Hunter's Academy (Veller)

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Hunter's Academy (Veller) Page 42

by Spoor, Garry

  “No, I burned down the Great hall, someone else burned down the stables.”

  “Did you really shoot an instructor with a crossbow?”

  “Yeah, that was me.” She replied.

  “And I heard she beat up the weapons instructor.” Another cadet added.

  “Well, he did kind of deserve it.” She said as she gave a desperate and puzzled look to Daniel. What did someone do, write a paper about her?

  “I think we’ve taken up enough of cadet Veller’s time.” Daniel laughed as he led his squad of first years out through the back. “We’re going to head up to the new great hall, which is where most of your classes will be held.” She heard him say as they disappeared.

  “How does it feel to be famous?”

  “How do they know so much about me?” She asked Luke who had stepped from the shadows behind her. She knew he was there, she was familiar with his scent and the old stable hand hadn’t been able to sneak up on her for some time.

  “Word does get around.” He grinned.

  If she didn’t know better, she would have said he had something to do with it.



  The day of graduation didn’t come soon enough as Kile greeted the morning through the open window of her cell and looked out upon the academy for what would be her last day. Actually, it wasn’t her last day. The ceremony would be tonight at the New Great hall and then she would probably spend the night in her cell and leave early tomorrow morning, so she was actually looking out upon the academy for her second to last day.

  She had thought about getting a head start on her packing, but realized she didn’t have much to pack save for a few odds and ends that she had collected. The clothes she had brought from home no longer fit her and had to be discarded. The only clothes she owned were those that were supplied by the guild and those would have to be returned to the Quartermaster that morning, where she would pick up her official Hunter’s uniform, although she had never seen a Hunter wear a uniform.

  The only things she had that were worth taking were the few leather straps that she tied her hair up with, her toiletry, such as the brush and comb that had belonged to her mother, four small ebony boxes although she wasn’t sure what she was going to do with them or why she even kept them, her brother’s old hat and of course Risa Ta’re’s Lann.

  She pulled them out from under her bed, where she had kept them since the day the Guild master had given them to her. The blades were still wrapped in the same cloth; she hadn’t touched them, or even looked at them since she hid them under there. Eventually she would have to wear them, otherwise what good would they be.

  She set the bundle upon the bed and slowly peeled back the old tattered cloth. There were actually three blades, one she hadn’t seen before. It was a long knife about sixteen inches from end to end with a twelve inch blade and a sheath that would strap it to the small of her back. She hadn’t noticed if Risa Ta’re was wearing it in the portrait, but then the alverian hunter was sitting and it would have been difficult to see. She knew that the long knife belonged to the Hunter since the wooden grip was identical to those of the Lann. She gently caressed the hard wood of the hilt, which was incredibly smooth from wear and hesitated before wrapping her fingers around it and drawing it from its sheath. There wasn’t a mark, a scratch or chip on the long slender blade. She realized that she was probably the only other person besides Risa Ta’re to hold it, at least that's what she wanted to believe. Guild Master Latherby probably held them once or twice, and he did say they had been on display for a while so there was no telling how many cadets might have touched the weapons or handled them, and then of course they had been moved around from place to place before their final storage in the small room under the stairs, so maybe a dozen or more people had touched them before she had, it still didn’t lessen the link between her and the hunter.

  A knock on the door startled her, and she quickly sheathed the Lann. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous about having them in her room, it wasn’t as if she had stolen them, the Guild Master himself gave them to her.

  “One moment.” She called out as she wrapped the cloth around the weapons and tucked them back under her bed. She straightened her hair, then straightened the bed and quickly pulled open the door.

  “What took you so long?” Daniel asked.

  “Don’t you know you have to wait for a lady?”

  “Yeah, I know, but that still doesn’t answer my question.”

  “Hey, remember, according to your little cadets, I’m the one that shot an instructor, burned down the Great hall and beat up the weapons master, so you better watch what you’re saying.”

  “Those were the rumors I corrected. You should have heard what they really thought you did.”

  “I don’t think I want to know.” She said, shaking her head. “Why are you here so early anyway?”

  “Where’s supposed to be getting our uniforms from the Quartermaster this morning, or did you forget?”

  “I didn’t forget.” She said as she grabbed her hat from the back of the chair and pushed him out of her room.

  They stepped out the front door of the dorms to find Carter leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared up at the clouds. Alex and Murphy were discussing something that involved dancing women since that was the illusion Alex was creating in his hand before he quickly dispelled it when he saw her coming.

  “Why do girls always take so long?” Carter asked as he pushed himself away from the wall to follow Daniel.

  “I don’t know, if you ever get yourself one, you can ask her.” She replied.

  It was kind of liberating to walk across the compound and watch the other cadets fall in for roll call and prepare for another day of training. The first years would go to the New Great Hall after breakfast and study under Master Adams, Master Rooqack or Master Voreing while the second year cadets had Master Boraro and the third year cadets were stuck with Master Pike. She always wondered why Tree was so happy when she saw him around the compound during his last few days here, and now she knew. It was the knowledge that you would be graduating and wouldn’t have to deal with all the training and the instructors anymore.

  They stepped into the Quartermaster’s office, and the big man seemed genuinely happy to see them.

  “More graduates.” He bellowed as he waddled around his desk. He was a large round man, probably had never seen his toes in years.

  “We’ve come to pick up our uniforms for the graduation ceremony tonight.” Daniel announced.

  “Of course you have, of course you have.” He said as he waddled over to one of the shelves and started to fumble through some clothing wrapped in brown paper. He drew them out one by one until there were five sets. He placed them upon one of the tables and made his way into the back room. It took him a few moments before he came back out with more things wrapped in more paper and proceeded to dump them upon the table as well.

  “You will of course be wishing to choose your weapon.” He said as he addressed the wall of swords that hung on display.

  “Our weapons.” Carter said, and his eyes virtually lit up.

  “But of course.” The quartermaster laughed. “You don’t expect the guild to send you out into the wild without a weapon.”

  Carter was in his glory as he studied the display. It was clear that he had been waiting for this day since he started at the academy.

  “It will only be temporary.” He said as he drew one of the long swords and felt the weight. “My father said that upon graduation and getting my certification that he would make me a sword personally.”

  “The advantages of having a blacksmith for a father.” Daniel replied as he picked a sword at random and placed it upon the table.

  “You’re going to want to choose more carefully than that.” Carter said. “Here, let me help you.”

  “I don’t really think I will be using it all that much.”

  “How can you say that, you d
on’t know what’s going to happen out in the wild.”

  “Oh, I have a pretty good guess. While you guys are going to be battling the elements, delivering your letters and get yourself killed, I’ll be in a nice warm, dry, safe hospital in Littenbeck, living in luxury.”

  “Why, don’t you feel well?” Alex asked.

  “I think it’s because of his edge.” Kile assure the smaller cadet.

  “How does he know where he’s going to be sent?”

  “Well, I shouldn’t really be telling you guys this, but I’ve already met with Guild Master Latherby. Because of my edge he wants to place me at the Guild’s head office in Littenbeck. They have a hospital there and they need all the help they can get.” Daniel said with pride. “And, within one month after arriving, I’ll be getting my level five certification.”

  “Oh that is so not fair.” Kile shouted.

  “Sorry guys, but it helps to have talent.” He laughed. “So really the sword is just for show, I don’t think I’ll need it at the hospital.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Kile replied. “With your bedside manners, patients are likely to revolt.”

  “Seems you have your career all set in the Guild young cadet.” The Quartermaster laughed as he dropped even more stuff on the table.

  “Do we really need all this?” Murphy asked.

  “The guild provides for its own.”

  “How about you Kile, I’ll help you chose your sword then.” Carter said as he grabbed one of the shorter, lighter blades.

  “I… don’t’ really need one.” She replied.

  “Don’t tell me you’re working at the hospital too.”

  “No, of course not, it’s just that my weapon has already been taken care of.”


  “It just has that how.” She replied.

  “Well, you can help me with mine Carter.” Alex said as he stepped forward. “And get me a good one, the best weapon my father would be able to provide would be a pocket knife. It would appear that some of us just aren’t very well connected.”

  “Same here.” Murphy voiced as he walked up toward the weapon racks.

  Kile went to the table and began to sort through some of the packages, she was glad to see that most of them had names printed on the outside, so she started separating them into piles. There were a pair of boots with her name on them as well as three bundles of clothing wrapped in paper and tied up with string. The stuff that didn’t have names on them were rather generic such as the belt pouches, the tinderbox, the small knives, and a few other pieces of survival equipments, although she wasn’t happy to see the packages of hardtack.

  “Excuse me sir.” She said, turning to the Quartermaster when he actually stopped for a moment. He had to have brought out everything by now, what more could there be?

  “What can I do for you miss?”

  “Would you happen to have any of those bags, you know the large ones that go over the shoulder.”

  “The old courier bags?” He asked, and then thought for a moment. “Why, I think I might have some in the back room, let me check.” He waddled off behind the desk into another room. She kind of felt bad making him move.

  “This is more my style.” She heard Murphy bellow, and as she turned around the big man was swinging a battle hammer, she had to agree it did fit his stature.

  “You’re not really thinking of claiming that as your weapon of choice, are you?” Carter asked.

  “Hell yeah.” Murphy replied as he began to swing the hammer faster, he was actually pretty good at it.

  “Any weapon, any weapon.” The Quartermaster said as he came back out carrying an old thick leather courier bag. “Is this what you mean miss?”

  “Yes. That's it.” She said as she took it from him “Thank you”.

  “Don’t get much call for those. Most Hunter’s prefer the lighter cloth bags these days, says it less of a hassle, at one time they all used courier bags.”

  “Why do you want one of those?” Daniel asked.

  “Vesper prefers them over the cloth ones.”


  Alex found himself one of the thin bladed short swords and Carter wouldn’t let him take it until he gave it a thorough inspection, as for himself, he took nearly thirty minutes before he settled on a black handled long sword.

  They filled their arms with packages, bags, weapons and survival equipment before heading back to the dorms.

  “Don’t forget.” The quartermaster yelled out behind them. “You still have to return your old uniforms.”

  “We should have brought the horses.” Alex said as he tried to look over the tower of packets that he was carrying. Daniel and Carter steered the smaller cadet in the right direction by bumping him back and forth between them, possibly a little too much.

  When they reached the dorms, Daniel stopped in front of his cell and peeked over his packages. “Okay, let's get our uniforms on and meet back here in half an hour to bring our old uniforms back to the quartermaster, then we can have breakfast.” He suggested as he pushed open the door.

  As soon as Kile got into her cell she dropped everything on the bed.


  She heard Vesper as he quickly shot out from under the packages.

  “Sorry Vesper.” She said. “I just couldn’t hold them any longer.”

  -What these?-

  “These are my new clothes.” She replied, and hung the old leather courier bag over the back of the chair. “That’s your new bag.” She added before she started to untie the packages.

  Vesper jumped down from the bed and cautiously approached the leather bag; he sniffed it and quickly turned his nose up at it.


  “I’m not surprised, there’s no telling how long it hung in the back room. Jump in, let me know what you think.”

  The yarrow scrambled up the leg of the chair and climbed in.

  -It's okay-

  He called out from inside.

  “Well, I suppose it’s only temporary until we can find you something more comfortable.”

  -Vesper like Kile shoulder.-

  “For the most part you can, but I’m thinking that there may be some situations where having a yarrow on my shoulder may not go over too well, if you know what I mean.”


  “Well, just trust me, not everyone takes to yarrows.” She said as she laid out her new uniform.

  There was a soft green tunic, much nicer than what they had been wearing, as well as leather pants and a pair new boots. There were also undergarments, unfortunately they were made by men for men, but they would serve in a pinch until she got to wherever it was she was going. She would definitely have to find something more suitable to wear under her tunic. The problem was more in trying to figure out how to put it all on, it was more clothing than she had ever worn at one time. Eventually she had no choice but to leave a few pieces out, especially those she couldn’t identify.

  The tunic fit comfortably in most places, snug in others, but again it was made by men for men, the pants were a bit tight as well, but not uncomfortable. She sat down on the bed to pull on her boots; at least they were a better fit.

  It was required that each cadet wear their weapons during graduation, something that she wasn’t comfortable with, but she pulled the Lann out from under her bed and slowly unwrapping them again. The Lann were to be worn across the back, not that she was used to having two blades behind her, but that was how Risa Ta’re wore them and that was how the sheaths had been designed. After she figured out how to adjust them to fit and what straps went where, she had tried drawing the blades a few times to see which way was the most comfortable and the most natural, but the real problem was trying to get them back in their sheath after she had drawn them. It was difficult to slide them in behind her back without looking foolish. She resorted to putting them back one at a time, feeling with one hand as she fitted them in with the other.

  She tied back her hair in a long t
ail, straightened the tree pin on her tunic and set her old hat upon her head. She opened the lavatory door and looked at herself in the mirror.

  “This… is a lot more snug… than I thought.” She said as she turned around, trying to see exactly how snug it was and more importantly… where.

  -Kile look good-

  Vesper said from the courier bag.

  “I’m glad you think so.” She replied as she kept turning around and tried to look at herself from every angle. “I’m just not sure this is me.”

  -Who is it?-

  Vesper asked as the yarrow jumped out of the courier bag and ran up to the mirror to greet this new person.

  “I mean, it’s just not what I would have chosen to wear.” She corrected herself. She had to remember that certain animals had a limited grasp of the language and Vesper had a tendency to take things literally.

  -Ask healer, ask Danny-

  “I’m pretty sure I can guess his opinion.” She replied. “I wonder if anyone would take much notice if I wore my cloak. Oh well, no turning back now.”

  She folded up her old uniform and wrapped it in the brown paper, slung the courier bag over her head as Vesper jumped in and grabbed her old boots. She glanced once more in the mirror then took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out into the hall. There was nobody out yet, she had been the first one, and decided she would wait for them outside, but as she passed Daniel’s door it suddenly opened.

  “Already dressed?” He said as he picked up his old uniform from the chair beside his door and turned around. “I had a…”

  He just stood there, staring at her in her new uniform, his mouth hanging open. She had to admit that he looked pretty good in his as well, but was feeling rather uncomfortable in hers at the moment.

  “What?” She asked.

  “Um… ah… um…”

  “Wow.” She said. “I am going to miss these stimulating conversations when I leave.”

  “No it’s just that… it… you look… real… it’s good … that… it really… fits.”

  “Keep trying boy, it’s nice to see your therapy is working, that was almost a complete sentence.”


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