Just Between Us: A Friend's to Lover's Romance

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Just Between Us: A Friend's to Lover's Romance Page 12

by Bri Stone

  “What time are we going out?”

  I shrugged.

  “When you finish getting ready, because I know that will take forever.” She rolled her eyes, knowing it wasn’t true. She never really took that long.

  Our plates were empty; our glasses empty too…dinner was over. But I promised myself I wouldn’t say anything. I sat there awkwardly going through my phone, reading messages I had already seen. Most were from girls trying to hook up. I never had a rule about not seeing anyone more than once or anything, I just didn’t have the desire to. Not after Lori, and not for a while. The last time was before winter break. My molecular biology lab partner and I celebrated our high final exam grades together. In bed.

  Jeez, no wonder I was so horny.

  I wasted more time by grabbing her plate and starting on the dishes. She came over to help me dry and put them up. She didn’t say anything still. I felt defeated, thinking it must be a no.

  She went to get ready. I just changed my shirt and threw on my leather jacket. I made sure I had enough cash and then waited in the living room. When she returned I had to actively think of my coach’s hairy balls to keep my hard on away. Her purple dress was skin tight and stopped just past her ass. Her full breasts were fighting the neckline, to top it off it was strapless so I had a full view of her smooth back and sinuous neck. As did every other guy we would see.


  “Ready?” She tossed her hair over one shoulder and stood by the door. I stood and shook my legs out, it didn’t work, my cock was straining against every inch of fiber in my jeans.

  “Yeah.” My voice was breathier than I expected.

  “You aren’t cold?” She shook her head.

  “No, these heels are giving me a workout.” I glanced at her shiny, black stilettos.

  I took the Range Rover just because I hadn’t driven it in a long time. I went to Alston, prepared to run into a shit ton of people I knew. I took it in strides and only introduced Lori when I needed to.

  Lori tugged on my jacket to pull my head down.

  “I’m going to dance while you get us drinks.” She had to shout even though her lips were right near my ear, that’s how loud it was. I nodded okay and she set off, I watched her ass as she left, of course.

  I ordered her a shot and got a beer for myself, I still had to drive us home. I set off to find her on the dancefloor. I chugged my beer as I weaved through the crowd.

  “Hey Dillon!” I turned to the voice calling my name. It was just James, the corner back.

  “Hey man.” He offered a smile as he brushed past me, I was glad he wasn’t going for a conversation.

  I searched for Lori, when I found her my blood boiled and my stomach turned. For a second, it looked like she was just dancing with a guy, but then I noticed her take his hands off her hips and then he would put them back. He was tall and big, more muscle than even me and he looked shit faced drunk. In two strides I was right next to her pulling him away.

  “Back off man.” I snarled. He stared back at me with droopy brown eyes and a tight grimace.

  “Fuck off, we’re just dancing.” I grabbed Lori’s arm and pulled her to my side. If it weren’t for the shot I was holding in my right hand I’d have punched him by now.

  “She doesn’t want to dance with you.” Lori said nothing but tried to hold me back.

  “Dillon, let’s just go.” I glared back at him but followed Lori’s tug in the opposite direction.

  “What the fuck man, I said we were dancing.” He reached for Lori again and I shoved him off with my elbow. He stumbled but found his footing.

  “S’not like she belongs to you.” He slurred. I looked at Lori. There was only one way out.

  Before she or I could blink my lips were on hers, I had to make it believable of course so I pressed my tongue into her mouth—she didn’t move back. The hand that held her moved her closer to my body just so I could feel her, and then I pulled away. The guy was gone.

  “You okay?” She stared back at me. Her lips were still parted and slightly swollen, her lipstick a little smeared. I took it upon myself to wipe the edges of her mouth. She did the same to me and then took her shot from my hand. She made a face as it went down.

  “I’m fine now.” I nodded.

  “Good. That guy was an asshole.” She agreed.

  “Still want to dance?” I took my hand off of her waist. She looked down at us, another look in her eyes. She glinted around for a moment until she looked up at me again. I had never seen that look in her eyes before, but I’ve seen it elsewhere. She wants me. there was no denying it.

  “Yes.” If we weren’t in a loud club, she would be whispering. But even when she shouted that’s how I heard it.

  “Come on.” I tugged her to the dance floor but she didn’t move. “What?”

  “No, not to dance.” I gave her a face that said, ‘huh.’

  “You just said yes.” She shook her head.

  “I mean yes to you.” I thought that’s what she said but I had to lean down anyway and make sure.

  “What?” Our faces were so close our cheeks touched. She pressed her lips closer to my ear. My cock twitched.

  “I want you to take my virginity.”


  She what?

  “You what?” She laughed, but I couldn’t hear it over the music. I leaned in closer to her.

  “Come on, I want to dance.” She tugged me into the crowd. She thinks I can dance after dropping a bomb like that?

  “Lori!” I shouted over the music. She shook her head with a big smile and kept dancing. I watched her hips sway to the music, her arms flay over her head as she moved with the beat.

  I tried to forget about it and dance with her. I was stuck here, her words playing over and over.

  I want you to take my virginity. I want you to take my virginity.

  That’s what she said, but what I heard was I trust you. I choose you. I want you.

  Maybe not the way I want her, but she has wants me in this way.

  People were shoving against me, stepping on my toe but Lori looked like she was having so much fun, really letting loose. It’s why I wanted to take her out, her internship gave her a crick in her neck I was watching disappear. When I could finally stop questioning myself I danced a bit with her, though I couldn’t dance at all.

  “You still suck!” She shouted in my ear. I shrugged. It was true.

  “You want another shot?” I shouted back. She shook her head and got back to dancing.

  She didn’t leave until she was covered in a light sheen of sweat. We stepped out into the cold and she shivered, I offered her my jacket.

  “So, were you just on a shot-high or do you mean what you said?” I asked her. We were seconds away from my apartment.

  “I meant it. I thought about everything you said and I just felt it. I know you’ll do it the right way, that I’ll feel safe and I know I need that now.” I parked the car and turned to face her. She looked awfully adorable in my jacket that swallowed her tiny frame. Her glossy blue eyes tore right into mine.

  “That guy…a total stranger would be awful. His hands on me…” she shuddered with disgust.

  “You have this way about you, you always have. When I was in trouble or something, you’ve always been there to make me feel better. After tonight…I know it’s weird but I’m sure we’re not the first ones to do it—be best friends and just have sex.” I nodded.

  “I don’t think so either…and that’s all I want. For you to be okay. During and after.” I smirked. She smiled a little.

  “You’re so full of it.” She laughed a little bit. I swallowed nervously.

  “Um…when do you want to do it?” I asked, for lack of a better way to phrase it. She glanced up at the apartment, chewed on the inside of her lip and shrugged softly.

  “I don’t know…now?” She’s asking me? Oh, she is.

  “It’s whenever you want…unless you want me to surprise you.” I joked about our conversation
from earlier. She blushed a little bit and got that same nervous look in her eye. It took me a while but then I got it.

  “Oh…you do.” She nodded slowly. So cheesecake has some kink to her. I never would have thought. I assumed she was just joking earlier, playing herself up or something.

  “Yeah. Just nothing crazy. Don’t blindfold me or anything.” I nodded with a slight chuckle.

  “Okay.” She shivered again. I could see goosebumps on her bare leg.

  “Let’s go inside, it’s cold.”

  We crossed the threshold and she stopped in front of her door.

  “Just don’t wait too long, my period starts in four days.” She said, her hand on her door knob. I smiled softly.

  “I won’t…and we both know your calculations aren’t always right.” She glowered at me.

  “Shut up, we don’t talk about that.” She laughed and shut her door behind her.

  I laughed all the way to my room, remembering our freshman year in high school when her period had suddenly appeared whilst we were shopping in the mall. I’m a good friend, a great one because I let her wear my pants while I walked around in my briefs till I bought a new pair. I marked that day as the day we officially became best friends.

  There was no way I could fall asleep. Not even after I took a hot shower, and a cold one because I started thinking about having sex with Lori. I lounged on my bed in sweats, sans shirt and my anatomy book. It’s nerdy, but it helps calm me down, helps me stop thinking for a while, and I needed that.

  I honestly thought she would say no. I wasn’t prepared for a yes, at all. And now she wants me to just surprise her; ‘hey, let’s go have sex now.’ It was too much for me. yeah, I like to be in control, I like telling a girl what to do in bed, what guy wouldn’t? But Lori was different. I knew I would be second guessing everything because I don’t want to hurt her, or worse, scare her.

  I distracted myself with the principles of human anatomy. Particularly the heart. I want to be a cardiac surgeon so bad. I feel it in my gut, in my soul, I need to do it or I’ll always feel like I left something behind. The kind of regret you can’t get over here. I was on to the mitrovalve when there was a knock on my door. It could only be one person.


  Lori swung the door open and I took her in. Is it normal for her to be this beautiful? Her gray shorts were rolled up even shorter, barely more than boy-shorts. Her white tank top didn’t reach the waist band of her shorts so I could see her cute little belly button. I always made fun of her for still having an outie and she hates it.

  “Can I sit?” I nodded.

  “Yeah, sure.” I patted the space next to me on the bed. She climbed up with her book.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked her. She shook her head. I patted my lap, she laid down on my thigh. The only thing keeping her from my crotch was my seven-pound anatomy book.

  “Nothing. Just didn’t want to be alone for a bit.”

  “Well, I’m here.” She smiled up at me and started reading. I went back to reading too.

  Only occasionally distracted by how her hair looked in the dim light, how her creamy skin flowed and I had no choice but to follow it with my eyes. Her breasts were spilling over her tank, she rested her book on them. Must be nice.

  With a heavy sigh, she closed her book and turned to look at me. Holding her head up on her hand with her elbow over my thigh.

  “Are you nervous?” Her eyes bored right into mine.

  I arched a brow, “about?”

  She glanced down at my anatomy book then looked back at me.

  “About us having sex.” I couldn’t help but laugh. A deep, throaty laugh that shook us both. Her full lips parted as she stared blankly at me.

  “No. Should I be?” She shrugged.

  “I don’t know.” She sighed.

  “It won’t be a hard thing, or something. I doubt you’ll be anything like the last virgin I had sex with.”

  “It was bad?” She furrowed her brows.

  “No. She just kept trying to see me again even though I already told her I don’t do the dating thing. I met her a few times for lunch before I let her down easy though.” I chuckled softly.

  “Oh.” I nodded.

  I sighed, not sure if I should tell her.

  “But just so you know, I’m giving you the full experience. I won’t sugar coat anything—I won’t treat you like a random hook up, of course. But I won’t exactly see you as my best friend in the moment. You’ll be…” I looked down her body, “a really sexy woman that I care a lot about.” She gasped inwardly. I obviously struck something inside of her. She was rubbing her legs together again. I saw her face flush in the dim light.

  “You got a problem with that?” She shook her head slowly.


  She laid back on my legs and started reading again. I wasn’t sure how long she wanted to stay but I was perfectly relaxed so I put my book away and sunk down into the bed. She moved her head to lay on my stomach. I rested my hands behind my head and stared at her.

  “You’re staring.” She murmured.

  “Just thinking about what I’m going to do with you.” She elbowed me in the gut. It didn’t hurt too much though.

  “I’m nodding off.” I said after a while. She moved onto the other pillow. She laid on her side, her back to me as she kept reading.

  I turned the other way, because I couldn’t do anything but get a hard on staring at her ass, and drifted off to sleep.


  When I woke up she was gone. My hard on wasn’t though.

  Taking a piss was a bitch but I managed and went on to brush my teeth. I splashed my face with some cold water and stared at myself in the mirror. I never look any different. My unruly brown hair is still all over the place; my green eyes are still bright. Muscles still defined everywhere, even without the football workout regimen.

  I padded into the kitchen in my sweats, sans shirt. I guess it’s a thing—me never wearing a shirt. Lori’s bedroom door was wide open and she wasn’t in there. Only one other place she could be. I turned to the balcony, sure enough she was doing yoga. No ass play this time, or whatever that position is. She was on her front, torso turned up to the sky. Her upper arms pressed against her chest. Her bright orange sports bra did little to support her, then again nothing really did. I turned my face away before I pitched a tent.

  I had a taste for waffles. I started on them, just like my mom makes them. Not before having my coffee of course. Lori came inside when the first waffle was in the maker.

  “Hey Cheesecake, I’m making waffles.” Her smile reached her eyes.

  “I want two. Or three.” I laughed aloud. She had quite the appetite.

  My eyes went right to her wide hips and full butt, fighting her tight black leggings as she walked into her room. When she returned she had on a thin, almost see through white shirt. It fell off one shoulder and was long sleeved. It did nothing to help my wandering eyes.

  “How was yoga today?” She moved around me.

  “Good, I guess. You’re getting fat.” She swatted my abs playfully. Nice try. They’re rock hard and staying that way.

  “Shut up.” I laughed.

  I grabbed two plates and gave us each two waffles. I sprayed some whip cream on them.

  “More.” She licked her lip, I looked down at her, catching her gleaming blue eyes.

  “You’re adorable.” My breath hitched in my throat, I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. I don’t think I ever said stuff like that to her.

  “As much as you are annoying.” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. She grabbed her plate and hopped on the stool.

  I poured us more coffee and sat next to her. I know it was purely platonic, us eating breakfast together. I got this aching feeling in my gut, wanting more. Wanting more than to just be her friend. Sure, I’m her best friend, but I want more than our memories and laughs. I want her heart. I want her heart to be mine.

  “These are so go

  “Thank my mother. Her recipes never fail.” I scooped up my last bite.

  “How is she? And your dad?” She curled her leg up and turned to face me.

  Strands of her hair fell out of her loose bun; her face was still red from her workout. Her blush extended to her chest, and who knows where else. I guess, at least now, I get to see that.

  “Ma is fine. I haven’t talked to my dad. Last I knew he was away on business.”

  “So, nothing about the football yet?” I shook my head.

  “No. But I’m sure he’ll call me soon; the draft is coming up and the combine is in February or march.” She nodded. She rested her chin on her knee, making her lips pout. I wanted so badly to just pull her close to me and kiss her. The only thing calming me was knowing I could soon enough…if she even wanted all that. Hmm.

  “I have a question.” She arched a brow. I cleared my throat nervously, unsure of how to phrase the question.

  “So…when we do it, am I allowed to do other stuff or you just want me to pop in and go?” I smirked. Her face flushed even more than before, a dark scarlet now.

  “What do you mean other stuff? I’m not doing…” her voice squeaked. I laughed, getting what she meant.

  “No. Not anal, you can say it you know. I mean the other stuff—like teasing and kissing.” I watched her throat move as she swallowed, her eyes widened like she was stuck in headlights. Shit.

  “I…assumed that came with the full experience you told me about.” She blinked.

  I chuckled.

  “Nice choice of words.” She shoved against my arm, but all I felt was the softness of her hands.

  “Shut up. You know what I mean.” I nodded.

  “Yeah I do. And it is. I want you to have a good time…honestly, I’m pretty stoked about introducing you to a whole new world of pleasure. Being your first.”

  “You are so full of it.” She rolled her pretty eyes and I laughed. She couldn’t hold it for long, she laughed too.

  “You sure you just want me to surprise you?” I checked.

  “If we plan it my anxiety will just eat me alive.” She answered softly.


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