Accounting for Lust

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Accounting for Lust Page 9

by Ylette Pearson

  “It’s so full,” she managed between pants. Jake’s movement stilled and he started to withdraw. She shook her head.

  “No. Don’t.”

  Slowly he pushed deeper, allowing her body to adjust to the incredible tightness. The fullness was overwhelming and Cassie caught her breath.

  Once fully sheathed, Jake slowly moved, holding on to her, encouraging her to use the dildo. Heat erupted in her pussy as she mimicked the action of his cock in her ass with the toy. The world seized to exist . Water sloshed in the tub as they increased the pace. Overflowing onto the floor with him pumping into her her and she working the toy.

  She felt him release his warmth inside her moments before her world tilted and her muscles contracted. She fought for breath as the orgasm spun her into outer space, flooding her senses.

  The chill of the water rose her from the slumber she’d fallen into. Stirring she was amazed to find Jake still connected to her and by the feel of it, waking up quickly. She wiggled her ass, feeling him growing inside her, stiffening until he groaned her name in warning.

  Cassie pulled her feet under her, resting her hands on the edge of the tub. Slowly she started to move, taking him deeper and lifting her ass off his pelvis. Jake’s breath caught as the cold water sloshed between their bodies. Cassie circled her hips before taking him inside fully again, squeezing his length into her. Increasing the rhythm of her movements, Jake panted beneath her, his knuckles turning white where he gripped the tub.

  “You like this?”


  She stopped moving and elicited a groan from Jake. “Woman, you’re cruel. Don’t stop. Give it to me baby.”

  Cassie obliged with a grin on her face. She couldn’t stop even if she wanted to. Her pussy throbbed and begged for release. Faster and faster she moved, their bodies slapping together, fusing, releasing. Until her pussy flowed with moist cum and Jake released his hotness into her anus.

  Limply she fell onto him, dragging his hands to her stomach and resting her head against the tub. When her breathing returned to normal, she turned in the tub and added warm water. Bathing quickly, she wrapped herself in a towel and rummaged through the walk-in closet for something to wear. Something with easy access.

  To her amazement, she couldn’t find anything suitable amongst her clothes. Frowning she took mental inventory of the items she knew should be in the closet. She didn’t have one piece of sexy clothing. Underwear that would knock any man’s socks off, that she had plenty of. But clothes? Nothing. Was she really so boring and unimaginative that she couldn’t even buy herself exciting clothes? Suit upon suit lined the rails in the closet. Except for the outfit she bought in Mauritius, she had no casual clothes. Nothing indicating that she had excitement except for work.

  She shrugged her shoulders. Until today, she hadn’t felt the need for casual wear. She never partied with friends and the only restaurant meals she had, was during business meetings. Suddenly that life seemed lonely and empty. But it was what she chose and just because she fell in love with a man who made her want things she knew could never have, it didn’t mean she was going to mope about it or change her lifestyle.

  “Come on Cassie, what’s taking you so long in there?” Jake called from the bedroom.

  “I can’t find anything to wear.”

  “Then don’t. Why must women always worry about what to wear when we in fact prefer them to wear nothing at all?”

  Cassie giggled. Could she be brave enough to walk in there naked? Exposed to him with all her flaws? She inhaled deeply and lifted her chin. Why not?

  She sauntered into the bedroom, adding extra swagger to her hips, enjoying the slight sway of her breasts. Jake lay on the bed with his head popped up in one hand. The other was busy arranging a variety of toys on the mattress. He looked up as she entered and his eyes darkened.

  “Now that’s exactly how I like a woman.” With a wolfish grin he crooked a finger at her. “Come here you sexy thing.”

  Cassie took her time, deliberately slowing her steps. As she reached the edge of the bed, Jake swung his legs over the side and pulled her to him. His hands caressed her buttocks gliding upward and over her sides again. He stretched up to flick his tongue over one hardening nipple.

  His mobile rang. With a not quite muffled curse, he rummaged through his discarded clothing in the bathroom to find the phone. Cassie sighed and stretched out on the mattress, the sheet smooth against her skin.

  Chapter Nine

  “Hold on a minute,” Jake told Matt as he closed the door of the bathroom. The view of Cassie relaxing on the bed surrounded by various sex toys might just turn him into a babbling idiot while he needed a level head.

  “All right. What is so important that you’re calling me on a Sunday afternoon?”

  “Remember we said the camera must be inside her office? Well, we need to find out where the cable leads. The tech-guys said the photo is one taken with a high resolution camera connected to a computer. It records the images directly on the hard drive so the guy can just rewind and watch everything he missed. According to them the cable couldn’t be too long otherwise the image would loose quality.”

  “What length are we talking about? And how the hell could they tell that from just one photo?”

  “Maximum twenty to thirty meters. Jake, they’re professionals. They don’t ask how we know what we do and I don’t ask them.”

  Jake contemplated the setup at the office. Cassie’s office was in the penthouse. With no floors above her and only her secretary and board member’s offices on the same floor, it shouldn’t be too difficult to track.

  “Okay, but why tell me this now? It could’ve waited until tomorrow. Cassie’s been through enough this weekend.”

  Matt sighed on the other side of the line. “Think with head not you dick for a moment, Jake. We need to follow the cable without the perpetrator knowing. That means we have to clear the building of everyone. And I mean everyone. We have to evacuate so that nobody remains inside, but we have to have access.”

  Jake nodded even though Matt couldn’t see. “And we need Cassie to issue the order.”

  “Discuss it with her and get let me know. Today. I need to plan. We can’t let the bugger continue without us knowing where he is and what he can see.”

  “Will do.” Jake severed the connection and dropped his head in his hands. He knew reality would catch up with them eventually. He had hoped it would take a couple of days though. Cassie needed a reprieve from the stress of the past couple of months.

  Guilt swept over him at the thought. He should have been helping Matt sort out the mess so that Cassie could go with her life, but instead he selfishly held on to the unnatural union he enjoyed with her. Keeping her to himself instead of solving her problem.

  He shook his head in disgust. What had he become? Never had he allowed the lures of a woman to interfere with the execution of his duties. So why was he so reluctant to end their current arrangement? Why did he loathe to spoil the rest of her day for her?

  Jake sighed. He’d better get it over with. He opened the bathroom door and stared at the vision on the bed. She’d gotten under the covers, her hair spread out on the burgundy pillowcase. Cassie slept peacefully.

  Dammit, he was not going to wake her now. Matt just had to wait. Jake shrugged into his shorts and tiptoed on bare feet to the lounge. After making himself a cup of strong coffee, he paced the floor. His mind sorting through what little information they had on the culprit.

  Besides being able to log into a secure system and transfer funds to and from various accounts in such a manner that it was virtually impossible to trace, he also had the technical knowledge to set up a high- resolution camera in such a way that it was undetectable. The photos of Cassie and Dorian suggested he had a personal issue with the whole Adams family. From what he could remember about the photos on the flash drives, Cassie’s old man didn’t exactly lead an exemplary life and finding someone with motive enough to concoct this elaborate
scheme would be too easy. There were so many candidates it would take them years to follow up on every single woman depicted in the pictures.

  Jake took out his laptop and listed everything they needed to check. First would be the IP address from where the transfers were effected. Once they had that, they would at least have the computer the perp used. Following the money usually rendered the best results.

  He typed ferociously on the keyboard and when Cassie pressed a steaming mug of coffee under his nose, he nearly jumped out of his skin. A quick glance at the computer’s clock showed he’d spent the better part of three hours planning.

  “Thanks. Slept well?”

  She nodded. “Who was that on the phone?”

  “Matt. We need to talk.”

  Cassie frowned at him. “Did anything happen?”

  He held up his hand. “No, nothing like that. The technical guys figured out the camera in your office must be attached to a computer not more than thirty meters from your office. They want to follow the cable but don’t want the guy to know we’re on to him.”

  “So you need everyone out of the building without arousing suspicion.”

  Jake nodded. “Have you had to evacuate before?”

  “No, but we regularly have the guys from infestation spraying the building. Usually over a weekend though so we don’t loose too much productivity.” She bit her lip. “I suppose we could afford a day or two if it means getting closer to finding whoever is behind this. The only problem we have is that the factory and depository must also close and it takes a couple of hours to do that. We planned the closure to fall over long weekends or holidays where the plant would shutdown in any case.”

  Jake frowned. Why the plant also? I thought it was next door to the offices.”

  “It is, but it is counterproductive to close the two sections on separate days and besides, when we spray the building, the gasses drift along the passages connecting the depository and plant.”

  Jake’s mouth dropped open. “People from the factory have access to the offices?”

  “Not everyone. Only two people are authorized to use the connecting door, me and the plant manager. The depository’s personnel use a separate entrance and although they are connected to the plant, it’s by way of conveyer belts running in a narrow tunnel. You’d have to wear protective clothing for the heat and then no human being could fit inside. It was specifically designed that way for security reasons.”

  She angled her head to the side. “Didn’t Joshua explain this to you when you arrived on Friday?”

  Jake’s face coloured. “He might have, but I didn’t pay much attention. I was too worried about how I was going to protect you without throwing you on the closest flat surface and having my way with you. Besides, the initial instruction was to protect. That changed to finding out from whom, very quickly.”

  Cassie giggled. “I guess it has changed.”

  Sobering, she paced the room. At the window she turned to Jake. “We need a compelling reason to issue the evacuation order so that we don’t arouse suspicion.”

  “When do you usually arrange the fumigation?”

  “Every four months or when we notice an infestation.”

  “An infestation of what?”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Anything. Rats, cockroaches, ants. Anything that could basically harm the manufacturing, storing or paper process.”

  He nodded. How difficult could it be to arrange the semblance of an infestation of cockroaches? It hit him then. They couldn’t introduce the critters and then not spray and if they spray, the guys won’t be able to work. Unless they wore protective clothing and masks. Difficult, but not impossible. It might slow the work, though.

  “How long will it take from the time you notice the problem to complete shutting?”

  “If we notice it early enough tomorrow morning, we could be offline by six tomorrow night.” She frowned at him.

  “How long will you guys need?”

  “Probably the night and the following day. We have to spray for real and that means the tech guys will have to use suits and masks. It will slow them some.”

  She nodded and caught her lower lip between her teeth. Jake’s eyes stuck on her plump, slightly swollen lower lip. He could feel himself stirring again. Dammit, he needed to focus on getting the job done first. Rising from the chair, he grabbed his mobile and stomped to the window. He made the call to Matt and informed him of the arrangements. Satisfied that his duty was done, he returned to the chair and tried to concentrate on the work he’d been doing before Cassie came into the room.

  The letters danced before his eyes and were quickly replaced by visions of Cassie on the bed, naked and in the throes of passion. Naturally he was the one administering the pleasure by using some of the myriad of toys, his hands, his mouth. Jake shifted in the chair to accommodate his rock hard cock. He glanced at the clock. It was nearly four in the afternoon. From tomorrow, Cassie would remain under surveillance of the whole team. It was the way they usually operated to give the operatives some time off. He didn’t need time off. He needed Cassie. Now. Shutting the lid of the laptop, Jake found Cassie in the kitchen and lead her to the bedroom.

  Cassie stood in the kitchen, watching Jake approach. For the past couple of minutes, she heard only silence from the dining room table. The furious typing on the laptop seized and she waited. She hardly recognized herself the past couple of days. Sex never ruled her actions. It was fun when she had it, but never so mind- blowing that she couldn’t live without it. That is, until Jake came along.

  He gave new meaning to the term fulfilment. Mindful of their limited time together, she didn’t object when he took her hand and walked her to the bedroom. Without bothering to shut the door, he gathered her in his arms and kissed her. The contact reverberated to her toes. Every sense was heightened as he lifted the t-shirt over her head and pulled her pants to the floor.

  When he picked her up and hugged her to his chest, Cassie pressed her head against the hard muscles, listening to his heart, enjoying the shelter his warmth gave. Safe. Jake was safe. And extremely dangerous, her heart complained. She didn’t want safe. Dangerous was much more fun.

  Dangerous also meant more hurt later when she had to say goodbye. But for now, dangerous was what she wanted. He sat on the bed with her still hugged to his chest and his erection pressed against her thighs. She ran her hands over his short hair, along his neck and over his broad shoulders, halting on the star formed scar on the top of his chest.

  She traced the outlines of the scar and replaced her fingers with her mouth, trailing light kisses along the scar and licking the upheaved flesh. Jake inhaled sharply and Cassie hid a smile. It was about time Jake received some of his own medicine. She tugged his shirt out of his shorts and lifted it over his head, making sure her hands stayed in contact with the warmth of his body.

  His shorts followed suit and Cassie dropped to the floor. She rubbed her breasts against his fully erect cock, capturing the velvet sleeve in the valley between them. Moving ever so slightly, she moved his cock up and down. The simultaneous hard and soft texture heightening her own desire.

  She bent her neck and on the up stroke licked his crown, tasting his arousal. She let go of her breasts and took him in her mouth and grabbed on to his buttocks with one hand. The other hand she used to stroke his tightened balls and rub the sensitive spot between them and his anus. Even though she relaxed her throat, he was just too big to fit. Flicking her tongue over the sensitized head, she stroked the insides of his thighs.


  Jake lifted her from her knees and pulled her up against him. His kiss branded her as his and she forgot to breathe. He slowly lowered her to the bed, never breaking the kiss. Stroking the sides of her breasts, he parted her legs with his knee. When he lifted his head his eyes shone almost black with desire. Cassie tried to concentrate on his face, memorizing every line, every feature. She touched the small scar next to his eye.

  “What ha
ppened here?”

  “Hunting accident.”

  Jake pinched a pebbled nipple between his fingers. Liquid fire erupted in her womb and moisture pooled her pussy, waiting for him, ready for him. A cry escaped her lips as he took the sensitive peak in his mouth and suckled, varying between a delicate touch and almost cruel punishment.

  She dug her fingers into the sheet, needing something to hold on to as her world tilted on its axis. With his free hand he stroked her tummy with small circle movements. Cassie lifted her hips. She needed him to touch her lower, much lower.

  He chuckled softly. “Patience, my precious. All in good time.”

  He shifted his attention to the other nipple. She let go of the sheet and tangled her fingers in his short hair, alternating between pulling him closer and pushing him away. The world outside faded when he hugged her pussy in his large hand. He parted the lips, found her clit and gently rubbed. Increasing the suckling at her breast, Cassie bucked against his hand. More. She wanted more. She needed more.

  Jake obliged. His tongue found the incredibly sensitive and by now enlarged clit. Licking softly while running his fingers over her opening all the way to her anus. Shivers of delight raked her body and she closed her eyes.

  When Jake removed his hand to reach for the bottle of silicone based lubricant, Cassie suppressed the sense of deprivation chilling her. Jake responded by placing a sucking kiss on her clit. He liberally applied the lubricant to his hand and the outside of her anus before gently probing the tight opening. Rivers of electricity ran through her body and she spread her legs even further, allowing him to suck on her clit while his fingers worked their magic.

  The muscles in her pussy tightened as Jake placed one finger inside her anus and used his tongue to lap up the juices flowing freely from her pussy. Pleasure mounted inside her and a tidal wave of ecstasy swept through her. When he replaced his mouth with a soft, moist dildo, Cassie crested the wave and while he fingered her anus, she came all over the dildo.


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