I blushed at their words, the bubbles from the champagne leaving a permanent hazy smile on my face, and as I turned to pick my drink up from the table I saw Jonathan across the room watching me.
He took a sip of his drink without losing eye contact and put it down.
I saw him mouth ‘excuse me,’ to the people he was talking to, and I watched as he crossed the room toward me.
His hands snaked around my waist and he nuzzled his face into my neck.
“Why don’t we take this somewhere a little more private?” he half growled.
I felt myself blush again, embarrassed slightly that Jessica and her friends could hear, but they seemed completely oblivious.
“What about our guests?” I whispered back at him.
He pressed himself into me.
“They can wait; however, I cannot.”
I giggled at his impatience.
“What if I say no?”
He moaned into my neck.
“God, I don’t know how much longer you’re going to tease me with that dress. It’s begging to be ripped off.”
“Um, they’ll be no ripping. It’s couture.” I teased.
He laughed and took a step backward, taking a mental cold shower.
“It looks stunning on you, but I happen to know it’ll look better on our suite floor.”
He traced his fingers down the line of the dress over my hip, and I glanced around to see if anyone was watching us, but he turned my face back toward him, bringing his lips close to my ear.
“Meet me in the honeymoon suite in fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes? Isn’t the cake supposed to—?”
He put a finger across my lips.
“Forget the cake. Meet me there in seven.”
“I don’t know where…”
“Meet me in five. You’ll find it.”
He disappeared into the midst of our guests, and I turned back to Jessica and her friends.
“Everything okay?” she asked, looking at my face. I nodded, laughing with embarrassment at the images I had in my head of having sex with her brother. If only she knew what I was thinking.
“I’ll just be a moment,” I said, excusing myself from the group, and I made my way back out to the hall.
“Oh, Kate! I’ve been meaning to corner you!” Jonathan’s auntie came running over to me, but I didn’t stop.
“Can we speak a bit later?” I asked hurriedly. “I’ll be back, I promise.”
She nodded and wandered off again. I felt bad at dismissing her so hastily, but the anticipation to be alone with my new husband was almost overwhelming me.
I found the staircase and hurried up it, lifting my dress with every step until I reached the top.
All the doors had names, and I half walked, half ran down the hall, checking each one until I got to the end and there, in big letters on a golden plaque, it said: ‘I promise to love, honor and cherish you.’
It had to be the one.
I knocked on it, quietly at first, hoping not to draw attention from the other rooms nearby. When there was no answer, I tried again, harder, while turning the knob. To my surprise, the door opened.
I stepped inside the dimly lit room, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness.
“Four minutes and twenty seven seconds,” I heard a voice say from one side of the room.
I spun my head around to see Jonathan sitting in an armchair in the corner with his wrist in the air, looking at his watch. When he saw me, he got up and walked over slowly.
“Drink?” He pointed over to the mini bar in the corner.
I shook my head.
“I didn’t come up here to drink….” I said, my voice wavering at my newfound boldness.
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow. “What did you come here for?”
I turned so that my back faced him and moved my hair to one side, looking over my shoulder. He didn’t need any more prompting than that, and slowly his fingers found the buttons and one by one he undid them slowly.
The action should have been over in seconds, but he took his time, inch by inch, allowing his fingers to graze and tease the skin of my back as he went further and further down until he finished.
I heard him step back, and I turned around to see him edge further backward until he reached the chair he’d come from. He dropped into it, his eyes watching me intently.
I peeled the dress away from my body and let it expose my breasts in my strapless bra. He kept his eyes on me throughout, not daring to look away, as the material stopped on my hips and I slowly pushed it over them until it pooled on the floor in an expensive puddle.
I stood there in front of him in nothing but my underwear and garter, all especially bought for his liking.
"Holy shit," he said as he looked at me, his eyes traveling over every inch of my body. And then back up to my eyes as he grabbed his crotch and adjusted the material of his pants.
I knew he was hard, and it gave me a renewed confidence to see that I excited him in such a way.
It wasn’t the normal reaction that men had given me when I’d previously undressed, so to see the desire in his eyes as he stood up and came toward me made, me feel like the sexiest woman in the world at that moment.
He put his hands on my waist and pulled me toward him.
"I love this," he moaned, hooking his fingers into my silk panties, "but I’m afraid it's going to have to come off."
He pulled it down slowly over my thighs, bending as it skimmed my calves and landed with the dress, and then he stood up again, running his fingers up my leg, over my hip and along the curve of my waist until he had the clasp of my bra in his hands.
It gave away easily to him, and he threw it to the other side of the room.
“You won’t be needing that,” he said, as both of his hands held onto my breasts, squeezing the handful that he got.
“Lie down,” he instructed, and I allowed him to push me gently backward until I hit the bed. I climbed onto it, keeping my eyes on him as I did it.
He took off his bowtie and undressed, taking everything off apart from his underpants. He followed my eyes as I focused on his bulge, licking my lips as I edged forward.
I expected him to instruct me to stay back, but he didn’t. Instead, he watched as I came closer, settling myself on the edge of the bed and pulling down the material of his underpants.
His hard member jumped free at my eye level, and before he got to speak, I covered him with my mouth.
“Oh, god!” he groaned, throwing his head back. He put his hands loosely around the back of my neck to keep me there.
I reached up to hold him with my hands, massaging him with my lips and tongue, but before I could build up a rhythm, he pushed me away, shaking his head.
“No, Kate. Tonight it’s all about you…”
He climbed above me onto the bed and brought his lips to mine, kissing me desperately, and at the same time he ran his hand down the front of my body until he grabbed my sex, rubbing my clit for a moment before sliding his fingers into me. I arched against them and closed my eyes, clinging to his neck.
He kept going as I writhed against him, and then he broke our kiss to look into my eyes when I opened them, but still he didn’t speak. I lay there panting as he kissed a trail down my body, all the way down until he got where I wanted him the most.
“Ah…” I moaned long and loud, as his mouth found me and sucked me into him. The combination of his fingers and tongue sent me toward the edge fast. I wanted to savor every moment of the first time we had sex as husband and wife, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop him. It felt too good. I felt as though I’d explode at any moment, given the chance.
He reached up with his other hand and ran it over my stomach, resting it there.
“Jonathan…” I breathed tangling my fingers into his hair. “I can’t hold on…”
He took his mouth away from me, and I felt the cold withdrawal of pleasure over my body as he c
limbed back up to face me.
I reached over and flicked the lamp off, but he turned it back on.
“Not tonight,” he said huskily. “Tonight, I want to see you. All of you.”
I looked up into his eyes as he lowered his lips to mine, and we kissed while he reached down between us, coating the head of his member with my wetness before slowly entering me.
He pushed the whole length of himself into me, and I whimpered against his lips with pleasure, swallowing the groan that escaped his mouth into mine. And as he built up his rhythm, he had to pull away from our kiss to shudder above me.
“God, Kate…” he growled, lacing his fingers with mine and pinning my hand to the bed.
He withdrew and thrust in again, another groan escaping his lips, and he used his free hand to run down my body and then up again to hold a breast.
He started to thrust faster, moving in and out of me with long, deep strokes, and the closer I got to my orgasm, the more I felt myself trembling in his arms.
He reconnected our lips, but the pleasure prevented his kiss from lasting too long.
I stretched myself out beneath him and he looked at me, the image sending him dangerously close to coming.
“Shit,” he sighed, turning away from me. He moaned again, and the sound of his arousal sent a trigger though me, only this time it ignited and I felt the buildup of tension rising and rising before it exploded. I cried out, wrapping my arms and legs around his waist, shaking beneath him as wave after wave of pleasure took over my body. I arched against his solid chest, my eyes closed, and he kissed me urgently, his own orgasm building to dangerously high levels.
He held onto my waist and threw his head back, eyebrows furrowed with ecstasy, and I heard the moans that came from within him as his movements became jagged and he bucked his hips harder against me before crying out loudly with every wave of pleasure that he experienced.
I held onto him, clinging to his body and riding out the climax that rocked his and made him shudder uncontrollably before he collapsed on top of me.
We both lay there panting in a sweaty mess of tangled limbs as silence descended on the room. We could hear the faint hum of music below from our wedding party through the slightly open window.
“You’re my wife…” he said breathlessly, lingering on top of me for a moment longer before freeing me and rolling off onto the bed. “I’m never going to tire of making love to you like that.”
I turned to snuggle myself up to him, the desire to go back to our wedding reception at the back of my mind now that I was basking in postcoital glow with my new husband.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better end to my day,” I whispered against his shoulder. “I got married, and all thanks to you I’ve met my birth mom and... I just want to thank you for turning my whole life around, Jonathan Davenport. I can’t describe the impact you’ve had on my life.”
“You never had to be alone. My arms have been open wide ever since you were gone, Kate,” he said, turning toward me and kissing my forehead. “You only had to find your way back, and you did. You came back to me.”
He pulled the sheets up over us, and as he did so he turned his whole body toward mine and we lay looking into each other’s eyes. He studied me, his eyes fully understanding every feature on my face, every crease, and every part that made me who I am.
“You don’t have to hide anymore,” he said, quietly tracing his thumb along my jaw, up underneath my eye and then down across my cheek until it grazed my lips and sent a shiver of pleasure over me. “You’re my destination, Kate. I’m calling you my home.”
The End of
Keep reading for a ‘Three Chapter’ sneak peak of book two:
Evan’s story
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Sneak Peak
Three Chapters
Chapter One
The sound of crying echoed around the room like a somber wave, a testament to just how many people in Seaview loved and adored Michael.
Of course, I already knew that, but to sit there and see how he’d touched so many people made me proud to have had the privilege to know him so well.
A strong hand reached forward and squeezed my shoulder reassuringly, and I gripped it with thanks.
I was fine. We all knew this day was going to come. He’d been so ill for such a long time that most of us were just happy that he was no longer suffering.
His mother let out a loud sob further down the pew, and I reached into my bag to find the tissues that I’d packed earlier even though I’d promised myself I wouldn’t cry. I had to remember the good times—the good memories were all any of us had left now.
The vicar stood up and adjusted the papers within his book. He was talking, but all I could focus on was the smooth oak of Michael’s coffin, carved with his initials as he’d been so adamant to request. It was hard to believe that such a kind hearted, patient man was lying in there, never going to open his eyes again and…
My thoughts and the entire funeral were interrupted by the door opening behind us with such force that it hit the table behind it, causing almost everyone to turn around.
I heard the latecomer’s voice mumbling apologies to people and the soft hum of whispering and murmuring throughout the overcrowded church. Whoever it was, he was causing quite a stir.
I rose slightly from my seat, lifting my head above those behind me in the direction of the most disturbance, and it was only when I was almost about to give up and sit back down that our eyes met.
For a moment, I thought I was dreaming… in a terrible nightmare that I wasn’t permitted to wake up from.
He didn’t take his eyes away from mine, and I stood rooted to the spot, my mouth open wide with shock and disbelief.
No, it can’t be! I had a brief moment of anticipation that was quickly replaced by anger and annoyance, but despite what I felt, I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t make myself do it.
Beside me, Aaron’s small fingers clasped themselves around my wrist and pulled me back into my seat.
Embarrassed, the heat rose to my cheeks immediately, and I gripped my hands together in my lap quietly seething.
How dare he turn up!
Mia, on my other side, put a warm comforting hand on my arm and turned to me slightly, concerned.
“You okay?” She whispered.
I waited for the vicar to continue speaking before I pulled her close. The words I was about to say were some that I never thought I would need to. Even thinking them made my heart pound harder within my chest.
“He’s here!” I hissed, though it came out more breathy and emotional than I would have liked.
“Here? Who?”
She turned around instantly to look, but I pulled her back.
“You know who. He came. He actually dared to come here!”
I looked up at her as the realization of who I was talking about dawned on her face and she shook her head.
“No… he wouldn’t have…” she said quietly, her hand gripping my arm tighter.
I nodded slowly, the sudden wave of emotion that his arrival had thrust upon me over spilling my control, and the tears welled up in my eyes.
“Don’t cry,” Mia said firmly. “Don’t let him see you cry!”
She was right, but I was far too gone to pull it back and rein it
in. I tried to blink the tears away, but there was no stopping them. Far too much had happened between us for me to keep my usual cool posture.
It’d been twelve years since I’d last seen him. Twelve years since I’d felt his strong arms on my body, and it had been a long twelve years since I’d turned my back on him and disappeared, and now here he was. Evan Jackson was back in Seaview, and all I wanted to do was run away and hide.
I knocked back the strong drink in my hand and tilted the empty tumbler to look at as I winced, contemplating ordering another, but I knew it wasn’t the right time or place to get drunk.
Especially not when Ally was there. I wanted to show her what she’d given up and what she’d been stupid enough to let go of all those years ago.
I put the heavy-bottomed glass down onto the stone patio floor and stood up from the garden bench, doing my suit button up.
“Lovely service don’t you think?” a voice asked me as I made my way back inside. I turned to see Mia, an old friend from before, standing in the doorway looking at me sadly.
I nodded.
“It was nice; he’s had a good send off.”
She left the house and approached me slowly.
“I don’t know if you turning up like this was the best idea though,” she said quietly. “Don’t you think she’s been through enough?”
I sighed and looked behind her into the house. Part of me had wanted to turn up and throw her world upside down. I’d wanted to let her know what she’d done and make her understand that even though I barely had any ties to Seaview Heights, I could come and go as I pleased.
“That wasn’t quite the ‘hello, it’s been ages since we last saw each other’ greeting I was expecting,” I answered, staring at her, but her disappointed expression didn’t flinch and she folded her arms firmly.
“Oh come on!” I snapped defensively. “What about what she did to me? What about what they both did? Shouldn’t I be the victim in all of this?”
Keeper (A Billionaire Romance) Page 25