Lands of Nowhere

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Lands of Nowhere Page 9

by Shannah Jay

  From behind him came another outburst of hissing and clicking. Benjan swung round, ready to defend himself.

  'No violence,' said the largest spider they’d yet seen, one who was almost completely yellow. 'Iss no need.

  Elder Ssister iss quite safe.' A leg indicated itself. 'This one iss Elder SS'Habi. Speak with Herra today. Elder Ssister iss tired, but safe.'

  'When will we see Herra for ourselves?' demanded Benjan. 'I'm worried about her. It's my job to look after her. If you've hurt her in any - '

  'Not hurt. This one cannot hurt anyone. Giver of Words cannot hurt anyone. Must not even think violence here in Dsheresh. Pleasse, must not! Disturbs alignment.'

  'How are you going to stop me?' Benjan shook his hostage, not enough to hurt the creature, but enough to give warning that he meant business.

  The spider produced a blue stone from a pouch slung across its body. 'Stop with this. Iss stone of sleep.

  Iss to stop violence. Must not have violence in Dsheresh Vale! Giver of Words must have peace. Let go, please. No violence or sleep again.'

  Benjan stared at the creature and it stared back.

  'I want no violence,' he said at last, releasing the legs he had been holding. 'But I must see that Herra is safe. Can you not take me to her? Just me? The others will wait here.' He gestured to Davred to remain silent.

  There was silence. 'Iss possible. Name iss?'

  'Benjan. It's my job to look after the Elder Sister. I gave her my promise.'

  'Benjan.' It sounded more like Bhendshan. A leg waved at him. 'Must touch. Feel truth in Benjan. Iss no danger.' The limb indicated Benjan's forehead. 'Speak with Herra like this. Must touch to see truth. Iss no danger.' The limb hovered, as if waiting for permission, but Benjan took a step backwards, hesitating.

  Katia stepped forward. 'Touch me first. I'll know if it's safe.' She walked across the clearing and held out her hands to the Elder SS'Habi. 'I'm not afraid of you and I mean no violence, but I too am worried about Herra. Is she really safe?'

  The SS'Habi hissed softly. 'Iss Katia?'

  'Yes. That's my name.'

  'Iss blessed by Giver of Words.' The Elder SS'Habi moved forward and stopped two paces away from Katia. A leg rose slowly and Katia stretched out her hand to touch it. Very gently it touched her hand, then slid another leg up her arm. As the tip settled across her forehead, Katia closed her eyes, her expression serene and confident.

  A voice behind Davred said softly, 'Katia iss blessed by Giver of Words. Iss no danger. Violence iss not possible here.'

  It was agony to Davred to let Katia risk herself and their unborn twins, but he knew that she had a Gift for communicating with animals and presumably that would also apply to other species. It was likely that she would be better able to speak to this SS'Habi than any of them.

  Benjan edged forward and whispered to Davred, 'Are you sure she's safe?'

  'Yes. She was starting to show a Gift for this sort of thing before we left - not that any of us has had much chance to work on our Gifts in the last few months. Don't worry. I'll feel it immediately if she's being hurt in any way.'

  'She looks relaxed. I don't think it's hurting her.'

  Davred kept his eyes on his wife. 'What do you think they meant when they said, "blessed by Giver of Words"?'

  The other spider must have been listening, because its soft hissing voice joined in the conversation again.

  'Iss carry young, this Katia. Giver of Words bless young. Iss great honour.'

  Davred swung round. 'How in all creation can you tell that?'

  'Iss shine in eyes. Katia iss blessed among woman. Have children . . . ' The voice faltered, searching for words, then resumed its halting attempts to communicate. 'Important children. New Gifts. Giver of Words bless young with Gifts. Iss honour. Iss joy.'

  Still holding one of the legs in her hand, Katia moved slowly across the clearing. 'Join us, my Davred. Let us share a Gathering with our new friends.' She smiled radiantly at Benjan. 'Ask the others to gather, will you, dear Kinsman?' She used a formal tone, and it felt to Benjan as if somewhere, far away, temple chimes were sounding.

  Cheral stepped forward from the shadows, Fiana and Carryn following. Jonner came last, watchful and suspicious as usual, but always ready to join in a Gathering. As Narla hesitated, not knowing what to do, Fiana and Carryn went over and took her hands.

  'Join us,' said Carryn. 'We call it a Gathering. It's beautiful.'

  'I know what a Gathering is - my mother was a Sister - but I don't know how to do it. She died before I was old enough to learn.'

  'Just sit down and think of something beautiful. Find the peace within you. When we do that together, it makes us all feel good. I can't gather properly, either, but I still join in. You'll see.' Carryn lost a little of her own nervousness in the need to comfort the bewildered and tear-stained Narla.

  As silence settled over the clearing, SS'Habi crept from the bushes to form a second circle around the group of strangers and the Elder SS'Habi. They stood linked, with the tips of one leg touching a leg of the next SS'Habi.

  Benjan bowed his head and took the lead. 'Let us gather! Brother, look down upon your Kindred.'

  Cheral stared at him in amazement that he should dare to take over the ceremony when she was the eldest present, but the power that vibrated behind his words stifled her doubts and she bowed her head. What did it matter who led them into union with their Brother?

  Sunlight glinted through the leaves. Then the light changed, darkened slightly and began to flicker. A transparent scene in blues and pinks superimposed itself on the edge of the circle. Herra was there, faint but unmistakable. She looked tired, but not unhappy. And there was something else. A row of - were they rocks or giant deleff? It was hard to make them out clearly. The air seemed to fold itself around them in pleats that distorted vision. It was like heat rising from a fire or hot sunshine dancing over the desert. But they could all sense the presence - neither malevolent nor friendly, just alien and strange beyond their comprehension.

  Then the superimposed image winked out of existence and the two circles of humans and SS'Habi were left, linked now in a certainty that neither species wished harm to the other, whatever their different needs and aims in life.

  'Return to yourselves,' Benjan's deep voice commanded. 'And may our Brother bless us all!'

  Silence stretched over the clearing for several moments before anyone moved or spoke.

  'Iss good,' said a voice, now easily recognisable as that of the Elder SS'Habi. 'Iss good to share peace. Giver of Words share peace with all. Great iss honour. Great iss joy.'

  Slowly the Elder SS'Habi rose and the other SS'Habi moved back. 'Will bring food. Soon. Stay in peace.'

  'What happened?' asked Narla shakily, when none of them spoke. 'What happened to us?'

  'We gathered,' said Katia. 'A double, no, a triple Gathering. Our three species were linked together. The SS'Habi and the deleff shared their love of peace with us and we shared our Quest for Wisdom with them.

  May our Brother bring peace to us all!'

  Eventually, Jonner broke the spell. 'Well, now that's over, let's hope the food arrives quickly. I'm famished.'

  Great platters of fruit appeared, vegetables, bread and cakes, each carried by two grey spiders. Jonner looked at the platters in disappointment. 'What I really fancy is a nice roast enga-hen, stuffed with fenyl-nuts.

  Best meat in the world, that is. This stuff,' he waved a hand at the platters, 'doesn't stick to your stomach for more than an hour.'

  Benjan offered a platter to Carryn, made sure she put enough food on her leaf and piled a huge heap of bread and vegetables on his own. 'You always have to grumble about something, Jonner. Why don't you just shut up and eat?' But his tone was friendly, and he was teasing, not threatening. Jonner grinned back at him.

  'Have you ever tried enga-hen?'

  'No. I've never even heard of it before.'

  'Well, if we're ever in Fen-Halani together, I'll treat
you to one - or two, knowing your appetite. Then you'll see what I mean.'

  "Three would be even better." Benjan grinned.

  It was impossible to quarrel after a Gathering.

  After the meal they rested for an hour, then the SS'Habi came to insist that they bathe again. When Jonner refused loudly and bluntly, Benjan just picked him up, carried him to the pool and dropped him in. Carryn laughed until she cried at the expression on Jonner's face, then she started to take her own clothes off. For once, she looked like the child she was.

  'These clothes they've given me are too tight,' she said, frowning as she took her underclothes off. 'I feel sore.' She indicated her slight breasts. Cheral caught her breath, but said nothing. Herra had forbidden them to tell Carryn about her condition. And anyone could see that this was not the time to burden the poor child with the news that her rape had resulted in a pregnancy. She shook her head warningly at Fiana, ignored Jonner's knowing glances and began to take her own robe off, as neatly and briskly as she did everything.

  'Don't waste time, child,' she ordered in her novice-mistress voice. 'Our hosts are feeding us well, so if they want us to bathe three times a day, then bathe we will. I have no objection to keeping myself clean.'

  In spite of the bathing, time dragged for the rest of the afternoon. They knew that Herra was alive, and they knew that the SS'Habi meant them no harm, but still uneasiness hovered at the edge of their minds. They were all weary, as if the long sleep had sapped their energy. At Herra's age, who knew what effect the continued strain of attempting to communicate with the High Council would have? They questioned Narla and learned a little more about the SS'Habi and about Dsheresh Kashal, but there was nothing they could do, and that galled an active man like Benjan.

  At dusk another meal was brought to them, similar to the first.

  'Don't say anything, Jonner,' said Benjan. 'We all know you'd prefer roast enga-hen, and maybe I'd like a bit of meat too, but we don't want to hear any more grumbles from you. Here, have some fruit!' He tipped a pile of glowberries on to Jonner's plate, popped one in the trader's mouth as it opened to protest, then turned back to serve Carryn.

  Another period of uneasy rest and desultory conversation, then the SS'Habi appeared.

  'No need to tell us!' exclaimed Jonner. 'Mussssst bathe. Musssst. Clean. Very clean.'

  Carryn clapped her hands. 'You sound just like one of them, Jonner. Do it again!'

  Jonner preened. 'Pleasssse come. Iss bathe. Clean. Very clean. Mussst.'

  Carryn linked her arm with Narla's. 'Come on. I like bathing in those pools, don't you?'

  Cheral held her breath as Carryn led the way out of the clearing. She saw Benjan staring after the girl.

  'Don't you do anything to stop her! It wasn't healthy, the way she clung to you.'

  He turned to face her. 'I never would. You should know that, Kinswoman. Carryn's health and happiness are more important to me than my own.'

  Cheral's expression softened. 'Yes. I know. You've done her a world of good, Benjan. You must have some Gift of Nurture.'

  'You know better than that, Cheral. I love her, that's all.'

  She sighed. 'Yes. I know that too. But you must remember that she's still a child, in spite of what happened.'

  'I will. My sister was the same age when she vanished. Those of the Serpent took her to the shrine and we never saw her again. And even the Guild didn't dare make enquiries of them.' He didn’t tell her that his fellow Guild members had had to restrain him to prevent him from breaking into the shrine himself, so upset had he been.

  'If your sister has moved to another life-stage, then she is no doubt happy again, and beyond needing our help.' Cheral did not like the sadness that was graven on those rock-like features. Benjan had brooded for long enough and must let go of that deep grief and anger. 'Now, we can't stand here gossiping all day. Those spiders are waiting for us to wash. Come along!'

  When they reached the pools, the Elder SS'Habi was waiting for them. 'Benjan musst wash in other pool.

  Clean. Very clean. Iss great honour. Meet Giver of Words. Carry Elder Sister back.'

  Cheral swung round, 'What did you say? Carry Herra back? What's wrong with her? Why can't she walk? Is she hurt?'

  'Not hurt. Iss sleeping. Tired. Very tired. Speak long time with Giver of Words. Show truth. Needs sleep now.' One yellow-furred leg touched Benjan's sleeve. 'Come. Iss need. Wash very clean. Bring Elder Ssisster back.'

  'But . . . ' Cheral began.

  Benjan laid his hand on her arm. 'Do as they say, Kinswoman. I'll take great care of Herra, you know that.

  You wait here and keep the others from fretting.'

  After bathing in a pool whose dark waters held no reflection of the two near-full moons above, Benjan was given different clothes to wear, soft creamy-yellow garments which glistened in the moonlight. He was then led away down the mosaic-covered path, leaving an anxious group to sit and wait for Herra in the grove.

  Once down by the lake, Benjan was asked to wash again at the entrance to the grove. With infinite patience, he did as he was bidden. He could sense no threat, no danger. On the other side of the waterfalls, he donned the fresh clothes he was given and accepted a chaplet of flowers for his damp hair. He had a little trouble getting his balance, but the gentle furred legs holding each arm seemed to help, and he walked steadily forward with the two SS'Habi into the strangeness of the grove.

  Since his guides said nothing, he kept quiet. When he tried to look around him, he found that his balance was disturbed, so he concentrated on taking one step at a time, waiting for his first sight of Herra and ever alert for possible danger.

  His guides paused and a voice whispered, 'Iss sacred place. Elder Ssisster honour Giver of Words. Special walk, like in temple.'

  Benjan guessed what the SS'Habi meant and began the half-dancing steps he had been taught to use in the Kindred's ceremonies. His balance gradually improved so that he could move without the SS'Habi's help, but he still couldn’t bring the scene around him into focus.

  'Stop, please.'

  He stopped. There were no more instructions, so he waited in silence for someone to tell him what to do.

  'Two steps forward, please.'

  Benjan obliged.

  'Close eyes.'

  He did so with his usual lack of fuss. At once, he could sense something probing his mind. Something that was very alien, but he had no sense of danger, so he stood still and endured it. After a while, the feeling faded.

  'Please leave now,' murmured the soft voice. 'Fetch Elder Ssisster now.'

  Once outside the disturbing place of darkness, Benjan regained his sense of balance and began to see more clearly, though there was still a bizarre feel to his surroundings, as if the scene were sliding away at the periphery of his vision. They went along a tunnel of foliage to a little clearing where there was something pale lying on what looked like a couch. He bent down and found that it was Herra, dressed in the same glistening material as he was. Anxiously, he felt her pulse. Slow, but strong. He breathed a sigh of relief.

  'Can carry?' asked a voice. 'This tufful not able to leave grove.'

  'Yes.' He did not waste time asking what a tufful was, but scooped Herra up in his arms, amazed to find that she weighed less even than Carryn.

  'Giver of Words thanks Elder Ssisster. Understands better now. Must understand.'

  The SS'Habi ranged themselves on either side of Benjan and guided him out of the sacred grove. He sighed with relief as the world fell back into true focus, then stared up at the sky. Never had the moons seemed so bright and welcoming!

  Cradling Herra close to him, he began to stride up the hill towards his friends. No, towards his family. For the first time since the disappearance of his sister, he had the security of knowing that he was not alone.

  'Thank you, Brother,' he murmured. 'Thank you for giving me another family. Thank you for letting me join your Kindred. And thank you most of all for returning Herra safely to us.'


  Herra slept soundly until the middle of the next day, by which time everyone was just about to leave for the second obligatory bathing session.

  Katia was the first to notice that Herra was awake, and ran across to take her hand. 'Herra! Are you all right? How do you feel?'

  Herra tried unsuccessfully to sit up, and Katia called out for Benjan to come and help move the Elder Sister into a more comfortable position. 'What have they done to you? They said they wouldn't hurt you!'

  Herra grasped Katia's hand. 'It's nothing, dear child, just the after-effects of speaking to the High Council.

  It affects one's sense of balance. It'll pass presently.'

  'Are you sure?'

  'I'm sure. It happens every time.'

  Katia gave a sigh of relief and smiled. 'Oh, Herra, we were so worried about you!'

  'And I about you.'

  Benjan helped Herra to sit up with her back against a tree and everyone gathered around her.

  She smiled at them. 'I'm so glad to see that you've all recovered from the portal. How do you feel?'

  'Well enough. It's you we're worried about.' Davred bent to kiss her cheek and her hand moved to his head in a brief benediction.

  'Benjan had to carry you back last night,' said Cheral, breaking the spell, 'so I hope you'll rest today and not strain yourself. At your age, Elder Sister . . . '

  Herra laughed aloud. 'I know that everything's all right when you start scolding me, Cheral.'

  The other woman bristled. 'Well, someone has to look after you!'

  'I know, Sister mine, I know. And it's usually you who tries. Don't think I'm not grateful.' Then she gazed round mischievously, for all her weakness. 'Now, what I really want is a wash.'

  A chorus of groans greeted that remark.

  'You can do too much bathing,' said Jonner sourly. 'I mean, it's good to be clean - I was never one to let myself get dirty - but at this rate our skin'll go soggy. Just look at my hands! Pure white, they are. And soft! If I had to carry a few boxes, I'd be covered in blisters.'


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