by C S Marks
Olan Estelar: Apprentice star-master of Dûn Arian. Olan served briefly as host for Lord Kotos.
Ordath (OR-dath): The Lady Ordath, very powerful overseer of Monadh-talam. She is the product of a union between a powerful Asarla (Shandor) and an Elf of the Èolar (Liathwyn). She is a great healer and protector of Monadh-talam. Name means “treasure-of-the-land.” From or- (golden, gentle) and dath- (of the land).
Osgar (OSZ-gar): King of the Greatwood and sire of Ri-Aruin, he was known as “the fierce.” Somewhat impulsive and reckless, he was slain during the Third Uprising. From osgar (fierce).
Quarinar (KWAH-ree-nahr): People of Tuathas who did not hold sufficient faith in Duinar’s ability to quell the Fire-mountain that destroyed it. They were the only people who escaped the Cataclysm. There is some question as to whether their lack of faith lessened Duinar’s power, and hence the descendents of the Quarinar carry some guilt with them. From quarinas (to doubt).
Radeef (Ra-DEEF): Very unsavory horse-trader from whom Gaelen acquires Finan; he orchestrates the deception of Rogond for a price, and is later beguiled by Lord Kotos.
Ravi-shan (RAH-vee- SHAHN): The southern desert region of Alterra. Name means “sun-country.” It is also known simply as the Ravi or even the Rav. The people are known as Ravani or Ravani-folk. From sutherling Rav (sun) and shan (realm, land, country).
Réalta (ray-AL-ta): Swift and beautiful grey stallion, favored mount of Galador and companion of Eros. His name means “star.”
Ri-Aldamar (ree AL-da-mar): Second High King of the Eolar, brother of Liathwyn and sire of Farahin. He was killed by a dragon during the Second Uprising. His name means “most noble ruler.” From ri- (ruler), aldos (high, noble) and –amar (great, majestic).
Ri-Aruin (ree-AR-oo-een): Ruler of the Sylvan Elves of the Greatwood Realm. His name means “King of the forest.” From ri- (ruler) and aruinnas (forest). (Note: the prefix ”ri” was not adopted by the Sylvan Elves until the death of Ri-Elathan. Prior to that time, it was reserved only for the High King.)
Ri-Elathan (ree-EL-a-than): Last High-elven King, Ri-Elathan left no one to succeed him. He was arguably the wisest of all the High Kings, and was both feared and beloved, but he lived a very lonely and arduous life. Beloved of Gaelen Taldin, he was killed during the Third Uprising during pitched battle with Wrothgar himself. His given name was Farahin, and Gaelen calls him “Rain.” His name means “King of Wisdom.” From ri- (ruler) and elathas (wisdom).
Riffle: Currga of Tal-sithian.
Rogond (ROE-gond): Man of the Tuathar, born during the Plague Year and fostered by the Elves of the Verdant Mountains. Name means “treasure-stone.” From oro- (golden, gentle) and gondas (stone).
Rosalin (ROS-a-lin): “River-beauty.” Woman descended of Tuathas, mother of Rogond. From ros (river) and –aille (beautiful).
Rûmhar (ROOM-har): Dwarves. Their speech is known as Rûmhul. From Rûm- (to delve).
Rûmm (RHUM): Ancient and Great Dwarf-realm, known as the Deep Delving, which was lost in the War with the Eádram. From Rûm- (to delve).
Rûndiam-har (Roon-dee-ahm-HAR): The Book of Mystery, an accounting of what is known of the time before the First Reckoning begins. From rûndiam (mystery).
Salasin (SAH-lah-seen): Chief Lore-master of Tuathas, he was prominent among the Quarinar. He founded the City of Dûn Arian after the Cataclysm, having been carried there by great waves, bearing much of the library of Tuathas with him.
Salastor (Lord Salastor): Present Lord of Dûn Arian, and her chief lore-master, he presides over the High Council. He is descended directly from Salasin, who founded the City.
Salla-hin: River of the northern Ravi-shan. Name means “mighty rain.”
Scourge: Fearsome, savage army of the Ravi-shan; vanquished by the people of the Citadel. It was made up of fierce warriors, gleaned from Plague survivors, and was a very dark and dreadful enemy.
Shandor (SHAN-dor): Arguably the most powerful of the Asari, he loved Liathwyn, an Elf of the Èolar, and together they founded Monadh-talam. He actually challenged Wrothgar in battle and defeated him during the Second Uprising. He is the sire of Lady Ordath. When Liathwyn relinquished her spirit and went to Elysia, Shandor withdrew from the world, eventually seeking refuge in the great stone crystal of Léir, which is presently in the keeping of Lady Arialde, the Asarla of Tal-sithian. He allows visions to be seen through the crystal, but those who seek his vision outside the grace of Arialde risk madness, for Shandor may send a vision so terrifying that they cannot ever be free of it. His name essentially means “great spirit.”
Siva (SEE-va): Silver-white horse ridden by Gaelen, her name simply means “grey.”
Srath Miadan (Srath mee-ah-DAHN): Meadow to the east of the Ambros and west of the Linnefionn; from srath (riverbank) and miadan (meadow).
Sylvan elves: Wood-elves, or Cúinar.
Syrus the Mariner: Tuathan mariner, said to be the greatest who ever lived. Rogond’s mother, Rosalin, was his descendent. He is revered especially by the Corsairs.
Tal-ailean (Tal-EYE-lee-ahn): Elven-realm located in the Monadh-ailan. It is inhabited by various small, secretive groups of Cúinar known as the Elàni-ailan (green-elves). From tal- (realm) and ailan (green).
Taldin (TAl-deen): Name given affectionately to Gaelen by Ri-Elathan, it means “walks unnoticed, stealthy.”
Tal-elathas (tal-EL-a-thas): Ancient realm of the Èolar, it was the greatest center of invention and discovery that has ever been. At one time there were no less than three Asari who resided there; they were Leiras, Baelta, and, regrettably, Kotos. It was destroyed by Wrothgar’s army when Kotos betrayed the Elves, aided unwittingly by Baelta. From tal- (realm) and elathas (wisdom).
Tal-fásath: The Elves” rather unflattering name for the Ravani desert, it means “realm of barren waste” or “land of terrible loneliness.” From fás (lonely, barren) and tal- (realm).
Talishani Ali (TAL-ih-SHAH-nee Ah-LEE): Battle-seasoned Minister of Defense in Dûn Arian, he commands the City forces. He is a worthy and likeable man. Hallagond, in particular, admires him. He is usually called simply “Ali.”
Tallanor (TAL-ah-NOR): Great Eastern City of the lost realm of Tuathas.
Tallasiar (TAL-ah-SHAR): Western Capital City of the lost realm of Tuathas, it was reputedly very beautiful. Dûn Arian is said to resemble it in design.
Talrodin (TAL-roh-deen): Hunter-scout of Greatwood, friend of Nelwyn and brother of Halrodin. He was slain by Gorgon. His name means “strength of the realm,” from tal- (realm) and rodos (as the trunk of a tree).
Tal-sithian (SITH-ee-ahn): Green forested island in the Linnefionn; the Elven-realm of Lord Airan and Lady Arialde. From sithion (deer), it means “realm of deer roaming.”
Tansy (TAN-zee): Corsair, flamboyant former ruler of Fómor, displaced by her former consort, Ludor. She is known as “Queen Tansy.”
Tarmagil (TAR-mah-geel): Fraternal twin brother of Tarfion and favorite uncle of Gaelen and Nelwen. Known for being free-spirited and of good humor, he was slain in the Third Uprising. Name means “strong ally’, from tar- (of the realm) and magra- (mighty).
Thaylon (THAY-lon): Given name of Rogond, it means “trustworthy.” From thala (to trust).
Thorndil (THORN-deel): Northman, ranger and friend of Rogond, companion of Belegund. His name means “Piercing gaze, eagle-eyed.” From thorn- (to pierce).
Tibo: (TEE-bo): Dwarf of Grundin’s Realm who was known for his love of Elves, Tibo wore a green jacket. He was slain by Gorgon.
Toran (Toh-RAHN): Tall, strong, grey horse, given to Gaelen. His name means “gentle thunder.”
Trachair (TRACH-eye-eer): “The treacherous.” Asarla also known as Kotos, Trachair is the name given him by the Elves.
Tuathas (TOO-ah-thas): Greatest of all realms of men, Tuathas alone possessed an Asarla. Because of this they were more enlightened than other men, and were nearly as fair as the Elves. It was destroyed during an eruption of one of the great Fire-mountains that bounded it,
and very little of the realm survived. From Tuath (north).
Tuathar (TOO-ah-thar) sing. Tuathan: men of the northern realm of Tuathas, lost in the rising of the Fire-mountains. Because of the influence of their Asarla, they are tall and comely, hardy and strong. They are more enlightened than other races of men.
Turantil (TOOR-an-TEEL): Sword of Halrodin, prized heirloom stolen by Gorgon. Name means “scourge of the north.” From tuath- (north) and ranta (scourge).
Tûr Dorcha (Toor DOR-ka): Wrothgar’s stronghold in the Darkmere, it is a pale stone fortress shrouded in a sickly grey mist, surrounded by a fetid bog.
Ulcas (UL-cas), sing. Ulca: Evil servants of Wrothgar. They are undoubtedly perversions of other races, as Wrothgar is incapable of true creation. They are varied, and some are quite formidable in battle, but most can prevail only through sheer numbers. All are ugly. They dislike sunlight, are hairless, and live in dark places.
Úlfar (OOL-fas): “Fen-serpents,” vile, slimy eels with rasping, suckerlike mouths. Arguably the most unpleasant creatures in Alterra, they ensnare wading travelers or animals by miring them in slime and entangling them. Once the prey is brought down into the water, they attach to any hairless area and give an envenomed bite. The venom subdues the victim, whereupon the creatures enter through body orifices and consume it from the inside out. They are normally found in bogs but can travel up fresh waterways for a considerable distance. They cannot live in salt water. Their bite is so septic that a man bitten by an Úlfa is doomed to a very bad death. They are undoubtedly a perversion of normal eels, designed by Wrothgar.
Varni (VAR-nee): Son of Ivar, Lord of Rûmm. Varni was a sensitive and talented artist, and he loved the Elves of Eádros.
Visili, Haleck (Vih-SEE-lee): Criminal, imprisoned in Dûn Arian, freed by Hallagond, and later redeemed. Visili appears to be of northern descent.
Wellyn: (WEL-lin): Son and heir of Ri-Aruin of the Greatwood and very dear friend of Gaelen. His name means ”courageous, one who is brave.”
Wrothgar (ROTH-gar): Evil Being of Alterra. The Lord of Darkness, also known as the Shadowmancer and the Black Flame. Name means “Dark Fury.” From wroth (fury, wrath) and gor (dark).