Sex & Lies

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Sex & Lies Page 4

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Please open the door.”

  Faith reluctantly opened the door. “I’m only letting you in for the neighbors’ sake.”

  “Zac knows.”

  “Knows what?”

  “He knows about us.”

  “US! There is NO US!”

  Faith turned her back and walked away from Ryan. She should have guessed that Zac would have figured it out.

  Ryan walked over to Faith and stood in front of her. He looked down and sure enough she wasn’t wearing Zac’s ring. “Did Zac break your engagement because of me?”

  Again Faith turned around so that she didn’t have to look at Ryan. “No. I did.”

  Ryan wrapped both of his arms around Faith and rested his cheek against hers. Faith tried to pull away but Ryan held onto her. “Faith, I don’t hate you. I need you…”

  Faith broke away, spun around and smacked Ryan across the face. “You’re a fucking jerk. You think that because Zac and I broke up that it is ok for you to force your way into my home and ask for sex?”

  Ryan was hurt that Faith thought so little of him. “Actually, I guess I was a fucking jerk to think that I could come here with any hope of us…”

  Faith could see the hurt look on Ryan’s face. “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I.” Ryan turned around and walked out.

  Faith stood there watching as he closed the door behind him. Then she suddenly realized that she needed to go after him. She dropped her towel and started pulling on some clothes.

  Ryan got inside his car and pulled out a flask from the glove box and started drinking. He finally found a woman he was capable of loving and he fucked it up. He looked up when he heard a horn honk and a whistle. Faith was running over to his car in the shortest boy shorts he had ever seen and a short white tank top that was pretty much see through.

  “RYAN!” Faith banged on the window.

  Ryan opened the car door and got out. “What the hell, Faith?”

  “You left before I could give you this.” Faith grabbed Ryan’s face and crashed her lips down on his.

  Ryan grabbed Faith by her ass and picked her up. Faith wrapped her legs around his waist. She could already feel his cock growing hard against her. Ryan walked them across the street and back into Faith’s house. Ryan sat down on the couch and it was only then that he pulled his lips from Faith’s.

  “If this is just about sex…”

  “It’s not. It’s about us.”

  Ryan smiled. “Us.”

  Faith nodded. “Us. I love you so much.”

  “And I love you.”

  “So where do we go from here?”

  “Will you be my…girlfriend?”

  Faith kissed Ryan. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Ryan returned her kiss. “Can we celebrate now?”

  Faith stood up and practically ripped off Ryan’s pants while he undressed her and then pulled her back onto his lap and impaled her with his cock. Faith leaned forward and bit down on Ryan’s shoulder. “Ohhh, Ryan!”

  Lacey sat down with her drink and not a second later Dane dropped down into the chair across from her.

  “I hope this seat wasn’t reserved for someone else?” Dane smiled.

  Lacey looked at Dane and smiled. “Reserved.” Lacey giggled. “I should be so lucky.”

  Dane picked up the menu. “So what’s good here?”


  “What did you decide to eat?”

  Lacey knew what she wanted to eat but sadly, Dane was not on the menu. “I think I’m going to have the eggplant rollatini.”

  “I think I’m going to go with the lasagna.” Dane put down his menu.

  “Have you heard from Miguel or Alex?”

  “No, I haven’t. I hope that Alex is keeping Miguel too busy to think about work.”

  “I’m happy for them.” Lacey smiled.

  “I bet Alex is pregnant already.” Dane laughed.

  “Since baby Cruz came along, having a baby of their own is all they talk about.”

  “I never asked, Lacey, do you have any children?”

  “I do. I have a daughter, Molly. She’s seven.”

  “I bet she’s as beautiful and smart as her mother.”

  Lacey blushed. “I know that you’re not married but do you have any children?”

  Children. Dane shuddered at the thought. What would he do with a child. He could barely take care of himself. “None that I’ve been made aware of.” Dane winked.

  “Not a fan of children?”

  “I’m not parent material.”

  “Parent material?” Lacey laughed.

  “My childhood was rough. I left home as soon as I could and joined the Marines to get away. I never let anyone into my life long enough to ever consider settling down, moreover, have children.” Dane sat back and looked at Lacey. He’d never talked about his life with anyone but Miguel and Miles and here he was spilling his guts. “Sorry, I got carried away.”

  “No, I’m sorry that you had a rough childhood and…”

  “Don’t feel sorry for me.”

  Lacey looked down as if she had done something wrong. “I’m sorry.”

  Dane reached across the table and took Lacey’s hand. “Hey, I just meant that, I’m ok, I survived.”

  “Well, I’m happy you did.” Lacey smiled.

  Dane could look at her smile all day. What the hell…did Lacey have a spell on him? He felt so comfortable with her…too comfortable. It must be because she’s married…yeah, that was it.

  The waitress came over to the table. “So, can I start you off with some drinks?”


  “I’ll just have another iced tea, please.”

  “I’ll have a double Jameson straight up, thank you.”

  “I will be right back with those drinks.”

  “You’re not a drinker tonight?”

  “I’m driving.”

  “If you want to drink you can always grab a ride home with me and we can get your car in the morning?”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I think I’ll pass.”

  “Excuse me a minute, I have to take this call.” Dane got up from the table.

  Lacey exhaled. Her nerves were shot, maybe she should have a drink.

  Eden came around the bend and caught a glimpse of Miles with Cruz in the tub.

  “What’s going on in here?” Eden smiled.

  “Cruz wanted a Mohawk.”

  “Cruz, did you want a bubbly bubble Mohawk?”

  Miles nodded Cruz’s head. “He did, Babe.” Miles winked.

  “I think that you have more fun with tub time than our little man does.”

  “Why don’t we take bubble baths?”

  “We could after Cruz is asleep.” Eden gave Miles a sexy smile.

  “Did you hear that Cruz…tub time is over. Let’s rinse off that Mohawk and get you all dry and ready for bed.”

  “Oh poor Cruz, is Daddy ditching you for bubble bath sex.” Eden laughed.

  “Oh come on, Eden, don’t make me feel guilty.”

  “It’s already twenty minutes past his bedtime if that makes you feel any less guilty.”

  Miles scooped up Cruz and rolled him into his big warm towel. “I’ll be back after I get him down.” Miles kissed Eden on the cheek.

  “I’ll be waiting in the tub wearing bubbles.”

  Miles practically ran to Cruz’s room to get him ready for bed.

  FAITH WATCHED RYAN AS he slept. She was wondering if he’d change his mind about the whole relationship thing once he woke up and was completely sober. Even if he didn’t change his mind she was worried that after a while that maybe he would stray. Ryan had never had a girlfriend, he wasn’t used to commitment and Lord only knew if he was capable of being faithful.

  Ryan opened his eyes and looked over at Faith, he could see that she was deep in thought and that made him feel a bit nervous. He was afraid that maybe she had changed her mind about them.

  “Good morning

  Faith looked back over at Ryan. “Good morning.”

  Ryan could sense the tension radiating from Faith. He sat up in the bed. “You regret what happened last night, don’t you?”

  Faith opened her eyes wide and looked at Ryan who looked as nervous as she felt. “I was afraid that you would.”

  “Me? No. Faith, I love you.”

  Faith closed her eyes and when she opened them Ryan was staring at her. He looked as if he had been holding his breath while waiting for her response. “I don’t have any regrets. I love you too, Ryan.”

  Ryan grabbed Faith and pulled her into his arms. “I, Ryan DiPietro, being of sound mind and body, love you, Faith Marie Nichols, without regret.”

  “I guess I hoped for this for so long that I just can’t believe you’re all mine.”

  Ryan kissed Faith on her cheek and then rolled her over and entered her with one quick thrust. “Oh, I am all yours…all of me!”

  “I love every inch of you, Ryan.”

  Ryan gave Faith a devilish grin. “Then I will give you every inch.”

  “Oh God, oh God…”

  Ryan kissed Faith and muffled her moans. He never felt so happy.

  Miles walked into the coffee shop and looked around for Dane but didn’t see him anywhere so he decided to grab a cup of coffee and sit down and wait.

  “Miles, hey.”

  Miles turned around and his father was standing there.

  “Hey, sit down.”

  “I only have a few minutes and then I have to pick up your mother from the grocery store.”

  “That’s ok, I’m waiting for my friend…who is late.”

  “So how is Eden and your boy?”

  “They’re very well, thank you.”

  “We’d love to have you come for dinner sometime.”

  “How about Sunday dinner?”

  Miles’ father nodded his head. “Your mother will be ecstatic.”

  “I will have Eden make some of her famous flan.”

  “Say, one o’clock?”


  “You know son, I’m so happy that you’ve come back into our lives.”

  “Me too, Dad.” Miles smiled and his father smiled back with tears in his eyes.

  Dane couldn’t seem to move this morning and now it was as if every car on the road was driving below the speed limit and he caught every red light. He was fit to be tied. He despised being late. He finally parked the car and then headed into the coffee shop.

  “Dane, over here.” Miles waved his hand.

  “I’m sorry that I’m late, it’s been a hell of a morning.”

  “Too much sex and not enough sleep?” Miles grinned.

  “Something like that. I’m going to grab a cup of coffee do you want another?”

  Miles looked in his cup. “Yeah, if you don’t mind.”

  Dane walked over to the counter to get the coffee. The woman at the counter reminded him of Lacey. Dane smiled and then shook his head. Why was everything about Lacey lately? He knew she was married and even if she wasn’t, he didn’t want a wife…but did he?

  “Sir, excuse me, Sir, your coffee is ready.”

  Dane looked up. “Oh, I’m sorry, my mind is elsewhere.” Dane took the coffee and headed back over to the table.

  Miles reached up for his cup. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome.” Dane sat down and started drinking his coffee.

  Miles watched Dane who was usually alert and sharp as a tack but he looked…confused? “Dane, what’s up, Man?”

  “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  “No, I’m good. So let’s discuss the Grimaldi’s.”

  “They’ve been pretty quiet but I’m sure once the case goes to court next week things may change.”

  “Miguel’s orders were to keep Ryan safe. Right now I have a shadow on him but I think that maybe once the trial starts we need to add another man until we’re sure there won’t be any retaliation.”

  “Yeah, good idea.”

  “Ok, I will set things up.” Dane placed down his empty cup. “I’ll see you at the office.”

  “Dane, if you decide you want to talk about it, I’m only a phone call away.”

  Dane patted Miles on the shoulder. “Thanks, Man.”

  Ryan didn’t want to leave Faith and go to work. He did though and here he was stepping into the elevator wondering how he was going to look Zac in the face. He felt sorry for Zac.

  “Ryan, hold the elevator.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I told Zac that I’d be in to talk to him about a case he had some questions on.”

  “When will you be back full-time?”

  Eden sighed. “Two weeks.”

  “Eden, you can afford to stay home, so why don’t you?”

  “I don’t know. I love Cruz and I don’t want to miss a moment with him but I do miss working.”

  “Maybe we can cut your case load or you can work part-time from home? Let me talk to the partners and see what we can come up with.”

  Eden kissed Ryan on the cheek. “You’re the best.”

  “I know.” Ryan laughed.

  “OH MY GOD!”

  Miguel heard Alex and went running into the room. “Alex, what’s the matter?”

  Alex looked up. “Hold on, Faith.”

  “Nothing, I’m on the phone.”

  Miguel exhaled. “Next time you’re going to yell ‘OH MY GOD’ and nothing is the matter…warn me!” Miguel walked back out of the room.

  Alex giggled. “Sorry, Honey.”

  “So, Faith, I can’t believe Ryan actually stopped acting like a child.”


  “What? After all these years my brother is finally being a big boy.”

  “Ohhh, he is a big boy alright!” Faith laughed.


  “Alex, I’ve never been this happy…ever.”

  “I’m so happy for you both.”

  “What if he gets bored though and strays?”

  “Faith, he told you that he loves you. I’m sure he realizes that by saying that, it means all other women are off limits.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Don’t suppose. If it bothers you then talk to him about it.”

  “I don’t want to freak him out.”

  “Better to freak him out before something happens than to be freaked out after it does.”

  “So you think he might stray?”

  “No, I think that you two need to be specific with how committed you are and if you are dating exclusively. I don’t think he’d stray if he says that you are exclusive.”


  “I’m going to hit the beach now with my husband. I will call you later.”

  “Tell McHottie, I said hello.”

  “I will.”

  “Love you. Bye.”

  “Me too, Bye”

  Two weeks later…

  RYAN AND DARLA WERE working late on the Grimaldi case. The jurors had been chosen and the trial was about to begin.

  “Nervous about tomorrow?”

  Ryan closed his briefcase. “No. I’m confident I can win this case.”

  Darla walked over to Ryan and rubbed his ass. “Me too.”

  Ryan moved away. “I’m seeing someone.”

  Darla kissed Ryan’s neck. Ryan backed up. “Darla, did you not hear me?”

  Darla was shocked. She looked at Ryan. “Wow! You were serious?”

  “Yes, of course I’m serious.”

  “I’m sorry. Wow, you’re such a player. I really thought you were joking.”

  “No joke. I’ve been seeing someone.”

  “Ok. Well, I will let you get home to her then.” Darla packed up her briefcase. “Good night.”

  “Good night, Darla.”

  Miguel stopped outside the front door and turned towards Alex and kissed her. Then he opened the door, scooped Alex up into his ar
ms and carried her over the threshold.

  “Miguel, you are such a romantic.”

  Miguel kissed Alex before placing her down. “Romantic but also superstitious.” Miguel laughed.

  “Really, you’re superstitious?”

  “When it comes to you, yes.” Miguel grabbed Alex and hugged her. “I love you and I will do everything in my power to make sure that I never live a day without you in my life.”

  “I love you, Mr. Cruz.” Alex kissed Miguel.

  Ryan walked out of his office, reached for his phone and texted Faith to let her know that he was on his way home. He placed his phone back into his pocket and stepped off the curb when out of nowhere a car came speeding by and hit him. Ryan was thrown up in the air before hitting the ground.

  Darla was on her way out of the building and saw a car speeding away. A second car came screeching over and a man leapt out from the passenger side before it took off in pursuit of the first car. It was then that she saw Ryan on the ground. Darla screamed. “RYAN! NO!”

  The man looked up at Darla. “Call 911!”

  Darla pulled her phone from her purse and dialed while the man texted someone on his phone.

  Ryan opened his eyes and could see Craig, one of Miguel’s men, hovering over him and he could hear Darla’s voice. He tried to speak but before he could, he passed out again.

  “Ryan, open your eyes.” Darla held his hand until the ambulance arrived.

  “You ride in back with him and I’ll ride up front.” Craig closed the ambulance door after Ryan was placed inside and then he walked to the front and got in. He looked at the ambulance driver. “I appreciate you allowing me to ride along.”

  The ambulance driver nodded. “My superiors said to follow your orders.”

  Craig knew that Miguel must have intervened once he received his text.


  Alex came running down the stairs. “What’s the matter?”

  Miguel reached for Alex’s hand. “Ryan was hit by a car. We need to…”

  “OH MY GOD…”

  “Craig doesn’t think it is life threatening…”


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