–2, 447–8, 450–1; film of, 475, 590–1

  Stanier, R. S.: on Charles Greene, 42, 45, 46; on Greene, 70, 111

  Star, 104

  Starmer, Sir Charles, 232–3, 245–6

  Sten, Anna, 410

  Stern, G. B., 412

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 4, 5, 369, 624–5

  Stoker, Bram, Dracula, 17–18

  Strachey, John, The Coming Struggle for Power, 410

  Strachwitz, Countess, see Greene, Barbara

  The Strange River (J. Green), 455

  Strike, General (1926), 296–303, 459

  Stroheim, Erich von, 414

  Strong, L. A. G., 441

  suicide, 195, 219, 565; Greene witnesses as child, 9–10; Greene attempts at school, 85–7; Greene plays Russian roulette, 154–60; mortal sin of, 245, 277–8; Greene recommends for brother, 497

  Sutro, John, 119

  Sweden, Greene and Hugh visit, 487–90

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 420

  Swinnerton, Frank, 396, 404

  Symons, A. J. A., 645

  Tallents, Sir Stephen, 585

  Teasdale, Sarah, 338

  Teignmouth, Lord, & Chas Harper, The Smugglers, 362

  Temple, Shirley: Greene’s review of, 619–20; libel case, 619–24, 656–8

  Tessimond, A. S. J., 617

  The Third Man (Greene), 603

  Thomas, Beach, 585

  Thornbury, G. W., 17

  ‘Tick of the Clock’ [story] (Greene), 80–1, 103

  The Times: Greene too inexperienced for, 171–2, 247–9; Greene joins, 282–4, 286–8; General Strike, 299–303; gives Greene medical leave, 319; Greene’s marriage and, 339–40; Greene resigns from, 376–9; unforgiving of Greene’s resignation, 429, 567

  Topolski, Feliks, 618

  trains, Greene’s love for, 209, 407

  Tranmire, Lord, see Turton, Robin

  Trench, Hilary (gloomy alter-ego), 158, 211, 276–7

  Trevelyan, G. M., 143

  ‘Trial of Pan’ [story] (Greene), 126

  Trollope, Anthony, comfort in Mexico, 681

  Trollope, Father, 257–9

  Trotsky, Leon, 671

  Turton, Robin (later Lord Tranmire), 121, 124; on Greene’s atheism, 127, 255; on Greene’s Russian roulette, 159; in Hungary, 246

  Twentieth Century Fox, 622, 624–5

  ‘Tyranny of Realism’ [story] (Greene), 113–14

  Ulysses (Joyce), 163

  United States, Greene critical of culture, 592–3

  Updike, John, 445

  Urquhart, F. F. ‘Sligger’, 120, 283

  Valentino, Rudolf, 243

  Van der Post, Laurens, 407

  Venusberg (Powell), 450

  Verschoyle, Derek, 587

  Veracruz, 683, 689

  Vigil (Williams), 147

  Walker, J. G. (nephew), 143

  Walpole, Hugh, 430
, 437

  war: effect on Berkhamsted School, 41, 52, 53–4, 56–60; Armistice Day uprising at Berkhamsted, 60–2; Second World (War) looms, 659–60, 725; Spanish Civil, 610–13, 655–6

  Ward, Barrington, 376–7, 429

  Watts, Cedric, 631

  Waugh, Alec, The Loom of Youth, 42

  Waugh, Evelyn, 612, 617, 623; at Oxford, 119–20, 121; expensive critic, 609–10; race around the world, 606; reviews The Name of Action, 385

  We from Kronstadt (film), 597–8

  Weaver, Stella, 331, 332, 351–2

  Webb, Beatrice, 296

  Weekly Westminster, 246; sends Greene to Ireland, 134; introduces Sitwell & Greene, 141–2

  Wells, H. G., 599–600

  West, Mae, 589; model for Ida in Brighton Rock, 635–6

  Westminster Gazette, 245–6

  Wharton, Edith, 454

  Wheeler, A. H., 76–7, 78–9; betrays Greene, 82–3; Greene’s childhood betrayer, 74

  Whitemore, George, 121, 130

  Wilkinson, Ellen, 123

  Williams, Emlyn, Vigil, 147

  Wilmot, John (Earl of Rochester), 391–5, 409

  Wilson, James B., 31, 82, 115; on Charles Greene, 39, 40, 60; on Berkhamsted, 41–2, 43, 44, 502; on Greene after analysis, 116; compares Raymond and Graham, 70–1

  Wilson, Trevor, 36–7

  Wilson, Witaker, 347

  Wimbush (the young pilot), 31

  Winn, Godfrey, 621–2

  Woolf, Virginia, 369–70

  Wordsworth, William, 618–19, 638

  Wright, Basil, 594, 598

  Wright, Col Henry, 4

  Wright, Maud (great-aunt), 4

  writing: characterisation and, 241, 412–13; ice, splinter of, 8–9, 322–3, 413, 418; method of work, 133, 308–10; Greene’s search for structure, 405–6; influence of cinema, 414–16; novelist’s moral role, 451–5; romanticism to realism, 411, 413, 417–18

  Wylde, Geoffrey, sketch of Greene, 653–4

  Yambo Ouologuem, borrows from It’s a Battlefield, 482–3

  Yeats, William Butler, 310, 695

  Yorkshire Post, 233

  Young, Francis Brett, 454, 610

  Ziegfeld, Florenz, 403

  Ziman, H. D., 178

  Zog, King, 400

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  Copyright © Norman Sherry 1989

  Norman Sherry has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  First published by Pimlico in 2004

  First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape 1989

  First published in the United States of America by Viking Penguin 1989

  First published in paperback in Great Britain by Penguin Books 1990

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN: 9781844137534




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