The effect of the entropy (Logical Poems)

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The effect of the entropy (Logical Poems) Page 2

by Rm Shanmugam Chettiar

  Darkness always is and light intrudes it.

  Darkness is boundless; light has a boundary.

  Darkness is the base on which would spread light.

  Light is an effect but darkness is not.

  Light is finite and darkness, infinite.

  Light hides darkness and not vice versa.

  God’s abode hence is darkness and not light.

  Aug., 2013

  God Has No Mind.

  Each decision, each selection

  And each judgment that humans make

  Are subjective, coloured by mind.

  God is not a party to it.

  [ existentialism ]

  Sep., 2013

  Love For The Mother

  The mother loves her children while alive.

  They requite her love after she exits.

  They wipe their quilt; can they quench her thirst?

  Sep., 2013

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  Mind Projects Them.

  Does mind exist without time? No.

  Does time exist without mind? No.

  They do not, without each other.

  They’re two pages of a single sheet.

  Mind is the observer of time.

  Mind is the instrument by which

  All matter on the earth is seen.

  Without mind, nothing is observed.

  Every object is a bundle

  Of elementary particles,

  Which dwell in probability waves

  Till it is observed by one’s mind.

  While observation takes place,

  Probability waves collapse

  And a definite outcome emerges

  To the sense of the observer.

  It is a movie on the screen;

  Otherwise, it is a film roll.

  It is singing from the speaker;

  Otherwise, it’s an audio disc.

  When you see the moon, it is there.

  Else, it’s a bundle of particles.

  In a probability wave

  Are all things when not seen by mind.

  Oct., 2013

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  Robes Are The Rod.

  A king needs a robe; a judge needs a robe;

  A knight too needs it; so do even priests.

  They borrow from robes strength and composure.

  Subjects draw from robes fear and weakness.

  Nov., 2013

  Actions On Idea And Ideals

  Wants demand actions; fears demand actions.

  Idea and ideals set actions.

  One acts so as to be what one wants to.

  What one has and what one wants set the goal.

  A gulf is between idea and action.

  If one is not rich, one acts towards it.

  If one is not safe, one acts towards it.

  To bridge the gap, comes all kinds of action.

  The basis for an action is reward

  Or fear of loss or fear of punishment.

  Such actions are self-evolving ones.

  Mankind needs more than that, the ideal.

  The ideals are set to become great.

  To become good, helpful and generous

  Which one is not, is the ideal pursuits.

  Action on ideals is real action.

  Nov., 2013

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  That Is Big To One Which Is Small.

  The candle flame is bright in a dark room.

  The electric light is dimmer in the day.

  A shrub looks bigger to a pine seedling.

  An oak is not big to the adult pine.

  The childhood leaders stand more than their dues

  And the present big leaders look smaller.

  Nov., 2013

  Man Is Chauvinistic.

  Father gives his son y chromosome.

  He does not give it to his daughter.

  Mother gives x chromosome to the both.

  Also she gives both the mitochondria,

  The cellular energy factory,

  And holds her matrilineage on both.

  Man must not be chauvinistic.

  Jan., 2013

  Not To Feel Low

  How down I feel makes how up you are.

  How low I feel makes how high you are.

  How dull I feel makes how bright you are.

  No country would grow with hero worships.

  Jan., 2013

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  Mistakes And Wrongs

  A mistake is a mistake

  Only when you notice it

  Or when you know it as mistake.

  Mistakes like weeds exist.

  A wrong is a wrong

  Till you know it wrong

  Or till you locate it.

  Wrongs like dark persist.

  Jan., 2013

  A Loving one Is A Hating One.

  Mind is flooded with preferences,

  Beliefs, prejudices and biases.

  They might be rational or otherwise.

  They tell him to love or hate a thing.

  They are conditions, subject to change.

  Accordingly change love and hate.

  Sensitive people are affected the most.

  A loving one is a hating one too.

  Jan., 2013

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  God Shiva

  God Shiva stands for annihilation.

  So Hindus go to other gods and seers

  For prosperity and relief of pain.

  Shiva only could give you painless death.

  Painless death gives you curse-less departure.

  Manner of death, not the way of life, counts.

  A suffering end after a glorious life

  Is worse than the sweet end though from the low.

  Jan., 2013

  Value With A Reasoning

  An arrow gets its strength

  From the speed with which it is sent.

  A message gets its value

  From the force with which it is spread.

  Thoughts and faiths inherited

  Need not be meritorious.

  Jan., 2013

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  To Cry For Justice

  There were two in contest.

  One is just; one is strong.

  I fevoured the strong.

  There were two in conflict.

  One is just; one is rich.

  I sided with the rich.

  Two groups were in dispute.

  One is just; one is large.

  I joined the large.

  I cry for justice

  When I am denied it.

  Jan., 2013

  To Harvest What Is Not Sown

  I am not the cause when I become a prey.

  I am not the cause when I fall a victim,

  Also not the cause when made a scapegoat.

  Do we harvest only what we have sown?

  Jan., 2013

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  The World Is The College.

  Mythology is not a reality.

  Ghosts and spirits are imaginary.

  Gods are great inventions.

  Planetary influence is hollow.

  Fitness is matter of chance.

  Sages are as good as I am.

  Religions and arts are escapism.

  Woman’s love to man is a mirage.

  None would come with me to heaven.

  The education is over,

  I am leaving the college, the world.

  Jan., 2013

  Wood And Cotton

  For wood to burn, heat in it must rise

  To a temperature; so is for cotton.

  Burning point differs; so does strength of fire.

  Woman is wood and man is cotton.

  For woman to love man, man must ignite.

  For man to love woman, it is dead easy.

  Which man does not fall on woman’s sign?

  Which is harder to ignite: wood or cotton?

  Who is vulnerable: woman or man?

sp; Man, not woman needs protection.

  Jan., 2013

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  Why Separation?

  Chips are many and different;

  Some black or white, some big or small

  Some square or round, and some gold or iron.

  They can make match on any norm of these.

  Once choice is made, it must be stuck to.

  People part company less from soreness.

  People part company more for the newness.

  Jan., 2013

  Shadows Are Unseen.

  Hope has a shadow, which is ‘fail’.

  Love has a shadow, which is loss.

  Faith has a shadow, which is doubt.

  Who see shadow, when seeing things?

  Jan., 2013

  God Men Are Selfish.

  ‘To whom praise and blame are equal,

  Who is silent, content with fortune,

  Home renouncing, steadfast in mind,

  And worships Me, that one’s dear to Me.’

  Says so Krishna in Bhagwat Gita. [12, 15-19]

  Let Him want me to be of virtue;

  Why must He starve for my worships?

  It’s this feeling that put all god men

  Selfish and ego oriented.

  Feb., .2013

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  The Use Of Knowledge

  Fear also is a part of knowledge.

  Where there is fear, there will be no love.

  Knowledge is not made of absolute love.

  Hence, humans as much suffer from knowledge.

  Feb., 2013

  Experiencing Bliss

  To see, to hear, to smell, to taste and to touch

  Come from Nada or Sound of the body.

  It is the reverberation of body.

  Reverberation is the very existence.

  All vibrations translate to sound.

  Every form has a corresponding sound.

  Experience of vibration is existence.

  Sound has a base, which’s Moun or Silence.

  Sound is the cortex and silence, the pith.

  Becoming silence is experiencing bliss.


  Crimes To Escape

  A philanthropist cannot be robbed.

  A pious man cannot be humiliated.

  A liberal woman cannot be raped.

  They overwhelming, crimes will escape.

  Feb., 2013

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  Flavour, Not The Flower, Is Liked.

  I find liking temples’ serenity,

  Though without devotion to God.

  I find liking god-songs’ sweetness

  Though without attachment to God.

  I find liking scriptures’ language

  Though with no reverence to God.

  Theists too do the same thing as I do.

  Feb., 2013

  Subsequent Visits

  Three times I read Romeo and Juliet.

  Three times I visited the TajMahal.

  Three times I met the woman I had loved.

  They happened at a decade intervals.

  Subsequent visits of each were better

  Than the previous ones with the improvement

  In my observation and perception.

  Further visits could bring me more delights.

  Feb., 2013

  Admirers Need Not Be Worthy.

  Who praise me, who admire me,

  Who love me and who side me

  Need not be worth loving back.

  Their estimates made me pretty.

  Feb., 2013

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  Pride Had A Role To Play.

  One’s lavish for son’s wedding.

  One’s lavish for father’s birthday.

  Both do to flaunt their richness.

  Pride, not love, has roles to play.

  Feb., 2013

  How Is Mine To Others?

  The spirit of my father

  Is a ghost to my neighbour.

  The mischief of my child

  Is a nuisance to my neigbour.

  Feb., 2013

  Convenience Is Auspiciousness.

  Once the full-moon was sole light for nights.

  Festivals were held because of the moon-light

  And not because they were auspicious nights.

  Now Sundays are auspicious for marriages.

  Feb., 2013

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  Stop Becoming An Orphan.

  King Pegan, prompted by the sight

  Of a peacock shivering from cold,

  Offered him his quilt and braved cold

  On his way, as a [Tamil} legend says.

  King Parry, prompted by the sight

  Of a climber hanging for a stake,

  Offered it his chariot and walked

  Through the forest, as a [Tamil] legend says.

  There were moments for you and me

  When empathy waves engulfed us

  And we sprang to action to save

  The victims, braving the dangers.

  Such decisions come from the Self,

  Which is sheer independent

  Of any rational thinking.

  You forget yourself in this action.

  This self is present in all mammals

  But deteriorates in man.

  Miseries are addressed by this self

  Without which man will be extinct.

  Mar., 2013

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  Knowing Is Life

  One doesn’t know that one sleeps.

  One doesn’t know that one’s dead.

  On death, one will not know that

  One has ever lived at all.

  Things will count only till death,

  And will be dust to the one dead.

  Mar., 2013

  God Is In Good Book.

  The greatest truth is God will terminate you.

  You will perceive this only when the end comes.

  Death makes you powerless to realize this

  Or tell others and thus God is in good book.

  Mar., 2013

  Guilty Of Inferences

  Behaviours are moulded by beliefs

  Beliefs are the products of convictions.

  Convictions come from mental conditions

  Obtained from the experience undergone

  With people and objects interacted.

  People and objects are subject to change.

  So are the behaviors they display.

  But convictions made are there as frozen.

  The cat would shy the milk, burnt from it.

  We’re guilty of inferences we make

  Mar., 2013

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  Come Out Of The Myth.

  The Sun lights not the whole earth at a time.

  A half of the earth is always in dark.

  The God cannot keep all the lives happy.

  The corresponding half is in misery.

  Mar., 2013

  Love And Hope

  Tolerance is the sign of love.

  Patience is the sign of hope.

  Without them you lose love and hope,

  The two propellers of life-force.

  Mar., 2013

  God Is There, Go Ahead.

  The Lord forgives sins and pardon sinners.

  He is an antidote to our sins.

  So we are free to do whatever we like.

  Lord is the cause for sins to perpetuate.

  Mar., 2013

  The Seed Of A Banyan Tree

  My disbelief in ghosts

  Does not kill my fear for them.

  My disbelief in gods

  Does not kill my fear for them.

  Seeds of fear sown by parents

  Now stand as banyan tress.

  Mar., 2013

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  Precaution Is No Use.

  While cycling, one might hit a stump

  That he had wanted to avoid.

mind takes precaution.

  Subconscious fear nullifies it.

  Mar., 2013

  Humans Cause Miseries.

  I surmise the past with the factors known.

  I perceive the future with the signs known.

  There might be unknown facts influencing.

  As a result I fault in my conclusions.

  No man could be just in his decisions.

  They are not flawless or without errors.

  Thus undeserving victims are made out.

  Humans breed miseries among themselves.

  Mar., 2013

  Lives Post Death

  At my seventy two I recollect

  About my great grandmother, who died

  At her nineties, fifty years ago.

  She post-death lives till we, the knower, live.

  Mar., 2013

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  Causes Govern.

  Punishment and revenge cost same;

  Only the doers are different.

  Hanging and murder give same ends;

  Only doers are different.

  Intentional or accidental,

  A glass dropped would break, no doubt.

  We don’t bite the dog that bit us.

  We take revenge only on humans.

  Causes govern the gravity.

  Reactions come accordingly.

  Apr., 2013

  Feed The Desire.

  Without desire, the world is a zero.

  The desire would die when fuel withdrawn.

  It is a wildfire when over supplied.

  You aren’t fed unless your desire is fed.

  Apr., 2013

  Hope Has Limitations.

  Hope cannot alter the outcome,

  When you are a witness to it.

  It can affect your mental state,

  Shelving the impact of effects.

  Apr., 2013

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  Death Is A Horror.

  To perceive no more,

  To recollect no more,


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