Shore Feels Right

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Shore Feels Right Page 13

by Annette Mardis

  “Just leave it to me,” he assured her.

  When Cosby pushed inside her, he felt Monica’s body reawaken. Soon, his thrusts kept time with the banging of the headboard—he’d forgotten to pull the bed away from the wall—and he almost shouted in pleasure along with Monica.

  As she climaxed for the fourth time and screamed his name, Cosby was ready to consider the distinct possibility he’d found the woman of his dreams.

  * * * *

  Cosby walked into Nauti-Toys a half hour late, and his employees stared wide-eyed. At first, he wondered whether they could tell he wore the same clothes as the night before. Or maybe they were shocked by the beard stubble on his face or the bed head he would’ve hidden under a hat if he’d had one. He considered the odd looks a small price to pay for the extra time he’d spent in bed with Monica that morning.

  “Is my brother here yet?” Cosby asked the chief mechanic, who stirred one sugar packet after another into his coffee.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Duncan O’Grady demanded. “That’s the second black eye you’ve had this month. Is there something you want to tell me? I’m pretty good at this listening stuff. At least that’s what the wife tells me.”

  Cosby touched his face without thinking and winced. Besides the bruises and puffiness, the cut beneath his eye looked angry without a bandage over it. Monica had wanted to put on a fresh one before he left, but he’d been in too big a hurry.

  “Just a little accident.” He didn’t intend to say anything more about it, and his tone delivered that message. “So is Gavin here or not?”

  “At his desk. I’ll warn you, though, he’s not in a great mood.”

  “He’ll be in an even worse one when I get through with him,” Cosby grumbled.

  He entered the office they shared and shut the door loud enough to get Gavin’s attention, but he didn’t look up. Cosby stood in front of his brother’s desk until he did. Gavin cringed, but his words were biting rather than apologetic.

  “You look like crap. And you should’ve showered or at least put on clean clothes. What the hell, Cosby?”

  “Well, good morning to you, too, asswipe. I actually had one of the best experiences of my life after I left your place. And before that, Monica and I had fun with your family until you ruined everything. Get this through your thick head. Drinking too much won’t drown the gigantic bug that’s wedged up your ass.”

  “Screw you.”

  Cosby grabbed his chair, rolled it over to Gavin’s desk, and plopped into it.

  “I’ll sit here and stare at you all day if I have to until you tell me what’s got you so messed up in the head.”

  Gavin glared at his younger brother and dragged his hand through his hair. Then he took a sip of coffee, checked the e-mail messages on his phone, wrote himself a note, booted up his laptop, and looked over a couple of documents.

  Cosby sat there staring and said nothing.

  Gavin perused a stack of maintenance reports, sipped more coffee, reviewed invoices and a supply order, and answered text messages.

  Cosby folded his arms.

  “Don’t you have anything to do?” Gavin barked.

  “Plenty. But this is more important.”

  “What is it you want me to say, that I’m sorry for punching you?”

  “That would be a good start.”

  “Fine. I shouldn’t have hit you. I apologize. Now go the hell away.”

  “Nope. Not going to happen.”

  “You’re pissing me off, baby brother.”

  “I’m the one with the black eye, and I’m pissing you off? What’s wrong with this picture?” He pointed to his face. “I want to know what the frig’s going on. We’ve busted our butts and poured a ton of money into this business. I’ll be damned if I’ll let you ruin it because you can’t control your temper.”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong. If I did, don’t you think I’d fix it?” Gavin’s befuddlement cooled Cosby’s anger a few degrees. “I’m just anxious all the time and I let stupid stuff bother me, like when the boys argue over TV programs or Melanie pesters me about my crappy moods. I start feeling this pressure, like my head’s about to explode.”

  “So you’re not having second thoughts about being in business together?”

  “No. That’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, besides marrying Melanie and having kids with her. They all love living here, she’s thrilled with the house, and the boys really like their new school.”

  Gavin got up to pace the room, his anguish palpable.

  “I should be the happiest guy in the world. Why the hell aren’t I? What’s wrong with me?” He ran his hand forcefully through his hair, and for a minute Cosby thought his brother intended to yank out a clump.

  “You should see a doctor. Maybe you need a prescription to control your anxiety. Or counseling. You’ve got to do something before you mess up so badly there’s no way to repair it.”

  “I’d never hurt Melanie or the boys.” Gavin set his jaw and his anxiety morphed into stubbornness.

  “If I thought you would, I’d have taken you apart last night. But your moods affect them, too, you know, and there’s other pain besides the physical. Go get some help, for your sake, for your family’s, and for mine, too. There’s too much at stake.”

  “I know.” Gavin sighed and rubbed his eyes. “I really am sorry I hit you. And I hope I didn’t cause any problems between you and your girl. She seems like a real keeper.”

  Cosby grinned. “No worries there. Things couldn’t be better between us.”

  “You’re finally getting some, eh? Way to go, little bro.” Gavin whacked him on the back.

  “Show some respect, idiot.” Cosby tried to look affronted, but just thinking about Monica made him too happy to pull off a convincing scowl.

  “Uh-oh, you’ve got that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The look that says you’re whipped.”

  Cosby laughed. “Call it whatever you want, jackass, I don’t care. All I know is I could fall in love with that woman.”

  “That good, huh?”

  “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted and didn’t think I’d ever get to have.”

  Gavin’s good humor faded. “How well do you really know her? Is it possible she’s too good to be true?”

  “What the hell are you getting at?” Cosby scowled for real this time.

  “That dumbass dock attendant you fired ran his mouth about her while you two were out on the water that day. I have to tell you, it made me wonder just what the hell you’re getting yourself into.”

  Cosby let loose a string of curses. “Look, Monica told me about her past, and I don’t care. She’s not that person anymore.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I know her. You saw her with the boys. They’re crazy about her. And she and Melanie hit it off, too.”

  Gavin seemed to consider that. “Melanie did tell me she really likes her, and my wife’s a pretty good judge of character.”

  “Then why’d she marry your sorry ass? Ow!” Cosby howled when Gavin popped him in the shoulder. “Even when you’re just goofing around you’re dangerous.”

  “Except I couldn’t break out of your damned choke hold last night. I guess I should thank you for not fighting back after I punched you. I deserved whatever I had coming.”

  “Next time I won’t be so forgiving,” Cosby warned. “Just get yourself straightened out, okay? I’ll do anything I can to help, but the burden’s on you.”

  “I will. You have my word. Now get up off your dead ass and let’s get some work done.”

  Chapter 19

  Cosby finally had a free minute a few hours later and called Monica to let her know what had happened with Gavin. While happy to hear he’d agreed to get help, she advised staying on his case until he actually did it. Admitting to a problem was the first step, of course, but following through provided the true test of someone’s commitment to change.

  “I’ve learned that much through my own sorry situation,” she told Cosby. “It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to suggest that he and Melanie get couples counseling. She’s new in town, so she hasn’t built a support system here yet. She needs somebody besides you and Gavin to lean on.”

  “Instead of waiting to see if Melanie contacts you, why not call and invite her to lunch or something?” Cosby suggested. When she agreed, he gave Monica his sister-in-law’s home and cell phone numbers.

  “You’re still planning to come by my place later, right?” she asked.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Whenever Monica went in at one in the afternoon, she often worked past the aquarium’s closing at nine to help the late-shift crew get the animals settled for the night. She preferred to stay busy doing something she loved rather than face an empty apartment. But seeing Cosby provided the incentive to head home as soon as her shift ended.

  “Feel free to bring extra clothes and toiletries to leave at my place if you want,” she offered, and Cosby relaxed. Suggesting that himself might’ve been too presumptuous at this stage of their relationship.

  He went through the rest of the day with a smile on his face, a spring in his step, and a whistled tune on his lips, all at odds with the shiner that announced everything wasn’t perfect in his world.

  * * * *

  Cosby wanted to bring Monica a surprise, something more original than a bottle of wine or flowers. So even though he usually avoided such places like jock itch, he stopped after work at Gulfview Village. Its gift shops and clothing boutiques catered to the tourist trade but offered an eclectic assortment of merchandise, most of it with a nautical or beach theme. He looked in two stores and saw nothing suitable. But at Sea Treasures, he found a quarter-sized sea turtle pendant in sterling silver. While a nice piece of jewelry, it wasn’t too expensive, perfect for showing he cared without giving the impression he’d moved too fast.

  Hesitant to appear too eager, he resisted the impulse to wait outside her apartment until she drove up. When he knocked on her door around nine-twenty, she still wore her work clothes but was barefoot and held a glass of white wine. He kissed her as if he hadn’t seen her in days, and she nearly spilled her drink when he ground the bulge in his jeans against her.

  “Slow down, there’s plenty of time for that. Right now, I want to hear more about your talk with Gavin.”

  “How about I tell you later when we’re both too tired from making love to do anything but talk. Besides, I have something for you.” He pulled a small box out of his pocket, and Monica’s eyes lit up.

  “You brought me a present? I love presents!”

  “Yup. I saw this, and it reminded me of you.”

  She set down her wineglass, opened the box, and made a sound of pleasure that caused his jeans to fit that much tighter. Then she threw her arms around him and gave him a smacking kiss.

  “Thank you. I love it. Would you put it on me?” She presented her back to him, and he kissed her neck before doing as she requested. Then she spun around and asked, “How does it look?”

  His gaze roamed her face and body. “Gorgeous, but it would look even better against your bare skin.”

  Monica smiled as she drew him close, and they melted into a kiss that left no doubt about what they both wanted next. Cosby’s pulse spiked as she nuzzled his neck, breathing in his scent.

  “You smell so good, but I could use a shower. Want to wash my back?” She bit his earlobe.

  “Only if I can wash your front, too.” His fingers stroked the parts of her body he fantasized about covering with soap.

  “Mmmm. I’ve been revved up all day just thinking about you.” She pressed against him. “About this.”

  “I know just the thing to take care of that.” He swept her up into his arms, plunged his tongue inside her mouth, and carried her out of the living room. They bumped into the walls a few times along the way, making them both laugh, before Cosby managed to stumble into the bathroom.

  “Your technique needs a little work, Rhett Butler,” she joked.

  “Why, Miss Scarlett, are you toying with me?”

  “As soon as you put me down, I’ll be more than happy to.”

  Cosby set her on the vanity and wasted no time removing her polo shirt and bra. “Lift up,” he urged as he helped her out of her slacks and panties. Before he could do anything else, she held out her hand like a cop stopping traffic.

  “Your turn. Let’s see what you’ve got, big guy.”

  “I guess that’s only fair.” He pulled off his shirt, doing his best Magic Mike imitation, and twirled it a few times before slinging it behind his back.

  “Keep going. I want you as naked as I am.”

  He grinned. “I wouldn’t dare keep a lady waiting, especially one as insistent as you are.”

  Cosby took several packaged condoms out of his pocket and set them beside her on the vanity, then stripped off his jeans and stepped out of them. With his back turned, he exposed his sculpted butt inch by inch until his briefs, too, dropped to the floor. Then he looked at her over his shoulder with a teasing grin.

  “Now what?” he asked.

  She crooked her finger at him as she drew circles around her nipple with her other hand. When he turned, her gaze homed in on his crotch and she dragged her tongue across her top lip. His arousal flexed in response and suddenly he felt overheated.

  “Don’t keep me waiting.” She waved a condom at him.

  He closed the short distance between them, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He lifted her off the vanity, carried her to the shower, and kissed her while the water warmed. Steam covered the mirror when he finally stepped inside and closed the door.

  He let her slide down his body until she was standing, then worked her floral-scented shower gel into a lather and washed her by hand, spending ample time on her breasts. He treated her to teasing touches at the apex of her thighs, glided down her legs to her toes, then started back up. This time, he gave her most intimate parts a thorough soaping, and she appeared ready to leap out of her skin.

  “Now,” she ordered, her tone brooking no argument. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Cosby smiled, pleased with himself. He rolled on the condom in record time, lifted her up against the tile, and filled her fully. Her cry of pleasure nearly made him lose it, but he held it together long enough to give her what she demanded. Each thrust brought them closer to fulfillment until finally, gasping for breath, they both found their release.

  He rested his forehead against hers until his pulse nearly returned to normal, then covered her face with feather-soft kisses. Both eyelids. Her nose. Cheeks. Chin. And then her lips.

  “Can you stand if I let you down?” he asked.

  “I…I think so.” But her knees buckled when her feet hit the floor, so he sat and pulled her onto his lap. She snuggled into him as the warm water pulsated around them.

  * * * *

  Later, they lay cuddled in bed and he recounted his confrontation with Gavin that morning. She told him she was having brunch with his sister-in-law the next day at the aquarium’s Gulf Breeze Café. After that, she’d take Melanie on a quick tour before she picked up the boys from school.

  “So how’d she sound?” Cosby asked.

  “Fine. Maybe a little surprised to hear from me so soon, but she was glad I called.”

  “Did she say anything about what happened with Gavin after we left their house?”

  “Just that he apologized to her this morning for ruining the cookout. And he worried he’d given me a negative impression of your family that might cause me to have second thoughts about dating you. I assured her that’s not the case.”

  Cosby kissed the top of her head. “Thank you for that.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. Your brother’s problems are no reflection on you. Besides, we’ve all done things we’re not proud of. I’m the last person who should judge anybody for their bad behavior.”

  “Stop tal
king like you’re this awful person with so much to live down. When will you forgive yourself and quit bringing it up?” Cosby hadn’t meant to sound so ticked off, but it bothered him that she felt the need to keep punishing herself.

  Monica sat up and covered herself with the sheet. The way she huddled against the headboard, hugging her knees to her body, made him even more determined to protect her from hurtful things, including her own guilt.

  “I can’t let it go because deep down I’m afraid I’m still the same old Monica who only does what’s best for me.”

  Cosby sat up, too, and pulled her close to his side. She leaned into him but continued to look lost in thought. This was it, time to let her know the feelings surging through him. For her sake, and his.

  “Do you honestly think I’d be falling in love with someone like that?”

  She lifted her head off his shoulder and met his gaze with a hopeful expression.

  “You’re falling in love with me? Really?”

  He smiled. “Really.”

  When their lips met, he poured all his emotions into the kiss. He could stay here, just like this, forever. But after a couple minutes she pulled away and reached over to the nightstand for another condom.

  “Wait a second. Don’t you have a reply for what I said?” Damned butterflies. The sound of flapping wings roared in his ears. Since when do butterflies make a sound? Cosby broke out in a sweat and it had nothing to do with the fact Monica’s breasts were so close to his mouth that all he had to do was turn his head and…

  “You don’t consider this a reply?” She shifted so she rubbed against him, making certain parts of him tingle.

  “I’m not complaining about the way you’re expressing yourself, but hearing the words would be great, too.”

  She pulled back and gazed intently into his eyes.

  “Okay, how’s this. I’m crazy about you, and when I’m not with you all I can think about is seeing you again.”


  “And what?”

  His face fell and the butterflies morphed into wasps that stung him over and over. “Never mind.” He winced as the imaginary pain became real.


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