Sex & Lies

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Sex & Lies Page 11

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Shhh. Let’s forget the past. You’re mine now.”

  “You forgive me?”

  “I love you, of course I forgive you.”

  “I promise I won’t see him again. In fact, he’s probably done with me anyway for standing him up last night.”

  “For me?” Ryan smiled.

  “Yes, and because I was in shock, I completely forgot and never even called him.”

  “Score one for me.”

  “There is no score. You are the winner.”

  Ryan kissed Faith. “I love being the winner.”

  RYAN STOOD OUTSIDE HIS office door. He’d been back from the dead for a month now but today was his first day back at work. So much had changed since the last time he walked out of his office.

  “Ryan!” Ryan turned around and Darla was standing there with her arms out.

  “Hey.” Ryan hugged her.

  “It’s so great to see you.”

  “It’s good to be back.”

  “How about we go for a drink after work?”

  “I can’t, I’m meeting Faith.”

  “Oh. I assumed that she was still with Cliff.”

  Ryan never asked Faith who it was that she had been seeing but it made sense that it was Cliff since he knew that she had been working with him. “No she isn’t and actually we’re engaged now.”

  “Engaged. Wow. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Well I had better let you get to work. Good to have you back.” Darla walked away.

  Ryan walked into his office and looked around. Nothing had changed except for the size of the stack of folders on his desk which had grown over the months. But damn it felt good to be back.

  Eden picked up Cruz to pack him up for daycare and he bit her. “Miles! Miles! Come quick!”

  Miles came running into Cruz’s room. “What’s the matter?”

  “Cruz bit me.”

  Miles laughed. “Eden, you screamed because Cruz bit you?”


  “He’s not a shark.” Miles laughed again. “Did he draw blood?”

  “No. Miles, you don’t get it. He has two teeth!”

  “Teeth? When did he get those?”

  “I guess sometime between today and when he bit me last.”

  Miles picked up Cruz. “Hey Buddy, let Daddy see those little chicklets.” Miles stuck his finger into Cruz’s mouth to check out his teeth and Cruz bit him. “Ouch!”

  “Oh Miles, he’s not a shark!”

  “Alright, alright. I’m sorry I teased you.”

  “Our little man has teeth. Next he’ll be crawling.”

  Miles kissed Cruz on his cheek. “Slow down on the growing, Little Man.”

  “Miles, how long do you want to wait before we have another baby?”

  “Wait? We don’t have to wait. I’m ready whenever you are.” Miles winked.

  Eden picked up Cruz and kissed him and then she placed him in his infant seat. “I love you but right now I want to have a quickie with your daddy.”

  Miles grabbed Eden and kissed her while she hiked up her skirt, unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. “Hurry, we’re going to be late.”

  Miles pulled down Eden’s panties and she yanked his cock from his pants. Miles picked her up and slid his cock inside Eden. “I hope we’re making another baby.”

  Miles groaned. “Mmm, me too but if not I’m always up for practicing.

  Faith sat at her desk thinking about Ryan and missing him. She knew that by now he’d be back in his corner office working. She leaned her head back and smiled. Then she reached for the phone and called him.

  “Hello, Beautiful.”


  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.”

  “It’s great to be back but I can’t wait to be home with you tonight.”

  “Only eight hours.”

  “Eight long hours.”

  “Zac just came in. I’ll call you later.”

  “I love you.”

  “Me too.”

  Faith hung up and looked down at her engagement ring. It was just a simple emerald cut diamond but it was hers and so was Ryan.

  Alex came bursting through Miguel’s door. “Miguel.”

  Miguel had a client in his office. He jumped up from his desk. “Excuse me.” Then he walked over to where Alex was. “Is everything alright?”

  “I’m sorry. Lacey wasn’t at her desk and I didn’t know you had an appointment. I’ll go.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah.” Alex gave Miguel a quick smile and walked out.

  Miguel walked back over to his desk and sat down. “I’m sorry for the interruption but my wife needed to speak to me and didn’t realize I was in a meeting.”

  “Did she get to tell you what was so important?”

  “I’m sure it’s just business.”

  “Mr. Cruz, I’ve been married for thirty-six years and a woman never bursts through a door for no reason.”

  “You may be right.”

  “How about we continue this meeting tomorrow at eleven?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “A word of advice, never keep your wife waiting.”

  Miguel reached out his hand. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Ryan, I know I’ve said this before but it really is great to have you back.”

  “Not many people get a second chance.”

  “No they don’t.”

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  “Speaking of lucky, how’s Faith?”

  “She’s good. In fact, we’re engaged.” Ryan almost wasn’t going to tell Zac but then he decided it was better if he heard it from him than someone else.

  “Engaged. Wow.”

  Ryan chuckled. “Why is it that everyone replies with wow?”

  “I guess it’s because nobody ever thought that a guy like you would settle down.”

  “To be honest, I’m still kind of surprised myself.”

  “Faith is a smart, beautiful woman and you are very lucky to have her.”

  “I am.”

  Zac stood up. “Darla is available if you need help digging out from behind that pile of case folders.”


  Miguel finally found Alex in the conference room. “Here you are.”

  Alex looked up. “I’m sorry about before.”

  “You don’t ever have to apologize, Sweetheart.”

  “It wasn’t very professional of me to barge in like that unannounced.”

  “I can think of more unprofessional things than that, that we are both guilty of.” Miguel smiled.

  Alex giggled. “True, so I don’t feel as bad now.”

  “So what did you come to tell me?”

  Alex reached for Miguel’s hand. “I need you to clear your calendar for the month of October.”

  “What? Why?”

  “We are both going to be very busy.”


  “Yes, busy taking care of our new baby.”


  Alex smiled and nodded. “Baby.” She placed Miguel’s hand on her stomach. “Our baby.”

  “Our baby…OUR BABY!” Miguel grabbed Alex and hugged her and then pulled away and he dropped to his knees and kissed her stomach. “Our baby. Alex, I’ve never been so happy.” Miguel looked up and Alex was crying. “Why are you crying?”

  “They’re happy tears. I’ve wanted to have your baby for so long and now it’s growing inside me.”

  “Let’s go tell Eden and Miles. Hell…let’s tell everyone.”

  “Miguel, I need to tell my parents first. Then our siblings and friends.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “I say, I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Miguel rested his hand on Alex’s stomach. “And I love you.”

  “FAITH, I’VE BEEN TRYING to track you down since last week.”

  Faith looked up and Cliff was standing there in her doorway. She hadn’t
spoken to him since she told him about Ryan and their engagement. “Looks like you’ve found me.”

  “Can I come in and sit down?”

  “Of course.” Faith motioned her hand for Cliff to take a seat.

  Cliff closed Faith’s door and then he sat down. “I’m here on behalf of DA Reynolds.”

  “Why, what’s up?”

  “Faith, DA Reynolds would like you to come and work for us at the DA’s office.”

  Faith sat back in her chair. “Oh!”

  “It won’t be the same as your cushy job here but it’s a good opportunity.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Yes would make a good answer.” Cliff smiled.

  “Cliff, I need some time to think about this.”

  “I understand.” Cliff stood up.

  “Cliff, can I ask you something?”


  “How do you feel about me working with you?”

  “I’m fine with it. Faith, I can’t say that Ryan rising up from the dead was easy because I really do like you. However, I know how much you love him and I’m happy for you guys. Plus, I’ve moved on and I’m seeing someone now.”

  Faith felt relieved that Cliff wasn’t expecting anything from her and that he moved on. “Thank you, Cliff. I’m happy for you too.”

  “So give me a call when you decide.”

  “I will.”

  “Goodbye, Faith.”

  “I’ll see you, Cliff.”

  Cliff walked out and Faith exhaled.

  Ryan found himself wandering through the baby section of the store. He couldn’t stop thinking about babies since he found out that Alex was pregnant.

  “Can I help you, Sir?”

  Ryan looked up at the young woman who was standing there offering to help him. “No, thank you, I’m just looking.”

  “Are you expecting a child?”

  “Hopefully I will be one day but right now I’m going to be an uncle.”

  “Well an uncle is still exciting.”

  “Yeah, I guess it is.”

  “If you decide you need anything I will be right over there.” The woman pointed to the far corner of the baby department.

  “Ok, thank you.” Ryan picked up a cute stuffed giraffe and smiled. Right now all he wanted to do was to go home and get Faith pregnant.

  Eden walked into the living room looking for Alex but she wasn’t there. She put Cruz down onto the floor and he took off crawling.

  “Is that my nephew tearing apart my house?” Miguel smiled.

  Eden hugged her brother. “It sure is.”

  “I can’t wait for Alex to have this baby already.”

  “You’re going to have to wait about five more months.”

  Miguel leaned over and picked up Cruz. “I will just have to keep this little guy then.”

  “Oh hell no, he’s mine…all mine.”

  “He’s half mine.” Miles walked in smiling.

  “Hey, Baby.” Eden leaned over and kissed Miles.

  “Get a room you two.”

  Miles laughed and Eden rolled her eyes at Miguel’s comment. “Do I have to remind you, Dear Brother, how Cruz was made?” Eden laughed.


  “Ut-oh, what did I miss?” Alex walked into the room and right over to Miguel. She reached her hands out and Cruz lifted up his little arms and Alex stole him away from Miguel. “Was Uncle Miggy yelling at your mommy?”

  “No, his mommy was trying to upset Uncle Miggy.”

  “Your husband still refuses to accept the fact that Miles and I have sex.” Eden laughed.

  Miles grabbed Eden’s hand. “We’re going to lunch now. Thank you for watching Cruz.”

  Alex waved Cruz’s hand. “Bye-bye, have a good time.”

  Miguel took Cruz back from Alex. “Why does she find it so funny to torture me like that?”

  “Because she knows she can.” Alex laughed.

  “Enough about Eden. Let’s watch this little man crawl around the house.” Miguel placed Cruz back down onto the floor.

  “I can’t wait until our little one is here.”

  Miguel smiled over at Alex. “I know, me too.”

  “Knock, knock!”

  Ryan was already smiling when he looked up at Faith. “Who’s there?”

  “Your fiancée.”

  “Then by all means come in.”

  Faith walked in and then closed the door behind her. “Do you have a minute to talk?”

  Ryan stood up and walked over to Faith. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, I just need to discuss something with you and I don’t want anyone to overhear.”

  Ryan grabbed Faith. “ARE YOU PREGNANT?”

  Faith looked at him like he had two heads. “What? No.”

  Ryan released his hold on Faith. “Oh.”

  Faith looked at Ryan who honestly looked disappointed. “Hey, what’s going on with you?”

  “I stopped at the store this morning to grab a gift for my secretary and I found myself shopping in the baby department.”

  “I see. So you’re feeling left out now that Alex is having a baby too?”

  “I guess, kind of.” Ryan pulled Faith into his arms and hugged her.

  “Ryan, it isn’t that I don’t want to have a baby but we haven’t even set a wedding date.”

  “Then let’s set one.”

  “Why are you in such a rush? Are you afraid that you’ll change your mind?”

  Ryan leaned back against his desk and exhaled. “Faith, I know that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and to be the mother of my children. I almost lost you once, I don’t want to wait any longer.”

  Faith reached for Ryan’s calendar and handed it to him. “Pick a date.”

  “Tomorrow. That’ll give you enough time to buy a dress.” Ryan winked.

  “How about three months from tomorrow?”

  Ryan grabbed Faith and kissed her. “It’s a date.”

  Eden sat down on the park bench and waited for Miles to return with their hot dogs. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

  “Two dogs with sauerkraut, Ma’am.”

  Miles sat down and stuffed half a hot dog down his throat.

  “I have been dying for a hotdog for weeks now.”

  “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

  “I don’t know. Since I had Cruz and went back to work it seems like everything is a blur these days.”

  “You know you don’t have to work, Eden.”

  “I know and that’s why I think I’m going to take an extended leave of absence.”


  “I miss Cruz so much when I’m at work that I don’t concentrate and then when I’m home I’m stressed about work. Besides, you know, I’d like to have another baby or five.” Eden giggled.


  “Ok, two more?”

  “How about we take them one at a time?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Miles.”

  “Ohhh, Ryan, I can’t believe we just had sex in your office. I came here to talk to you, not to have sex.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  “I will never complain about having sex with you.” Faith winked.

  Ryan tossed Faith her bra. “What did bring you over here?”

  “Cliff Rogers came to see me today.”

  Ryan was instantly jealous. “Cliff…what did he want?”

  “He was there on behalf of DA Reynolds…”

  “Reynolds sent him?”

  “Ryan, DA Reynolds wants me to come work for her at the DA’s office.”

  “Like permanently?”

  “Yes, I’d have to resign from my current position.”

  Ryan started to pace. He didn’t want to tell her no but he was jealous that she would be working side by side with Cliff. “Wow, so are you going to do it?”

  “I don’t know. What do you think?”

  “I think that you have to decide.”

  “Ryan, will it bother you if I work with Cliff? I know that you are not fond of him.”


  “The truth, Ryan?”

  “Ok, I’d be a little jealous but I trust you.”

  “Good because I think I’d really like to do this.”

  Ryan wrapped his arms around Faith. “I’ll support whatever decision you make.”

  “I think I’ll call DA Reynolds and discuss it further then.”

  “Just make sure she knows that in three months you’ll be taking a honeymoon.” Ryan smiled.

  A MONTH HAD PASSED since Faith turned in her resignation and today was her first day at the DA’s office. She opened the door to her new office and there was a huge vase of red roses sitting on her desk. She smiled as she walked over and took a sniff of the roses while she reached for the card. She knew without even opening the envelope that they were from Ryan. She read the card…


  Good luck today.

  Never forget how much I love you.



  Faith put the card down on her desk. She knew that Ryan was insecure about her working with Cliff and even though he said he was ok with it, reading his reminder of how much he loved her made her feel a bit guilty. Maybe she shouldn’t have taken the job if he was going to be that worried about Cliff.


  Faith turned around and Cliff was standing in her doorway. “Thank you.”

  Cliff walked over and pointed down at the roses. “Ryan?”

  “Yes. I think he wanted to make sure I didn’t forget about him while I was here at work.”

  “You mean while you were here with me at work?”

  “He’s a little insecure.”

  “I understand.”

  Faith felt very uncomfortable now. She decided she needed to change the subject. “So what is on the agenda for today?”

  “Why don’t you get settled in until our staff meeting at ten.”

  “Ok. I will see you there.”

  “You bet.” Cliff smiled and then walked out.

  Faith looked around at her office which was a cluttered mess of papers and boxes. She decided that she would start by clearing off her desk.


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