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Trouble Page 2

by Sasha White

  Her eyebrows jumped in surprise. “Really?” she asked the pretty waitress. “Why?”

  “Val said so, and what he says goes.”

  The waitress walked away before Samair could even tip her. She glanced at Joey. “Who’s Val?”

  “Valentine Ward.” Joey raised her glass and nodded at the far corner. “He owns the club.”

  Samair’s head swiveled and she searched the corner Joey had pointed to. Her gaze collided with the super intense stare of the man there.

  Even dressed in crisp, pressed trousers and a tailored dress shirt, his strong masculine features softened with a small smile; he had a lean, lethal look about him. As if he was a barely tamed wild animal. Before she could get a really good look at him he stepped back, disappearing deeper into the shadows. She couldn’t see him anymore, but the heat of his gaze still stroked her skin.

  A shiver danced down her spine.

  He was the one who had been watching her; she knew it without a doubt.

  “He doesn’t mind you drinking while you work?” she asked her friend.

  “Not as long as we don’t get smashed. You’re fired if you get drunk, and he always knows when someone does.”

  * * *

  Joey watched as Sammie laughed at one of Rob’s ridiculous jokes. You’d never know it to by looking at them, the way they all laughed and joked together, but Sammie had never met the dancers Joey worked with before.

  It had always been like that. Sammie could walk into a room full of strangers and fifteen minutes later everyone was in love with her. There was just something about her that made people want to be with her.

  Everyone wanted to be with Sammie, but only the guys wanted to be with her. For whatever reason, most women didn’t like Joey. They especially didn’t like Joey around their boyfriends, which was stupid because she’d never fool around with a guy that was taken.

  Joey cringed inside. What was wrong with her? Normally she was positive and enthusiastic about everything, but … it was probably just hormones. She’d been feeling a little off, a little lonely, lately, so Sammie’s timing was perfect.

  It would be nice to have someone around to talk to. Someone who saw beyond her flirtatious cage dancer persona.

  * * *

  A short time later, Samair came out of the ladies room just in time to see Valentine Ward climbing the stairs to the second floor. Unable to deny the impulse, she followed him.

  It was getting late, close to the end of the night, and the stairs were empty. Almost everyone was on the dance floor, or cozying up to another warm body in a dark corner. She was on the bottom step just as he reached the top, and she got a quick view of fine cotton tightening over the perfect shape of his butt. How could a man’s ass look that good in dress pants? Normally only tight denim or bare naked looked so yummy.

  Sure, her blood had been running hot all night, but that sight made her breath catch and her fingers itch.

  She climbed the stairs, her eyes tracking him as he crossed the floor. He waved at a blond guy with tattoos who sat at the bar in the small VIP section, but didn’t slow his pace. He nodded at the bouncer watching over the sectioned-off space, then turn left and disappeared down a corridor she hadn’t noticed earlier.

  Throwing her shoulders back, she sauntered behind him, flashing the bouncer a small smile. When she entered the corridor, there was an open door at the end of it.

  “Enjoying yourself tonight?” he asked when she entered the room.

  He stood behind a large wooden desk, his head bent as he slid something into a drawer. She’d been silent, but he’d known she was there. Impressive.

  “Yes, I am.” Samair replied, stepping more fully into the office and looking around. “Are you?”

  The room was very clean and modern with an overstuffed leather couch along one wall, some bookshelves, and a closed door to the right of her, and a section of floor-to-ceiling window on her left. It looked normal, yet the air in the room seemed to vibrate with an extraordinary energy. When the drawer of his desk snapped closed, she stopped fighting it and let her gaze focus on him.

  Midnight hair slicked back in a small ponytail only emphasized the strength of his features. Dark eyebrows over even darker eyes, and shadows of stubble along his jaw gave him an edgy, dangerous look. His stark handsomeness was completely masculine, except for the softness of full sensuous lips that lifted at the corner before he spoke. “I’m about to enjoy it more.”

  He looked like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and the gleam in his eye told her she was the lamb he wanted.


  Erotic heat surged through her and she realized that he was exactly what she needed to forget the day from hell she’d had.

  God, she wanted to wipe the past several years from her memory.

  She’d all but lost herself in the tedious day-to-day existence of trying to be someone her parents would be proud of. Someone she truly wasn’t. She knew forgetting it all was a tall order and would take both time and effort, but she was willing to start with just that day for now.

  More than willing, she was eager.

  “I wanted to thank you for the drinks you sent earlier. It was very nice of you.” She moved around the room, running a finger along the books on the shelves but not seeing the titles.

  “You’re welcome.” His deep voice sent a seductive shiver sizzling down her spine. He tilted his head, watching her with a speculative stare as she prowled the room. “What is you’re looking for, Samair?”

  That he knew her name should’ve surprised her. Yet, it didn’t. She doubted much got past this man, especially in his own club.

  More times than she could count during her partying college years, Samair would walk by a hot guy in a club, smile at him flirtatiously, and have him grin back. Then he’d shake his head regretfully and say, “Oh man, you are trouble,” before walking away.

  There were different variations on the sentence, but for some reason, the reference to trouble was always there.

  Valentine gave the impression of a man familiar with all sorts of trouble. He wasn’t a boy, or a guy, he was a man.

  And he was just what she needed.

  “Right now?” She shrugged. “Nothing. Today I figured out I wasn’t doing what I really wanted to do, so I quit my job.”

  Why’d she tell him that? It’s not like he’d care.

  Sure enough, he skipped over her answer to the heart of the matter. His full lips tilted up at one corner, and the temperature in the room inched higher. “What is it you want then?”

  “Right now…I just want to have a good time.”

  “Is that all you want out of life? Fun?”

  “No. But I don’t want to think about the rest of my life at the moment.”

  Something like triumph flashed across his features, and adrenaline rushed through her veins. She moved to the middle of the room, placed her hands on the empty surface of the desk between them, and leaned forward. “Why did you send over those drinks? Do you do that for all your customers?”

  “Not all of them. As for why… I saw you walk in here tonight. You had the look of a woman on a mission.” His wide shoulders lifted and fell as he spoke, his dark eyes never straying from their locked gaze. “I can’t resist a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it.”

  “What if I told you that the mission I’m on is to do whatever I want to do, when I want to do it? And right now what I want is for you to fuck me. Would you still be unable to resist?”

  The slight widening of his eyes was the only sign that she’d surprised him. Her sex heated and her juices began to flow. He had some tight self-control. The urge to see just what it would take to get a stronger reaction from him was secondary only to the hungry itch between her thighs.

  He arched a lazy eyebrow. “That depends on why you want me?”

  Samair thought about this as he searched her face. She straightened up and took a step back from the desk, willing to let him look his fill of her, confident in her sex appe

  Everywhere he looked, her skin heated. It was if his hands were measuring the roundness of her hips, the heaviness of her breasts. They hadn’t even touched, and she was almost ready to beg for his cock.

  “I read an article a while ago that said the number one fantasy among women is sex with a stranger. I believe it because I’ve recently had this fantasy as well, and you’re a stranger.” Unable to stop herself, she lifted a hand and trailed a fingertip across the top of her breast, dipping into her cleavage for a brief second before letting the hand fall to her side again. “I figure I’ll start at the top of the list and work my way down.”

  With a small nod that made her clit throb in anticipation, he turned sideways and pointed to a spot directly in front of him. “Come here.”

  The command in his voice made her head light. Enjoying the feel of her thighs rubbing together, the friction of the seam of her pants rubbing against her sensitive bits, she sauntered over to him. As eager as she was, part of her didn’t want him to know how easily he affected her. When she reached the spot directly in front of him, she was trembling with excitement.

  “Are you sure you want this?” His dark eyes were steady on hers. She wondered how he could possibly doubt she wanted this. Shit, she also wondered why she was taking orders instead of just jumping his bones. Yet, she was.

  She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and bit down on it, her fingers working the closure of her slacks, and pushing them and her panties over her hips with a quick wiggle.

  “On the desk.”

  Hot skin met with the cool, polished desktop and a gasp escaped. She sat straight, waiting for his next command, but he didn’t speak again. Instead, he stepped forward, spreading her thighs with his hip, and cradled her head in his hands. She fought to breathe as she watched him lower his head until their lips touched.


  Every muscle in Val’s body was hard as a rock when he got his first taste of the girl. The urge to bend her over the desk and fuck her so hard she couldn’t walk was strong, but he didn’t want to scare her away. He might be the stranger in her fantasy right now, but he already knew he wanted more than this one time with her.

  A soft whimper sounded as her hands gripped his hips and her lips parted beneath his. She tasted so sweet, and just a bit tart. Her fingers dug into his hips harder and he opened his mouth, deepening the kiss.

  Her tongue dueled with his, their panting breaths mingling as he titled her head and changed angles. Needing more, he dragged his lips away and nibbled at her jaw, her neck, her earlobe. She tasted so good. He sucked in a deep breath and his control slipped an inch at the musky scent of sweat and aroused female. His heart pounded in his chest, and his cock threatened to burst the seam of his pants.

  He skimmed his hands over her curves. Cupping the weight of her breasts he lifted them to his mouth, where he sucked at the hard tips through the thin satin of her top. As much as he liked the flimsy thing more than the blouse she’d warn earlier, it was in his way now. He pulled the edge of it down, forcing it beneath her tits so they were plumped up and naked for his amusement. With a groan, he gripped her spread thighs, pulled her to the edge of the desk, and clamped his lips around a rigid nipple.

  Her cry of pleasure echoed through the room and he reached up and clamped a hand over her mouth. Her tongue flicked against the palm of his hand and her legs wrapped around his waist, aligning her hot, wet core against his cotton-covered dick.

  He bit down on a nipple experimentally and felt her stiffen and cry out against his hand. When he raised his head to make sure he hadn’t hurt her, her big blue eyes were begging him. He removed his hand from her mouth just as she reached between them and started in on his zipper.

  “Fuck me. Now,” she panted the words. “Please.”

  Val crushed her lips with his, swallowing her whimpers as he shoved her hands aside. He made quick work of his belt and pushed his pants out of the way. Pulling back a bit he tore open the foil package he’d retrieved from his pocket, and sheathed himself. Female claws dug into his naked hips, tugging at him while she writhed on his desk.

  Christ, she was hot. She was like a virgin eager to sin for the first time in her white satin and lace top, and nothing else. He squeezed the base of his dick for a minute and reached deep to find his center. It just took a second, and his control was solid again.

  He stepped closer to rub the head of his cock between her swollen pussy-lips. He grazed her clit and pushed lightly against her entrance. “Put your hands on the desk behind you.”

  When she hesitated, her fingers still gripping his hips and tugging him toward her, he pulled his cock away. “If you want this, do as I say.”

  Her eyes flew to his, her flush deepening as she placed her hands behind her, bracing herself. Oh yeah, she likes to be told what to do.

  “Good girl,” he murmured.

  He placed his cock at her entrance and pushed forward gently. When she gasped and tried to rock forward, he shushed her. “You need to keep quiet. You didn’t close the door when you came in here, and if you make too much noise, John will hear you over the music and come to see what’s going on.”

  Her insides contracted around him and he stifled a groan of his own. So, the thought of getting caught turned his little sinner on.

  The music from the club could barely be heard in the office since he’d turned his speakers off when he entered, but he knew it would be loud out on the landing. He also knew there was no way his bouncer at the VIP door thirty feet away and around a corner would hear them. And even if Marc did, he wouldn’t leave his post. But instinct had made him taunt her, and it paid off.

  Gripping her hips tightly, he held her in place while he slowly eased inside her. Inch by inch, he filled her up, feeling her tight cunt stretch around him until he was in deep, her insides twitched around him. Reaching with both hands he cupped the pretty breasts that were thrust forward by her position, the flushed nipples hard and begging for attention.

  He eased out, and back in, keeping his pace slow and steady. He watched as her head fell back, her hair almost touching the desk as she clamped her lips tight and whimpered.

  “What is it, baby? What do you want?”

  He watched her eyes flutter open as she lifted her head, pleading with him silently. Her lips parted and for an instant he wanted to be fucking her mouth instead. She bit her bottom lip and another whimper filled the room. “Come on. Tell me what you want.”

  “Harder,” she gasped out.

  Val bit back a grin and thrust deep, his hips slapping against her inner thighs. She cooed her delight and he slid a hand past her breast to her shoulder.

  “You like that? You like it hard?” His hips picked up speed, slamming into her. “You like it a little rough?”

  She moaned and her cunt sucked at him, giving him an answer. His balls drew up tight and he pumped faster, harder. God, it felt good! His fingers squeezed a nipple, hard, and his other hand slid from her shoulder to her neck. His hand tightened slowly around her throat, and he watched her face carefully as he kept up a fast and hard rhythm with his hips.

  Her eyes popped open and one hand left the desk to grip his wrist when she realized her air supply was slowly getting cut off. A touch of panic flared in the depths of her blue eyes a split second before they shut again and her cunt clamped down hard on his cock and her wetness flooded him.

  He relaxed his light grip on her throat, and grabbed her hips. With one last thrust he went as deep as he could, and let go.

  * * *

  Holy shit! Samair fell back on the desk, a hand over her heart. What the hell just happened?

  Valentine pulled away slowly and she heard the rustle of clothes and his belt buckle jingle. Taking a deep breath she sat up and slid off the desk, not looking at him. Bracing one hand on the desk, she bent down and picked up her slacks. The same pants she’d worn to her hated job that morning.

  So much had happened since then.

  She stepped caref
ully into her pants, pulling them up over her shoes, before straightening and zipping them up. She bent down again, grabbed her panties, and stuffed them into her pocket. She was about to step around the desk when a large hand grasped her elbow and pulled her against a warm hard body.

  “You okay?” His deep voice rumbled against her ear.

  Samair nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  After a minute of silent snuggling, he pushed her back gently. A warm finger lifted her chin until she was looking him in the eye.

  “You’re amazing.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips then turned away.

  Samair took a last peek at his perfect ass then spun on her heel and sashayed out of the room. Confident, once again in control, and satisfied in a way she hadn’t ever been before.

  Trouble was back.


  Val watched Samair’s curvy hips swing as she left his office. Last call was over and the lights were up in the bar. She’d been with the dancers earlier, and they usually sat at their table until the bouncers ushered them out. He watched her walk across the floor to rejoin them, and wondered what it would be like to have her dance for him.


  “You work fast.”

  Val glanced away from the wall of windows and gave the man entering his office a small smile.

  Growing up in the foster care system had taught Val not to trust easily. But fifteen years earlier when Karl had come up on Val in a street fight against four thugs who hadn’t liked the outcome of their pool tournament, Karl hadn’t liked the four to one odds and jumped in. They’d both cleaned up some since then, but they’ve had each others back’s ever since.

  Val trusted him, and that was saying something.

  “I didn’t work at all, she came to me.” He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face.

  “Damn, man. What is it that makes women throw themselves at you?”


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