Maiden's Saber

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Maiden's Saber Page 43

by Marion Faith St. James

  Arm in arm the two warriors walk back inside the building. By the time they are inside, all the others have risen from their chambers and are seated at the table.

  “Well, it is about time you two returned.” Amari says. “What were you two on about?”

  Dian and Mimna just smile at each other and take their seats.

  Holl-tu stands and raises his glass. “To the mighty who gather here. May our powers and companionship increase a hundredfold. May those that serve evil tremble and flee from our drawn swords.”

  “Hail’ comes the shout from everyone.

  There is much levity and bantering among them as food is consumed with relish.

  Once they are done eating, Mimna and Holl-tu cleanup as Amari takes the ancient book of the Kcaj and goes outside with the others following.

  Gareth grabs a small table laying on its side and throws it over his shoulder while holding one of its legs.

  They are outside and down several dozen steps to the level wide area of the garden. Gareth sets the table before the Maiden and runs his forearm over the surface to clear the dust.

  She gently lays the book open on the table and looks at her warriors. “Friends, we are about to go on what may be the first of many journeys of understanding. This tome holds the answers to our questions and hopefully much more.”

  The four sit upon the ground and get comfortable.

  Opening the first page, she begins to read.

  “The power of the Kcaj is contained in these pages. Penned by the hand of Barda; scribe to the Gods.”

  “The Gods actually had scribes?” Gareth asks.

  “I doubt that is true.” Amari says while reading ahead on the page. “It was probably a well-educated penman or monk known by the original holders of the Kcaj. They used scribes for transcribing what was told into written words.”

  The Maiden continues.

  “The Mystical Sabers of the Kcaj Pentadiene created by her own hand, the Goddess Aurelia imbued enchantments and powers to increase the blades own strength, or grant magic qualities to the true holder. As these fingers of the Gods possess a spiritual life cast from heavenly fires, the sabers choose those whose hands they fill.

  Meditate on the mysteries of the Goddess Aurelia. When thou conjure these abilities to defeat enemies and seek to manipulate the elements by supernatural power, do so largely with the knowledge that disastrous results may occur, if the wielder uses those powers for evil. The elemental potency of the Kcaj is limited if the one holding the blade should turn on a path of darkness. The full potential of the Kcaj is never realized.”

  Amari adds her own words to the narration. “Magic is power; power is dangerous. With all magic which exists, good or bad…you have to believe in it truly to make it so.”

  “It would appear, unless the heart is pure, and the holder is honorable and brave; one might lose their head.” Natsha says to Amari and the others. “How did your sister Urel escape not using the saber for evil purposes?”

  Before answering, Amari motions to Mimna and Holl-tu who have finished their tasks and are standing a short distance away to join them.

  The two find a spot next to the others.

  Amari rereads the first paragraphs for the benefit of the wizard and Mimna, then, answers Natsha. “Urel and I were chosen by the sabers when we were young. My sister and I fought for the light—against evil. It was later Urel turned to the shade. Pyrestorm would not leave my sister unless a worthy and honorable man or woman came about. Since my kin chose to frequent herself among the shade and those who follow the darkness, worthy and honorable were virtues not among them that practiced evil.

  Know this, Urel commanded dark forces under the Druid’s rule. The hooded workers of evil did the killing of the innocents. The Kcaj Saber would not have served my kin in that measure. Raising the sword against a non-evil person would have resulted in a burn to the holder’s fingers.”

  “That is why the Fire Sword burned Urel’s hand when she sought to kill me. It had chosen me as the new master.”

  “Yes, Natsha, even before you were born your destiny was ordained to be the holder of one of the world’s most powerful swords. Fire far outweighs water, earth and wind. This much I know; Katana has the qualities of each of your sabers.”

  Amari turns to the next page and reads.

  “If you hold an enchanted saber; know you are held in high esteem by the Gods and Goddesses. Bring forth the blade and learn its secrets.”

  “Gareth, as you were given the Earth Sword Helixx in the Dragon’s Grave, you are the first to draw near.”

  As Gareth stands, he lifts Helixx from his side and holds it by the blade, hilt up. The humming sound which was heard and felt when they found the book in the Archives begins anew.

  Amari steps back as the tome lifts from her touch. It floats into the air and spins slowly. The ancient book hovering in the air just above their heads spins faster and faster, as white flakes of light fly from the pages.

  Not knowing what to do, Gareth stops moving toward the supernatural enchantment.

  “Brother, keep coming.” The Maiden says while motioning with her hand.

  The big man reaches the spot under where the book is now suspended over his head. He is bathed in misty white light and a shower of multi-colored sparks. The embers rain down on his body. He blinks, but the drops of fire do not burn or sere. He is lifted into the air as the glow circles his body. The flashes of light and mist almost obscure his form.

  The others rise and stand back, unsure what will happen next.

  All at once, the cocoon of swirling lights with Gareth inside shoot high into the heavens and is gone.

  Natsha rushes toward the spot that held her brother. The smell of static-charged air is all that remain. “Gareth…Amari? Where is he? Is he destroyed?”

  Meanwhile, the book has settled slowly back upon the table; open to the very page Amari was reading. She reads that page and the next two. “It says nothing of this act!” The page is blank.”

  She starts to turn back to the previous page to reread in case she missed something…two words suddenly appear on the blank page.”

  “Well Maiden is our brother gone from this realm? Is this our end to be whisked into the sky and to who knows where? Natsha asks.

  “I am not sure, but here it now says, Have Faith. I am not sure exactly what it means, but we need to wait upon the magic that is bound within this book. We are dealing with powers and mystic enchantments created by the Gods.”

  Everyone paces about for the days that follow; heads bent to search the skies. Just when all hope of seeing their brother Gareth again, there comes a clash of thunder from a cloudless sky. Those warriors inside the building come rushing out to join the others still in the garden.

  Amari stands before the book as it slowly opens itself to the blank page. The words “Have Faith” is replaced with, “A circle to receive must begin,” forms on the once blank page.

  “Quickly, everyone gather in a large circle where Gareth was standing.”

  No sooner is the circle completed, then, a flash of lightning strikes the very center. The warriors are knocked over and backward. Even Amari and the table are tipped as well. Getting to their feet, their sight slowly returns from the blinding light.

  A large man clothed in brown armor is standing there. His head is protected in a full battle helmet. His feet and legs encased within steel boots up to his knees. Fingers flex within gloved hands. A familiar sword hangs on a wide jeweled belt.

  The face hidden, he turns his head to look at each of them through a narrow slit in the helmet. He lifts the visor and smiles. “Miss me?”

  “Gareth!” Natsha screams as she rushes into his arms almost bowling over the large man. “We near gave up hope that you were alive and not blown into dust.”

  He lifts his arms and slowly turns in a complete circle. “Do you like the armor? It is a gift from the Goddess who watches over and protects us.”

  “A Goddess,” says Dia
n. You met a Goddess—in person?”

  “Yes sister I did. Gather to me and I will tell you.”

  He bows low to Amari. “Maiden, I have returned to tell you that the Goddess Aurelia holds you in her heart and is well pleased you survived thus far. Furthermore, your quest is not over yet.”

  Amari holds the book up. “This is not a book that teaches us the magic that lies within each blade, but a portal to the heavens.”

  “True sister,” he returns. “I now possess all the spells and enchantments that will bring Helixx to full life. Aurelia merely waved her hand, and I gained the knowledge within moments. It feels like I have always had the mystic power buried deep inside me.

  It is truly a wonder to behold her presence. The book you hold is indeed a tool for getting us in front of the Goddess, since she cannot walk among us on earth. It only worked because we have all the Kcaj blades together. If but one were missing, the heaven’s portal would not work. Standing before her, she can look into our hearts to see if we are worthy.”

  Gareth turns to Dian. “Sister, Aurelia is waiting for you.”

  Dian swallows hard. “I am scared!”

  “You scared?” Amari says smiling. “You are the one who wades into battles cleaving enemies like a farmer with a scythe harvesting wheat.”

  “It is much different facing men than gods.” Dian says in a low voice.

  Gareth touches Dian’s cheek. “Please do not fear this unknown. I felt no pain, either going or coming. One moment I stood here with you all, the next in the presence of the Goddess; which is very calming. Besides, it only takes a few minutes before you are returned.”

  “Not so,” says Natsha. “You were gone many days.”

  Gareth shakes his head. “Surely, it only felt like as many minutes for me…the mysteries of standing in the heavens.”

  Dian asks. “What are the heavens like?”

  “It was like standing in a large arena with columns and stone statues of men and women in full battle armor all about. I saw no other Gods, just Aurelia. White mist was above and below me, but the sun still shone through. It felt like I was standing on the clouds. All my aches and pains dissolved. I felt young again…a mere strapping youth.”

  As they are talking, the book starts to rise again.

  “Looks like our Goddess is getting impatient for you Dian?” Holl-tu says.

  Dian stands perfectly still and closes her eyes. As with Gareth, she is bathed in the white light and in a clap of thunder, she is gone. Dian returns in a few days, covered in blue armor.

  Over the course of many weeks, it is the same for Truk—who returns in gray armor, Natsha—with red armor and finally Amari the last in white unblemished armor. Those that hold the Kcaj are each infused with the magic and knowledge of the enchanted sabers within their bodies and minds.

  They stand facing Mimna and Holl-tu and raise swords in a salute. Gathering around the two warriors, Amari speaks words instilled in her from the Goddess. A beam of light reaches down from the sky and in a flash Holl-tu and Mimna are covered from head to foot in green armor.

  Amari facing them, she puts a hand on each of their shoulders. “You now wear a gift from our Protector Aurelia. Be known this armor is impenetrable from sword, lance or arrow. Also, know that you both have found favor with the Goddess. She has smiled on our quest to drive evil and darkness from this world.”

  “This world?” Holl-tu asks.

  “Yes world my friends. We shall carry the fight from Aventine to beyond its borders.

  Truk shakes his head. “I am getting too old for this, but my spirit will strike forward as long as the body can.”

  “That is the old you my friend,” Amari says facing him. “The magic which flows through you now has rejuvenated your strength.”

  Truk flexes his arms. Squatting, he leaps into the air. His body rises to a height of three men standing upon each other’s shoulders. He lands hard on his feet and shakes the ground beneath their standing. “You are right. It has been so long that I have felt strong and without aches, I had almost missed its return.”

  Amari lifts the book from the table and turns to the next page. It is blank—so is the rest of the book, as she flips from the front to back again. “Strange? I had seen other writings here…now all the pages are blank.” Closing the book, Amari sees two words on the back cover. She repeats them aloud to her companions. “It says: Battle Well!”

  As if by some unseen spell or the speaking of those two words aloud, the ancient book rises from Amari’s hands. Swirling colors encircle the book. In a flash of light and smoke, it is gone.

  The warriors look at each other in amazement.

  “It seems the portal has fulfilled the task put upon its pages. I suspect the goddess pulled it to her.” Amari says while she stares at the sky above.

  “Did anyone notice before the Kcaj book vanished, the swirling colors were of the armor we wear?” Natsha offers.

  Gareth rubs his hand up and down an armored sleeve. “Where we thought it would be a dozen moons before we learned everything contained in that manuscript, it was less than a month for all of us combined.”

  The plateau shudders as there is another clap of thunder and a beam of light from above surrounds them for several seconds. It disappears leaving in its wake seven silver shields…all with the embossed face of Aurelia upon them.

  “Another gift from Aurelia,” Gareth says picking up the one nearest him.

  “Do you see the why of having the shield with the Goddess’ face upon it?” Amari says. “It is her way of telling those who face us; we fight with Aurelia’s blessing and protection.”

  Amari extracts Katana and taps the ground. “We are to share the capabilities and powers each of us now possesses. Dian, you are the first.”

  Dian removes her helmet. “Where I was able to bring Hydrosin to bear, I needed a water source. It did not require much. Now, I can pull water from deep within the ground where I stand or from the clouds that sail over our heads. My saber can create or manipulate any form of weather having to do with water. That would include ice, snow and hail. I can make it rain as I choose, or stop it. With the sword’s magic, it can create water spouts, hurricanes or floods. I can attain flight by using water as a propulsion source.”

  Dian waves her arm, and Hydrosin appears in her hand without her drawing it directly from the pool just behind her. She aims the blade at a stone wall. Dian whispers several words and an ice bolt strikes from the blade and drives deep into the stone. Aurelia cautioned me to be careful when I bring about large sources of water, such as floods or storms. To maintain that much magic will drain my strength quickly.”

  All those gathered let out sounds of amazement.

  Amari motions to Truk to go next.

  The dwarf lifts his visor. “I was chosen to receive this Kcaj Saber. This Wind Sword can create anything from a light breeze to cool us, to a powerful tornado. It can blow out fire, except the ones created by Natsha’s Pyrestorm. As Dian can use water to fly, I can call upon the Wind Sword to lift one or all of us and fly anywhere.

  The same warning Aurelia gave to Dian about calling upon greater use of the elements; the use of vast amount of conjured wind will rob my strength. After rest, it can be called upon again. I must not let it tax me to exhaustion, as death may occur. We are but channels to draw the strength of the elements from the earth, through us and into the sabers.”

  “The Wind Sword has chosen its master wisely,” Amari returns.

  Natsha steps forward. “Within this blade is Fire Magic. As was seen with the battle of soldiers after the saber chose me, and the battle against the Druids in the Fire Woods. I am able to call upon the power of fire. Pyrestorm is not quite the same as the others of the Kcaj. Pyrestorm’s magic is the only benevolent magic that is directly linked to my spirit and aura.

  The Goddess Aurelia said I had a very strong aura; that is why it chose me. Thus, the fire I wield is incredibly powerful, but easily draining of my strength. I can cr
eate and manipulate fire in any form that I can imagine. I have the ability to launch blazing beams, waves of flames, and explosions of extremely hot fire and heat. Those that stand before me can be scorched and vaporized. Still, I can light a candle without melting the whole thing.”

  To prove her point, she points the Fire Sword overhead. A searing blast burst forth from the tip and reaches far into the sky. It bursts apart at its apex and showers the mountain with red hot sparks. The sparks quickly die out on the black stones. If this were a field of brush or woods, the result would be far more destructive. Taking a stick from the ground at her feet, the end sparks into a small flame.

  “Your control of fire will have our enemies fleeing in droves,” says Gareth.

  “I have one more bit of magic to show you. Gareth my brother will you assist?”

  “Sure Natsha—what must I do?”

  “Stand away from the others and trust me.”

  Gareth looks into her smiling eyes and moves over next to the wall where Dian sent the ice bolt.

  “Now brother, draw your sword.”

  Gareth slowly pulls his Earth Sword and holds its blade pointing at the ground.

  Natsha with her sword still in hand, brings it up quickly and shoots a ball of fire at her friend and companion.

  Before Gareth can defend himself, the blazing ball of fire stops a mere five feet from his body. He can feel the heat. Even through his armor. The ball of fire sizzles and goes out.

  “Tis not a jest Natsha! What if you had not stopped that fire before it stuck me?”

  “I did not stop it! One Kcaj blade cannot injure another Kcaj or its master.”

  “Is this true?” Gareth looks at Amari.

  “Yes, I have said that all along. These blades are cast from the same furnace by the Goddess. This is also useful if we become surrounded. Dian can send her ice bolts and Natsha her fire balls into the middle of the battle without fear of hitting any of us.”

  Natsha raises her sword. “We are nearly invincible my friends.”

  “Not so sister.” Amari voices for all to hear. “We are all limited by what abilities are created from our body’s strengths. Become too exhausted or taxed and the potency of these blades is lessened during battle. The blades would survive, but we would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers of those attacking us.


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