In It For My Wife

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In It For My Wife Page 2

by Gracie Sullivan

  “So, have you two talked about role playing? I understand from our last meeting that you, John, were going to be taking the lead on this.” Emily directed that last bit with a sarcastic glare on her face.

  John felt uncomfortable with having to see a marriage counselor to begin with, and now having to discuss how he wanted to take his own wife.

  He couldn't wait for this meeting to be over with. As he looked over at Heather, he could tell she was eagerly waiting for his answer.

  Coughing a little and readjusting himself in the chair, John thought about how to explain his role-play fantasy without sounding like a rambling idiot under Emily’s haughty gaze.

  Turning to look at Heather, John began reciting the images that had been playing in his head all afternoon. “I want her to play…”

  Emily cut him off. “Tell it to her, not to me.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot. OK,” he stammered, then he turned his body to face Heather but could barely look her in the eye. “I want you to play the part of the dentist with me as the patient.”

  He finally made eye contact, searching for a reaction from Heather.

  “That sounds like it could be fun. But exactly what are you asking of me?” she asked.

  “Well, first you will come in and introduce yourself as Dr. Heather and shake my hand while you're looking at my dental records. As I shake your hand, I explain that while I was at work I began to have a toothache.”

  John could tell that she was not that impressed. So he quickly spat out the rest of the fantasy. “I want you to scold me for being such a bad boy. I want you to force my head back while you examine each of my teeth all while you are making sounds of displeasure. ‘Why, John, you have been a bad boy haven't you?’ You’ll say this while I look down your shirt and stare at the most amazing set of tits I've ever seen.

  “And then you say, ‘Eyes up here, John. We need to discuss what we're going to do to remedy the situation of you being such a bad boy!’ And then you’ll start stroking my cock. You say something like, ‘I think I have a solution but I'll need you to pay close attention, Ok? Can you do that?’ I’ll nod like a nerdy virgin about to get his first kiss.”

  As he continued to describe the fantasy scenario, John pictured it in his head:

  He watched Heather rip off her white coat and start to rub her own nipples, squeezing and pulling them into perfect peaks. Moaning out loud and trying not to nut too early, he grabbed hold of her as she climbed up his body slowly, pulling off his pants and dragging her wet pussy up his thigh. John’s cock was begging for her hot mouth but she wouldn’t give it to him right away. “Is this what you want? Is this what you like?” he could hear her ask as she began to slowly stroke him with her tongue. “Mmm Hmm. Please, don't stop, he mumbled between moans. He could feel her adjust her mouth while devouring his cock, and he exploded down the back of her throat.

  Snapping back to reality, John realized both Emily and Heather were staring at him aghast. He realized he was not only hard as a rock, but that he went further into detail than he had cared to in front of Emily.

  Chapter 4


  A fit of the giggles was incredibly inappropriate in this moment, so Heather bit the inside of her cheek. Hard. So hard, she nearly made tears come to her eyes.

  While John was describing his ultimate role-play fantasy, Heather could not help but see the irony.

  Her libido had been sapped for months. Their three daughters were a handful enough, but all the responsibilities on top of motherhood just meant even less sleep and more stress. And his best sex fantasy was about her doing all the work?


  What she really wanted was her husband to be the aggressor. Mostly, she just wanted a foot rub, and for him to massage her scalp until she fell asleep, leaving him to put the girls to bed instead of working late into the night in his office. Then maybe in the morning, after she had her first full-night’s sleep since before motherhood, maybe then, he would get himself a big ol’ BJ from her.

  Her mind wandered off to think about what might actually help restore her libido. John could start by dusting off that very expensive table saw in the long-neglected woodshop that she had built for him for their anniversary a few years ago, and build their daughters a playhouse from scratch.

  Heather is lounging by the pool in her string bikini, listening to the sounds of hard work coming from outside the wood shop. She turns to gaze down the long, manicured path to see how John’s project is coming along. There he is, shirtless, his jacked body glistening in the sun as he hammers nails and cuts wood and drills screws. She loves watching him take an interest in their home life. Just the thought of him putting his heart and soul into something like this makes her bikini bottoms wet for him. She gets up and pads into the pool house to make some lemonade. Because, of course the pool house has a full kitchen and bar. When she finishes making his drink, she put it on a silver tray and carries it over to where John is working. He looks up at her, slightly annoyed. Then he stands, towering over her. Breathing heavy from working hard, he picks up the lemonade and asks, “What’s this?”

  “I thought you might be thirsty.”

  He puts it back down on the tray and says, “Go get me a beer, woman.”

  Heather pouts and refuses.

  John grits his teeth and the ripple in his jawline makes her so hot for him. She returns his gaze with a challenging stare. With a beastly growl, he grabs the tray and flings it against the side of the woodshop, the glass shattering and lemonade splattering everywhere.

  Swiftly, he picks her up in his sweaty arms. She shrieks as he flings her over his shoulder like a caveman and stomps angrily back to the pool house. With her still draped over him, he opens the fridge. “You mean to tell me you didn’t buy any beer?”

  “What can I say, I’m a bad girl,” Heather says in her best Marilyn Monroe voice as she starts to nuzzle the muscles of his back while upside down. She hears him growl again at her touch, so she reaches around and slips her fingers down his pants.

  He sighs.“Well, I’m gonna have to give you a consequence, young lady.”

  Then, unexpectedly, he tosses her onto the bed — because of course their pool house has multiple bedrooms — and presses himself between her legs as she gasps, him soaking her all over in his hard-working-man sweat.

  He claims her mouth with his like he fucking owns it. He tastes like salt and smells like sawdust. She’s so hot being so close to this beast of a man, she can barely stand another second of his cock not being inside her.

  Then once again he surprises her by ripping off her bikini bottom and sinking his face into her pussy.

  He’s so full of surprises today she might actually come … for the first time in years.

  When John had finished describing the dentist/patient role play scenario, Emily turned to Heather. “Heather, does that sound like something you could do?”

  Heather thought for a moment. Well, if she couldn’t say what she really wanted here in marriage counseling, when could she say it?

  “John, I’ll do whatever makes you happy. But honestly, the thought of that game just seems like a lot of effort on my part and none on yours. Do you know what would really turn me on? Watching you fix something around the house.”

  John looked perplexed. “Like what?” he asked.

  “Well, like maybe you could fix the fence.”

  He laughed. “But we have a contractor to do that.”

  She continued, “Maybe you could start a project in the woodshop for the girls, like we talked about? I would love to help with that.”

  He scoffed. “And maybe I should quit my job, too, and watch Carlisle run Giftr into the ground. Again, we can hire someone to do that.”

  Heather shrugged and offered, “OK, how about you get under the sink and figure out what’s going on with the garbage disposal?”

  John just wasn’t getting it. “Do you want me, or do you want to have sex with every contractor and plumber in town
? Because whatever it’s gonna take to bring back the old Heather, I’ll give you a pass.”

  Hurt by his tone and too embarrassed to say anymore, Heather clammed up for the rest of the session.

  John went to sleep that night like nothing had happened. Nothing ever seemed to bother him enough that it kept him awake at night.

  Heather, of course, was wide awake and feeling desperate.

  Counseling wasn’t getting them anywhere.

  They needed a hardcore intervention of some kind, she thought, as she ran down an internet rabbit hole of marriage and sex advice.

  That's when she ran across a website that piqued her interest.

  Bliss Boot Camp Weekend, it was called, set at the ultra-exclusive Piney Point Resort.

  The promo read, “Seclude and pamper yourself and your loved one for one weekend in this breathtaking landscape, and we guarantee that our rigorous therapies will leave you feeling like newlyweds.”

  She clicked on the room rates tab and it nearly took her breath away. Not that it wasn’t pocket change for them, but her down-to-earth sensibilities still saw a five-figure room package as wildly extravagant. But, any amount of money to save their marriage was worth it, she thought.

  Heather clicked on the tab marked “amenities,” and was immediately sold. Three meals a day, prepared by world-renowned chefs. An on-site spa featuring massage, aromatherapy, pedicures, mud baths, saunas — the works. She saw pictures of rooms with jacuzzis, with windows overlooking the mountains at sunset.

  The next session started first thing the next day, and there was one slot left open. Heather took it as a sign. She didn’t need to look at any more detail than that. She paid in full immediately for a whole weekend, closed her laptop, and slept like a baby.

  Chapter 5


  Last night’s counseling session did not go as planned. Heather didn’t speak to John or even look his way after the low blow he dealt her. The purpose of the assignment was to be open and honest. But, hell, if he’d known she’d react that way, he would have made something up, just to get some nookie later.

  But maybe that’s my problem. Maybe I’m missing some important point that Heather and Emily seem to be in on.

  John really did try to think of her needs, but after so many long months of being placed in the ‘friend zone’ by his own wife — and a tenuous friend zone at that — He was thinking way more with his dick than his brain.

  “Bliss Boot Camp!?” he roared, throwing his clothes in a jumble into the suitcase, not even caring about how loud he was.

  “If you would calm down, I would gladly explain what this weekend is going to be about,” Heather said, picking up John’s shirts and neatly folding them into his suitcase.

  “I swear Heather, if this is some damn joke involving you and your new bestie, Emily, I am going to lose my shit. I mean, I would never cheat on you but, woman, I’m horny as fuck. My left hand is pretty much over it, too.”

  John stormed off down the hallway, tossed his suitcase into the foyer and made a beeline to the bar, where he poured a hand-blown-glass lowball of aged Glenlivet. It maybe six in the morning, but fuck it. He wasn’t driving, and he needed this before heading off to the woods. Yes, he decided, he was going to do this. He would do anything for her, even if she was pissing away tens of thousands of dollars on a cabin in the woods for one weekend. The scotch would help him grin and bear it, and maybe set aside his frustration enough to really see her.

  No sooner did John get to enjoy his scotch than he was watching Heather storm down the same hallway, her luggage in tow, toward the front door. The sight of Heather made his heart skip a beat. She really is beautiful when she’s pissed at me, John thought. The sway of those curvy hips made her tits bounce up and down as she marched toward the foyer; her curly hair, wild and loose, sent a jolt of lust straight to his dick. If she would just relax and let him touch her, taste her, inhale her heavy scent she'd see that his love could take care of everything.

  She opened just as the sitter arrived. The three girls were still in bed, so John crept up the stairs as Heather talked over the game plan with the sitter. One by one, he went into each of the girls’ rooms and said goodbye, kissing them on the forehead carefully so not to wake them. Hunter, Parker and Willow were great sleepers and didn’t make a peep. Just as well, he didn’t want to break their little hearts that he was, once again, not going to be home on a Saturday.

  “John?” Heather called from downstairs, breaking him from his thoughts. “There you are. The town car is here. Let’s go. I don't want to miss the plane.” John, glass still in hand, chugged the last of his scotch that wasn’t meant to be chugged, and shuffled into the back seat of the car, saying goodbye to his sanctuary of manhood and handing his balls over to the wife for the weekend. God, he really hoped she would see fit to literally grab his balls. He supposed the mile-high club was out of the question. Sigh.

  After an hour’s drive to the airport, a two hour flight, and another hour’s drive in their rental car, they finally made it to Piney Point Resort in Logan, Utah. From what John read on the flight here, Logan was full of hiking trails, mountain views, and access into protected wilderness around Bear Lake. He had to give Heather credit, she did choose an amazing backdrop, even if he wasn’t at all that convinced that anything called “Bliss Boot Camp” was going to save their marriage.

  John took the bags out of the hatchback of the rented BMW SUV he had indulged in at the airport, and set them on the flagstone driveway at the front gate of Piney Point. Looking back, it must have been a subconscious realization that this would be the last bit of luxury the two of them would experience for the next couple of days.

  “Where’s the lodge?” John asked, looking around suspiciously. “Where are all the people?”

  A man wearing hiking boots and dressed in khaki from head to toe emerged from the woods, out of nowhere, and approached the ornate metal security fence.

  John didn’t like the look of this guy, and he instinctively put his arm around Heather.

  “Greetings!” said the stranger as he keyed in a code on a security pad on a nearby fence post. The gates swung open inward, but it wasn’t on to a driveway. It was a rustic trail head.

  John looked around for a golf cart or a trolley or something to bring them to the main lodge that he’d read so much about on the internet on the flight over, but saw no form of transportation. This did not bode well.

  The stranger approached and held out his hand in greeting to both of them. He introduced himself as Burke, and his badge indicated he was head counselor of Bliss Boot Camp. John looked him over. He wore a strange necklace with a pendant that was a silver circle with an orange sphere inside it. It looked vaguely like a planet, but John was less concerned with the man’s jewelry than he was with what came next.

  After introductions, Burke told them he would be guiding them to their lodging to get settled in. “But first, if I may please have your car keys and your phones.”

  John laughed, but then watched as Heather immediately handed these things over to this Burke fellow. John protested. “Hold up, man. Why are you taking our keys and phones?”

  Burke gave him a reassuring glance. “Electronic devices interfere with the vibrations that we are here to cultivate. Even so much as a remote control key fob can interrupt our communications with our loved ones.”

  John scoffed. Burke held out his hand and added, “Will you trust the process, friend?”

  John looked incredulously at his wife, but Heather was all in. She was looking at him pleadingly. She was half-expecting him to refuse and walk away. He reminded himself why he was here. He was here to save his marriage. He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and handed over his lifelines to Burke.

  He could see Heather let out a full-body exhale.

  “For you, baby,” he said. She smiled. Seeing her smile at him like that felt like a gentle surf washing over him and wiping away all his negativity.

  As they fol
lowed Burke into the woods, John could scarcely believe they were following a total stranger into unfamiliar woods without a phone to call for help. If this was all a sham, and Burke turned out to be a serial killer who lured rich people into the woods for sport, well, John would cross that bridge when they came to it.

  He didn’t tell Heather, but John had a back up plan in place for just that.

  Chapter 6


  Heather was not super excited about turning over her phone to a perfect stranger, but she was super excited about ”trusting the process.” That phrase was repeated in all of the literature for Bliss Boot Camp.

  She had to trust the process. This had to work.

  After about a mile’s hike, finally she began to see some buildings. There was a lodge, just as beautiful as it had looked on the website. She breathed a sigh of relief. This was going to be fine. She also recognized to the left of the lodge was the luxurious spa that she had read about. She could not wait for a deep tissue massage to put her right to sleep.

  She was also ready for a late breakfast served by a world-renowned chef.

  But then Burke took a hard right and led them on a different path, past the lodge.

  “Where are we going?” Heather asked him.

  “To your quarters, to get you settled,” he replied, like nothing was off.

  “But, aren’t we staying in the lodge? I paid for the lodge,” she asked.

  Burke turned to her and said, “Oh, no, you paid the fee for Bliss Boot Camp, which is not affiliated with the resort. We simply rent the facilities for our marriage retreat weekends, you see. It will all make sense, friend.”

  Heather did not like the way this Burke character called everybody “friend.” But she breathed through it and decided the worst that could happen was they would be staying somewhere slightly different. But it was still Piney Point, after all. Surely there were no low-rent lodgings on this property, she thought.


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