Mother Can’t Be Bad.
A she-snake is a good mother.
An eagle is a good mother.
So are any wild animals.
No mother to her child is bad.
Sep., 2013Back to Content
The Forgiveness
The forgiveness that is practiced
When there is no alternative,
Or when it is an advantage
Is not the forgiveness the least.
Sep., 2013
Truth Might Suffer.
Truth is at the mercy
Of the might of the argument
Or of the argument of the mighty.
Truth is hard to be seen.
Sep., 2013
Conditions For Morals
Honesty suffers when loyalty threatens.
Loyalty suffers when selfishness urges.
Selfishness is instincts for survival.
Morals will function from the secured state.
Sep., 2013
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Drop The Self-importance
Self-awareness is the product of ego,
That demands attention and acceptance
And feels importance and self-worth as well.
It earns us no food, no money, no kinds.
Yet relentless efforts and money are put
To earn no gain, physical or material.
In case it fails, dissatisfaction will mount.
Self-awareness dissolved, much worries drop.
Sep., 2013
Power Of Research
To disturb is the force.
To destroy is the power.
Research is a power.
Scientists will get it.
Albert Einstein once said
If he reborn, be he
A plumber- a worker.
The world has been destroyed
More by the inventers.
Humans have been weakened
More by the inventions.
Sep., 2013
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Why Only Me?
Thousands of people play
But a few are champions.
I didn’t ask why only me
When I became such one.
Must I ask why only me
When I got the fatal illness
Which the thousands haven’t got?
Sep., 2013
Might Is The First Aid.
In a given situation,
The might speaks, summons loyalty
And decides the course of events.
The might rules in an emergency.
Sep., 2013
The Sweetest
Division of power is not sweet.
Division of love is bitter too.
Division of labour can be sweet.
Division of load is sweeter too.
Escapism is the sweetest.
That’s why human misery is high.
Sep., 2013
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The Right And Kindness
Between the right and the wrong, choose the right.
Between kindness and harshness, choose kindness.
Between the right and kindness, choose kindness.
The race thrives by kindness and not by the right.
Oct., 2013
Imperfect Actions
Relativity determines
Happiness or sufferings,
The right or the wrong in action
And the very justice made.
Oct., 2013
Water Is There To Wash.
Water is there; soap is there.
Don’t mind about getting soiled.
God is there; goddess is there.
Don’t mind about committing sins.
To give kinds and to forgive sins,
Religions tell us to ask God.
So we need not bother about
Doing sins, which He will forgive.
Oct., 2013
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Non Rebirth Is Not God’s Wish.
Not to die till I die is my goal.
To compete for food, sex and shelter
Is the struggles that give anxieties
Rather than pleasantness in one’s life.
Be him rich or poor, he is filled with
Sufferings that encompass happiness,
Pains that eclipse pleasure and losses
That pester him despite gains in store.
Rebirth is not worth seeking in life.
Resenting rebirth is in the card.
I am in tune with all religions
That advocate for seeking no rebirth.
Getting rid of rebirth is the bliss.
If it’s so, the best way for one to stop
The rebirth is stop reproductions,
Giving no birth. Is it God’s wishes?
Oct., 2013
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Peace Gives Way
Do depressions hit? I dwell in the past.
Do anxieties curb? I count the future.
Either of the two engages me most time,
Elbowing its way through the peace at hand.
Oct., 2013
About The Post-life Name
Praises and abuses thrown about me
Do not affect me unless I know them.
Why must I strive for a name to be left
As to its fate I would have no access
Oct., 2013
Ignorance Is Man’s Shadow
Science is rewritten
When new findings are made.
History is rewritten
When new discoveries are made.
Religions are fast written
Against onslaught proofs.
Nothing is certain
As ignorance is man’s shadow.
Oct., 2013
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No Rebirth; No Karma;
You don’t step in the same water two times
When you step in a river at a place.
You don’t look at the same flame two times
When you look at a lamp in a place.
The river is same but the water flows.
The lamp is same but the oil spends out.
Life force is same, made of energy,
From where are born and dead organisms.
Each flow is new and each flame is new.
Each birth is new, budding from the life force.
It dies like an electric bulb when fused,
And a new birth comes like a new bulb fit.
Leaves are born and leaves are dead of a tree.
Births of leaves are new births and not rebirths.
Humans are born and dead from the life force.
Every birth is new and not a rebirth.
The craving and the propensities
Come to a birth from the parental genes
And are not transmigrated from one birth
To the other as Karma of rebirth.
Oct., 2013
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Go Childless.
Rebirth is a curse;
To get rid of it is bliss.
Karma brings rebirth;
Attachment brings Karma.
Detachment to the worldly
Is the way to shed Karma.
Every birth is a rebirth.
Then stop reproduction.
The world is misery.
Future is bleak to the progeny.
You struggle more
Than your ancestry did.
Your progeny would suffer
More than you had suffered.
To beget a child then
Would be more a pain than bliss.
Oct., 2013
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Pessimism And Optimism
Pessimism and optimism
Would affect the individual
But not the event perceived.
Optimists might land in trouble;
Pessimists might miss the success.
Once Bitten, Twice Alert
A gambler ends his life
In a bankruptcy.
A lease of life given,
He won’t choose it again.
The life is a gamble,
Where the end is suffering.
No dying one would wish
To revisit the world.
Oct., 2013
No More A Hell
Sahara is not a hell to an Arab.
Iceland is not a hell to Eskimos.
So is a prison to a life convict.
Accustomed to, no more is it a hell.
Nov., 2013
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Virtues Hold No Water.
A cat ate a rat, not provoked though.
Was it a culprit? Was it to be done with?
Can you prevent it? This is the design.
Laws, justice and virtues can’t stand the test.
Nov., 2013
No Talks Between Branches
A remote twig communicates with the trunk.
Adjoining branches have no talks between them.
The relation with the siblings is short lived,.
But with the progeny, is never ending.
Nov., 2013
Sweet To Be Sweet
Secrets are sweet when leaked out.
Loving is sweet when it’s shown.
Revenge is sweet with doer known.
The sweet, not tasted, is not sweet.
Nov., 2013
Death Is Not Felt.
Death is not experienced by the diseased.
To register death, brain is not alive.
The world and the time are not in knowing.
No dead person knows that he/she has been dead.
Nov., 2013
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Post-life Stands.
Post-death is not different from pre-birth.
No hopes. No fears; no pleasure, no pain;
No joy, no sorrow; no love, no hatred;
Yet, the survivors would remember the death.
Nov., 2013
Beyond Two Generations
Each generation and each circle
Witness heroes, heroines and villains.
They are recognized by two generations
That precede and follow them; that’s all.
Nov., 2013
Efforts For Momentary Things
Knowing that our foot prints like others’ would die,
We leave our footprints made of many efforts
As knowing that our life would come to an end,
We lead our life with struggles against all odds.
Nov., 2013
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Escapism is sweet.
Be it from a burden,
Loss, pain or a threat.
Death is escapism.
Nov., 2013
In The End
In the last segment of one’s life,
One may suffer a fatal disease,
Lose dear ones to be near and care
And get ones unkind and heartless.
Then even an atheist will invoke God.
Nov., 2013
%%%%%%%%%The Essence Of Senses
Commonsense is not alike in all ones.
It depends upon one’s intelligence,
And gains its strength from one’s experience.
No sense is wholesome without commonsense.
Nov., 2013
More For Hatred
Bees steal from flowers; bears plunder beehives.
Bees called bears thieves; bears called bees thieves.
They justify their actions and hate others.
Beings have more for hatred than for love.
Nov., 2013
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Hopes And Fears
A hope, though in vain, serves as a tonic.
A fear, though baseless, takes its toll on one.
Hope and fear are elusive till their ends.
Humans have no alternative to these.
Nov., 2013
To Beget No Child Gains Merit.
The world is turning worse to inhabit.
Must our children suffer more than we?
Children aren’t grateful to their old parents.
Must we invest on children for our end?
Population has quadrupled during
A hundred years, just past. Must we add?
A birth is a rebirth. Must we aid to it?
Dec., 2013
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Death Is Not The Harvest Of Life
Swami Ramona Maharishi!
He lived a humble, holy life.
He blessed a lot; he cured a lot.
He lived without stress, without strains.
He suffered a terrible end.
Not yet ripe, he developed cancer,
Suffered repeated surgery
And died after two year agony.
Sri SathyaSai Baba, His Highness!
A God incarnation, he claimed.
He healed all by super power.
He predicted the time of his death.
He died a decade earlier.
He suffered a horrible death
After two months intensive care,
When acute pain ruled him throughout..
Their way of life does not deserve
The type of end they were to get.
Their sufferings must have been worse
Than the most of their devotees.
What does it mean and signify?
Death is not the harvest of life.
Because you live a worthy life
You can’t ensure a painless death.
Dec., 2013
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Poetry Defined
Poetry is a sort of painting
Or a spurt of one’s emotions.
Sometimes, it revolts or judges.
Sometimes, it praises or condemns.
Obscurity is its beauty;
Subtlety is its finery.
Imaginations focus light.
Similes and metaphors aid.
Rhythm makes it the poetry.
Metres measure intonation.
Rhymes are ornaments for the sound.
Alliterations enrich tones.
Let it have some message, the soul.
Dec., 2013
Egos Modify Qualities
Dignity is out of the ego thickened;
Jealousy is out of the ego weakened.
Pardon is out of the ego elated.
Revenge is out of the ego wounded.
Greed and mean are from the ego scared.
Mercy results from the ego at rest.
Dec., 2013
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Fully Wiped By Death
How his body was disposed of,
How his funeral was attended,
How the things he valued were wasted
And how he would be remembered,
He cannot know after he’s dead.
Even that he’s ever lived on the earth
Or that he has already been dead
Is not known to him after death.
To believe this truth, ask anyone
Who had anesthesia treatment.
Dec., 2013
Let Us Empathize
Beauties are there; blinds too;
Melodies are there; the deaf too;
Singers are there; the dumb too;
Dancers are there; lames too.
Let us empathize with the latter.
Dec., 2013
Only Man Is Blameworthy.
We choose a path at every fork;
When it goes wrong, we don’t blame it.
We pick up advice from those offered;
When it goes wrong, we blame the adviser.
Man would become bitter only with man.
Dec., 2013
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Anyone Can Write Poems.
Metres need not be kept.
nbsp; That much becomes easier.
Rhymes can be dispensed with.
That much becomes easier.
No need of equal length of lines;
That much becomes easier.
Poets have sanctions to err.
That much becomes easier.
It is easy to write poems
Than prose for anyone.
Dec., 2013
A wasteful Exercise
An anthology of poems was published
By a society of the learned poets
With a set of poems written by members.
Each member was supplied a copy of it.
No member was keen to read other than his,
Not to say about the public who read nil.
So is the case of many anthologies.
A wasteful exercise; so is money.
Dec., 2013
Comparison with the past is deadly.
It can be more the source of sorrow.
Memory is the seat of comparisons.
One is free of it when one is no more.
Dec., 2013
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Where Is The Rebirth?
People have learnt to preserve anything.
A dead body can be kept endlessly
But the memory cannot be preserved.
Without memory, where is the rebirth?
Dec., 2013
The Conditioned Mind
Two eyes apart, one nose below between
And one mouth still below is the set up
Of a face of human or an animal
To which our seeing has been conditioned.
The effect of the entropy (Logical Poems) Page 4