Sex & Lies

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Sex & Lies Page 14

by Michelle Iannarelli


  Ryan reached around and played with Faith’s clit until she finally came. Once she did Ryan started slamming Faith hard and fast until he too came. Then he laid back against the tub wall pulling Faith down with him. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you, Faith.”

  “I feel the same way about you.”

  “And next week you will be mine forever.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Miles sat on the couch staring at the picture of his unborn child. He decided he’d call his parents and tell them that they had another grandchild on the way.


  “Hey, Miles.”

  “Is Mom home?”

  “Yes, hang on, I’ll get her.”

  “Wait, Dad, can you have mom pick up the extension?”

  “Sure. Is everything ok, Son?”


  “Ok, hold on.”

  “It’s Miles, Dear, can you go and pick up the extension?”

  “Hello, Miles.”

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Are you alright?”

  “More than alright. I have some great news.”

  “Oh, well how long are you going to keep your father and I waiting?”

  “Eden’s pregnant.”

  “You work quickly, Son.”

  “Practice makes perfect, Dad.”

  “Oh, Miles, I’m so happy for you and Eden.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Please tell Eden how happy your father and I are.”

  “I will, Mom.”

  “When is the baby due?”


  “Oh that means that I need to make another Easter basket.”

  “Cruz is awake. I have to get going. Love you guys.”

  “We love you too.”

  “Goodbye, Son.”

  Miles hung up and ran to Cruz’s room. “Oh, I thought you were asleep?”

  Eden picked up Cruz and walked over to Miles. “I tried but I couldn’t fall asleep.”

  “I called my parents and told them. They were excited and said to tell you how happy they are and my mother is already making our little pumpkin an Easter basket.”

  “Aww, that’s so sweet.”

  “Do you worry that maybe you won’t love the new baby as much as Cruz or maybe you’ll love it more?”

  “No. I think we will love them both as much but in different ways.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “I’m always right.” Eden laughed.

  “You go and lay down, I will feed this lil man.” Miles took Cruz from Eden and kissed her on the cheek.

  Alex snuck out of the bed or so she thought…

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “I wasn’t really sleeping.”

  “I heard snoring and that is usually an indicator that someone is asleep.” Alex giggled.

  “Are you saying that I snore?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “Do I snore loudly?”

  “No. I can barely hear you.”

  “So why are you awake?”

  “Your daughter is hungry.”

  “Oh, so now she is my daughter?” Miguel laughed.

  “She is your daughter, I’m certain of that.”

  “She is your daughter too.”

  “Ok, ok. Our daughter is hungry and her mother is getting cranky.”

  Miguel got up and pulled on his shorts. “Get back in bed. I will make you a sandwich.”

  “With a pickle and some chips.” Alex smiled.

  “Yes, with a pickle and some chips.”

  Alex clapped her hands and then she kissed Miguel before climbing back into bed.

  “I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT in two days I will be Mrs. DiPietro.”

  “I can’t believe that you want to change your name to one that is frequently misspelled.” Ryan laughed.

  “I want whatever is yours.” Faith kissed Ryan on the cheek and smiled.

  “Well I want you, Mrs. D.” Ryan grabbed Faith and pulled up her dress and ripped off her panties. Then he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed down his pants and then he impaled her with his cock.

  Faith dug her heels into Ryan’s ass which caused him to pound her even harder until they both came.

  “No matter how many times we have sex I never seem to get enough of you.”

  “I’ll never get enough of you, Faith. That’s what got us here in the first place, once I had you I knew that there wasn’t anyone else who could satisfy me the way that you do.”

  “I love you, Mr. D.”

  “And I love you.” Ryan kissed his soon to be bride.

  “What are you reading?” Miguel plopped down on the couch next to Alex.

  “I was looking for names for our daughter.”

  “How about Alex?”

  “Alex? Why would I want to name my daughter after me?”

  “Well if we had a son I’d want to name him Miguel.”

  “Lordy, well I am not naming my daughter Alex. How about Jane?”


  “Why not?”

  “That name reminds me of someone I’d rather forget.”

  “Oh, who?”

  Miguel looked around, he really didn’t want to say but he knew Alex wasn’t going to let him get away without answering. “The woman who ran the escort service.”

  Alex shook her head in disgust. “I still can’t believe you hired whores.”

  “Alex, you know that they weren’t whores.”

  “Fine, they were high class whores.”

  “They meant nothing to me. Please let’s drop this.”

  “Ok.” Alex looked back down at her book.

  Miguel knew she was upset. He got up and then knelt down in front of Alex. “Hey, I love you, Sweetheart, please don’t be upset. That was all before you. I was a different person then.”

  Alex burst into tears. “What if I don’t look the same after the baby and you don’t find me attractive…will you call Jane again?”

  Miguel’s eyes widened and he looked at Alex like she lost her mind. “NO! Alex, I would never ever cheat on you. I love YOU. I don’t care if you’re a size six or twenty-six, you will still be the sexiest woman alive and the only woman I will ever want to make love to.”

  Alex reached out her arms and she hugged Miguel. “I’m just so scared you won’t want me anymore.”

  “Sweetheart, I fell in love with you, not your body. I won’t lie, you’re a hot momma but its what’s inside that makes you the woman I love.”

  “I love you.”

  Miguel wiped Alex’s tears. “Will you love me when I get old and bald?”

  “Of course I will.”

  “Because you love me.”

  “I do and I get your point. I guess it’s just all of these emotions I have.”

  “I think maybe you need some cheesecake, that usually helps.”

  Alex smiled. “Oh cheesecake always helps and we’re starving.”

  Miguel smiled and rolled his eyes. Had he thought of mentioning cheesecake sooner maybe he could have avoided the waterworks. “Come on, let’s go get my girls some cheesecake.” Miguel extended his hand to Alex to help her up.

  “I feel much better now. Thank you.” Alex smiled.

  Ryan walked out of the jewelers in a panic after the jeweler told him that the ring order was cancelled and he couldn’t have the wedding rings ready in time. He paced back and forth before he decided to call Alex because she would know what to do.


  “Alex, I have a problem…”


  “I went to the jewelers to pick up our rings and he said the order was cancelled and he can’t get me our rings in enough time. What am I going to do?”

  “Calm down. Miguel has a jeweler and I am sure he can get you anything you want in enough time.”

  “Oh God, Alex, this is giving me a bad feeling.”

  Alex thought back to the call she got about Faith’s wedding dress but she wasn’t about to share that with her nervous brother.

  “Everything will be ok, I promise.”

  “Thank you, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost Faith.”

  “You’re not going to lose her.”

  “Were you nervous before your wedding?”

  “I was nervous but so excited.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “So listen, why don’t you head over and I will ask Miguel to have the jeweler come here.”

  “Ok, I have to pick up my tux and then I will come straight over.”

  “See you soon.”

  “Thanks, Sis.”

  Ryan hung up and headed for the tux shop.

  “Miguel, I need a favor.” Alex smiled.

  Miguel looked up from his computer at his beautiful wife and smiled back. “Anything.”

  “I need you to call Guido and ask him to come over immediately with anything that resembles a wedding band.”

  “He can just make your ring a bit larger until after the baby but if you want a new one…”

  “Not for me, for Ryan. He went to pick up his and Faith’s rings and the jeweler told him the order was cancelled and he needs rings for the wedding.”


  “That is something else that bothers me…first Faith’s dress and now the rings.” Alex exhaled and walked over and sat down on Miguel’s lap. “Do you think that it’s just a coincidence?”

  “I’d say so but if it would make you feel better I can have one of my men look into the incidents?”

  Alex shook her head. “No, I think I’m just being paranoid.”

  “I think that you’re just worried about your brother and your best friend.”

  “They’ve been through so much already. I can’t imagine them having to deal with anything else.”

  “Everything will be fine except maybe for my legs…you have exceeded the lap capacity.” Miguel laughed and then ducked.

  Alex hopped up and smacked his arm. “How rude!”

  “Aww, come here, Sweetheart, I love you.”

  “No, you lost your chance at a hot steamy kiss.”

  “Alex, Honey…”

  “Your daughter and I are offended.”

  “I was just teasing you.”

  Alex knew Miguel was teasing but she was having fun teasing him back. She turned and made it sound like she was crying.

  In seconds Miguel had his arms around her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, Alex.”

  Alex turned in Miguel’s arms. “GOTCHA!” Then she laughed in his face.

  “Oh yeah?” Miguel picked her up and carried her over to the couch and laid her down and then he started tickling her.

  Alex laughed so hard. “Stop, stop, I have to pee.”

  Miguel laughed and then he finally stopped and sat Alex up. “I love you. Now go pee.”

  Alex smiled. “I love you too.”

  Dane was sitting in the stylist’s chair getting his hair cut when he saw Lacey and a man walk by the window. If it wasn’t that only half of his hair was cut, he would have gotten up and followed her to see who the man was. He knew she was married but yet he was still jealous. Go figure, he was jealous of a woman who he knew had nothing going on with any man other than her husband and yet he was still jealous. What in the hell was wrong with him? He never gave a rat’s ass about anyone…why Lacey? What made her so different from all of the other women? Was it just because he knew that he couldn’t have her?

  “Mr. Carlton…Mr. Carlton.”

  “I’m sorry, I was just thinking about something.”

  “Do you want me to trim your beard?”

  “Please.” Dane leaned his head back. He needed to stop thinking about Lacey and focus on something else. Maybe someone else. Yeah, maybe he needed to go and pick up a few women to help him forget.

  Faith picked up her shoes and purse. Then she headed to the florist to make the final payment on the flowers.

  “Hello Faith.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Kane, how are you?”

  “I’m well. You look radiant.”

  “I feel radiant. This time two days from now I will be a married woman.”

  “Congratulations, Dear, that is fabulous. Anyone I know?”

  “Alex’s brother, Ryan.”

  “Oh my, I didn’t think that boy would ever settle down.”

  Faith tried not to think about Ryan’s past but clearly there were some people who were aware of his past womanizing. “Guess he just needed to find the right woman.” Faith smiled.

  “And I guess he has now, hasn’t he?” Mrs. Kane patted Faith on her shoulder.

  “He certainly has.”

  “I will let you go because it looks like your friend over there is getting impatient waiting. I wish you the best dear.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Kane.” Faith looked around to see who Mrs. Kane thought she was with, but she didn’t see anyone she thought looked familiar or was close enough to appear to be with her. She decided Mrs. Kane just didn’t want to discuss Ryan any further so she made an excuse to end their conversation.

  Ryan wrote a check to the jeweler and handed it to him. “You have no idea how grateful I am to you for doing all of this for me.”

  “I am always happy to help out Mr. Cruz and his family.”

  “You saved my wedding. There is no way I could have told Faith that she wasn’t getting a wedding ring for two weeks.”

  “You will have your rings by noon tomorrow. I promise.”

  Ryan smiled.

  Miguel stood up and extended his hand. “Thank you again, Guido, for coming right over. I’ll show you out.” Miguel and Guido walked out.

  Alex came walking in with a jar of pickles and sat down. “So how did it go?”

  “I found rings that were almost identical but I think that Faith will love these even more. Guido said that he will have them engraved and ready by noon tomorrow.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Alex stuffed another pickle into her mouth. Then she extended the jar toward her brother.

  Ryan reached into the jar and pulled out a pickle. “Thanks. So is this what I have to look forward to when Faith is preggers?”

  Miguel walked back into the room. “No, you also get to eat excess amounts of cheesecake, ice cream, pizza and experience weight gain.” Miguel laughed.

  Ryan laughed. “Sounds incredible.”

  Miguel grabbed a pickle and sat down next to Alex. “It’s the best feeling in the world to know that the woman you love is carrying you child.”

  Alex put down the pickle jar and wiped her eyes. “Now look, you’ve made me cry.”

  Miguel rolled his eyes. “I forgot to mention the sudden mood swings and tears.”

  “I can’t wait.” Ryan smiled at the thought of Faith carrying his child.

  Ryan and Faith’s Wedding Day…


  “Ryan, Ryan, wake up.” Miguel shook Ryan until he woke up.

  Ryan was shaking and covered in sweat. He bolted up in bed and looked around. “My God, it was so real.”

  “I heard you screaming from the other side of the house.”

  “I’m sorry that I woke you, Miguel.”

  “I was awake. I missed Alex. We’ve been texting for the last hour.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Almost seven.”

  “Four hours until I get to see my bride.” Ryan smiled.

  “I’m going to make us some coffee. Why don’t you hit the shower and relax a bit.” Miguel began to walk out.


  Miguel stopped at the door. “Yeah?”

  “Thank you for being here and for being my best man.”

  Miguel nodded. “We may have started off on the wrong foot but you’re my brother now.”

  “I feel the same way.”

p; “Hit the shower, I’ll get the coffee.” Miguel walked out.

  Ryan laid back down on the bed and exhaled. That dream rattled him big time. He reached for his phone, he needed to hear Faith’s voice and know that she was alright.

  “Happy Wedding Day, Baby!”

  Ryan felt relieved to hear Faith’s cheerful voice on the other end of the phone.

  “Happy Wedding Day, My Love!”

  “Ryan, are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, I just miss you.”

  “I miss you too but in four hours we will never be apart again.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “I have to get my hair done now, Alex is standing here tapping her foot.” Faith giggled.

  “Yeah, Miguel is making coffee and I’m supposed to be in the shower but I just needed to hear your voice.”

  “I love you so much, Ryan.”

  “And I love you, Faith Marie Nichols.”

  “That’s the last time you can call me by that name.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Goodbye, Ryan.” Faith hung up.

  Once Ryan heard the click of the phone he instantly became on edge again. He couldn’t wait until this wedding was over.

  “Faith, what’s wrong?”

  “Ryan seemed off. He said he missed me but I don’t know…do you think he is having second thoughts?”

  “Definitely not, he loves you and wants to marry you more than anything in this world.”

  “Oh Alex, I love him so much. I feel like this has all been a dream and I’m afraid I will wake up.”

  Alex pinched Faith.

  Faith pulled away. “What the hell, Alex?”

  “Just double checking and yup, you’re awake.” Alex giggled.

  “Awake and running late. We better get moving.”

  “Yes, or you will have to get married looking like Medusa.”

  Faith got up from her bed and hugged Alex. “You’re my best friend and I love you.”

  “I’m so happy that you’re marrying my brother. I love you, Faithy.”

  “Enough of this mushy stuff or we’re going to end up crying and you know what that means…puffy, red eyes.”


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