Just Between Us: A Friend's to Lover's Romance

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Just Between Us: A Friend's to Lover's Romance Page 15

by Bri Stone

  I felt her hand against my forehead.

  “Dillon, wake up.” She tried to move me, shaking my shoulders.

  “Lo…” I groaned. I felt like shit. Complete, absolute shit.

  “Dillon, if you don’t open your eyes I’m taking you to the hospital. You don’t look good at all.” Fear laced her voice. I tried to open my eyes, really tried. But nothing. I knew what was going on but I couldn’t fully wake up. Her soft hands were hot on my face as she studied me.

  “Okay, I’m taking you.” She left quickly. I heard the patter of her feet moving around. Then she struggled to put a shirt on me. I was no help; she was doing all the work. She stuck some shoes on my feet.

  “You’re so heavy.” Her arms slunk under my shoulders and she dragged me up. I could at least stand on my own, a little bit. It was all a blur until she dropped me into the car.

  “Did you eat something bad?” The car was moving now. I shook my head.

  I tried to open my eyes again. I could see outside now. It was almost dark, I turned to Lori, she didn’t even move the seat up before she started driving. She was obviously worried about me. I was worried about me.

  We got to the emergency room and she went inside to get help before trying to lift me herself. I remember being wheeled into the room. Being poked and prodded. But most of all I remember Lori holding my hand the whole time. It was probably the only thing keeping me from passing out. I just felt so weak, and tired, and nauseous. Oh yeah, I threw up a few times. Quite more than a few. Then I was just asleep again.

  “Dillon!” Now I was awake. I opened my eyes. Now I could see perfectly. And I felt a bit less like shit.

  “Hey Cheesecake.” I smiled softly. My voice wasn’t as strong as I wanted it to be.

  “I thought you were…you look awful.” She teased. I laughed a bit.

  She was sitting next to me. I was stretched out in the hospital bed in the same clothes I came in. It wasn’t serious enough for me to be gowned, that was good.

  “I feel awful. What the hell happened?” I rubbed my face.

  “The doctor explained it better. But it was pretty much like a twenty-four-hour cold or something. I’ll actually go get him.” She stood up. I really saw her then. She obviously got dressed in a hurry. Her socks didn’t match, she was in her fuzzy house shoes and she didn’t wear a bra under her Clemson t-shirt. Fuck. I couldn’t get a hard on before the doctor came in.

  She was back a few moments later. I recognized the doctor—Dr. Meddle. I shadowed him my sophomore year when I was considering emergency medicine.

  “Dillon, I’ve seen you at better times.” He shook my hand. Dr. Meddle was a pretty young guy. I didn’t know much about him, never cared to find out I suppose.

  “Yeah, I’ve had better times. How soon can I get out of here?” I asked him as he checked me out.

  “Once this drip is finished and your fever is gone. Do you remember eating anything that might make you sick?” I shook my head. I looked at Lori. Worry covered her face. she always got these cute little wrinkle lines in her forehead when she was worried. But it was her eyes that shocked me; there were red lines around them, telling me she had been crying. Shit.

  “Not that I can think of…Lori and I ate the same thing today so she would be sick too if that was it.” She nodded. He furrowed his brow as he wrote in his files.

  “I see. It could just be a natural reaction in your body to new stress. But if it’s the common cold, we’ve given you medication to help too and you’ll take that for a few days.”

  “But he was really sick, it could just be a cold?” Lori asked.

  “Yeah, some fevers are worse than others. Or maybe Dillon is just an unhealthy cow.” He joked. We all laughed.

  “You should be out of here in a few hours. I’ll come back then to discharge you.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” He left us alone.

  I relaxed against the pillow and sighed heavily. I was tired, but I felt like I had been asleep so long I just wanted to stay up.

  “You were crying?” I held out my hand to her. She took it in both her soft hands.

  “It was really scary, that’s all.”

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry…maybe the sex was just so good I fell ill.” She laughed with me. There was nothing awkward about it either.

  “Maybe. Do you feel any better?”

  “Yeah. Just tired. Guess I can skip class tomorrow.” Even though I was getting out later, I doubted I would feel well enough to go to class.

  “Are you sure you didn’t eat something bad?” She asked. I stared down into her big blue eyes.

  “Yeah. And we ate the same thing so you would be sick too. You sure you aren’t sick?”

  “Positive. I feel great.” she stared down at her hands around mine. blush started to creep across her skin, I knew what she was referring to.

  “Do you?” I whispered. I sued my other hand to cup her chin, forcing her to look at me.

  “Yeah.” I tucked a hair behind her ear and drew my hand away.

  “Do you feel any different?” She exhaled slowly.

  “Sore,” she laughed once, “but I guess it’s like a birthday—I don’t feel much different.”

  “I get you. You aren’t too sore, are you?” I was concerned. In the shower especially, I was rougher than I would want to be.

  “No. I’m not.”

  “Good…I wanted to go slow. I mean, I did the first time but who knew you liked it rough.” I teased her.

  “Shut up.” She punched my leg. It actually hurt that time. “I…wasn’t sure you would be okay with doing it again. I know we only agreed on the one time.” I held her gaze.

  “I know. But at the end of the day I’m a weak man and you are one hot chick—couldn’t turn you down.” She blushed again. She really doesn’t know how fucking sexy she is. It makes her all the more sexy too.

  “You’re such an ass.” But she was laughing, so I knew she wasn’t serious.

  “I know. But it’s true, I have one sexy best friend.” She shook her head but didn’t protest.

  “Is it weird that I don’t feel any different around you?” She asked. I shrugged. I felt different around her since I was fifteen, but being in love with her just made me want her more. She never felt that towards me, so it made sense she didn’t feel different. But I couldn’t tell her that.

  “No. I mean; we grew up together. We’ve been in more awkward situations.” I chuckled.

  “I guess so…I thought because—never mind.” She shook it off.

  “What?” She let go of my hand and stared at her lap. She curled her legs up on the chair and hugged her arms around them.

  “Because I asked to do it again.” She muttered. I couldn’t help but laugh, she looked at me with a shocked expression.

  “I wouldn’t ever mind you asking me to have sex with you. Yeah, you’re my best friend but if you want to use me for my body, I won’t protest.” I held my hands up. Of course, this was mostly the part of me that was in love with her talking. Telling her was completely different than showing her. She couldn’t run away if it was just sex. People don’t ever run from that until it gets complicated. We’re already friends, we already have an established connection and years behind us. Nothing could be awkward. Not even if we tried.

  “I…okay.” She looked at me. I nodded once. I knew she couldn’t say it. But I had a feeling she would ask for it again. I had no idea though, that she would take a liking to it so quickly. Maybe it was all the years of thinking about, all the buildup she put herself through.

  “You should get home; you have work tomorrow.” I cleared my throat.

  “I’m okay. You shouldn’t be here alone. This place is depressing.” I laughed a bit.

  “Okay. Let’s watch some tv then.” She grabbed the remote.


  I moved over so she could sit next to me on the bed. We settled for HGTV but I dozed off after a few episodes of ‘Fixer Upper.’ Dr. Meddle came back and dis
charged me after the drip finished, like he said he would. He gave me a prescription to fill too. Lori stopped and got the works—soup and crackers, along with my prescription.

  “You won’t get sick too, right?”

  “I don’t think so.” We were back home.

  I took the longest hot shower ever before climbing into bed. Lori wanted to make me soup but I couldn’t eat anything yet. I still felt queasy. Lori stayed with me to make sure I didn’t pass out or anything. I was about to fall asleep completely before she got my attention.


  “Yeah, Cheesecake.” I laid on my side, eyes closed and ready to fall asleep. I felt like I could sleep for days.

  “Thank you.” I furrowed my brow.

  “For what?” I could feel her biting her lip even though I couldn’t see her.


  “Breaking your hymen?” I guessed. I felt her scowl.

  “Yeah…and making it—feel as good as it did.”

  “Both times?” I smiled a bit.

  “Yeah.” I nodded.

  “No problem.” She cleared her throat. I knew she had more to say.

  “Don’t be an ass, but you meant what you said—that I could use you for your body?” I had to stop myself from smiling. I may be sick but even the thought of Lori that way threatened another hard on.

  “Yes, I did. I’m going to sleep now.” She didn’t say anything else.


  Getting sick was a complete distraction from what happened with Lori. I didn’t get time to dwell on it because I was so sick, tired, and I had to keep up with school. Missing two days of class and studying put me behind, especially in biomedical ethics and homicide. Mom worried about me, calling me incessantly for a few days afterwards but she backed off soon enough. Dad checked in a few times and didn’t mention football—that was a good sign, right?

  By March I was caught up. Honestly, it took until March. But then it was midterms and I was back in the books. Lori was soaring at work. She had a new manuscript every day, and her boss really valued her opinion. There was no awkwardness between us. We were completely normal—still had take-out on the couch, watched Grey’s Anatomy together…did everything we normally did. I was still head over fucking heels for her.

  Every time I looked at her I remembered what she looked like naked. How her blush literally covers every inch of her body. How the hollow of her clavicle rolls into her full breasts, how the curve of her hips flows down to the shadow between her legs. How perfect she looks; swollen, wanting. For me.

  I was worried, for a second, that she wouldn’t respond to me that way. But every time I touched her…she’s sensitive everywhere. I’ve never made a girl come so fast. I’m good, but not that good. I would day dream day after day about making her come over and over just to see how many times I could. She had four that day…every time I was in the shower I thought of her pressed up against the wall with me deep inside of her. I loved it. I wanted more and more.

  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t waiting for her to ask me again. To make her feel good, because she obviously felt fucking great. I was proud of myself for not getting more attached than I already was. I was doing well actually.

  “You’re still studying?” I looked up from the pile of papers on my bed. Lori stood in my doorway. Hair tied up, big red t-shirt on and fingers curled around a book.

  “Yeah. You should go to bed, it’s late.” It was after two in the morning. She had to be at work earlier than my first class. Well, an hour earlier.

  “So. Should. You. You can’t pour from an empty cup.” She was still standing in my doorway, tilting her foot. She obviously wanted to ask me something—something she was nervous about.

  “Don’t quote my mother, please.” It was her favorite thing to tell me when I was overworking myself.

  This is what I did all the time. I have a 4.0 GPA from hard work, not by chance. Every spare inch of my time out of class and not on the football field was spent studying in the library, going to supplemental instruction sessions, in labs and tutor sessions.

  I added capital murder to my Quizlet for Homicide and glanced up to find her still standing in the doorway, biting the shit out of her lip.

  “What’s up, Cheesecake?” I asked, not looking up from my PowerPoint. I heard her take in a shaky breath.

  “I was wondering if I could try something with you.” I looked up at her, my brow arching.

  “Anal?” She glared at me softly.

  I chuckled a bit and kept reading. I loved Lori—in more ways than one, but I had to finish this so I could memorize it tomorrow. The midterm was Friday.

  “No…something to—just you.” She stepped closer to me. My eyes moved from the papers on my bed, to her feet, up her perfectly tanned legs, before pausing at the hem of her shirt. My eyes stayed glued to her legs as she curled up on the bed.

  “What—what is it you want to try?” I didn’t even know what it was and I was already getting hard. She clutched her book tighter before setting it down.

  Her mouth opened to speak, then she bit down on her bottom lip.

  “I—I want to suck you off.” I almost came right then.

  My eyes widened in shock and my laptop slid off my lap as my hands let it go. I swallowed audibly.

  “You—why? I mean, I’m not complaining…just…want to know what you’re thinking.” I need know what is going on in her head. I need to make sure that she is sure first, no matter what my cock is telling me with its aching throb. She inhaled sharply and then exhaled slowly.

  “I always wanted to try it. But I don’t trust anyone else enough…you know, diseases and stuff.” I laughed once. All my focus was on her and my throbbing cock.

  “Yeah, I get you.” I stared into her eyes. Her big blues stared right back at me.

  “Um…so if you want to take a study break or something.” Her gaze left mine. Shit. She wants to do it now? Fuck, I want to do it now.

  “I…yeah, sure.” She nodded. I noticed her eyes stuck on my bare skin. I still hadn’t learned to wear a shirt, obviously.

  Her hands moved my laptop out of the way, and my open books and papers.

  “Lay back.” Her voice was soft.

  “You aren’t going to butter me up first?” I teased. If I was tired before, I was wide awake now. She worried her lip with her teeth and crossed the space between us. Her forehead touched mine before her lips did.

  I let her take the lead. She was hesitant, her lips soft and slow. But I loved it. I loved how she didn’t know what to do but it was still perfect. Her tongue flicked against my lip ever so softly and I had no choice but to groan deep in my chest. I wasn’t wasting anymore time. I needed to feel her soft body against mine.

  My hands trailed to her ass and I tugged her body on mine. She squealed inside her throat but kept kissing me, the intensity growing. She spread her legs and straddled me, I felt her warmth right over my cock. Her mouth left mine too soon. I laid back, my lips parted as I watched her trail kisses down my body. When she looked up at me through her lashes I almost came undone. Her eyes were big and innocent, fucking sexy and perfect. Her mouth trailed over my pecs and she sucked on my nipple like I would do to her.

  “Fucking hell…” that feels good. I do it to girls all the time but I didn’t know it could feel good for me too.

  She moved farther down. Her lashes fanned over her cheeks in the sultriest way. Her small hands were on either side of my hips. I held her left hand in my own, circling her palm with my thumb. I couldn’t believe she was doing this. I mean, she has always been adventurous by wanting to try new things. I wouldn’t complain, being the product of her exploration. If we could have sex and still be okay, this wouldn’t change anything either. So yes, I thought this through in the thirty seconds I had.

  Her lips were at the hairs leading to my hard on, which was straining through my sweats.

  “You sure about this?” I had to ask. She looked up at me and arched a brow.
  “We already had sex, this is nothing.” Fuck. I loved that smart mouth of hers.

  “Alright, Cheesecake.” My voice was breathy.

  She curled her soft hands around the band of my sweats and tugged. I lifted my hips so she could pull them off. I didn’t have anything on underneath, her eyes widened at the sight and her skin flushed.

  “We have had sex and you’re still blushing at the sight of my cock.” She glared up at me quickly. But then her face went back to pure desire; her pouty lips parted, her eyes a sultry stare. She wanted me. She was surprised she wanted me, I knew that, but she still wanted me.

  She was staring at it like she had never seen one before—the curiosity fueled me. I missed it; women looking at me like they had never seen a man before.

  “Jesus…” I hissed when her hand wrapped around my base.

  She drew her hand up slowly, incredibly slowly. She used her thumb to wet me with the moisture already forming at my tip. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched her with rapt attention. She licked her full lips before kissing the tip of me gently. I shuddered with my entire body.

  Her mouth opened and she took me in her hot mouth inch by agonizing inch. Ugghhhhh.

  I was about ready to come just then. I don’t fucking know how she did it but she took me all the way in—using her hand as an extension for what she couldn’t take in to her mouth. I hit the back of her throat and she drew my cock out again. She stopped right at my tip, sucking on me like a carnival lollipop. Her tongue flicked against my gland, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. I felt it all the way to my fingertips. She took me in her mouth again, working me with her hand at the same time.

  “Oh God, Lori…” I never come this fast. Ever.

  I was watching her soft, creamy ass in the air, peeking out from her blue cotton panties. Cotton has never been so sexy.

  “Touch yourself.” I gruffed. I was right on the edge, but fuck, I wanted to see it.

  She glanced up at me quickly but then moved her other hand. I guess her yoga came in handy, she was balancing perfectly on her knees as she trailed her hand up her thigh. I watched her hand disappear between her legs, the unknown made it much hotter. I didn’t know what she was doing, but when her body jerked and her brows knitted together, that’s when I knew she found the right spot. Her mouth worked me faster and faster, her tongue swirling around me. I wanted to watch her come at her own hands so fucking bad I couldn’t hold on any longer. I knew I was about to come so I tugged her hair softly but she stayed firm.


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