Keep me warm

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Keep me warm Page 5

by Jude Ouvrard

  This is great. A great night. Everything that I want.

  Chapter SEVEN

  The vibration of my cellphone in my pocket sends a wave of heat throughout my body while my pulse rushes. I know who it is, but I’m trying to ignore it and have a good time with my friend. Nights like these don’t happen often enough; I want to enjoy my time with her without thinking about a man whom I know so little.

  Drinking my vodka lemonade, I keep my eyes on her and try to focus on her blabbering. With my mind distracted again, I might have missed a minute or two of our conversation. She scrunches her hair around, like an up do, and I wonder what she’s doing.

  “So, what do you think? Which dress should I be wear?”

  Crap, I don’t even know the options. “Wear the one you are the most comfortable in. Anyways, you always look great no matter what you wear.” Unlike me, tonight.

  My pocket vibrates once more. Okay, enough. If I let my cellphone distract me all night, it won’t be better. I should check and get it over with. Pulling it out of my pocket, I see have two text messages from Mason.

  Thirsty, aren’t you?

  Why are you ignoring my messages when we both know they’re the reason you’re blushing?

  My fingers cover my mouth while I read the messages. Mason’s here, watching me. My excitement skyrockets.

  “What’s wrong, Adele? You look like you’ve seen Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp. Are they here or what?”

  “He’s here.”

  “Who’s here?” Her eyes widen with dawning. “You mean him? That Mason guy?”

  My eyes scan the room trying to catch a glimpse of the tall, gorgeous, brown-haired man. When our eyes meet, green against brown, there’s no way I can ignore him. The grin building on his lips is one which must have broken hundreds of hearts across the globe. He’s caught me good by showing up here.

  Vanessa, in the meantime, has clocked the connection between him and me. “Jesus Christ. Just a friend, huh?”

  “Oh, please, Van.”

  Waving my hand and inviting him to join us, excitement and surprise at seeing him here overwhelm me. I down the remaining liquid in my glass, which was almost full, and keep my eyes on him expecting him to disappear into dust. He can’t be real.

  “He asked me to have breakfast with him tomorrow.”

  She mouths “O-M-G” without a sound.

  “I said yes, then mentioned I was here, and he shows up.”

  “Brilliant, Adele, he’s hooked. Your friend, I mean.” In hope of hiding her giggles, she sips on her drink.

  Counting the drinks I have had so far, I’m at four. My lips and arms have started to go numb.

  “Good evening, ladies.”

  My heart is thumping in its cage. The scent emanating from his skin and clothes make me wish to be wrapped in his arms again. This is going fast, so fast I think I’m going blind. What’s happening to me?

  “What a great surprise to... to see you here.” Seeing him again, right next to me, makes me nervous. I’m starting to believe he wants to spend as much time with me as possible.

  “Am I interrupting?” His look drifts between Vanessa and me.

  “Absolutely not. I’ve heard good things about you. I’m Vanessa, Adele’s best friend.”

  “Hi, Vanessa. I’m Mason. Adele’s...” he hesitates a second before Vanessa jumps in.

  “Friend? I think you met at work, right?”

  “We did.”

  “Are you on the cleaning staff, too?”

  What is she doing? I’d told her he owns the hotel with his family.

  “No, I’m a partner of the Wilcher Hotel chain.” His voice is loud and confident, almost intimidating, but Vanessa doesn’t fall for it.

  “Great, you must have opportunity to travel all the time, then.”

  While they talk my mind gets lost in my insecurities. What can he find interesting in me if he gets to travel and meet new people all the time? I presume he is independent money-wise, so, again, what do I have to offer him? I’m just me, chubby, alone, and struggling to survive in a five-hundred square foot apartment. The excitement in me is falling down a cliff. Vanessa would be better with him than me.

  “I’ll be right back.” Jumping out of my seat turns their full attention on me. “I need the restroom.” If my voice hadn’t sounded so raspy, it would have looked fine.

  “Are you okay?” he asks first, and I offer him a quick nod, not meeting his gaze.

  Walking as fast as I can through the crowd, I reach the restroom breathless. My reflection in the mirror shocks me. The redness in my eyes tells me I’m on the verge of crying and the pale tint of my skin says I’m scared. I turn on the faucet and drench my face with cold water. “Let it go, Adele.” You’re here to have fun tonight, not to plan your future. Drying my face with toilet paper, I feel a little better, not by a whole lot, but I’ll take it.

  As soon as I cross the door frame, I stumble on a man with a scent already fresh in my memory.

  “Adele,” he says in a whisper and his fingers find mine. “Are you okay?”

  Shrugging, I’m not sure what to tell him. I repeat to myself I’ve just met him, that I should be careful.

  “Tell me.”

  “I’m scared.”

  Right away his fingers release mine so his arms can slide around my waist. The gesture is making me so uncomfortable. I don’t like to be touched there, I’m too self-conscious.

  “What are you scared of? Me?” His lips tickle my ear when he speaks.

  “Yes, Mason. Look at me for a second. I’m not in shape, I’ve never really travelled in my life, and I make in a year, what you make in a month. We’re way too different, and you... you’re so attractive, so confident, that it scares me. What do I have to offer you? I’m afraid I’m not enough.”

  Leaning down, he lets a kiss land on my forehead. “I think you have it all wrong, Adele. I’ve been thinking about kissing you all day, but I won’t because I promised myself I wouldn’t.”


  “Because we’re getting to know each other.”

  The lust in me wants him now. Who waits before making out these days? Us, that’s who. I sigh, there’s no thinking possible around him. He awakes so many emotions in me.

  “Huh, okay.” I agree with him because he’s being smart and not an irresponsible jerk. “You have a point.”

  Breathing me in, his nose on my temple is soon replaced by his lips, but he doesn’t kiss me. He waits few seconds before pulling away. Gosh, the intensity is so present between us.

  “Now, let’s go back to your friend before she thinks I’ve kidnapped you.” His playfulness draws a smile from me.

  “You look good tonight, by the way. Hard to believe you were sick as a dog twenty-four hours ago.”

  “Oh, geez, I’m trying not to think about it. I’m surprised you still want to speak with me after being subjected to that.”

  Laughing at the memory of the filthy smell floating around the room, the red rims around his eyes and his messy hair, I say, “I’m sorry, but yes, it was bad. However, in my thirty years, I’ve seen worse.” My hand reaches for the front of his shirt, where I grip the fabric and pull myself closer. “I’m glad you made a quick and full recovery.” Or else we wouldn’t be here.

  Squeezing me in the confines of his arms, I realize how I’ve missed the physical touch a man can provide. Each second in his embrace is filled with caring and something else I can’t quite describe. Chemistry, maybe.

  “Come on, Adele.”

  Tingles race down my arm, all the way to my fingers as his hand locks with mine. After leading the way back to Vanessa, the warm feeling of our hands together leaves as soon as he lets go. Before sitting down at our table, a simple wink from him gives me the type of grin you see on a kid at a toy store.

  I don’t know what is going on, or perhaps I am scared to face it, but this friendship is PG-13. If I think it enough, it’ll be true.

  “You okay?” Vanessa eyes me, sus
picious. Her expression states she wants an answer.

  “Everything’s good.” I bite on my lip. “Are we going to dance now, or what?”

  “Don’t stop on my account. I’ll keep the fort safe for you, with pride, ladies.”

  “Oh, no. If you were brave enough to come here and surprise my friend, then you have what it takes to get on the dance floor, knight.”

  The tiger is out; Vanessa won’t take no for an answer. I sip my drink with amusement watching their banter.

  “Oh, really? So this is how it is, huh, ladies? Well, no more rest for the old man, then. I’ve got women to please.” Humor echoes in his voice while a spark in his eyes tell me he’s enjoying the game.

  Nervous laughter bubbles out of me. Dancing is one of the things I love to do and I have no doubt about my competency. Gabe always said how lucky he was to have me as a partner. From the daring look in Mason’s eyes, I’m betting he knows what he’s doing. My fingers cross in the hopes I can handle myself with him. Around him, it’s easy to be distracted or nervous.

  Vanessa’s hair swirls up into the air when Mason makes her spin. Her pitch perfect squeal is enough for me to know she’s having a good time. All by myself, my moves flow; my hands hold the hair against the back of my head, letting my neck cool down, my hips wave following the music while I watch Mason’s dance moves. Vanessa’s responding to them in a kind way. He puts on a show for her, and she seems to like every second of it. His gaze returns to me, and my hair falls back to my shoulders as both my hands let go. He isn’t looking anywhere but at me. Mason steps closer to me, and I wait for him to touch me. Part of me wants him to, and another part knows this is insane.

  Following the beat of the music, his eyes stay locked with mine. There is nothing “friendly” about this. I haven’t been with many men in my life, so my experience is limited, but there’s no denying what’s happening here, now, between the two of us. This is so much more than two people being just friends. The dark green shade of his irises reminds me of grass on a hot summer day. His jaw twitches, and my breath catches. The tension is building too fast so I break the connection by looking elsewhere.

  “So, do you want to dance? With me?”

  There’s no time to ignore him because I’m smashed to his chest as soon as his arms surround me. That fragrance is making me drunk. My eyes close while I let him guide me. Two-stepping from right to left, I allow the moment register in my mind. This isn’t a small step. Lacing down my back, his hands rest at the curve of my derriere.

  “I don’t think I can dance anymore,” I say while my ear listens to his beating heart.

  He pushes away enough to make eye contact with me. “Why not?”

  “I like being like this. Just like this.” He’s alive. Strong and healthy. “You’re a good friend.” I laugh, and he does, too, because we both know this is more.

  He nods, though. And doesn’t say anything more. Holding me closer to him, his chin rests on my head while we sway nice and slow, like no one’s watching.

  I think this moment can be the official mark of my new life. A new beginning.

  Chapter EIGHT

  “Gabe, kiss me.”

  This is the last night we’re spending apart before moving in together. We had dinner with our friends and family tonight in celebration of our new life starting tomorrow.

  “Is that really what you want? I’m sure your parents are looking at us through the window.”

  Every single time we go out, Gabe walks me to my door and kisses me goodnight.

  “I’m going to miss these moments. Starting tomorrow, you won’t be walking me to my door to kiss me good night on my parent’s porch anymore.”

  “No, it will be even better. I’ll get to kiss you under the sheets.”

  I chuckle at him. “I know, silly, but this is a moment I love. It’s romantic, and you’re a good kisser.”

  “Do you want me to kiss you now?” His voice, hoarse and sexy as hell, is impossible to ignore.

  I nod and close my eyes right away, waiting to be kissed.

  “I don’t want you girls walking home. I’ll drive you both.” The tone of his voice makes the hair on my arms straighten. He doesn’t take no for an answer, and that’s kind of hot. Mason will be driving me home. I’m thrilled.

  “I can call my husband.” Vanessa never wants to be a burden, and she doesn’t like to be told what to do.

  “It’s up to you, but I won’t let you walk home. It’s dark and cold, and you’ve had a lot to drink.”

  I chortle at their situation. A married woman with more alcohol in her blood than is allowed, and a man who’s too much of a gentleman.

  Vanessa sighs then finishes her drink in one shot. “Okay, I’ll go with you, Mr. Wilcher.”

  Laughing, he lets her lead the way. She almost trips in her high heels while we follow close behind. After getting our jackets from the coat check area and readying ourselves to face the cool night, Mason entwines his fingers with mine before kissing the top of my hand. We keep them this way until we reach his car, and then I hate we have to let go. Vanessa tumbles into the back seat as I take the front.

  While she gives him directions, I try to relax and not worry over what’s about to happen. He might drive me to my apartment building and say good night in the car, or he might walk me to my door... which could mean so much. I want him to do the latter, but I won’t ask. Comparing Mason to Gabe is wrong, but wishing he treats me as good as Gabe did is okay. I think.

  “Right here on the left,” she tells him. “Will you pick up your car in the morning?” she asks me next, and I realize I forgot about my car being at her place.

  “Oh, yeah, I’ll come to pick it up tomorrow.” But Mason invited me to breakfast. “After breakfast,” I add, hoping we’re still going.

  “Thanks for the amazing night, Ade. We have to do this again. It was nice meeting you, Mason.” I get out with her to give her a proper goodnight. Hugging tight, she kisses my cheeks and whispers, “I love you, Ade. Take care, okay?”

  “I will.”

  “You’ll be fine. He’s a nice guy.” Her unstable voice rings out loud. Too loud.

  “Shhh. He’s right there.” Laughter spills out from the car, letting us know he heard. “Go home now, Vanessa, before this gets even more awkward.”

  “Okay. Goodnight, you two.” Waving and blowing us kisses, she stumbles into her house seconds later.

  I smile, nervous that I’m sitting alone with Mason after an amazing night. We keep stepping up our friendship into something more, and now, it’s nerve-wracking being here with him, in his rental car. Words fail me as my hands grow clammy. His perfect dance moves, those careful but sensual touches, and his soft lips tracing my skin here and there throughout the evening are all images I can’t stop thinking about. My heart hasn’t rested since first spotting him in the club.

  “Why did you come tonight? I’m curious.” The question rolls off my tongue before I can ask myself if this is a good idea.

  Though he’s driving slower than the minimum, he brings the car to a park on the side of the road and turns to me. I think my question took him off guard.

  “I was watching TV in my hotel room while going over the papers for the house I found today, and I got bored. It’s Saturday night and I thought, Damn, I can’t relax and have a good time. When you told me where you were, I knew it was my lone shot at having a good time tonight.”

  A good time with me? It’s still a little unbelievable that he wants to spend his precious time with me. I’m so simple. My outfit today is a perfect example. Ninety-nine percent of the girls showed more skin at the club, or were a lot hotter than me. I think you have it all wrong, Adele. Maybe I do.

  “We had a good time,” I say getting hold of his free hand. “We should go again when you get back.” Nodding, he gets back on the road to my place.

  “For the first time in a long time, I don’t want to leave. I think I found something precious here in Seattle.” One kiss follows ano
ther on the palm of my hand. “When I come back, I want to spend time with you again. I don’t want to lose what we’ve built these past two days.”

  This is serious business. Holy crap! Are we already in a relationship? What is it that we’ve said or done in the last forty-eight hours? I recall most of the events, our dialog, and the unmistakable physical attraction. I don’t want him to go either.

  “You know where to reach me if you ever want to talk.” How do I already ache for this man?

  “Same goes for you, or if I don’t hear from you, then I’ll make sure to call you.” He pauses. “There’s one thing I want to tell you, though. I think it’s important. If you ever feel like this isn’t working out or that it’s moving too fast, talk to me. I don’t want you clamming up. If we’re going to do this, we have to talk to each other with honesty.”

  Running my free hand through the length of my hair, I hesitate. Being the type of person who’s always scared of disappointing people, I tend to keep my thoughts to myself. “I can’t promise you I’ll tell you everything, but I’ll try.”

  “I’m going to be away a lot, a couple of times a month. If we, you know, do this, we’ll have to deal with long distance. That’s not something I’ve ever believed was worth trying—until now.”

  I don’t know what he wants me to say. “Mason, I never pictured myself with someone else other than Gabe, so if we do this, we’ll have to take a day at a time. It’s so new to me to even consider being with someone else. We’re going to make mistakes and get angry at each other, like every other couple out there.” Couple? Do I consider us a couple already? I have no idea. “I can’t dive into this like I have no fears, because I have many. One day at a time is all I can do right now.”

  Nodding, he parks the car in front of my building. “I’m sorry for bringing up the subject so early into our friendship, or whatever we are. The idea of leaving for a few days makes me uneasy.” He chortles. “For the first time ever.”


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