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Keep me warm

Page 9

by Jude Ouvrard

  The adrenaline is still present, so a walk would help me relax. I’m pregnant, and pretty much still in shock. “I like the sound of that. Fresh air and a delicious, fresh buttery croissant are the medicine my body needs. We’re leaving tomorrow already, I might as well enjoy it.” Pouting, I pull my top back down to my waist and sit up on the bed. “Thank you for bringing me here. It changed my life, opened up my boundaries. The world has so much to offer and I’ve loved every minute of my time in France.”

  “This is only the beginning, sweetheart. I want to show you everything.”

  I smile. I can’t stop smiling.

  “Why are you so quiet but giving me that gorgeous smile?”

  “Today... Today is one of those days you spend the rest of your life remembering. We’ve been spending our days hanging out in the most romantic city in the world, and that alone would’ve the entire trip unforgettable.” With tears escaping my eyes I’m unable to control my emotions. “But adding the surprise of the pregnancy, which I love, has ensured it. I know we’ll be fine.”

  Mason is off the bed and facing me. “We will, sweetheart.” Holding both of my hands, he pulls me into his arms. “I’ll take care of you and our baby.”

  I know he will.

  Walking hand in hand, peaceful and quiet, there is a joyful vibe around us. The grin on my face hasn’t gone yet, and neither has Mason’s.

  “Next time we come here, I want to show you The Louvre and Notre-Dame de Paris, I’m sure you’ll love them.”

  “I’ve loved everything so far. The food is delicious here. It’s so different.”

  He starts laughing, attracting the gaze of the different bystanders on the sidewalk. “You’re only a few weeks pregnant and already thinking about food, food, food.” He gives me a little squeeze with the arm around my waist. “Are you hungry now?”

  “What do you think? We’re in Paris, of course, I am.” We laugh together again. “I would probably be obese if I lived here permanently.”

  “Don’t say that.” He pulls me into a small restaurant. “I would still love you, though.”

  That’s nice of him to say, but I’m done hating on my body. I may be pregnant, but I think it’s time to take care of myself. I could walk every day and do some exercises at home. Eat better, cook healthier meals. It’s not just me anymore. It’s time to put in more effort and be the woman I used to be. For Mason. And for our baby.

  I have to be the best version of myself. A few months from now I’ll be a mother again. I want to be that strong woman again. It won’t happen overnight, but I’m willing to fight against the darkness and coldness which scarred me so deep.


  Four months later...

  With my feet digging deep in the warm, soft sands of Oahu, I close my eyes ready for a nap. Mason is taking care of business while I’m enjoying myself. My hand rubs the small baby bump which is growing more prominent each day. My daughter, our daughter.

  We can’t decide on a name. It’s so hard. Lidia, Clary, Hope, or Kyla... so many ideas, but I’m unable to pick. We have a long list of names written on a paper and stuck to the fridge at home. We keep adding names, and crossing some off, as we go.

  Mason works a lot and travels just as much, so it became impossible for me to give decent hours to the hotel. It’s my first week as a stay-at-home pregnant woman. Well, I’m not wasting time. Against Mason’s recommendations, I painted our baby’s room. It took me two days, but I wanted to do it myself. Yes, he could have hired someone while I sat on my butt and watched TV, but I’ve chosen to live every moment of this pregnancy to its fullest and work on building memories.

  Sitting exhausted on the beach, the muscles in my arms are still stiff, but the room is beautiful. It’s worth all the pain. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore is divine. My eyelids heavy and my body warm under the sun, my thoughts become almost quiet as I’m falling asleep. After hours sitting in a plane, resting on a beautiful beach is welcome. This place is heaven.

  Strong arms sweep me away from the sand, but I’m too tired to open my eyes yet. I know it’s Mason, always so careful with me. His cologne is one scent I could recognize miles away. His skin is cold and wet, so I bet he went for a swim.

  “I don’t want you to get a sunburn, sweetheart.” He kisses my temple and places me under a shadow. “You’re burning hot.”

  “Are you saying I’m a hot pregnant woman, or that my skin is red hot and burned?”

  “A lot of the first and a bit of the second.”

  Opening my eyes to see him, my heart melts. His wet hair is going in all directions while water drips on his shoulders. “Hello, handsome.”

  “Hey, sweetheart. Having fun yet?”

  I smile. “Can we move here?”

  “Here, too? I thought you wanted to move to France. You are one demanding girlfriend.”

  I blush because I had said that about France, and New York, too. Oahu has something special, though. I think it’s called relaxation. The first trimester of the pregnancy was rough and filled with morning sickness. Coming here is the best thing I could have done, since it will allow me to gain back some energy and eat a lot of fresh fruit. Everything’s so good here.

  “How was the meeting?”

  “Oh... well, you know, business as usual. They want to expand the hotel chain here, and we have to come up with a plan and call our engineers to see what is possible and what not.”

  “Interesting. So, it’s official? We’ll have to come back here eventually.” Mason’s eye-rolling is as good as any fifteen-year-old’s.

  “As if we needed that to come back here. We can come back when you want. It’s not too far, and we always have a suite guaranteed,” he says caressing my belly. “We could spend the first few months here after the baby is born.”

  “I think that would be great. There’s something different here, but I’m not quite sure what it is.”

  He kisses my hair and temple. “It’s Hawaii. You have a nice hotel ready for you, a beautiful beach with dream-like sand, and the landscape is gorgeous. All that put together, it’s the secret to an unforgettable vacation.”

  “Nah, you got it wrong. You are the secret element to a perfect vacation.”

  “Wrong, because I have to head back in an hour,” he says.

  “I know. And that doesn’t change anything. You make everything perfect for me.”

  Just like that, his lips land on mine and we’re lost in a moment of pure love. How his hands come to hold each side of my face like I am the most precious person in the world, how he kisses me and makes me feel like each kiss is better than the previous one, it’s all pretty amazing, and I won’t ever complain about it.

  Walking pregnant with my bare feet in the sand, hand in hand with my handsome boyfriend while the sun sets is the best way to end a day. We had an amazing dinner served in our room, which we ate on the balcony with a view on the ocean. Everything we do here is pushing the limits of what’s believable. Most of the time, I think I’m dreaming.

  “You look tired, and you’ve had a long day. Do you want to head back to our room?”

  His eyes are tired eyes and his face is pale, signs he needs to rest, too. He never wants to disappoint me, so I have to read the signs and get him to sleep. I had two naps today, I’m good, and he isn’t. He hadn’t slept last night either; we were too busy taking care of each other’s “needs.”

  “C’mon, handsome. Time to go back in the room.”

  He smiles. “Thank you. I don’t think I’ll be very good company tonight. I’m beat.”

  “No worries. I’ll be fine.”

  “We could watch a movie in bed together. If I’m snoring too much, you can always go to the lobby or something. I don’t want you wasting your time in the room while I’m catching up.”

  “Mason, don’t worry about me. I'll find something to entertain myself.” I might have one of those juices I discovered this afternoon while talking to my mom or Vanessa, a banana and pineapple smoo
thie. We had gotten acquainted with video chat while I was in France. It’s a lot better than a phone call.

  I’d also seen something I wanted to get Mason down at the store in the lobby. Something meaningful. An Oahu frame for our family picture. This would be a great excuse to slip down there and get it.

  “I’m sorry, Adele, I don’t think I’m going to stay awake more than a minute.”

  We cuddle on the bed as the movie begins. Deadpool. Apparently it’s funny and awkward. Mason is laughing loud as the credits start, but two minutes later, he’s passed out and breathing in peace. I don’t watch much of the movie; instead, my eyes lock onto the beautiful, tired man right next to me. I kiss his lips, and he murmurs something inaudible.

  “Sweet dreams,” I whisper before kissing him again.

  I think about leaving the room while he sleeps, to enjoy my time, but right at this moment, my place is here with him. We should rest together. God knows I need rest. I tuck us both under the sheets. His arms hold me against his chest. I’m thankful for the new life I have.

  Him and our baby girl coming soon.

  Who would have thought that I would love again? I had no idea, but Mason is holding my heart, protecting it and cherishing every second of our time together. From being startled by him during my shift, to caring for him when he’s sick, the evolution of our feelings didn’t waste any time.

  We know what we want, us.

  “I want you to promise me something, Adele.”

  I nod wondering what he’s about to say.

  “If something were to happen to me and my life is... ended, I want you to promise me you’ll do everything you can to be happy again.”

  “No, don’t even bring something like this up. You’re so morbid. You won’t die. We’re meant to have a long and happy life together with our child.”

  “Adele. I will say this... I want you to be happy if something happens to me. I will expect it from you. Be happy for you and our son, and go on with your life.”

  His words put me in a place in my head I don’t want to be. We are forever. We’ll be old together and be grandparents someday. I don’t want to think about him gone but... but what if it were to happen?

  “I can’t promise you anything, Gabe, but I’ll try. It’s the least I can do for Brock.”

  “You’re the flower who stands out in a bouquet, the diamond who shines in darkness. Everyone can see that.” He kisses my lips. “I don’t plan on dying, though. So you’re pretty much stuck with me.”

  We start laughing, forgetting the heaviness of our conversation.

  The End

  If you enjoyed this tale, the best compliment you can pay the author is to leave a review where you purchased it, or tell a friend! Thank you for reading.


  Thank you for all the readers and bloggers following and/or working with me. It means the world. It has been over three years since I signed my first contract and published my first novella. I’ve learned a lot and it’s a joy to publish another book. I hope you enjoyed this story. At least, if you are reading this, it means you finished the book, right?

  Thanks to Danielle for reading this story week after week, chapter after chapter. I appreciate your help and support so much. I can’t wait to meet you. Few more months to go.

  Thanks to Sandra for taking the time to read the story as well. It means a lot. Merci beaucoup!

  Thanks to Rachel for editing my book. You did a great job and it was fun working with you. I hope it wasn’t too much work.

  Gracias Sylvia, Merci Simone and Thank you Julie & Marnie for your help and advice.

  Thanks everyone.

  Who is Jude?

  Jude Ouvrard is an author who writes from the heart, and reads with passion and devotion. Jude enjoys stories of drama, true love, tattoos, and everything in between. While writing is her therapy, reading is her solace. Life doesn't get better than books and chocolate, and maybe a little bit of shopping.

  A romance lover, Jude writes about love, pain, heartbreak and matters that will challenge your heart. A book can tell an unexpected story, no matter which directions it takes. Jude embraces words that have haunted her for years.

  Jude is a working mom who dedicates her time to a law firm and writing books. She has an energetic son, and a supportive boyfriend of many years. Her family is her rock; she could not survive without them. Born a country girl, she transformed into a city woman who now lives in Montreal, Canada. Although French is her first language, Jude decided to write in English because she liked the challenge.

  Jude Ouvrard is the author of two novellas, Under the Sun and Wonderland, and three novels, Lost Dreams, Body, Ink, and Soul, and Ophelia. She is currently working on a new project.

  "Drama, true love, tattoos...and everything in between!"


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